# Kubernetes Ingress backend Træfik can be configured to use Kubernetes Ingress as a backend configuration: ```toml ################################################################ # Kubernetes Ingress configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Kubernetes Ingress configuration backend # # Optional # [kubernetes] # Kubernetes server endpoint # # When deployed as a replication controller in Kubernetes, Traefik will use # the environment variables KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT # to construct the endpoint. # Secure token will be found in /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token # and SSL CA cert in /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt # # The endpoint may be given to override the environment variable values. # # When the environment variables are not found, Traefik will try to connect to # the Kubernetes API server with an external-cluster client. In this case, the # endpoint is required. Specifically, it may be set to the URL used by # `kubectl proxy` to connect to a Kubernetes cluster from localhost. # # Optional for in-cluster configuration, required otherwise # Default: empty # # endpoint = "http://localhost:8080" # Bearer token used for the Kubernetes client configuration. # # Optional # Default: empty # # token = "my token" # Path to the certificate authority file used for the Kubernetes client # configuration. # # Optional # Default: empty # # certAuthFilePath = "/my/ca.crt" # Array of namespaces to watch. # # Optional # Default: all namespaces (empty array). # # namespaces = ["default", "production"] # Ingress label selector to identify Ingress objects that should be processed. # See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors for details. # # Optional # Default: empty (process all Ingresses) # # labelselector = "A and not B" ``` Annotations can be used on containers to override default behaviour for the whole Ingress resource: - `traefik.frontend.rule.type: PathPrefixStrip`: override the default frontend rule type (Default: `PathPrefix`). - `traefik.frontend.priority: 3`: override the default frontend rule priority (Default: `len(Path)`). Annotations can be used on the Kubernetes service to override default behaviour: - `traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method=drr`: override the default `wrr` load balancer algorithm - `traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky=true`: enable backend sticky sessions You can find here an example [ingress](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containous/traefik/master/examples/k8s/cheese-ingress.yaml) and [replication controller](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containous/traefik/master/examples/k8s/traefik.yaml). Additionally, an annotation can be used on Kubernetes services to set the [circuit breaker expression](https://docs.traefik.io/basics/#backends) for a backend. - `traefik.backend.circuitbreaker: `: set the circuit breaker expression for the backend (Default: nil). As known from nginx when used as Kubernetes Ingress Controller, a List of IP-Ranges which are allowed to access can be configured by using an ingress annotation: - `ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range: ", fe80::/16"` An unset or empty list allows all Source-IPs to access. If one of the Net-Specifications are invalid, the whole list is invalid and allows all Source-IPs to access. ### Authentication Is possible to add additional authentication annotations in the Ingress rule. The source of the authentication is a secret that contains usernames and passwords inside the the key auth. - `ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-type`: `basic` - `ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret`: contains the usernames and passwords with access to the paths defined in the Ingress Rule. The secret must be created in the same namespace as the Ingress rule. Limitations: - Basic authentication only. - Realm not configurable; only `traefik` default. - Secret must contain only single file.