Pilot metrics provider
Co-authored-by: Kevin Pollet <pollet.kevin@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 712 additions and 27 deletions
@ -195,7 +195,21 @@ func setupServer(staticConfiguration *static.Configuration) (*server.Server, err
ctx := context.Background()
routinesPool := safe.NewPool(ctx)
metricsRegistry := registerMetricClients(staticConfiguration.Metrics)
metricRegistries := registerMetricClients(staticConfiguration.Metrics)
var aviator *pilot.Pilot
if isPilotEnabled(staticConfiguration) {
pilotRegistry := metrics.RegisterPilot()
aviator = pilot.New(staticConfiguration.Experimental.Pilot.Token, pilotRegistry, routinesPool)
routinesPool.GoCtx(func(ctx context.Context) {
metricRegistries = append(metricRegistries, pilotRegistry)
metricsRegistry := metrics.NewMultiRegistry(metricRegistries)
accessLog := setupAccessLog(staticConfiguration.AccessLog)
chainBuilder := middleware.NewChainBuilder(*staticConfiguration, metricsRegistry, accessLog)
managerFactory := service.NewManagerFactory(*staticConfiguration, routinesPool, metricsRegistry)
@ -244,15 +258,6 @@ func setupServer(staticConfiguration *static.Configuration) (*server.Server, err
var aviator *pilot.Pilot
if staticConfiguration.Experimental != nil && staticConfiguration.Experimental.Pilot != nil &&
staticConfiguration.Experimental.Pilot.Token != "" {
aviator = pilot.New(staticConfiguration.Experimental.Pilot.Token, routinesPool)
routinesPool.GoCtx(func(ctx context.Context) {
watcher.AddListener(switchRouter(routerFactory, acmeProviders, serverEntryPointsTCP, serverEntryPointsUDP, aviator))
watcher.AddListener(func(conf dynamic.Configuration) {
@ -349,9 +354,9 @@ func initACMEProvider(c *static.Configuration, providerAggregator *aggregator.Pr
return resolvers
func registerMetricClients(metricsConfig *types.Metrics) metrics.Registry {
func registerMetricClients(metricsConfig *types.Metrics) []metrics.Registry {
if metricsConfig == nil {
return metrics.NewVoidRegistry()
return nil
var registries []metrics.Registry
@ -386,7 +391,7 @@ func registerMetricClients(metricsConfig *types.Metrics) metrics.Registry {
metricsConfig.InfluxDB.Address, metricsConfig.InfluxDB.PushInterval)
return metrics.NewMultiRegistry(registries)
return registries
func setupAccessLog(conf *types.AccessLog) *accesslog.Handler {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
package metrics
import (
const (
// server meta information
pilotConfigPrefix = "config"
pilotConfigReloadsTotalName = pilotConfigPrefix + "ReloadsTotal"
pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName = pilotConfigPrefix + "ReloadsFailureTotal"
pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName = pilotConfigPrefix + "LastReloadSuccess"
pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName = pilotConfigPrefix + "LastReloadFailure"
// entry point
pilotEntryPointPrefix = "entrypoint"
pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName = pilotEntryPointPrefix + "RequestsTotal"
pilotEntryPointReqsTLSTotalName = pilotEntryPointPrefix + "RequestsTLSTotal"
pilotEntryPointReqDurationName = pilotEntryPointPrefix + "RequestDurationSeconds"
pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName = pilotEntryPointPrefix + "OpenConnections"
// service level
pilotServicePrefix = "service"
pilotServiceReqsTotalName = pilotServicePrefix + "RequestsTotal"
pilotServiceReqsTLSTotalName = pilotServicePrefix + "RequestsTLSTotal"
pilotServiceReqDurationName = pilotServicePrefix + "RequestDurationSeconds"
pilotServiceOpenConnsName = pilotServicePrefix + "OpenConnections"
pilotServiceRetriesTotalName = pilotServicePrefix + "RetriesTotal"
pilotServiceServerUpName = pilotServicePrefix + "ServerUp"
const root = "value"
// RegisterPilot registers all Pilot metrics.
