This functionality will be released in a future version of the [sfctl]( tool.
## Available Labels
Labels, set through extensions or the property manager, can be used on services to override default behaviour.
| `traefik.backend.maxconn.amount=10` | Set a maximum number of connections to the backend.<br>Must be used in conjunction with the below label to take effect. |
| `traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc=client.ip` | Set the function to be used against the request to determine what to limit maximum connections to the backend by.<br>Must be used in conjunction with the above label to take effect. |
| `traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https` | Assign this frontend to entry points `http` and `https`. Overrides `defaultEntryPoints` |
| `traefik.frontend.auth.basic=EXPR` | Set basic authentication for that frontend in CSV format: `User:Hash,User:Hash` |
| `traefik.frontend.whitelistSourceRange:RANGE` | List of IP-Ranges which are allowed to access. An unset or empty list allows all Source-IPs to access.<br>If one of the Net-Specifications are invalid, the whole list is invalid and allows all Source-IPs to access. |
| `` | Group all services with the same name into a single backend in Træfik |
| `` | Set the weighting of the current services nodes in the backend group |