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2017-02-07 22:33:23 +01:00
Copyright 2014 Rohith All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package marathon
import (
// Marathon is the interface to the marathon API
type Marathon interface {
// get a listing of the application ids
ListApplications(url.Values) ([]string, error)
// a list of application versions
ApplicationVersions(name string) (*ApplicationVersions, error)
// check a application version exists
HasApplicationVersion(name, version string) (bool, error)
// change an application to a different version
SetApplicationVersion(name string, version *ApplicationVersion) (*DeploymentID, error)
// check if an application is ok
ApplicationOK(name string) (bool, error)
// create an application in marathon
CreateApplication(application *Application) (*Application, error)
// delete an application
DeleteApplication(name string) (*DeploymentID, error)
// update an application in marathon
UpdateApplication(application *Application, force bool) (*DeploymentID, error)
// a list of deployments on a application
ApplicationDeployments(name string) ([]*DeploymentID, error)
// scale a application
ScaleApplicationInstances(name string, instances int, force bool) (*DeploymentID, error)
// restart an application
RestartApplication(name string, force bool) (*DeploymentID, error)
// get a list of applications from marathon
Applications(url.Values) (*Applications, error)
// get an application by name
Application(name string) (*Application, error)
// get an application by name and version
ApplicationByVersion(name, version string) (*Application, error)
// wait of application
WaitOnApplication(name string, timeout time.Duration) error
// -- TASKS ---
// get a list of tasks for a specific application
Tasks(application string) (*Tasks, error)
// get a list of all tasks
AllTasks(opts *AllTasksOpts) (*Tasks, error)
// get the endpoints for a service on a application
TaskEndpoints(name string, port int, healthCheck bool) ([]string, error)
// kill all the tasks for any application
KillApplicationTasks(applicationID string, opts *KillApplicationTasksOpts) (*Tasks, error)
// kill a single task
KillTask(taskID string, opts *KillTaskOpts) (*Task, error)
// kill the given array of tasks
KillTasks(taskIDs []string, opts *KillTaskOpts) error
// --- GROUPS ---
// list all the groups in the system
Groups() (*Groups, error)
// retrieve a specific group from marathon
Group(name string) (*Group, error)
// create a group deployment
CreateGroup(group *Group) error
// delete a group
DeleteGroup(name string) (*DeploymentID, error)
// update a groups
UpdateGroup(id string, group *Group) (*DeploymentID, error)
// check if a group exists
HasGroup(name string) (bool, error)
// wait for an group to be deployed
WaitOnGroup(name string, timeout time.Duration) error
// --- DEPLOYMENTS ---
// get a list of the deployments
Deployments() ([]*Deployment, error)
// delete a deployment
DeleteDeployment(id string, force bool) (*DeploymentID, error)
// check to see if a deployment exists
HasDeployment(id string) (bool, error)
// wait of a deployment to finish
WaitOnDeployment(id string, timeout time.Duration) error
// a list of current subscriptions
Subscriptions() (*Subscriptions, error)
// add a events listener
AddEventsListener(channel EventsChannel, filter int) error
// remove a events listener
RemoveEventsListener(channel EventsChannel)
// remove our self from subscriptions
Unsubscribe(string) error
// --- MISC ---
// get the marathon url
GetMarathonURL() string
// ping the marathon
Ping() (bool, error)
// grab the marathon server info
Info() (*Info, error)
// retrieve the leader info
Leader() (string, error)
// cause the current leader to abdicate
AbdicateLeader() (string, error)
var (
// ErrInvalidEndpoint is thrown when the marathon url specified was invalid
ErrInvalidEndpoint = errors.New("invalid Marathon endpoint specified")
// ErrInvalidResponse is thrown when marathon responds with invalid or error response
ErrInvalidResponse = errors.New("invalid response from Marathon")
// ErrMarathonDown is thrown when all the marathon endpoints are down
ErrMarathonDown = errors.New("all the Marathon hosts are presently down")
// ErrTimeoutError is thrown when the operation has timed out
ErrTimeoutError = errors.New("the operation has timed out")
type marathonClient struct {
