package server import ( "context" "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" stdlog "log" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "os/signal" "reflect" "sort" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" mauth "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" traefiktls "" "" "" "" "" thoas_stats "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var httpServerLogger = stdlog.New(log.WriterLevel(logrus.DebugLevel), "", 0) // Server is the reverse-proxy/load-balancer engine type Server struct { serverEntryPoints serverEntryPoints configurationChan chan types.ConfigMessage configurationValidatedChan chan types.ConfigMessage signals chan os.Signal stopChan chan bool currentConfigurations safe.Safe providerConfigUpdateMap map[string]chan types.ConfigMessage globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration accessLoggerMiddleware *accesslog.LogHandler tracingMiddleware *tracing.Tracing routinesPool *safe.Pool leadership *cluster.Leadership defaultForwardingRoundTripper http.RoundTripper metricsRegistry metrics.Registry provider provider.Provider configurationListeners []func(types.Configuration) } type serverEntryPoints map[string]*serverEntryPoint type serverEntryPoint struct { httpServer *http.Server listener net.Listener httpRouter *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher certs safe.Safe onDemandListener func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error) } // NewServer returns an initialized Server. func NewServer(globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration, provider provider.Provider) *Server { server := new(Server) server.provider = provider server.serverEntryPoints = make(map[string]*serverEntryPoint) server.configurationChan = make(chan types.ConfigMessage, 100) server.configurationValidatedChan = make(chan types.ConfigMessage, 100) server.signals = make(chan os.Signal, 1) server.stopChan = make(chan bool, 1) server.configureSignals() currentConfigurations := make(types.Configurations) server.currentConfigurations.Set(currentConfigurations) server.providerConfigUpdateMap = make(map[string]chan types.ConfigMessage) server.globalConfiguration = globalConfiguration if server.globalConfiguration.API != nil { server.globalConfiguration.API.CurrentConfigurations = &server.currentConfigurations } server.routinesPool = safe.NewPool(context.Background()) server.defaultForwardingRoundTripper = createHTTPTransport(globalConfiguration) server.tracingMiddleware = globalConfiguration.Tracing if globalConfiguration.Tracing != nil && globalConfiguration.Tracing.Backend != "" { server.tracingMiddleware.Setup() } server.metricsRegistry = registerMetricClients(globalConfiguration.Metrics) if globalConfiguration.Cluster != nil { // leadership creation if cluster mode server.leadership = cluster.NewLeadership(server.routinesPool.Ctx(), globalConfiguration.Cluster) } if globalConfiguration.AccessLogsFile != "" { globalConfiguration.AccessLog = &types.AccessLog{FilePath: globalConfiguration.AccessLogsFile, Format: accesslog.CommonFormat} } if globalConfiguration.AccessLog != nil { var err error server.accessLoggerMiddleware, err = accesslog.NewLogHandler(globalConfiguration.AccessLog) if err != nil { log.Warnf("Unable to create log handler: %s", err) } } return server } // createHTTPTransport creates an http.Transport configured with the GlobalConfiguration settings. // For the settings that can't be configured in Traefik it uses the default http.Transport settings. // An exception to this is the MaxIdleConns setting as we only provide the option MaxIdleConnsPerHost // in Traefik at this point in time. Setting this value to the default of 100 could lead to confusing // behaviour and backwards compatibility issues. func createHTTPTransport(globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration) *http.Transport { dialer := &net.Dialer{ Timeout: configuration.DefaultDialTimeout, KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, DualStack: true, } if globalConfiguration.ForwardingTimeouts != nil { dialer.Timeout = time.Duration(globalConfiguration.ForwardingTimeouts.DialTimeout) } transport := &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, DialContext: dialer.DialContext, MaxIdleConnsPerHost: globalConfiguration.MaxIdleConnsPerHost, IdleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second, ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second, } if globalConfiguration.ForwardingTimeouts != nil { transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfiguration.ForwardingTimeouts.ResponseHeaderTimeout) } if globalConfiguration.InsecureSkipVerify { transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true} } if len(globalConfiguration.RootCAs) > 0 { transport.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{ RootCAs: createRootCACertPool(globalConfiguration.RootCAs), } } http2.ConfigureTransport(transport) return transport } func createRootCACertPool(rootCAs traefiktls.RootCAs) *x509.CertPool { roots := x509.NewCertPool() for _, cert := range rootCAs { certContent, err := cert.Read() if err != nil { log.Error("Error while read RootCAs", err) continue } roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(certContent) } return roots } // Start starts the server. func (s *Server) Start() { s.startHTTPServers() s.startLeadership() s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) { s.listenProviders(stop) }) s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) { s.listenConfigurations(stop) }) s.startProvider() go s.listenSignals() } // StartWithContext starts the server and Stop/Close it when context is Done func (s *Server) StartWithContext(ctx context.Context) { go func() { defer s.Close() <-ctx.Done() log.Info("I have to go...") reqAcceptGraceTimeOut := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.LifeCycle.RequestAcceptGraceTimeout) if s.globalConfiguration.Ping != nil && reqAcceptGraceTimeOut > 0 { s.globalConfiguration.Ping.SetTerminating() } if reqAcceptGraceTimeOut > 0 { log.Infof("Waiting %s for incoming requests to cease", reqAcceptGraceTimeOut) time.Sleep(reqAcceptGraceTimeOut) } log.Info("Stopping server gracefully") s.Stop() }() s.Start() } // Wait blocks until server is shutted down. func (s *Server) Wait() { <-s.stopChan } // Stop stops the server func (s *Server) Stop() { defer log.Info("Server stopped") var wg sync.WaitGroup for sepn, sep := range s.serverEntryPoints { wg.Add(1) go func(serverEntryPointName string, serverEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint) { defer wg.Done() graceTimeOut := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.LifeCycle.GraceTimeOut) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), graceTimeOut) log.Debugf("Waiting %s seconds before killing connections on entrypoint %s...", graceTimeOut, serverEntryPointName) if err := serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil { log.Debugf("Wait is over due to: %s", err) serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Close() } cancel() log.Debugf("Entrypoint %s closed", serverEntryPointName) }(sepn, sep) } wg.Wait() s.stopChan <- true } // Close destroys the server func (s *Server) Close() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second) go func(ctx context.Context) { <-ctx.Done() if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled { return } else if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded { panic("Timeout while stopping traefik, killing instance ✝") } }(ctx) stopMetricsClients() s.stopLeadership() s.routinesPool.Cleanup() close(s.configurationChan) close(s.configurationValidatedChan) signal.Stop(s.signals) close(s.signals) close(s.stopChan) if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { if err := s.accessLoggerMiddleware.Close(); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error closing access log file: %s", err) } } cancel() } func (s *Server) startLeadership() { if s.leadership != nil { s.leadership.Participate(s.routinesPool) } } func (s *Server) stopLeadership() { if s.leadership != nil { s.leadership.Stop() } } func (s *Server) startHTTPServers() { s.serverEntryPoints = s.buildEntryPoints(s.globalConfiguration) for newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint := range s.serverEntryPoints { serverEntryPoint := s.setupServerEntryPoint(newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint) go s.startServer(serverEntryPoint, s.globalConfiguration) } } func (s *Server) setupServerEntryPoint(newServerEntryPointName string, newServerEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint) *serverEntryPoint { serverMiddlewares := []negroni.Handler{middlewares.NegroniRecoverHandler()} serverInternalMiddlewares := []negroni.Handler{middlewares.NegroniRecoverHandler()} if s.tracingMiddleware.IsEnabled() { serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.tracingMiddleware.NewEntryPoint(newServerEntryPointName)) } if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.accessLoggerMiddleware) } if s.metricsRegistry.IsEnabled() { serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, middlewares.NewEntryPointMetricsMiddleware(s.metricsRegistry, newServerEntryPointName)) } if s.globalConfiguration.API != nil { if s.globalConfiguration.API.Stats == nil { s.globalConfiguration.API.Stats = thoas_stats.New() } serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.globalConfiguration.API.Stats) if s.globalConfiguration.API.Statistics != nil { if s.globalConfiguration.API.StatsRecorder == nil { s.globalConfiguration.API.StatsRecorder = middlewares.NewStatsRecorder(s.globalConfiguration.API.Statistics.RecentErrors) } serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.globalConfiguration.API.StatsRecorder) } } if s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].Auth != nil { authMiddleware, err := mauth.NewAuthenticator(s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].Auth, s.tracingMiddleware) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error starting server: ", err) } serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(authMiddleware, fmt.Sprintf("Auth for entrypoint %s", newServerEntryPointName))) serverInternalMiddlewares = append(serverInternalMiddlewares, authMiddleware) } if s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].Compress { serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, &middlewares.Compress{}) } ipWhitelistMiddleware, err := buildIPWhiteLister( s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].WhiteList, s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].WhitelistSourceRange) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error starting server: ", err) } if ipWhitelistMiddleware != nil { serverMiddlewares = append(serverMiddlewares, s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(ipWhitelistMiddleware, fmt.Sprintf("ipwhitelister for entrypoint %s", newServerEntryPointName))) serverInternalMiddlewares = append(serverInternalMiddlewares, ipWhitelistMiddleware) } newSrv, listener, err := s.prepareServer(newServerEntryPointName, s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName], newServerEntryPoint.httpRouter, serverMiddlewares, serverInternalMiddlewares) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error preparing server: ", err) } serverEntryPoint := s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName] serverEntryPoint.httpServer = newSrv serverEntryPoint.listener = listener return serverEntryPoint } func (s *Server) listenProviders(stop chan bool) { for { select { case <-stop: return case configMsg, ok := <-s.configurationChan: if !ok || configMsg.Configuration == nil { return } s.preLoadConfiguration(configMsg) } } } func (s *Server) preLoadConfiguration(configMsg types.ConfigMessage) { providersThrottleDuration := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration) s.defaultConfigurationValues(configMsg.Configuration) currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations) jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(configMsg.Configuration) log.Debugf("Configuration received from provider %s: %s", configMsg.ProviderName, string(jsonConf)) if configMsg.Configuration == nil || configMsg.Configuration.Backends == nil && configMsg.Configuration.Frontends == nil && configMsg.Configuration.TLS == nil { log.Infof("Skipping empty Configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName) } else if reflect.DeepEqual(currentConfigurations[configMsg.ProviderName], configMsg.Configuration) { log.Infof("Skipping same configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName) } else { providerConfigUpdateCh, ok := s.providerConfigUpdateMap[configMsg.ProviderName] if !ok { providerConfigUpdateCh = make(chan types.ConfigMessage) s.providerConfigUpdateMap[configMsg.ProviderName] = providerConfigUpdateCh s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) { s.throttleProviderConfigReload(providersThrottleDuration, s.configurationValidatedChan, providerConfigUpdateCh, stop) }) } providerConfigUpdateCh <- configMsg } } // throttleProviderConfigReload throttles the configuration reload speed for a single provider. // It will immediately publish a new configuration and then only publish the next configuration after the throttle duration. // Note that in the case it receives N new configs in the timeframe of the throttle duration after publishing, // it will publish the last of the newly received configurations. func (s *Server) throttleProviderConfigReload(throttle time.Duration, publish chan<- types.ConfigMessage, in <-chan types.ConfigMessage, stop chan bool) { ring := channels.NewRingChannel(1) defer ring.Close() s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) { for { select { case <-stop: return case nextConfig := <-ring.Out(): publish <- nextConfig.