package metrics import ( "net/http" "strconv" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestPilotCounter(t *testing.T) { rootCounter := newPilotCounter("rootCounter") // Checks that a counter without labels can be incremented. rootCounter.Add(1) assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "", rootCounter) // Checks that a counter with labels can be incremented. counterWithLabels := rootCounter.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz") counterWithLabels.Add(1) assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", counterWithLabels) // Checks that the derived counter value has not changed. assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "", rootCounter) // Checks that an existing counter (with the same labels) can be incremented. existingCounterWithLabels := rootCounter.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz") existingCounterWithLabels.Add(1) assertPilotCounterValue(t, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingCounterWithLabels) } func assertPilotCounterValue(t *testing.T, expValue float64, labels string, c metrics.Counter) { t.Helper() counter, ok := c.(*pilotCounter).counters.Load(labels) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, expValue, counter.(*pilotCounter).c.Value()) } func TestPilotGauge(t *testing.T) { rootGauge := newPilotGauge("rootGauge") // Checks that a gauge without labels can be incremented. rootGauge.Add(1) assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 1.0, "", rootGauge) // Checks that a gauge (without labels) value can be set. rootGauge.Set(5.0) assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 5.0, "", rootGauge) // Checks that a gauge with labels can be incremented. gaugeWithLabels := rootGauge.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz") gaugeWithLabels.Add(1) assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", gaugeWithLabels) // Checks that the derived gauge value has not changed. assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 5.0, "", rootGauge) // Checks that an existing gauge (with the same labels) can be incremented. existingGaugeWithLabels := rootGauge.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz") existingGaugeWithLabels.Add(1) assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingGaugeWithLabels) } func assertPilotGaugeValue(t *testing.T, expValue float64, labels string, g metrics.Gauge) { t.Helper() gauge, ok := g.(*pilotGauge).gauges.Load(labels) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, expValue, gauge.(*pilotGauge).g.Value()) } func TestPilotHistogram(t *testing.T) { rootHistogram := newPilotHistogram("rootHistogram") // Checks that an histogram without labels can be updated. rootHistogram.Observe(1) assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 1.0, 1.0, "", rootHistogram) rootHistogram.Observe(2) assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 3.0, "", rootHistogram) // Checks that an histogram with labels can be updated. histogramWithLabels := rootHistogram.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz") histogramWithLabels.Observe(1) assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 1.0, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", histogramWithLabels) // Checks that the derived histogram has not changed. assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 3.0, "", rootHistogram) // Checks that an existing histogram (with the same labels) can be updated. existingHistogramWithLabels := rootHistogram.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz") existingHistogramWithLabels.Observe(1) assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingHistogramWithLabels) } func assertPilotHistogramValues(t *testing.T, expCount, expTotal float64, labels string, h metrics.Histogram) { t.Helper() histogram, ok := h.(*pilotHistogram).histograms.Load(labels) require.True(t, ok) assert.Equal(t, expCount, histogram.(*pilotHistogram).count.Value()) assert.Equal(t, expTotal, histogram.(*pilotHistogram).total.Value()) } func TestPilotMetrics(t *testing.T) { pilotRegistry := RegisterPilot() if !pilotRegistry.IsEpEnabled() || !pilotRegistry.IsSvcEnabled() { t.Errorf("PilotRegistry should return true for IsEnabled() and IsSvcEnabled()") } pilotRegistry.ConfigReloadsCounter().Add(1) pilotRegistry.ConfigReloadsFailureCounter().Add(1) pilotRegistry.LastConfigReloadSuccessGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) pilotRegistry.LastConfigReloadFailureGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) pilotRegistry. EntryPointReqsCounter(). With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Add(1) pilotRegistry. EntryPointReqDurationHistogram(). With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Observe(1) pilotRegistry. EntryPointOpenConnsGauge(). With("method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Set(1) pilotRegistry. ServiceReqsCounter(). With("service", "service1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) pilotRegistry. ServiceReqDurationHistogram(). With("service", "service1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Observe(10000) pilotRegistry. ServiceOpenConnsGauge(). With("service", "service1", "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Set(1) pilotRegistry. ServiceRetriesCounter(). With("service", "service1"). Add(1) pilotRegistry. ServiceServerUpGauge(). With("service", "service1", "url", ""). Set(1) data := pilotRegistry.Data() testCases := []struct { name string labels map[string]string assert func(*PilotMetric) }{ { name: pilotConfigReloadsTotalName, assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotConfigReloadsTotalName, 1), }, { name: pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName, assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName, 1), }, { name: pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName, assert: buildPilotTimestampAssert(t, pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName), }, { name: pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName, assert: buildPilotTimestampAssert(t, pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName), }, { name: pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName, 1), }, { name: pilotEntryPointReqDurationName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildPilotHistogramAssert(t, pilotEntryPointReqDurationName, 1), }, { name: pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName, labels: map[string]string{ "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName, 1), }, { name: pilotServiceReqsTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "service": "service1", }, assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotServiceReqsTotalName, 1), }, { name: pilotServiceReqDurationName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "service": "service1", }, assert: buildPilotHistogramAssert(t, pilotServiceReqDurationName, 1), }, { name: pilotServiceOpenConnsName, labels: map[string]string{ "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "service": "service1", }, assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotServiceOpenConnsName, 1), }, { name: pilotServiceRetriesTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "service": "service1", }, assert: buildPilotGreaterThanCounterAssert(t, pilotServiceRetriesTotalName, 1), }, { name: pilotServiceServerUpName, labels: map[string]string{ "service": "service1", "url": "", }, assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotServiceServerUpName, 1), }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { metric := findPilotMetric(, data) if metric == nil { t.Errorf("metrics do not contain %q", return } for labels := range metric.Observations { if len(labels)%2 == 0 { splitLabels := strings.Split(labels, ",") for i := 0; i < len(splitLabels); i += 2 { label := splitLabels[i] value := splitLabels[i+1] val, ok := test.labels[label] if !ok { t.Errorf("%q metric contains unexpected label %q",, label) } else if val != value { t.Errorf("label %q in metric %q has wrong value %q, expected %q", label,, value, val) } } } } test.assert(metric) }) } } func findPilotMetric(name string, metrics []PilotMetric) *PilotMetric { for _, metric := range metrics { if metric.Name == name { return &metric } } return nil } func buildPilotCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) { return func(metric *PilotMetric) { for _, value := range metric.Observations { if cv := value.(float64); cv != expectedValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want %f", metricName, cv, expectedValue) } break } } } func buildPilotGreaterThanCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedMinValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) { return func(metric *PilotMetric) { for _, value := range metric.Observations { if cv := value.(float64); cv < expectedMinValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want at least %f", metricName, cv, expectedMinValue) } break } } } func buildPilotHistogramAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedSampleCount float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) { return func(metric *PilotMetric) { for _, value := range metric.Observations { if pho := value.(*pilotHistogramObservation); pho.Count != expectedSampleCount { t.Errorf("metric %s has sample count value %f, want %f", metricName, pho, expectedSampleCount) } break } } } func buildPilotGaugeAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) { return func(metric *PilotMetric) { for _, value := range metric.Observations { if gv := value.(float64); gv != expectedValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want %f", metricName, gv, expectedValue) } break } } } func buildPilotTimestampAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string) func(metric *PilotMetric) { return func(metric *PilotMetric) { for _, value := range metric.Observations { if ts := time.Unix(int64(value.(float64)), 0); time.Since(ts) > time.Minute { t.Errorf("metric %s has wrong timestamp %v", metricName, ts) } break } } }