package passtlsclientcert import ( "context" "crypto/x509" "crypto/x509/pkix" "encoding/pem" "fmt" "net/http" "net/url" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( xForwardedTLSClientCert = "X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert" xForwardedTLSClientCertInfos = "X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert-infos" typeName = "PassClientTLSCert" ) // passTLSClientCert is a middleware that helps setup a few tls info features. type passTLSClientCert struct { next http.Handler name string pem bool // pass the sanitized pem to the backend in a specific header infos *tlsClientCertificateInfos // pass selected information from the client certificate } // New constructs a new PassTLSClientCert instance from supplied frontend header struct. func New(ctx context.Context, next http.Handler, config config.PassTLSClientCert, name string) (http.Handler, error) { middlewares.GetLogger(ctx, name, typeName).Debug("Creating middleware") return &passTLSClientCert{ next: next, name: name, pem: config.PEM, infos: newTLSClientInfos(config.Infos), }, nil } // tlsClientCertificateInfos is a struct for specifying the configuration for the passTLSClientCert middleware. type tlsClientCertificateInfos struct { notAfter bool notBefore bool subject *tlsCLientCertificateSubjectInfos sans bool } func newTLSClientInfos(infos *config.TLSClientCertificateInfos) *tlsClientCertificateInfos { if infos == nil { return nil } return &tlsClientCertificateInfos{ notBefore: infos.NotBefore, notAfter: infos.NotAfter, sans: infos.Sans, subject: newTLSCLientCertificateSubjectInfos(infos.Subject), } } // tlsCLientCertificateSubjectInfos contains the configuration for the certificate subject infos. type tlsCLientCertificateSubjectInfos struct { country bool province bool locality bool Organization bool commonName bool serialNumber bool } func newTLSCLientCertificateSubjectInfos(infos *config.TLSCLientCertificateSubjectInfos) *tlsCLientCertificateSubjectInfos { if infos == nil { return nil } return &tlsCLientCertificateSubjectInfos{ serialNumber: infos.SerialNumber, commonName: infos.CommonName, country: infos.Country, locality: infos.Locality, Organization: infos.Organization, province: infos.Province, } } func (p *passTLSClientCert) GetTracingInformation() (string, ext.SpanKindEnum) { return, tracing.SpanKindNoneEnum } func (p *passTLSClientCert) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { logger := middlewares.GetLogger(req.Context(),, typeName) p.modifyRequestHeaders(logger, req), req) } // getSubjectInfos extract the requested information from the certificate subject. func (p *passTLSClientCert) getSubjectInfos(cs *pkix.Name) string { var subject string if p.infos != nil && p.infos.subject != nil { options := p.infos.subject var content []string if && len(cs.Country) > 0 { content = append(content, fmt.Sprintf("C=%s", cs.Country[0])) } if options.province && len(cs.Province) > 0 { content = append(content, fmt.Sprintf("ST=%s", cs.Province[0])) } if options.locality && len(cs.Locality) > 0 { content = append(content, fmt.Sprintf("L=%s", cs.Locality[0])) } if options.Organization && len(cs.Organization) > 0 { content = append(content, fmt.Sprintf("O=%s", cs.Organization[0])) } if options.commonName && len(cs.CommonName) > 0 { content = append(content, fmt.Sprintf("CN=%s", cs.CommonName)) } if len(content) > 0 { subject = `Subject="` + strings.Join(content, ",") + `"` } } return subject } // getXForwardedTLSClientCertInfos Build a string with the wanted client certificates information // like Subject="C=%s,ST=%s,L=%s,O=%s,CN=%s",NB=%d,NA=%d,SAN=%s; func (p *passTLSClientCert) getXForwardedTLSClientCertInfos(certs []*x509.Certificate) string { var headerValues []string for _, peerCert := range certs { var values []string var sans string var nb string var na string subject := p.getSubjectInfos(&peerCert.Subject) if len(subject) > 0 { values = append(values, subject) } ci := p.infos if ci != nil { if ci.notBefore { nb = fmt.Sprintf("NB=%d", uint64(peerCert.NotBefore.Unix())) values = append(values, nb) } if ci.notAfter { na = fmt.Sprintf("NA=%d", uint64(peerCert.NotAfter.Unix())) values = append(values, na) } if ci.sans { sans = fmt.Sprintf("SAN=%s", strings.Join(getSANs(peerCert), ",")) values = append(values, sans) } } value := strings.Join(values, ",") headerValues = append(headerValues, value) } return strings.Join(headerValues, ";") } // modifyRequestHeaders set the wanted headers with the certificates information. func (p *passTLSClientCert) modifyRequestHeaders(logger logrus.FieldLogger, r *http.Request) { if p.pem { if r.TLS != nil && len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 { r.Header.Set(xForwardedTLSClientCert, getXForwardedTLSClientCert(logger, r.TLS.PeerCertificates)) } else { logger.Warn("Try to extract certificate on a request without TLS") } } if p.infos != nil { if r.TLS != nil && len(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) > 0 { headerContent := p.getXForwardedTLSClientCertInfos(r.TLS.PeerCertificates) r.Header.Set(xForwardedTLSClientCertInfos, url.QueryEscape(headerContent)) } else { logger.Warn("Try to extract certificate on a request without TLS") } } } // sanitize As we pass the raw certificates, remove the useless data and make it http request compliant. func sanitize(cert []byte) string { s := string(cert) r := strings.NewReplacer("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "", "-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "", "\n", "") cleaned := r.Replace(s) return url.QueryEscape(cleaned) } // extractCertificate extract the certificate from the request. func extractCertificate(logger logrus.FieldLogger, cert *x509.Certificate) string { b := pem.Block{Type: "CERTIFICATE", Bytes: cert.Raw} certPEM := pem.EncodeToMemory(&b) if certPEM == nil { logger.Error("Cannot extract the certificate content") return "" } return sanitize(certPEM) } // getXForwardedTLSClientCert Build a string with the client certificates. func getXForwardedTLSClientCert(logger logrus.FieldLogger, certs []*x509.Certificate) string { var headerValues []string for _, peerCert := range certs { headerValues = append(headerValues, extractCertificate(logger, peerCert)) } return strings.Join(headerValues, ",") } // getSANs get the Subject Alternate Name values. func getSANs(cert *x509.Certificate) []string { var sans []string if cert == nil { return sans } sans = append(cert.DNSNames, cert.EmailAddresses...) var ips []string for _, ip := range cert.IPAddresses { ips = append(ips, ip.String()) } sans = append(sans, ips...) var uris []string for _, uri := range cert.URIs { uris = append(uris, uri.String()) } return append(sans, uris...) }