--- title: "Traefik CLI Documentation" description: "Learn the basics of the Traefik Proxy command line interface (CLI). Read the technical documentation." --- # CLI The Traefik Command Line {: .subtitle } ## General ```bash traefik [command] [flags] [arguments] ``` Use `traefik [command] --help` for help on any command. Commands: - `healthcheck` Calls Traefik `/ping` to check the health of Traefik (the API must be enabled). - `version` Shows the current Traefik version. Flag's usage: ```bash # set flag_argument to flag(s) traefik [--flag=flag_argument] [-f [flag_argument]] # set true/false to boolean flag(s) traefik [--flag[=true|false| ]] [-f [true|false| ]] ``` All flags are documented in the [(static configuration) CLI reference](../reference/static-configuration/cli.md). !!! info "Flags are case-insensitive." ### `healthcheck` Calls Traefik `/ping` to check the health of Traefik. Its exit status is `0` if Traefik is healthy and `1` otherwise. This can be used with Docker [HEALTHCHECK](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck) instruction or any other health check orchestration mechanism. !!! info The [`ping` endpoint](../operations/ping.md) must be enabled to allow the `healthcheck` command to call `/ping`. Usage: ```bash traefik healthcheck [command] [flags] [arguments] ``` Example: ```bash $ traefik healthcheck OK: http://:8082/ping ``` ### `version` Shows the current Traefik version. Usage: ```bash traefik version ```