# Prometheus To enable the Prometheus: ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: prometheus: {} ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.prometheus=true ``` #### `buckets` _Optional, Default="0.100000, 0.300000, 1.200000, 5.000000"_ Buckets for latency metrics. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: prometheus: buckets: - 0.1 - 0.3 - 1.2 - 5.0 ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] buckets = [0.1,0.3,1.2,5.0] ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.prometheus.buckets=0.100000, 0.300000, 1.200000, 5.000000 ``` #### `addEntryPointsLabels` _Optional, Default=true_ Enable metrics on entry points. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: prometheus: addEntryPointsLabels: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] addEntryPointsLabels = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.prometheus.addEntryPointsLabels=true ``` #### `addServicesLabels` _Optional, Default=true_ Enable metrics on services. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: prometheus: addServicesLabels: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] addServicesLabels = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.prometheus.addServicesLabels=true ``` #### `entryPoint` _Optional, Default=traefik_ Entry point used to expose metrics. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" entryPoints: metrics: address: ":8082" metrics: prometheus: entryPoint: metrics ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [entryPoints] [entryPoints.metrics] address = ":8082" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] entryPoint = "metrics" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --entryPoints.metrics.address=:8082 --metrics.prometheus.entryPoint=metrics ``` #### `manualRouting` _Optional, Default=false_ If `manualRouting` is `true`, it disables the default internal router in order to allow one to create a custom router for the `prometheus@internal` service. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: prometheus: manualRouting: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.prometheus] manualRouting = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.prometheus.manualrouting=true ```