func RegisterPilot() *PilotRegistry {
standardRegistry := &standardRegistry{
epEnabled: true,
svcEnabled: true,
pr := &PilotRegistry{
standardRegistry: standardRegistry,
counters: make(map[string]*pilotCounter),
gauges: make(map[string]*pilotGauge),
histograms: make(map[string]*pilotHistogram),
standardRegistry.configReloadsCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotConfigReloadsTotalName)
standardRegistry.configReloadsFailureCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName)
standardRegistry.lastConfigReloadSuccessGauge = pr.newGauge(pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName)
standardRegistry.lastConfigReloadFailureGauge = pr.newGauge(pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName)
standardRegistry.entryPointReqsCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName)
standardRegistry.entryPointReqsTLSCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotEntryPointReqsTLSTotalName)
standardRegistry.entryPointReqDurationHistogram, _ = NewHistogramWithScale(pr.newHistogram(pilotEntryPointReqDurationName), time.Second)
standardRegistry.entryPointOpenConnsGauge = pr.newGauge(pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName)
standardRegistry.serviceReqsCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotServiceReqsTotalName)
standardRegistry.serviceReqsTLSCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotServiceReqsTLSTotalName)
standardRegistry.serviceReqDurationHistogram, _ = NewHistogramWithScale(pr.newHistogram(pilotServiceReqDurationName), time.Second)
standardRegistry.serviceOpenConnsGauge = pr.newGauge(pilotServiceOpenConnsName)
standardRegistry.serviceRetriesCounter = pr.newCounter(pilotServiceRetriesTotalName)
standardRegistry.serviceServerUpGauge = pr.newGauge(pilotServiceServerUpName)
return pr
// PilotMetric is a representation of a metric.
type PilotMetric struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Observations map[string]interface{} `json:"observations"`
type pilotHistogramObservation struct {
Total float64 `json:"total"`
Count float64 `json:"count"`
// PilotRegistry represents the pilots metrics registry.
type PilotRegistry struct {
counters map[string]*pilotCounter
gauges map[string]*pilotGauge
histograms map[string]*pilotHistogram
// newCounter register and returns a new pilotCounter.
func (pr *PilotRegistry) newCounter(name string) *pilotCounter {
c := newPilotCounter(name)
pr.counters[name] = c
return c
// newGauge register and returns a new pilotGauge.
func (pr *PilotRegistry) newGauge(name string) *pilotGauge {
g := newPilotGauge(name)
pr.gauges[name] = g
return g
// newHistogram register and returns a new pilotHistogram.
func (pr *PilotRegistry) newHistogram(name string) *pilotHistogram {
h := newPilotHistogram(name)
pr.histograms[name] = h
return h
// Data exports the metrics: metrics name -> labels -> values.
func (pr *PilotRegistry) Data() []PilotMetric {
var pilotMetrics []PilotMetric
for name, counter := range pr.counters {
pilotMetric := PilotMetric{
Name: name,
Type: "COUNTER",
Observations: make(map[string]interface{}),
pilotMetrics = append(pilotMetrics, pilotMetric)
counter.counters.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
labels := key.(string)
pc := value.(*pilotCounter)
if labels == "" {
labels = root
if labels == root || len(pc.c.LabelValues())%2 == 0 {
pilotMetric.Observations[labels] = pc.c.Value()
return true
for name, gauge := range pr.gauges {
pilotMetric := PilotMetric{
Name: name,
Type: "GAUGE",
Observations: make(map[string]interface{}),
pilotMetrics = append(pilotMetrics, pilotMetric)
gauge.gauges.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
labels := key.(string)
pg := value.(*pilotGauge)
if labels == "" {
labels = root
if labels == root || len(pg.g.LabelValues())%2 == 0 {
pilotMetric.Observations[labels] = pg.g.Value()
return true
for name, histogram := range pr.histograms {
pilotMetric := PilotMetric{
Name: name,
Observations: make(map[string]interface{}),
pilotMetrics = append(pilotMetrics, pilotMetric)
histogram.histograms.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {
labels := key.(string)
ph := value.(*pilotHistogram)
if labels == "" {
labels = root
if labels == root || len(ph.labels)%2 == 0 {
pilotMetric.Observations[labels] = &pilotHistogramObservation{
Total: ph.total.Value(),
Count: ph.count.Value(),
return true
return pilotMetrics
type pilotCounter struct {
c *generic.Counter
counters *sync.Map
func newPilotCounter(name string) *pilotCounter {
return &pilotCounter{
c: generic.NewCounter(name),
counters: &sync.Map{},
// With returns a new pilotCounter with the given labels.
func (c *pilotCounter) With(labels ...string) metrics.Counter {
newCounter := c.c.With(labels...).(*generic.Counter)
return &pilotCounter{
c: newCounter,
counters: c.counters,
// Add adds the given delta to the counter.
func (c *pilotCounter) Add(delta float64) {
labelsKey := strings.Join(c.c.LabelValues(), ",")
pc, _ := c.counters.LoadOrStore(labelsKey, c)
type pilotGauge struct {
g *generic.Gauge
gauges *sync.Map
func newPilotGauge(name string) *pilotGauge {
return &pilotGauge{
g: generic.NewGauge(name),
gauges: &sync.Map{},
// With returns a new pilotGauge with the given labels.