(types.ConfigMessage) time.Sleep(throttle) } } }) for { select { case <-stop: return case nextConfig := <-in: ring.In() <- nextConfig } } } func (s *Server) defaultConfigurationValues(configuration *types.Configuration) { if configuration == nil || configuration.Frontends == nil { return } configureFrontends(configuration.Frontends, s.globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints) configureBackends(configuration.Backends) } func (s *Server) listenConfigurations(stop chan bool) { for { select { case <-stop: return case configMsg, ok := <-s.configurationValidatedChan: if !ok || configMsg.Configuration == nil { return } s.loadConfiguration(configMsg) } } } // loadConfiguration manages dynamically frontends, backends and TLS configurations func (s *Server) loadConfiguration(configMsg types.ConfigMessage) { currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations) // Copy configurations to new map so we don't change current if LoadConfig fails newConfigurations := make(types.Configurations) for k, v := range currentConfigurations { newConfigurations[k] = v } newConfigurations[configMsg.ProviderName] = configMsg.Configuration s.metricsRegistry.ConfigReloadsCounter().Add(1) newServerEntryPoints, err := s.loadConfig(newConfigurations, s.globalConfiguration) if err == nil { s.metricsRegistry.LastConfigReloadSuccessGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) for newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint := range newServerEntryPoints { s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].httpRouter.UpdateHandler(newServerEntryPoint.httpRouter.GetHandler()) if s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].TLS == nil { if newServerEntryPoint.certs.Get() != nil { log.Debugf("Certificates not added to non-TLS entryPoint %s.", newServerEntryPointName) } } else { s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].certs.Set(newServerEntryPoint.certs.Get()) } log.Infof("Server configuration reloaded on %s", s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].httpServer.Addr) } s.currentConfigurations.Set(newConfigurations) for _, listener := range s.configurationListeners { listener(*configMsg.Configuration) } s.postLoadConfiguration() } else { s.metricsRegistry.ConfigReloadsFailureCounter().Add(1) s.metricsRegistry.LastConfigReloadFailureGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) log.Error("Error loading new configuration, aborted ", err) } } // AddListener adds a new listener function used when new configuration is provided func (s *Server) AddListener(listener func(types.Configuration)) { if s.configurationListeners == nil { s.configurationListeners = make([]func(types.Configuration), 0) } s.configurationListeners = append(s.configurationListeners, listener) } // SetOnDemandListener adds a new listener function used when a request is caught func (s *serverEntryPoint) SetOnDemandListener(listener func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error)) { s.onDemandListener = listener } // loadHTTPSConfiguration add/delete HTTPS certificate managed dynamically func (s *Server) loadHTTPSConfiguration(configurations types.Configurations, defaultEntryPoints configuration.DefaultEntryPoints) (map[string]map[string]*tls.Certificate, error) { newEPCertificates := make(map[string]map[string]*tls.Certificate) // Get all certificates for _, configuration := range configurations { if configuration.TLS != nil && len(configuration.TLS) > 0 { if err := traefiktls.SortTLSPerEntryPoints(configuration.TLS, newEPCertificates, defaultEntryPoints); err != nil { return nil, err } } } return newEPCertificates, nil } // getCertificate allows to customize tlsConfig.GetCertificate behaviour to get the certificates inserted dynamically func (s *serverEntryPoint) getCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) { domainToCheck := types.CanonicalDomain(clientHello.ServerName) if s.certs.Get() != nil { for domains, cert := range s.certs.Get().(map[string]*tls.Certificate) { for _, certDomain := range strings.Split(domains, ",") { if types.MatchDomain(domainToCheck, certDomain) { return cert, nil } } } log.Debugf("No certificate provided dynamically can check the domain %q, a per default certificate will be used.", domainToCheck) } if s.onDemandListener != nil { return s.onDemandListener(domainToCheck) } return nil, nil } func (s *Server) postLoadConfiguration() { metrics.OnConfigurationUpdate() if s.globalConfiguration.ACME == nil || s.leadership == nil || !s.leadership.IsLeader() { return } if s.globalConfiguration.ACME.OnHostRule { currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations) for _, config := range currentConfigurations { for _, frontend := range config.Frontends { // check if one of the frontend entrypoints is configured with TLS // and is configured with ACME acmeEnabled := false for _, entryPoint := range frontend.EntryPoints { if s.globalConfiguration.ACME.EntryPoint == entryPoint && s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPoint].TLS != nil { acmeEnabled = true break } } if acmeEnabled { for _, route := range frontend.Routes { rules := rules.Rules{} domains, err := rules.ParseDomains(route.Rule) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error parsing domains: %v", err) } else { s.globalConfiguration.ACME.LoadCertificateForDomains(domains) } } } } } } } func (s *Server) startProvider() { // start providers providerType := reflect.TypeOf(s.provider) jsonConf, err := json.Marshal(s.provider) if err != nil { log.Debugf("Unable to marshal provider conf %v with error: %v", providerType, err) } log.Infof("Starting provider %v %s", providerType, jsonConf) currentProvider := s.provider safe.Go(func() { err := currentProvider.Provide(s.configurationChan, s.routinesPool, s.globalConfiguration.Constraints) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error starting provider %v: %s", providerType, err) } }) } func createClientTLSConfig(entryPointName string, tlsOption *traefiktls.TLS) (*tls.Config, error) { if tlsOption == nil { return nil, errors.New("no TLS provided") } config, err := tlsOption.Certificates.CreateTLSConfig(entryPointName) if err != nil { return nil, err } if len(tlsOption.ClientCAFiles) > 0 { log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found during client TLS configuration creation: %s. Please use %s (which allows to make the CA Files optional).", "tls.ClientCAFiles", "tls.ClientCA.files") tlsOption.ClientCA.Files = tlsOption.ClientCAFiles tlsOption.ClientCA.Optional = false } if len(tlsOption.ClientCA.Files) > 0 { pool := x509.NewCertPool() for _, caFile := range tlsOption.ClientCA.Files { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(data) { return nil, errors.New("invalid certificate(s) in " + caFile) } } config.RootCAs = pool } config.BuildNameToCertificate() return config, nil } // creates a TLS config that allows terminating HTTPS for multiple domains using SNI func (s *Server) createTLSConfig(entryPointName string, tlsOption *traefiktls.TLS, router *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher) (*tls.Config, error) { if tlsOption == nil { return nil, nil } config, err := tlsOption.Certificates.CreateTLSConfig(entryPointName) if err != nil { return nil, err } s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs.Set(make(map[string]*tls.Certificate)) // ensure http2 enabled config.NextProtos = []string{"h2", "http/1.1"} if len(tlsOption.ClientCAFiles) > 0 { log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found during TLS configuration creation: %s. Please use %s (which allows to make the CA Files optional).", "tls.ClientCAFiles", "tls.ClientCA.files") tlsOption.ClientCA.Files = tlsOption.ClientCAFiles tlsOption.ClientCA.Optional = false } if len(tlsOption.ClientCA.Files) > 0 { pool := x509.NewCertPool() for _, caFile := range tlsOption.ClientCA.Files { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caFile) if err != nil { return nil, err } ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(data) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("invalid certificate(s) in " + caFile) } } config.ClientCAs = pool if tlsOption.ClientCA.Optional { config.ClientAuth = tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven } else { config.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert } } if s.globalConfiguration.ACME != nil { if entryPointName == s.globalConfiguration.ACME.EntryPoint { checkOnDemandDomain := func(domain string) bool { routeMatch := &mux.RouteMatch{} router := router.GetHandler() match := router.Match(&http.Request{URL: &url.URL{}, Host: domain}, routeMatch) if match && routeMatch.Route != nil { return true } return false } err := s.globalConfiguration.ACME.CreateClusterConfig(s.leadership, config, &s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs, checkOnDemandDomain) if err != nil { return nil, err } } } else { config.GetCertificate = s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].getCertificate } if len(config.Certificates) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("No certificates found for TLS entrypoint " + entryPointName) } // BuildNameToCertificate parses the CommonName and SubjectAlternateName fields // in each certificate and populates the config.NameToCertificate map. config.BuildNameToCertificate() if acme.IsEnabled() { if entryPointName == acme.Get().EntryPoint { acme.Get().SetStaticCertificates(config.NameToCertificate) acme.Get().SetDynamicCertificates(&s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs) if acme.Get().OnDemand { s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].SetOnDemandListener(acme.Get().ListenRequest) } } } // Set the minimum TLS version if set in the config TOML if minConst, exists := traefiktls.MinVersion[s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPointName].TLS.MinVersion]; exists { config.PreferServerCipherSuites = true config.MinVersion = minConst } // Set the list of CipherSuites if set in the config TOML if s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPointName].TLS.CipherSuites != nil { // if our list of CipherSuites is defined in the entrypoint config, we can re-initilize the suites list as empty config.CipherSuites = make([]uint16, 0) for _, cipher := range s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPointName].TLS.CipherSuites { if cipherConst, exists := traefiktls.CipherSuites[cipher]; exists { config.CipherSuites = append(config.CipherSuites, cipherConst) } else { // CipherSuite listed in the toml does not exist in our listed return nil, errors.New("Invalid CipherSuite: " + cipher) } } } return config, nil } func (s *Server) startServer(serverEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint, globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration) { log.Infof("Starting server on %s", serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Addr) var err error if serverEntryPoint.httpServer.TLSConfig != nil { err = serverEntryPoint.httpServer.ServeTLS(serverEntryPoint.listener, "", "") } else { err = serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Serve(serverEntryPoint.listener) } if err != http.ErrServerClosed { log.Error("Error creating server: ", err) } } func (s *Server) addInternalRoutes(entryPointName string, router *mux.Router) { if s.globalConfiguration.Metrics != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Metrics.Prometheus != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Metrics.Prometheus.EntryPoint == entryPointName { metrics.PrometheusHandler{}.AddRoutes(router) } if s.globalConfiguration.Rest != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Rest.EntryPoint == entryPointName { s.globalConfiguration.Rest.AddRoutes(router) } if s.globalConfiguration.API != nil && s.globalConfiguration.API.EntryPoint == entryPointName { s.globalConfiguration.API.AddRoutes(router) } } func (s *Server) addInternalPublicRoutes(entryPointName string, router *mux.Router) { if s.globalConfiguration.Ping != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Ping.EntryPoint != "" && s.globalConfiguration.Ping.EntryPoint == entryPointName { s.globalConfiguration.Ping.AddRoutes(router) } if s.globalConfiguration.API != nil && s.globalConfiguration.API.EntryPoint == entryPointName && s.leadership != nil { s.leadership.AddRoutes(router) } } func (s *Server) addACMERoutes(entryPointName string, router *mux.Router) { if s.globalConfiguration.ACME != nil && s.globalConfiguration.ACME.HTTPChallenge != nil && s.globalConfiguration.ACME.HTTPChallenge.EntryPoint == entryPointName { s.globalConfiguration.ACME.AddRoutes(router) } else if acme.IsEnabled() && acme.Get().HTTPChallenge != nil && acme.Get().HTTPChallenge.EntryPoint == entryPointName { acme.Get().AddRoutes(router) } } func (s *Server) prepareServer(entryPointName string, entryPoint *configuration.EntryPoint, router *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher, middlewares []negroni.Handler, internalMiddlewares []negroni.Handler) (*http.Server, net.Listener, error) { readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout := buildServerTimeouts(s.globalConfiguration) log.Infof("Preparing server %s %+v with readTimeout=%s writeTimeout=%s idleTimeout=%s", entryPointName, entryPoint, readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout) // middlewares n := negroni.New() for _, middleware := range middlewares { n.Use(middleware) } n.UseHandler(router) path := "/" if s.globalConfiguration.Web != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Web.Path != "" { path = s.globalConfiguration.Web.Path } internalMuxRouter := s.buildInternalRouter(entryPointName, path, internalMiddlewares) internalMuxRouter.NotFoundHandler = n tlsConfig, err := s.createTLSConfig(entryPointName, entryPoint.TLS, router) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating TLS config: %s", err) return nil, nil, err } listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", entryPoint.Address) if err != nil { log.Error("Error opening listener ", err) return nil, nil, err } if entryPoint.ProxyProtocol != nil { IPs, err := whitelist.NewIP(entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.TrustedIPs, entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.Insecure, false) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating whitelist: %s", err) } log.Infof("Enabling ProxyProtocol for trusted IPs %v", entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.TrustedIPs) listener = &proxyproto.Listener{ Listener: listener, SourceCheck: func(addr net.Addr) (bool, error) { ip, ok := addr.