package metrics import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "testing" "time" "" "" dto "" ) func TestPrometheus(t *testing.T) { prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{}) defer prometheus.Unregister(promState) if !prometheusRegistry.IsEnabled() { t.Errorf("PrometheusRegistry should return true for IsEnabled()") } prometheusRegistry.ConfigReloadsCounter().Add(1) prometheusRegistry.ConfigReloadsFailureCounter().Add(1) prometheusRegistry.LastConfigReloadSuccessGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) prometheusRegistry.LastConfigReloadFailureGauge().Set(float64(time.Now().Unix())) prometheusRegistry. EntrypointReqsCounter(). With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Add(1) prometheusRegistry. EntrypointReqDurationHistogram(). With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Observe(1) prometheusRegistry. EntrypointOpenConnsGauge(). With("method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http"). Set(1) prometheusRegistry. BackendReqsCounter(). With("backend", "backend1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) prometheusRegistry. BackendReqDurationHistogram(). With("backend", "backend1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Observe(10000) prometheusRegistry. BackendOpenConnsGauge(). With("backend", "backend1", "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Set(1) prometheusRegistry. BackendRetriesCounter(). With("backend", "backend1"). Add(1) prometheusRegistry. BackendServerUpGauge(). With("backend", "backend1", "url", ""). Set(1) delayForTrackingCompletion() metricsFamilies := mustScrape() tests := []struct { name string labels map[string]string assert func(*dto.MetricFamily) }{ { name: configReloadsTotalName, assert: buildCounterAssert(t, configReloadsTotalName, 1), }, { name: configReloadsFailuresTotalName, assert: buildCounterAssert(t, configReloadsFailuresTotalName, 1), }, { name: configLastReloadSuccessName, assert: buildTimestampAssert(t, configLastReloadSuccessName), }, { name: configLastReloadFailureName, assert: buildTimestampAssert(t, configLastReloadFailureName), }, { name: entrypointReqsTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildCounterAssert(t, entrypointReqsTotalName, 1), }, { name: entrypointReqDurationName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildHistogramAssert(t, entrypointReqDurationName, 1), }, { name: entrypointOpenConnsName, labels: map[string]string{ "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "entrypoint": "http", }, assert: buildGaugeAssert(t, entrypointOpenConnsName, 1), }, { name: backendReqsTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "backend": "backend1", }, assert: buildCounterAssert(t, backendReqsTotalName, 1), }, { name: backendReqDurationName, labels: map[string]string{ "code": "200", "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "backend": "backend1", }, assert: buildHistogramAssert(t, backendReqDurationName, 1), }, { name: backendOpenConnsName, labels: map[string]string{ "method": http.MethodGet, "protocol": "http", "backend": "backend1", }, assert: buildGaugeAssert(t, backendOpenConnsName, 1), }, { name: backendRetriesTotalName, labels: map[string]string{ "backend": "backend1", }, assert: buildGreaterThanCounterAssert(t, backendRetriesTotalName, 1), }, { name: backendServerUpName, labels: map[string]string{ "backend": "backend1", "url": "", }, assert: buildGaugeAssert(t, backendServerUpName, 1), }, } for _, test := range tests { family := findMetricFamily(, metricsFamilies) if family == nil { t.Errorf("gathered metrics do not contain %q", continue } for _, label := range family.Metric[0].Label { val, ok := test.labels[*label.Name] if !ok { t.Errorf("%q metric contains unexpected label %q",, *label.Name) } else if val != *label.Value { t.Errorf("label %q in metric %q has wrong value %q, expected %q", *label.Name,, *label.Value, val) } } test.assert(family) } } func TestPrometheusGenerationLogicForMetricWithLabel(t *testing.T) { prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{}) defer prometheus.Unregister(promState) // Metrics with labels belonging to a specific configuration in Traefik // should be removed when the generationMaxAge is exceeded. As example // we use the traefik_backend_requests_total metric. prometheusRegistry. BackendReqsCounter(). With("backend", "backend1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http"). Add(1) delayForTrackingCompletion() assertMetricExists(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape()) // Increase the config generation one more than the max age of a metric. for i := 0; i < generationAgeDefault+1; i++ { OnConfigurationUpdate() } // On the next scrape the metric still exists and will be removed // after the scrape completed. assertMetricExists(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape()) // Now the metric should be absent. assertMetricAbsent(t, backendReqsTotalName, mustScrape()) } func TestPrometheusGenerationLogicForMetricWithoutLabel(t *testing.T) { prometheusRegistry := RegisterPrometheus(&types.Prometheus{}) defer prometheus.Unregister(promState) // Metrics without labels like traefik_config_reloads_total should live forever // and never get removed. prometheusRegistry.ConfigReloadsCounter().Add(1) delayForTrackingCompletion() assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape()) // Increase the config generation one more than the max age of a metric. for i := 0; i < generationAgeDefault+100; i++ { OnConfigurationUpdate() } // Scrape two times in order to verify, that it is not removed after the // first scrape completed. assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape()) assertMetricExists(t, configReloadsTotalName, mustScrape()) } // Tracking and gathering the metrics happens concurrently. // In practice this is no problem, because in case a tracked metric would miss // the current scrape, it would just be there in the next one. // That we can test reliably the tracking of all metrics here, we sleep // for a short amount of time, to make sure the metric will be present // in the next scrape. func delayForTrackingCompletion() { time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond) } func mustScrape() []*dto.MetricFamily { families, err := prometheus.DefaultGatherer.Gather() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("could not gather metrics families: %s", err)) } return families } func assertMetricExists(t *testing.T, name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) { t.Helper() if findMetricFamily(name, families) == nil { t.Errorf("gathered metrics do not contain %q", name) } } func assertMetricAbsent(t *testing.T, name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) { t.Helper() if findMetricFamily(name, families) != nil { t.Errorf("gathered metrics contain %q, but should not", name) } } func findMetricFamily(name string, families []*dto.MetricFamily) *dto.MetricFamily { for _, family := range families { if family.GetName() == name { return family } } return nil } func buildCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue int) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { if cv := int(family.Metric[0].Counter.GetValue()); cv != expectedValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %d, want %d", metricName, cv, expectedValue) } } } func buildGreaterThanCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedMinValue int) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { if cv := int(family.Metric[0].Counter.GetValue()); cv < expectedMinValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %d, want at least %d", metricName, cv, expectedMinValue) } } } func buildHistogramAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedSampleCount int) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { if sc := int(family.Metric[0].Histogram.GetSampleCount()); sc != expectedSampleCount { t.Errorf("metric %s has sample count value %d, want %d", metricName, sc, expectedSampleCount) } } } func buildGaugeAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue int) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { if gv := int(family.Metric[0].Gauge.GetValue()); gv != expectedValue { t.Errorf("metric %s has value %d, want %d", metricName, gv, expectedValue) } } } func buildTimestampAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string) func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { return func(family *dto.MetricFamily) { if ts := time.Unix(int64(family.Metric[0].Gauge.GetValue()), 0); time.Since(ts) > time.Minute { t.Errorf("metric %s has wrong timestamp %v", metricName, ts) } } }