# MaxConnection Limiting the Number of Simultaneous Clients {: .subtitle } ![MaxConnection](../assets/img/middleware/maxconnection.png) To proactively prevent services from being overwhelmed with high load, a maximum connection limit can be applied. ## Configuration Examples ```yaml tab="Docker" # Limiting to 10 simultaneous connections labels: - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-maxconn.maxconn.amount=10" ``` ```yaml tab="Kubernetes" apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 kind: Middleware metadata: name: addprefix spec: addPrefix: prefix: /bar ``` ```toml tab="File" # Limiting to 10 simultaneous connections [http.middlewares] [http.middlewares.test-maxconn.maxconn] amount = 10 ``` ## Configuration Options ### `amount` The `amount` option defines the maximum amount of allowed simultaneous connections. The middleware will return an `HTTP 429 Too Many Requests` if there are already `amount` requests in progress (based on the same `extractorfunc` strategy). ### extractorfunc The `extractorfunc` defines the strategy used to categorize requests. The possible values are: - `request.host` categorizes requests based on the request host. - `client.ip` categorizes requests based on the client ip. - `request.header.ANY_HEADER` categorizes requests based on the provided `ANY_HEADER` value.