package restful // Copyright 2013 Ernest Micklei. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. import ( "encoding/json" "encoding/xml" "net/http" "strings" ) // DEPRECATED, use DefaultResponseContentType(mime) var DefaultResponseMimeType string //PrettyPrintResponses controls the indentation feature of XML and JSON //serialization in the response methods WriteEntity, WriteAsJson, and //WriteAsXml. var PrettyPrintResponses = true // Response is a wrapper on the actual http ResponseWriter // It provides several convenience methods to prepare and write response content. type Response struct { http.ResponseWriter requestAccept string // mime-type what the Http Request says it wants to receive routeProduces []string // mime-types what the Route says it can produce statusCode int // HTTP status code that has been written explicity (if zero then net/http has written 200) contentLength int // number of bytes written for the response body prettyPrint bool // controls the indentation feature of XML and JSON serialization. It is initialized using var PrettyPrintResponses. err error // err property is kept when WriteError is called } // Creates a new response based on a http ResponseWriter. func NewResponse(httpWriter http.ResponseWriter) *Response { return &Response{httpWriter, "", []string{}, http.StatusOK, 0, PrettyPrintResponses, nil} // empty content-types } // If Accept header matching fails, fall back to this type, otherwise // a "406: Not Acceptable" response is returned. // Valid values are restful.MIME_JSON and restful.MIME_XML // Example: // restful.DefaultResponseContentType(restful.MIME_JSON) func DefaultResponseContentType(mime string) { DefaultResponseMimeType = mime } // InternalServerError writes the StatusInternalServerError header. // DEPRECATED, use WriteErrorString(http.StatusInternalServerError,reason) func (r Response) InternalServerError() Response { r.WriteHeader(http.StatusInternalServerError) return r } // PrettyPrint changes whether this response must produce pretty (line-by-line, indented) JSON or XML output. func (r *Response) PrettyPrint(bePretty bool) { r.prettyPrint = bePretty } // AddHeader is a shortcut for .Header().Add(header,value) func (r Response) AddHeader(header string, value string) Response { r.Header().Add(header, value) return r } // SetRequestAccepts tells the response what Mime-type(s) the HTTP request said it wants to accept. Exposed for testing. func (r *Response) SetRequestAccepts(mime string) { r.requestAccept = mime } // WriteEntity marshals the value using the representation denoted by the Accept Header (XML or JSON) // If no Accept header is specified (or */*) then return the Content-Type as specified by the first in the Route.Produces. // If an Accept header is specified then return the Content-Type as specified by the first in the Route.Produces that is matched with the Accept header. // If the value is nil then nothing is written. You may want to call WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) instead. // Current implementation ignores any q-parameters in the Accept Header. func (r *Response) WriteEntity(value interface{}) error { if value == nil { // do not write a nil representation return nil } for _, qualifiedMime := range strings.Split(r.requestAccept, ",") { mime := strings.Trim(strings.Split(qualifiedMime, ";")[0], " ") if 0 == len(mime) || mime == "*/*" { for _, each := range r.routeProduces { if MIME_JSON == each { return r.WriteAsJson(value) } if MIME_XML == each { return r.WriteAsXml(value) } } } else { // mime is not blank; see if we have a match in Produces for _, each := range r.routeProduces { if mime == each { if MIME_JSON == each { return r.WriteAsJson(value) } if MIME_XML == each { return r.WriteAsXml(value) } } } } } if DefaultResponseMimeType == MIME_JSON { return r.WriteAsJson(value) } else if DefaultResponseMimeType == MIME_XML { return r.WriteAsXml(value) } else { if trace { traceLogger.Printf("mismatch in mime-types and no defaults; (http)Accept=%v,(route)Produces=%v\n", r.requestAccept, r.routeProduces) } r.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotAcceptable) // for recording only r.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotAcceptable) if _, err := r.Write([]byte("406: Not Acceptable")); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // WriteAsXml is a convenience method for writing a value in xml (requires Xml tags on the value) func (r *Response) WriteAsXml(value interface{}) error { var output []byte var err error if value == nil { // do not write a nil representation return nil } if r.prettyPrint { output, err = xml.MarshalIndent(value, " ", " ") } else { output, err = xml.Marshal(value) } if err != nil { return r.