func (g *pilotGauge) With(labels ...string) metrics.Gauge {
newGauge := g.g.With(labels...).(*generic.Gauge)
return &pilotGauge{
g: newGauge,
gauges: g.gauges,
// Set sets the given value to the gauge.
func (g *pilotGauge) Set(value float64) {
labelsKey := strings.Join(g.g.LabelValues(), ",")
pg, _ := g.gauges.LoadOrStore(labelsKey, g)
// Add adds the given delta to the gauge.
func (g *pilotGauge) Add(delta float64) {
labelsKey := strings.Join(g.g.LabelValues(), ",")
pg, _ := g.gauges.LoadOrStore(labelsKey, g)
type pilotHistogram struct {
name string
labels []string
count *generic.Counter
total *generic.Counter
histograms *sync.Map
func newPilotHistogram(name string) *pilotHistogram {
return &pilotHistogram{
name: name,
labels: make([]string, 0),
count: &generic.Counter{},
total: &generic.Counter{},
histograms: &sync.Map{},
// With returns a new pilotHistogram with the given labels.
func (h *pilotHistogram) With(labels ...string) metrics.Histogram {
var newLabels []string
newLabels = append(newLabels, h.labels...)
newLabels = append(newLabels, labels...)
return &pilotHistogram{
name: h.name,
labels: newLabels,
count: &generic.Counter{},
total: &generic.Counter{},
histograms: h.histograms,
// Observe records a new value into the histogram.
func (h *pilotHistogram) Observe(value float64) {
labelsKey := strings.Join(h.labels, ",")
ph, _ := h.histograms.LoadOrStore(labelsKey, h)
pHisto := ph.(*pilotHistogram)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
package metrics
import (
func TestPilotCounter(t *testing.T) {
rootCounter := newPilotCounter("rootCounter")
// Checks that a counter without labels can be incremented.
assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "", rootCounter)
// Checks that a counter with labels can be incremented.
counterWithLabels := rootCounter.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz")
assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", counterWithLabels)
// Checks that the derived counter value has not changed.
assertPilotCounterValue(t, 1.0, "", rootCounter)
// Checks that an existing counter (with the same labels) can be incremented.
existingCounterWithLabels := rootCounter.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz")
assertPilotCounterValue(t, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingCounterWithLabels)
func assertPilotCounterValue(t *testing.T, expValue float64, labels string, c metrics.Counter) {
counter, ok := c.(*pilotCounter).counters.Load(labels)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, expValue, counter.(*pilotCounter).c.Value())
func TestPilotGauge(t *testing.T) {
rootGauge := newPilotGauge("rootGauge")
// Checks that a gauge without labels can be incremented.
assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 1.0, "", rootGauge)
// Checks that a gauge (without labels) value can be set.
assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 5.0, "", rootGauge)
// Checks that a gauge with labels can be incremented.
gaugeWithLabels := rootGauge.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz")
assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", gaugeWithLabels)
// Checks that the derived gauge value has not changed.
assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 5.0, "", rootGauge)
// Checks that an existing gauge (with the same labels) can be incremented.
existingGaugeWithLabels := rootGauge.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz")
assertPilotGaugeValue(t, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingGaugeWithLabels)
func assertPilotGaugeValue(t *testing.T, expValue float64, labels string, g metrics.Gauge) {
gauge, ok := g.(*pilotGauge).gauges.Load(labels)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, expValue, gauge.(*pilotGauge).g.Value())
func TestPilotHistogram(t *testing.T) {
rootHistogram := newPilotHistogram("rootHistogram")
// Checks that an histogram without labels can be updated.
assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 1.0, 1.0, "", rootHistogram)
assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 3.0, "", rootHistogram)
// Checks that an histogram with labels can be updated.
histogramWithLabels := rootHistogram.With("foo", "bar", "foo", "buz")
assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 1.0, 1.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", histogramWithLabels)
// Checks that the derived histogram has not changed.
assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 3.0, "", rootHistogram)
// Checks that an existing histogram (with the same labels) can be updated.
existingHistogramWithLabels := rootHistogram.With("foo", "bar").With("foo", "buz")
assertPilotHistogramValues(t, 2.0, 2.0, "foo,bar,foo,buz", existingHistogramWithLabels)
func assertPilotHistogramValues(t *testing.T, expCount, expTotal float64, labels string, h metrics.Histogram) {
histogram, ok := h.(*pilotHistogram).histograms.Load(labels)
require.True(t, ok)
assert.Equal(t, expCount, histogram.(*pilotHistogram).count.Value())
assert.Equal(t, expTotal, histogram.(*pilotHistogram).total.Value())
func TestPilotMetrics(t *testing.T) {
pilotRegistry := RegisterPilot()
if !pilotRegistry.IsEpEnabled() || !pilotRegistry.IsSvcEnabled() {
t.Errorf("PilotRegistry should return true for IsEnabled() and IsSvcEnabled()")
With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http").