(*net.TCPAddr) if !ok { return false, fmt.Errorf("type error %v", addr) } return IPs.ContainsIP(ip.IP), nil }, } } return &http.Server{ Addr: entryPoint.Address, Handler: internalMuxRouter, TLSConfig: tlsConfig, ReadTimeout: readTimeout, WriteTimeout: writeTimeout, IdleTimeout: idleTimeout, ErrorLog: httpServerLogger, }, listener, nil } func (s *Server) buildInternalRouter(entryPointName, path string, internalMiddlewares []negroni.Handler) *mux.Router { internalMuxRouter := mux.NewRouter() internalMuxRouter.StrictSlash(true) internalMuxRouter.SkipClean(true) internalMuxSubrouter := internalMuxRouter.PathPrefix(path).Subrouter() internalMuxSubrouter.StrictSlash(true) internalMuxSubrouter.SkipClean(true) s.addInternalRoutes(entryPointName, internalMuxSubrouter) internalMuxRouter.Walk(wrapRoute(internalMiddlewares)) s.addInternalPublicRoutes(entryPointName, internalMuxSubrouter) s.addACMERoutes(entryPointName, internalMuxRouter) return internalMuxRouter } // wrapRoute with middlewares func wrapRoute(middlewares []negroni.Handler) func(*mux.Route, *mux.Router, []*mux.Route) error { return func(route *mux.Route, router *mux.Router, ancestors []*mux.Route) error { middles := append(middlewares, negroni.Wrap(route.GetHandler())) route.Handler(negroni.New(middles...)) return nil } } func buildServerTimeouts(globalConfig configuration.GlobalConfiguration) (readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout time.Duration) { readTimeout = time.Duration(0) writeTimeout = time.Duration(0) if globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts != nil { readTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.ReadTimeout) writeTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.WriteTimeout) } // Prefer legacy idle timeout parameter for backwards compatibility reasons if globalConfig.IdleTimeout > 0 { idleTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.IdleTimeout) log.Warn("top-level idle timeout configuration has been deprecated -- please use responding timeouts") } else if globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts != nil { idleTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.IdleTimeout) } else { idleTimeout = configuration.DefaultIdleTimeout } return readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout } func (s *Server) buildEntryPoints(globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration) map[string]*serverEntryPoint { serverEntryPoints := make(map[string]*serverEntryPoint) for entryPointName := range globalConfiguration.EntryPoints { router := s.buildDefaultHTTPRouter() serverEntryPoints[entryPointName] = &serverEntryPoint{ httpRouter: middlewares.NewHandlerSwitcher(router), } } return serverEntryPoints } // getRoundTripper will either use server.defaultForwardingRoundTripper or create a new one // given a custom TLS configuration is passed and the passTLSCert option is set to true. func (s *Server) getRoundTripper(entryPointName string, globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration, passTLSCert bool, tls *traefiktls.TLS) (http.RoundTripper, error) { if passTLSCert { tlsConfig, err := createClientTLSConfig(entryPointName, tls) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to create TLSClientConfig: %s", err) return nil, err } transport := createHTTPTransport(globalConfiguration) transport.TLSClientConfig = tlsConfig return transport, nil } return s.defaultForwardingRoundTripper, nil } // loadConfig returns a new gorilla.mux Route from the specified global configuration and the dynamic // provider configurations. func (s *Server) loadConfig(configurations types.Configurations, globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration) (map[string]*serverEntryPoint, error) { serverEntryPoints := s.buildEntryPoints(globalConfiguration) redirectHandlers := make(map[string]negroni.Handler) backends := map[string]http.Handler{} backendsHealthCheck := map[string]*healthcheck.BackendHealthCheck{} var errorPageHandlers []*errorpages.Handler errorHandler := NewRecordingErrorHandler(middlewares.DefaultNetErrorRecorder{}) for providerName, config := range configurations { frontendNames := sortedFrontendNamesForConfig(config) frontend: for _, frontendName := range frontendNames { frontend := config.Frontends[frontendName] log.Debugf("Creating frontend %s", frontendName) var frontendEntryPoints []string for _, entryPointName := range frontend.EntryPoints { if _, ok := serverEntryPoints[entryPointName]; !ok { log.Errorf("Undefined entrypoint '%s' for frontend %s", entryPointName, frontendName) } else { frontendEntryPoints = append(frontendEntryPoints, entryPointName) } } frontend.EntryPoints = frontendEntryPoints if len(frontend.EntryPoints) == 0 { log.Errorf("No entrypoint defined for frontend %s", frontendName) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } for _, entryPointName := range frontend.EntryPoints { log.Debugf("Wiring frontend %s to entryPoint %s", frontendName, entryPointName) newServerRoute := &types.ServerRoute{Route: serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].httpRouter.GetHandler().NewRoute().Name(frontendName)} for routeName, route := range frontend.Routes { err := getRoute(newServerRoute, &route) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating route for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } log.Debugf("Creating route %s %s", routeName, route.Rule) } entryPoint := globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[entryPointName] n := negroni.New() if entryPoint.Redirect != nil && entryPointName != entryPoint.Redirect.EntryPoint { if redirectHandlers[entryPointName] != nil { n.Use(redirectHandlers[entryPointName]) } else if handler, err := s.buildRedirectHandler(entryPointName, entryPoint.Redirect); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error loading entrypoint configuration for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } else { handlerToUse := s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(handler, fmt.Sprintf("entrypoint redirect for %s", frontendName)) n.Use(handlerToUse) redirectHandlers[entryPointName] = handlerToUse } } if backends[entryPointName+providerName+frontend.Backend] == nil { log.Debugf("Creating backend %s", frontend.Backend) roundTripper, err := s.getRoundTripper(entryPointName, globalConfiguration, frontend.PassTLSCert, entryPoint.TLS) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to create RoundTripper for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } rewriter, err := NewHeaderRewriter(entryPoint.ForwardedHeaders.TrustedIPs, entryPoint.ForwardedHeaders.Insecure) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating rewriter for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } headerMiddleware := middlewares.NewHeaderFromStruct(frontend.Headers) secureMiddleware := middlewares.NewSecure(frontend.Headers) var responseModifier = buildModifyResponse(secureMiddleware, headerMiddleware) var fwd http.Handler fwd, err = forward.New( forward.Stream(true), forward.PassHostHeader(frontend.PassHostHeader), forward.RoundTripper(roundTripper), forward.ErrorHandler(errorHandler), forward.Rewriter(rewriter), forward.ResponseModifier(responseModifier), ) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating forwarder for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } if s.tracingMiddleware.IsEnabled() { tm := s.tracingMiddleware.NewForwarderMiddleware(frontendName, frontend.Backend) next := fwd fwd = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { tm.ServeHTTP(w, r, next.ServeHTTP) }) } var rr *roundrobin.RoundRobin var saveFrontend http.Handler if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { saveBackend := accesslog.NewSaveBackend(fwd, frontend.Backend) saveFrontend = accesslog.NewSaveFrontend(saveBackend, frontendName) rr, _ = roundrobin.New(saveFrontend) } else { rr, _ = roundrobin.New(fwd) } if config.Backends[frontend.Backend] == nil { log.Errorf("Undefined backend '%s' for frontend %s", frontend.Backend, frontendName) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } lbMethod, err := types.NewLoadBalancerMethod(config.Backends[frontend.Backend].LoadBalancer) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error loading load balancer method '%+v' for frontend %s: %v", config.Backends[frontend.Backend].LoadBalancer, frontendName, err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } var sticky *roundrobin.StickySession var cookieName string if stickiness := config.Backends[frontend.Backend].LoadBalancer.Stickiness; stickiness != nil { cookieName = cookie.GetName(stickiness.CookieName, frontend.Backend) sticky = roundrobin.NewStickySession(cookieName) } var lb http.Handler switch lbMethod { case types.Drr: log.Debugf("Creating load-balancer drr") rebalancer, _ := roundrobin.NewRebalancer(rr) if sticky != nil { log.Debugf("Sticky session with cookie %v", cookieName) rebalancer, _ = roundrobin.NewRebalancer(rr, roundrobin.RebalancerStickySession(sticky)) } lb = rebalancer if err := s.configureLBServers(rebalancer, config, frontend); err != nil { log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } hcOpts := parseHealthCheckOptions(rebalancer, frontend.Backend, config.Backends[frontend.Backend].HealthCheck, globalConfiguration.HealthCheck) if hcOpts != nil { log.Debugf("Setting up backend health check %s", *hcOpts) hcOpts.Transport = s.defaultForwardingRoundTripper backendsHealthCheck[entryPointName+frontend.Backend] = healthcheck.NewBackendHealthCheck(*hcOpts, frontend.Backend) } lb = middlewares.NewEmptyBackendHandler(rebalancer, lb) case types.Wrr: log.Debugf("Creating load-balancer wrr") if sticky != nil { log.Debugf("Sticky session with cookie %v", cookieName) if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { rr, _ = roundrobin.New(saveFrontend, roundrobin.EnableStickySession(sticky)) } else { rr, _ = roundrobin.New(fwd, roundrobin.EnableStickySession(sticky)) } } lb = rr if err := s.configureLBServers(rr, config, frontend); err != nil { log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } hcOpts := parseHealthCheckOptions(rr, frontend.Backend, config.Backends[frontend.Backend].HealthCheck, globalConfiguration.HealthCheck) if hcOpts != nil { log.Debugf("Setting up backend health check %s", *hcOpts) hcOpts.Transport = s.defaultForwardingRoundTripper backendsHealthCheck[entryPointName+frontend.Backend] = healthcheck.NewBackendHealthCheck(*hcOpts, frontend.Backend) } lb = middlewares.NewEmptyBackendHandler(rr, lb) } if len(frontend.Errors) > 0 { for errorPageName, errorPage := range frontend.Errors { if frontend.Backend == errorPage.Backend { log.Errorf("Error when creating error page %q for frontend %q: error pages backend %q is the same as backend for the frontend (infinite call risk).", errorPageName, frontendName, errorPage.Backend) } else if config.Backends[errorPage.Backend] == nil { log.Errorf("Error when creating error page %q for frontend %q: the backend %q doesn't exist.", errorPageName, frontendName, errorPage.Backend) } else { errorPagesHandler, err := errorpages.NewHandler(errorPage, entryPointName+providerName+errorPage.Backend) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating error pages: %v", err) } else { if errorPageServer, ok := config.Backends[errorPage.Backend].Servers["error"]; ok { errorPagesHandler.FallbackURL = errorPageServer.URL } errorPageHandlers = append(errorPageHandlers, errorPagesHandler) n.Use(errorPagesHandler) } } } } if frontend.RateLimit != nil && len(frontend.RateLimit.RateSet) > 0 { lb, err = s.buildRateLimiter(lb, frontend.RateLimit) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating rate limiter: %v", err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } lb = s.wrapHTTPHandlerWithAccessLog(lb, fmt.Sprintf("rate limit for %s", frontendName)) } maxConns := config.Backends[frontend.Backend].MaxConn if maxConns != nil && maxConns.Amount != 0 { extractFunc, err := utils.NewExtractor(maxConns.ExtractorFunc) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating connection limit: %v", err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } log.Debugf("Creating load-balancer connection limit") lb, err = connlimit.New(lb, extractFunc, maxConns.Amount) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating connection limit: %v", err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } lb = s.wrapHTTPHandlerWithAccessLog(lb, fmt.Sprintf("connection limit for %s", frontendName)) } if globalConfiguration.Retry != nil { countServers := len(config.Backends[frontend.Backend].Servers) lb = s.buildRetryMiddleware(lb, globalConfiguration, countServers, frontend.Backend) } if s.metricsRegistry.IsEnabled() { n.Use(middlewares.NewBackendMetricsMiddleware(s.metricsRegistry, frontend.Backend)) } ipWhitelistMiddleware, err := buildIPWhiteLister(frontend.WhiteList, frontend.WhitelistSourceRange) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating IP Whitelister: %s", err) } else if ipWhitelistMiddleware != nil { n.Use( s.tracingMiddleware.NewNegroniHandlerWrapper( "IP whitelist", s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(ipWhitelistMiddleware, fmt.Sprintf("ipwhitelister for %s", frontendName)), false)) log.Debugf("Configured IP Whitelists: %s", frontend.WhitelistSourceRange) } if frontend.Redirect != nil && entryPointName != frontend.Redirect.EntryPoint { rewrite, err := s.buildRedirectHandler(entryPointName, frontend.Redirect) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating Frontend Redirect: %v", err) } else { n.Use(s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(rewrite, fmt.Sprintf("frontend