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) } r.Header().Set(HEADER_ContentType, MIME_XML) if r.statusCode > 0 { // a WriteHeader was intercepted r.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(r.statusCode) } _, err = r.Write([]byte(xml.Header)) if err != nil { return err } if _, err = r.Write(output); err != nil { return err } return nil } // WriteAsJson is a convenience method for writing a value in json func (r *Response) WriteAsJson(value interface{}) error { return r.WriteJson(value, MIME_JSON) // no charset } // WriteJson is a convenience method for writing a value in Json with a given Content-Type func (r *Response) WriteJson(value interface{}, contentType string) error { var output []byte var err error if value == nil { // do not write a nil representation return nil } if r.prettyPrint { output, err = json.MarshalIndent(value, " ", " ") } else { output, err = json.Marshal(value) } if err != nil { return r.WriteErrorString(http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error()) } r.Header().Set(HEADER_ContentType, contentType) if r.statusCode > 0 { // a WriteHeader was intercepted r.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(r.statusCode) } if _, err = r.Write(output); err != nil { return err } return nil } // WriteError write the http status and the error string on the response. func (r *Response) WriteError(httpStatus int, err error) error { r.err = err return r.WriteErrorString(httpStatus, err.Error()) } // WriteServiceError is a convenience method for a responding with a ServiceError and a status func (r *Response) WriteServiceError(httpStatus int, err ServiceError) error { r.WriteHeader(httpStatus) // for recording only return r.WriteEntity(err) } // WriteErrorString is a convenience method for an error status with the actual error func (r *Response) WriteErrorString(status int, errorReason string) error { r.statusCode = status // for recording only r.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(status) if _, err := r.Write([]byte(errorReason)); err != nil { return err } return nil } // WriteHeader is overridden to remember the Status Code that has been written. // Note that using this method, the status value is only written when // calling WriteEntity, // or directly calling WriteAsXml or WriteAsJson, // or if the status is one for which no response is allowed: // // 202 = http.StatusAccepted // 204 = http.StatusNoContent // 206 = http.StatusPartialContent // 304 = http.StatusNotModified // 404 = http.StatusNotFound // // If this behavior does not fit your need then you can write to the underlying response, such as: // response.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(http.StatusAccepted) func (r *Response) WriteHeader(httpStatus int) { r.statusCode = httpStatus // if 202,204,206,304,404 then WriteEntity will not be called so we need to pass this code if http.StatusNotFound == httpStatus || http.StatusNoContent == httpStatus || http.StatusNotModified == httpStatus || http.StatusPartialContent == httpStatus || http.StatusAccepted == httpStatus { r.ResponseWriter.WriteHeader(httpStatus) } } // StatusCode returns the code that has been written using WriteHeader. // If WriteHeader, WriteEntity or WriteAsXml has not been called (yet) then return 200 OK. func (r Response) StatusCode() int { if 0 == r.statusCode { // no status code has been written yet; assume OK return http.StatusOK } return r.statusCode } // Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply. // Write is part of http.ResponseWriter interface. func (r *Response) Write(bytes []byte) (int, error) { written, err := r.ResponseWriter.Write(bytes) r.contentLength += written return written, err } // ContentLength returns the number of bytes written for the response content. // Note that this value is only correct if all data is written through the Response using its Write* methods. // Data written directly using the underlying http.ResponseWriter is not accounted for. func (r Response) ContentLength() int { return r.contentLength } // CloseNotify is part of http.CloseNotifier interface func (r Response) CloseNotify() <-chan bool { return r.ResponseWriter.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify() } // Error returns the err created by WriteError func (r Response) Error() error { return r.err }