The circuit breaker protects your system from stacking requests to unhealthy services (resulting in cascading failures).
When your system is healthy, the circuit is close (normal operations).
When your system becomes unhealthy, the circuit becomes open and the requests are no longer forwarded (but handled by a fallback mechanism).
To assess if your system is healthy, the circuit breaker constantly monitors the services.
!!! Note
- The CircuitBreaker only analyses what happens _after_ it is positioned in the middleware chain. What happens _before_ has no impact on its state.
- The CircuitBreaker only affects the routers that use it. Routers that don't use the CircuitBreaker won't be affected by its state.
!!! important
Each router will eventually gets its own instance of a given circuit breaker. If two different routers refer to the same circuit breaker definition, they will get one instance each. It means that one circuit breaker can be open while the other stays close: their state is not shared. This is the expected behavior, we want you to be able to define what makes a service healthy without having to declare a circuit breaker for each route.
You can specify an `expression` that, once matched, will trigger the circuit breaker (and apply the fallback mechanism instead of calling your services).
The `expression` can check three different metrics:
- The network error ratio (`NetworkErrorRatio`)
- The status code ratio (`ResponseCodeRatio`)
- The latency at quantile, in milliseconds (`LatencyAtQuantileMS`)
You can trigger the circuit breaker based on the ratio of a given range of status codes.
The `ResponseCodeRatio` accepts four parameters, `from`, `to`, `dividedByFrom`, `dividedByTo`.
The operation that will be computed is sum(`to` -> `from`) / sum (`dividedByFrom` -> `dividedByTo`).
!!! Note
If sum (`dividedByFrom` -> `dividedByTo`) equals 0, then `ResponseCodeRatio` returns 0.
`from`is inclusive, `to` is exclusive.
For example, the expression `ResponseCodeRatio(500, 600, 0, 600) > 0.25` will trigger the circuit breaker if 25% of the requests returned a 5XX status (amongst the request that returned a status code from 0 to 5XX).
For example, `ResponseCodeRatio(500, 600, 0, 600) > 0.30 || NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.10` triggers the circuit breaker when 30% of the requests return a 5XX status code, or when the ratio of network errors reaches 10%.
#### Operators
Here is the list of supported operators:
- Greater than (`>`)
- Greater or equal than (`>=`)
- Lesser than (`<`)
- Lesser or equal than (`<=`)
- Not (`!`)
- Equal (`==`)
- Not Equal (`!=`)
### Fallback mechanism
The fallback mechanism returns a `HTTP 503 Service Unavailable` to the client (instead of calling the target service). This behavior cannot be configured.
The interval used to evaluate `expression` and decide if the state of the circuit breaker must change. By default, `CheckPeriod` is 100Ms. This value cannot be configured.