Entrypoints are part of the [static configuration](../getting-started/configuration-overview.md#the-static-configuration). You can define them using a toml file, CLI arguments, or a key-value store. See the [complete reference](../reference/entrypoints.md) for the list of available options.
??? example "Using the CLI"
Here is an example of using the CLI to define `entrypoints`:
--entryPoints='Name:http Address::80'
--entryPoints='Name:https Address::443 TLS'
!!! note
The whitespace character (` `) is the option separator, and the comma (`,`) is the value separator for lists.
The option names are case-insensitive.
!!! warning "Using Docker Compose Files"
The syntax for passing arguments inside a docker compose file is a little different. Here are two examples.
IPs in `trustedIPs` only will lead to remote client address replacement: Declare load-balancer IPs or CIDR range here.
??? example "Insecure Mode -- Testing Environnement Only"
In a test environments, you can configure Traefik to trust every incomming connection. Doing so, every remote client address will be replaced (`trustedIPs` won't have any effect)