# File Backends Like any other reverse proxy, Træfik can be configured with a file. You have three choices: - [Simple](/configuration/backends/file/#simple) - [Rules in a Separate File](/configuration/backends/file/#rules-in-a-separate-file) - [Multiple `.toml` Files](/configuration/backends/file/#multiple-toml-files) To enable the file backend, you must either pass the `--file` option to the Træfik binary or put the `[file]` section (with or without inner settings) in the configuration file. The configuration file allows managing both backends/frontends and HTTPS certificates (which are not [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org) certificates generated through Træfik). ## Simple Add your configuration at the end of the global configuration file `traefik.toml`: ```toml defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"] [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.redirect] entryPoint = "https" [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [[entryPoints.https.tls.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.key" [file] # rules [backends] [backends.backend1] [backends.backend1.circuitbreaker] expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" [backends.backend1.servers.server1] url = "" weight = 10 [backends.backend1.servers.server2] url = "" weight = 1 [backends.backend2] [backends.backend2.maxconn] amount = 10 extractorfunc = "request.host" [backends.backend2.LoadBalancer] method = "drr" [backends.backend2.servers.server1] url = "" weight = 1 [backends.backend2.servers.server2] url = "" weight = 2 [frontends] [frontends.frontend1] backend = "backend2" [frontends.frontend1.routes.test_1] rule = "Host:test.localhost" [frontends.frontend2] backend = "backend1" passHostHeader = true priority = 10 # restrict access to this frontend to the specified list of IPv4/IPv6 CIDR Nets # an unset or empty list allows all Source-IPs to access # if one of the Net-Specifications are invalid, the whole list is invalid # and allows all Source-IPs to access. whitelistSourceRange = ["", "", "afed:be44::/16"] entrypoints = ["https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints [frontends.frontend2.routes.test_1] rule = "Host:{subdomain:[a-z]+}.localhost" [frontends.frontend3] entrypoints = ["http", "https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints backend = "backend2" rule = "Path:/test" # HTTPS certificate [[tlsConfiguration]] entryPoints = ["https"] [tlsConfiguration.certificate] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" ``` !!! note If `tlsConfiguration.entryPoints` is not defined, the certificate is attached to all the `defaultEntryPoints` with a TLS configuration. !!! note Adding certificates directly to the entryPoint is still maintained but certificates declared in this way cannot be managed dynamically. It's recommended to use the file provider to declare certificates. ## Rules in a Separate File Put your rules in a separate file, for example `rules.toml`: ```toml # traefik.toml [entryPoints] [entryPoints.http] address = ":80" [entryPoints.http.redirect] entryPoint = "https" [entryPoints.https] address = ":443" [entryPoints.https.tls] [file] filename = "rules.toml" ``` ```toml # rules.toml [backends] [backends.backend1] [backends.backend1.circuitbreaker] expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" [backends.backend1.servers.server1] url = "" weight = 10 [backends.backend1.servers.server2] url = "" weight = 1 [backends.backend2] [backends.backend2.maxconn] amount = 10 extractorfunc = "request.host" [backends.backend2.LoadBalancer] method = "drr" [backends.backend2.servers.server1] url = "" weight = 1 [backends.backend2.servers.server2] url = "" weight = 2 [frontends] [frontends.frontend1] backend = "backend2" [frontends.frontend1.routes.test_1] rule = "Host:test.localhost" [frontends.frontend2] backend = "backend1" passHostHeader = true priority = 10 entrypoints = ["https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints [frontends.frontend2.routes.test_1] rule = "Host:{subdomain:[a-z]+}.localhost" [frontends.frontend3] entrypoints = ["http", "https"] # overrides defaultEntryPoints backend = "backend2" rule = "Path:/test" # HTTPS certificate [[tlsConfiguration]] entryPoints = ["https"] [tlsConfiguration.certificate] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.com.key" [[tlsConfiguration]] entryPoints = ["https"] [[tlsConfiguration.certificates]] certFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.cert" keyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest.org.key" ``` ## Multiple `.toml` Files You could have multiple `.toml` files in a directory (and recursively in its sub-directories): ```toml [file] directory = "/path/to/config/" ``` If you want Træfik to watch file changes automatically, just add: ```toml [file] watch = true ```