With("code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http").
With("method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http", "entrypoint", "http").
With("service", "service1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("service", "service1", "code", strconv.Itoa(http.StatusOK), "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("service", "service1", "method", http.MethodGet, "protocol", "http").
With("service", "service1").
With("service", "service1", "url", "").
data := pilotRegistry.Data()
testCases := []struct {
name string
labels map[string]string
assert func(*PilotMetric)
name: pilotConfigReloadsTotalName,
assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotConfigReloadsTotalName, 1),
name: pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName,
assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotConfigReloadsFailuresTotalName, 1),
name: pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName,
assert: buildPilotTimestampAssert(t, pilotConfigLastReloadSuccessName),
name: pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName,
assert: buildPilotTimestampAssert(t, pilotConfigLastReloadFailureName),
name: pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName,
labels: map[string]string{
"code": "200",
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"entrypoint": "http",
assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotEntryPointReqsTotalName, 1),
name: pilotEntryPointReqDurationName,
labels: map[string]string{
"code": "200",
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"entrypoint": "http",
assert: buildPilotHistogramAssert(t, pilotEntryPointReqDurationName, 1),
name: pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName,
labels: map[string]string{
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"entrypoint": "http",
assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotEntryPointOpenConnsName, 1),
name: pilotServiceReqsTotalName,
labels: map[string]string{
"code": "200",
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"service": "service1",
assert: buildPilotCounterAssert(t, pilotServiceReqsTotalName, 1),
name: pilotServiceReqDurationName,
labels: map[string]string{
"code": "200",
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"service": "service1",
assert: buildPilotHistogramAssert(t, pilotServiceReqDurationName, 1),
name: pilotServiceOpenConnsName,
labels: map[string]string{
"method": http.MethodGet,
"protocol": "http",
"service": "service1",
assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotServiceOpenConnsName, 1),
name: pilotServiceRetriesTotalName,
labels: map[string]string{
"service": "service1",
assert: buildPilotGreaterThanCounterAssert(t, pilotServiceRetriesTotalName, 1),
name: pilotServiceServerUpName,
labels: map[string]string{
"service": "service1",
"url": "",
assert: buildPilotGaugeAssert(t, pilotServiceServerUpName, 1),
for _, test := range testCases {
test := test
t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
metric := findPilotMetric(test.name, data)
if metric == nil {
t.Errorf("metrics do not contain %q", test.name)
for labels := range metric.Observations {
if len(labels)%2 == 0 {
splitLabels := strings.Split(labels, ",")
for i := 0; i < len(splitLabels); i += 2 {
label := splitLabels[i]
value := splitLabels[i+1]
val, ok := test.labels[label]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%q metric contains unexpected label %q", test.name, label)
} else if val != value {
t.Errorf("label %q in metric %q has wrong value %q, expected %q", label, test.name, value, val)
func findPilotMetric(name string, metrics []PilotMetric) *PilotMetric {
for _, metric := range metrics {
if metric.Name == name {
return &metric
return nil
func buildPilotCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) {
return func(metric *PilotMetric) {
for _, value := range metric.Observations {
if cv := value.(float64); cv != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want %f", metricName, cv, expectedValue)
func buildPilotGreaterThanCounterAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedMinValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) {
return func(metric *PilotMetric) {
for _, value := range metric.Observations {
if cv := value.(float64); cv < expectedMinValue {
t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want at least %f", metricName, cv, expectedMinValue)
func buildPilotHistogramAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedSampleCount float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) {
return func(metric *PilotMetric) {
for _, value := range metric.Observations {
if pho := value.(*pilotHistogramObservation); pho.Count != expectedSampleCount {
t.Errorf("metric %s has sample count value %f, want %f", metricName, pho, expectedSampleCount)
func buildPilotGaugeAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string, expectedValue float64) func(metric *PilotMetric) {
return func(metric *PilotMetric) {
for _, value := range metric.Observations {
if gv := value.(float64); gv != expectedValue {
t.Errorf("metric %s has value %f, want %f", metricName, gv, expectedValue)
func buildPilotTimestampAssert(t *testing.T, metricName string) func(metric *PilotMetric) {
return func(metric *PilotMetric) {
for _, value := range metric.Observations {
if ts := time.Unix(int64(value.(float64)), 0); time.Since(ts) > time.Minute {
t.Errorf("metric %s has wrong timestamp %v", metricName, ts)
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import (
@ -44,10 +45,11 @@ type serviceInfoRepresentation struct {
type instanceInfo struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Configuration RunTimeRepresentation `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
Metrics []metrics.PilotMetric `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
// New creates a new Pilot.