// the configuration for the client
config Config
// the flag used to prevent multiple SSE subscriptions
subscribedToSSE bool
// the ip address of the client
ipAddress string
// the http server
eventsHTTP *http.Server
// the http client use for making requests
httpClient *http.Client
// the marathon cluster
cluster Cluster
// a map of service you wish to listen to
listeners map[EventsChannel]int
// a custom logger for debug log messages
debugLog *log.Logger
// NewClient creates a new marathon client
// config: the configuration to use
func NewClient(config Config) (Marathon, error) {
// step: if no http client, set to default
if config.HTTPClient == nil {
config.HTTPClient = http.DefaultClient
// step: create a new cluster
cluster, err := newCluster(config.HTTPClient, config.URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
debugLogOutput := config.LogOutput
if debugLogOutput == nil {
debugLogOutput = ioutil.Discard
return &marathonClient{
config: config,
listeners: make(map[EventsChannel]int, 0),
cluster: cluster,
httpClient: config.HTTPClient,
debugLog: log.New(debugLogOutput, "", 0),
}, nil
// GetMarathonURL retrieves the marathon url
func (r *marathonClient) GetMarathonURL() string {
return r.cluster.URL()
// Ping pings the current marathon endpoint (note, this is not a ICMP ping, but a rest api call)
func (r *marathonClient) Ping() (bool, error) {
if err := r.apiGet(marathonAPIPing, nil, nil); err != nil {
return false, err
return true, nil
func (r *marathonClient) apiGet(uri string, post, result interface{}) error {
return r.apiCall("GET", uri, post, result)
func (r *marathonClient) apiPut(uri string, post, result interface{}) error {
return r.apiCall("PUT", uri, post, result)
func (r *marathonClient) apiPost(uri string, post, result interface{}) error {
return r.apiCall("POST", uri, post, result)
func (r *marathonClient) apiDelete(uri string, post, result interface{}) error {
return r.apiCall("DELETE", uri, post, result)
func (r *marathonClient) apiCall(method, uri string, body, result interface{}) error {
// Get a member from the cluster
marathon, err := r.cluster.GetMember()
if err != nil {
return err
var url string
if r.config.DCOSToken != "" {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", marathon+"/marathon", uri)
} else {
url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", marathon, uri)
var jsonBody []byte
if body != nil {
jsonBody, err = json.Marshal(body)
if err != nil {
return err
// step: create an API request
request, err := r.apiRequest(method, url, bytes.NewReader(jsonBody))
if err != nil {
return err
response, err := r.httpClient.Do(request)
if err != nil {
return err
defer response.Body.Close()
respBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(jsonBody) > 0 {
r.debugLog.Printf("apiCall(): %v %v %s returned %v %s\n", request.Method, request.URL.String(), jsonBody, response.Status, oneLogLine(respBody))
} else {
r.debugLog.Printf("apiCall(): %v %v returned %v %s\n", request.Method, request.URL.String(), response.Status, oneLogLine(respBody))
if response.StatusCode >= 200 && response.StatusCode <= 299 {
if result != nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(respBody, result); err != nil {
r.debugLog.Printf("apiCall(): failed to unmarshall the response from marathon, error: %s\n", err)
return ErrInvalidResponse
return nil
return NewAPIError(response.StatusCode, respBody)
// apiRequest creates a default API request
func (r *marathonClient) apiRequest(method, url string, reader io.Reader) (*http.Request, error) {
// Make the http request to Marathon
request, err := http.NewRequest(method, url, reader)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add any basic auth and the content headers
if r.config.HTTPBasicAuthUser != "" && r.config.HTTPBasicPassword != "" {
request.SetBasicAuth(r.config.HTTPBasicAuthUser, r.config.HTTPBasicPassword)
if r.config.DCOSToken != "" {
request.Header.Add("Authorization", "token="+r.config.DCOSToken)
request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
request.Header.Add("Accept", "application/json")
return request, nil
var oneLogLineRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^\s*`)
// oneLogLine removes indentation at the beginning of each line and
// escapes new line characters.
func oneLogLine(in []byte) []byte {
return bytes.Replace(oneLogLineRegex.ReplaceAll(in, nil), []byte("\n"), []byte("\\n "), -1)