--- title: "Traefik Migration Documentation" description: "Learn the steps needed to migrate to new Traefik Proxy v3 versions. Read the technical documentation." --- # Migration: Steps needed between the versions ## v3.0 to v3.1 ### Kubernetes Provider RBACs Starting with v3.1, the Kubernetes Providers now use the [EndpointSlices API](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/endpoint-slices/) (Kubernetes >=v1.21) to discover service endpoint addresses. Therefore, in the corresponding RBACs (see [KubernetesIngress](../routing/providers/kubernetes-ingress.md#configuration-example), [KubernetesCRD](../reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd.md#rbac), and [KubernetesGateway](../reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-gateway.md#rbac) provider RBACs), the `endpoints` right has to be removed and the following `endpointslices` right has to be added. ```yaml ... - apiGroups: - discovery.k8s.io resources: - endpointslices verbs: - list - watch ... ```