package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" log "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" fmtlog "log" "net/http" "os" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "text/template" ) var versionTemplate = `Version: {{.Version}} Codename: {{.Codename}} Go version: {{.GoVersion}} Built: {{.BuildTime}} OS/Arch: {{.Os}}/{{.Arch}}` func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) //traefik config inits traefikConfiguration := NewTraefikConfiguration() traefikPointersConfiguration := NewTraefikDefaultPointersConfiguration() //traefik Command init traefikCmd := &flaeg.Command{ Name: "traefik", Description: `traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. Complete documentation is available at`, Config: traefikConfiguration, DefaultPointersConfig: traefikPointersConfiguration, Run: func() error { run(traefikConfiguration) return nil }, } //version Command init versionCmd := &flaeg.Command{ Name: "version", Description: `Print version`, Config: struct{}{}, DefaultPointersConfig: struct{}{}, Run: func() error { tmpl, err := template.New("").Parse(versionTemplate) if err != nil { return err } v := struct { Version string Codename string GoVersion string BuildTime string Os string Arch string }{ Version: Version, Codename: Codename, GoVersion: runtime.Version(), BuildTime: BuildDate, Os: runtime.GOOS, Arch: runtime.GOARCH, } if err := tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, v); err != nil { return err } fmt.Printf("\n") return nil }, } //init flaeg source f := flaeg.New(traefikCmd, os.Args[1:]) //add custom parsers f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(EntryPoints{}), &EntryPoints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(DefaultEntryPoints{}), &DefaultEntryPoints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.Constraints{}), &types.Constraints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(provider.Namespaces{}), &provider.Namespaces{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf([]acme.Domain{}), &acme.Domains{}) //add version command f.AddCommand(versionCmd) if _, err := f.Parse(traefikCmd); err != nil { fmtlog.Println(err) os.Exit(-1) } //staert init s := staert.NewStaert(traefikCmd) //init toml source toml := staert.NewTomlSource("traefik", []string{traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile, "/etc/traefik/", "$HOME/.traefik/", "."}) //add sources to staert s.AddSource(toml) s.AddSource(f) if _, err := s.LoadConfig(); err != nil { fmtlog.Println(fmt.Errorf("Error reading TOML config file %s : %s", toml.ConfigFileUsed(), err)) } traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile = toml.ConfigFileUsed() var kv *staert.KvSource var err error if traefikConfiguration.Consul != nil { //init KvSource consul.Register() kv, err = staert.NewKvSource( store.CONSUL, strings.Split(traefikConfiguration.Consul.Endpoint, ","), nil, strings.TrimPrefix(traefikConfiguration.Consul.Prefix, "/"), // TrimPrefix should be done in : IDK why it doen't work ) } else if traefikConfiguration.Etcd != nil { //init KvSource etcd.Register() kv, err = staert.NewKvSource( store.ETCD, strings.Split(traefikConfiguration.Etcd.Endpoint, ","), nil, traefikConfiguration.Etcd.Prefix, ) } else if traefikConfiguration.Zookeeper != nil { //init KvSource zookeeper.Register() kv, err = staert.NewKvSource( store.ZK, strings.Split(traefikConfiguration.Zookeeper.Endpoint, ","), nil, traefikConfiguration.Zookeeper.Prefix, ) } else if traefikConfiguration.Boltdb != nil { //init KvSource boltdb.Register() kv, err = staert.NewKvSource( store.BOLTDB, strings.Split(traefikConfiguration.Boltdb.Endpoint, ","), nil, traefikConfiguration.Boltdb.Prefix, ) } if err != nil { fmtlog.Println(err) os.Exit(-1) } // TO DELETE : Used once to fill the kv store // if kv != nil { // fmtlog.Println("Try to store global configuration in consul store") // if err := kv.StoreConfig(traefikConfiguration); err != nil { // fmtlog.Println(fmt.Errorf("Error : %s", err)) // os.Exit(-1) // } else { // fmtlog.Println("It seems okay :)") // jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(traefikConfiguration) // fmtlog.Printf("Global configuration loaded %s", string(jsonConf)) // os.Exit(0) // } // } //TODO : log warning if many KvStore or set priority if kv != nil { fmtlog.Println("KV Store found") s.AddSource(kv) if _, err := s.LoadConfig(); err != nil { fmtlog.Println(fmt.Errorf("Error : %s", err)) } } if err := s.Run(); err != nil { fmtlog.Println(err) os.Exit(-1) } os.Exit(0) } func run(traefikConfiguration *TraefikConfiguration) { fmtlog.SetFlags(fmtlog.Lshortfile | fmtlog.LstdFlags) // load global configuration globalConfiguration := traefikConfiguration.GlobalConfiguration http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).MaxIdleConnsPerHost = globalConfiguration.MaxIdleConnsPerHost loggerMiddleware := middlewares.NewLogger(globalConfiguration.AccessLogsFile) defer loggerMiddleware.Close() if globalConfiguration.File != nil && len(globalConfiguration.File.Filename) == 0 { // no filename, setting to global config file if len(traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile) != 0 { globalConfiguration.File.Filename = traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile } else { log.Errorln("Error using file configuration backend, no filename defined") } } if len(globalConfiguration.EntryPoints) == 0 { globalConfiguration.EntryPoints = map[string]*EntryPoint{"http": {Address: ":80"}} globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints = []string{"http"} } if globalConfiguration.Debug { globalConfiguration.LogLevel = "DEBUG" } // logging level, err := log.ParseLevel(strings.ToLower(globalConfiguration.LogLevel)) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error getting level", err) } log.SetLevel(level) if len(globalConfiguration.TraefikLogsFile) > 0 { fi, err := os.OpenFile(globalConfiguration.TraefikLogsFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666) defer func() { if err := fi.Close(); err != nil { log.Error("Error closinf file", err) } }() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error opening file", err) } else { log.SetOutput(fi) log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{DisableColors: true, FullTimestamp: true, DisableSorting: true}) } } else { log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{FullTimestamp: true, DisableSorting: true}) } jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(globalConfiguration) log.Infof("Traefik version %s built on %s", Version, BuildDate) if len(traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile) != 0 { log.Infof("Using TOML configuration file %s", traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile) } log.Debugf("Global configuration loaded %s", string(jsonConf)) server := NewServer(globalConfiguration) server.Start() defer server.Close() log.Info("Shutting down") }