func New(token string, pool *safe.Pool) *Pilot {
func New(token string, metricsRegistry *metrics.PilotRegistry, pool *safe.Pool) *Pilot {
return &Pilot{
rtConfChan: make(chan *runtime.Configuration),
client: &client{
@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ func New(token string, pool *safe.Pool) *Pilot {
httpClient: &http.Client{Timeout: 5 * time.Second},
baseURL: baseURL,
routinesPool: pool,
routinesPool: pool,
metricsRegistry: metricsRegistry,
@ -64,8 +67,9 @@ type Pilot struct {
routinesPool *safe.Pool
client *client
rtConf *runtime.Configuration
rtConfChan chan *runtime.Configuration
rtConf *runtime.Configuration
rtConfChan chan *runtime.Configuration
metricsRegistry *metrics.PilotRegistry
// SetRuntimeConfiguration stores the runtime configuration.
@ -99,8 +103,8 @@ func (p *Pilot) getRepresentation() RunTimeRepresentation {
return result
func (p *Pilot) sendData(ctx context.Context, conf RunTimeRepresentation) {
err := p.client.SendData(ctx, conf)
func (p *Pilot) sendData(ctx context.Context, conf RunTimeRepresentation, pilotMetrics []metrics.PilotMetric) {
err := p.client.SendData(ctx, conf, pilotMetrics)
if err != nil {
@ -117,9 +121,10 @@ func (p *Pilot) Tick(ctx context.Context) {
conf := p.getRepresentation()
pilotMetrics := p.metricsRegistry.Data()
p.routinesPool.GoCtx(func(ctxRt context.Context) {
p.sendData(ctxRt, conf)
p.sendData(ctxRt, conf, pilotMetrics)
ticker := time.NewTicker(pilotTimer)
@ -129,9 +134,10 @@ func (p *Pilot) Tick(ctx context.Context) {
log.WithoutContext().Debugf("Send to pilot: %s", tick)
conf := p.getRepresentation()
pilotMetrics := p.metricsRegistry.Data()
p.routinesPool.GoCtx(func(ctxRt context.Context) {
p.sendData(ctxRt, conf)
p.sendData(ctxRt, conf, pilotMetrics)
case rtConf := <-p.rtConfChan:
p.rtConf = rtConf
@ -184,13 +190,13 @@ func (c *client) createUUID() (string, error) {
// SendData sends data to Pilot.
func (c *client) SendData(ctx context.Context, rtConf RunTimeRepresentation) error {
func (c *client) SendData(ctx context.Context, rtConf RunTimeRepresentation, pilotMetrics []metrics.PilotMetric) error {
exponentialBackOff := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
exponentialBackOff.MaxElapsedTime = maxElapsedTime
return backoff.RetryNotify(
func() error {
return c.sendData(rtConf)
return c.sendData(rtConf, pilotMetrics)
backoff.WithContext(exponentialBackOff, ctx),
func(err error, duration time.Duration) {
@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ func (c *client) SendData(ctx context.Context, rtConf RunTimeRepresentation) err
func (c *client) sendData(_ RunTimeRepresentation) error {
func (c *client) sendData(_ RunTimeRepresentation, pilotMetrics []metrics.PilotMetric) error {
if len(c.uuid) == 0 {
var err error
c.uuid, err = c.createUUID()
@ -210,7 +216,8 @@ func (c *client) sendData(_ RunTimeRepresentation) error {
info := instanceInfo{
ID: c.uuid,
ID: c.uuid,
Metrics: pilotMetrics,
b, err := json.Marshal(info)
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ func TestTick(t *testing.T) {
receivedConfig <- true
pilot := New("token", safe.NewPool(context.Background()))
pilot := New("token", metrics.RegisterPilot(), safe.NewPool(context.Background()))
pilot.client.baseURL = server.URL
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
@ -118,6 +119,6 @@ func TestClient_SendConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
token: myToken,
err := client.SendData(context.Background(), RunTimeRepresentation{})
err := client.SendData(context.Background(), RunTimeRepresentation{}, []metrics.PilotMetric{})
require.NoError(t, err)
Add table
Reference in a new issue