redirect for %s", frontendName))) log.Debugf("Frontend %s redirect created", frontendName) } } if headerMiddleware != nil { log.Debugf("Adding header middleware for frontend %s", frontendName) n.Use(s.tracingMiddleware.NewNegroniHandlerWrapper("Header", headerMiddleware, false)) } if secureMiddleware != nil { log.Debugf("Adding secure middleware for frontend %s", frontendName) n.UseFunc(secureMiddleware.HandlerFuncWithNextForRequestOnly) } if len(frontend.BasicAuth) > 0 { users := types.Users{} for _, user := range frontend.BasicAuth { users = append(users, user) } auth := &types.Auth{} auth.Basic = &types.Basic{ Users: users, } authMiddleware, err := mauth.NewAuthenticator(auth, s.tracingMiddleware) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating Auth: %s", err) } else { n.Use(s.wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(authMiddleware, fmt.Sprintf("Auth for %s", frontendName))) } } if config.Backends[frontend.Backend].Buffering != nil { bufferedLb, err := s.buildBufferingMiddleware(lb, config.Backends[frontend.Backend].Buffering) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error setting up buffering middleware: %s", err) } else { lb = bufferedLb } } if config.Backends[frontend.Backend].CircuitBreaker != nil { log.Debugf("Creating circuit breaker %s", config.Backends[frontend.Backend].CircuitBreaker.Expression) expression := config.Backends[frontend.Backend].CircuitBreaker.Expression circuitBreaker, err := middlewares.NewCircuitBreaker(lb, expression, middlewares.NewCircuitBreakerOptions(expression)) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error creating circuit breaker: %v", err) log.Errorf("Skipping frontend %s...", frontendName) continue frontend } n.Use(s.tracingMiddleware.NewNegroniHandlerWrapper("Circuit breaker", circuitBreaker, false)) } else { n.UseHandler(lb) } backends[entryPointName+providerName+frontend.Backend] = n } else { log.Debugf("Reusing backend %s", frontend.Backend) } if frontend.Priority > 0 { newServerRoute.Route.Priority(frontend.Priority) } s.wireFrontendBackend(newServerRoute, backends[entryPointName+providerName+frontend.Backend]) err := newServerRoute.Route.GetError() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error building route: %s", err) } } } } for _, errorPageHandler := range errorPageHandlers { if handler, ok := backends[errorPageHandler.BackendName]; ok { errorPageHandler.PostLoad(handler) } else { errorPageHandler.PostLoad(nil) } } healthcheck.GetHealthCheck(s.metricsRegistry).SetBackendsConfiguration(s.routinesPool.Ctx(), backendsHealthCheck) // Get new certificates list sorted per entrypoints // Update certificates entryPointsCertificates, err := s.loadHTTPSConfiguration(configurations, globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints) // Sort routes and update certificates for serverEntryPointName, serverEntryPoint := range serverEntryPoints { serverEntryPoint.httpRouter.GetHandler().SortRoutes() if _, exists := entryPointsCertificates[serverEntryPointName]; exists { serverEntryPoint.certs.Set(entryPointsCertificates[serverEntryPointName]) } } return serverEntryPoints, err } func (s *Server) configureLBServers(lb healthcheck.LoadBalancer, config *types.Configuration, frontend *types.Frontend) error { for name, srv := range config.Backends[frontend.Backend].Servers { u, err := url.Parse(srv.URL) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error parsing server URL %s: %v", srv.URL, err) return err } log.Debugf("Creating server %s at %s with weight %d", name, u, srv.Weight) if err := lb.UpsertServer(u, roundrobin.Weight(srv.Weight)); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error adding server %s to load balancer: %v", srv.URL, err) return err } s.metricsRegistry.BackendServerUpGauge().With("backend", frontend.Backend, "url", srv.URL).Set(1) } return nil } func buildIPWhiteLister(whiteList *types.WhiteList, wlRange []string) (*middlewares.IPWhiteLister, error) { if whiteList != nil && len(whiteList.SourceRange) > 0 { return middlewares.NewIPWhiteLister(whiteList.SourceRange, whiteList.UseXForwardedFor) } else if len(wlRange) > 0 { return middlewares.NewIPWhiteLister(wlRange, false) } return nil, nil } func (s *Server) wireFrontendBackend(serverRoute *types.ServerRoute, handler http.Handler) { // path replace - This needs to always be the very last on the handler chain (first in the order in this function) // -- Replacing Path should happen at the very end of the Modifier chain, after all the Matcher+Modifiers ran if len(serverRoute.ReplacePath) > 0 { handler = &middlewares.ReplacePath{ Path: serverRoute.ReplacePath, Handler: handler, } } if len(serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex) > 0 { sp := strings.Split(serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex, " ") if len(sp) == 2 { handler = middlewares.NewReplacePathRegexHandler(sp[0], sp[1], handler) } else { log.Warnf("Invalid syntax for ReplacePathRegex: %s. Separate the regular expression and the replacement by a space.", serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex) } } // add prefix - This needs to always be right before ReplacePath on the chain (second in order in this function) // -- Adding Path Prefix should happen after all *Strip Matcher+Modifiers ran, but before Replace (in case it's configured) if len(serverRoute.AddPrefix) > 0 { handler = &middlewares.AddPrefix{ Prefix: serverRoute.AddPrefix, Handler: handler, } } // strip prefix if len(serverRoute.StripPrefixes) > 0 { handler = &middlewares.StripPrefix{ Prefixes: serverRoute.StripPrefixes, Handler: handler, } } // strip prefix with regex if len(serverRoute.StripPrefixesRegex) > 0 { handler = middlewares.NewStripPrefixRegex(handler, serverRoute.StripPrefixesRegex) } serverRoute.Route.Handler(handler) } func (s *Server) buildRedirectHandler(srcEntryPointName string, opt *types.Redirect) (negroni.Handler, error) { // entry point redirect if len(opt.EntryPoint) > 0 { entryPoint := s.globalConfiguration.EntryPoints[opt.EntryPoint] if entryPoint == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown target entrypoint %q", srcEntryPointName) } log.Debugf("Creating entry point redirect %s -> %s", srcEntryPointName, opt.EntryPoint) return redirect.NewEntryPointHandler(entryPoint, opt.Permanent) } // regex redirect redirection, err := redirect.NewRegexHandler(opt.Regex, opt.Replacement, opt.Permanent) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Debugf("Creating regex redirect %s -> %s -> %s", srcEntryPointName, opt.Regex, opt.Replacement) return redirection, nil } func (s *Server) buildDefaultHTTPRouter() *mux.Router { router := mux.NewRouter() router.NotFoundHandler = s.wrapHTTPHandlerWithAccessLog(http.HandlerFunc(notFoundHandler), "backend not found") router.StrictSlash(true) router.SkipClean(true) return router } func parseHealthCheckOptions(lb healthcheck.LoadBalancer, backend string, hc *types.HealthCheck, hcConfig *configuration.HealthCheckConfig) *healthcheck.Options { if hc == nil || hc.Path == "" || hcConfig == nil { return nil } interval := time.Duration(hcConfig.Interval) if hc.Interval != "" { intervalOverride, err := time.ParseDuration(hc.Interval) switch { case err != nil: log.Errorf("Illegal healthcheck interval for backend '%s': %s", backend, err) case intervalOverride <= 0: log.Errorf("Healthcheck interval smaller than zero for backend '%s', backend", backend) default: interval = intervalOverride } } return &healthcheck.Options{ Path: hc.Path, Port: hc.Port, Interval: interval, LB: lb, } } func getRoute(serverRoute *types.ServerRoute, route *types.Route) error { rules := rules.Rules{Route: serverRoute} newRoute, err := rules.Parse(route.Rule) if err != nil { return err } newRoute.Priority(serverRoute.Route.GetPriority() + len(route.Rule)) serverRoute.Route = newRoute return nil } func sortedFrontendNamesForConfig(configuration *types.Configuration) []string { var keys []string for key := range configuration.Frontends { keys = append(keys, key) } sort.Strings(keys) return keys } func configureFrontends(frontends map[string]*types.Frontend, defaultEntrypoints []string) { for _, frontend := range frontends { // default endpoints if not defined in frontends if len(frontend.EntryPoints) == 0 { frontend.EntryPoints = defaultEntrypoints } } } func configureBackends(backends map[string]*types.Backend) { for backendName := range backends { backend := backends[backendName] if backend.LoadBalancer != nil && backend.LoadBalancer.Sticky { log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found: %s. Please use %s.", "backend.LoadBalancer.Sticky", "backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness") } _, err := types.NewLoadBalancerMethod(backend.LoadBalancer) if err == nil { if backend.LoadBalancer != nil && backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness == nil && backend.LoadBalancer.Sticky { backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness = &types.Stickiness{ CookieName: "_TRAEFIK_BACKEND", } } } else { log.Debugf("Backend %s: %v", backendName, err) var stickiness *types.Stickiness if backend.LoadBalancer != nil { if backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness == nil { if backend.LoadBalancer.Sticky { stickiness = &types.Stickiness{ CookieName: "_TRAEFIK_BACKEND", } } } else { stickiness = backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness } } backend.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{ Method: "wrr", Stickiness: stickiness, } } } } func registerMetricClients(metricsConfig *types.Metrics) metrics.Registry { if metricsConfig == nil { return metrics.NewVoidRegistry() } var registries []metrics.Registry if metricsConfig.Prometheus != nil { registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterPrometheus(metricsConfig.Prometheus)) log.Debug("Configured Prometheus metrics") } if metricsConfig.Datadog != nil { registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterDatadog(metricsConfig.Datadog)) log.Debugf("Configured DataDog metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.Datadog.Address, metricsConfig.Datadog.PushInterval) } if metricsConfig.StatsD != nil { registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterStatsd(metricsConfig.StatsD)) log.Debugf("Configured StatsD metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.StatsD.Address, metricsConfig.StatsD.PushInterval) } if metricsConfig.InfluxDB != nil { registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterInfluxDB(metricsConfig.InfluxDB)) log.Debugf("Configured InfluxDB metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.InfluxDB.Address, metricsConfig.InfluxDB.PushInterval) } return metrics.NewMultiRegistry(registries) } func stopMetricsClients() { metrics.StopDatadog() metrics.StopStatsd() metrics.StopInfluxDB() } func (s *Server) buildRateLimiter(handler http.Handler, rlConfig *types.RateLimit) (http.Handler, error) { extractFunc, err := utils.NewExtractor(rlConfig.ExtractorFunc) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Debugf("Creating load-balancer rate limiter") rateSet := ratelimit.NewRateSet() for _, rate := range rlConfig.RateSet { if err := rateSet.Add(time.Duration(rate.Period), rate.Average, rate.Burst); err != nil { return nil, err } } rateLimiter, err := ratelimit.New(handler, extractFunc, rateSet) return s.tracingMiddleware.NewHTTPHandlerWrapper("Rate limit", rateLimiter, false), err } func (s *Server) buildRetryMiddleware(handler http.Handler, globalConfig configuration.GlobalConfiguration, countServers int, backendName string) http.Handler { retryListeners := middlewares.RetryListeners{} if s.metricsRegistry.IsEnabled() { retryListeners = append(retryListeners, middlewares.NewMetricsRetryListener(s.metricsRegistry, backendName)) } if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { retryListeners = append(retryListeners, &accesslog.SaveRetries{}) } retryAttempts := countServers if globalConfig.Retry.Attempts > 0 { retryAttempts = globalConfig.Retry.Attempts } log.Debugf("Creating retries max attempts %d", retryAttempts) return s.tracingMiddleware.NewHTTPHandlerWrapper("Retry", middlewares.NewRetry(retryAttempts, handler, retryListeners), false) } func (s *Server) wrapNegroniHandlerWithAccessLog(handler negroni.Handler, frontendName string) negroni.Handler { if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { saveBackend := accesslog.NewSaveNegroniBackend(handler, "Træfik") saveFrontend := accesslog.NewSaveNegroniFrontend(saveBackend, frontendName) return saveFrontend } return handler } func (s *Server) wrapHTTPHandlerWithAccessLog(handler http.Handler, frontendName string) http.Handler { if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil { saveBackend := accesslog.NewSaveBackend(handler, "Træfik") saveFrontend := accesslog.NewSaveFrontend(saveBackend, frontendName) return saveFrontend } return handler } func (s *Server) buildBufferingMiddleware(handler http.Handler, config *types.Buffering) (http.Handler, error) { log.Debugf("Setting up buffering: request limits: %d (mem), %d (max), response limits: %d (mem), %d (max) with retry: '%s'", config.MemRequestBodyBytes, config.MaxRequestBodyBytes, config.MemResponseBodyBytes, config.MaxResponseBodyBytes, config.RetryExpression) return buffer.New( handler, buffer.MemRequestBodyBytes(config.MemRequestBodyBytes), buffer.MaxRequestBodyBytes(config.MaxRequestBodyBytes), buffer.MemResponseBodyBytes(config.MemResponseBodyBytes), buffer.MaxResponseBodyBytes(config.MaxResponseBodyBytes), buffer.CondSetter(len(config.RetryExpression) > 0, buffer.Retry(config.RetryExpression)), ) } func buildModifyResponse(secure *secure.Secure, header *middlewares.HeaderStruct) func(res *http.Response) error { return func(res *http.Response) error { if secure != nil { err := secure.ModifyResponseHeaders(res) if err != nil { return err } } if header != nil { err := header.ModifyResponseHeaders(res) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } }