2017-07-06 16:28:13 +02:00
package project
import (
2018-01-22 12:16:03 +01:00
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
2017-07-06 16:28:13 +02:00
// ComposeVersion is name of docker-compose.yml file syntax supported version
const ComposeVersion = "1.5.0"
type wrapperAction func(*serviceWrapper, map[string]*serviceWrapper)
type serviceAction func(service Service) error
// Project holds libcompose project information.
type Project struct {
Name string
ServiceConfigs *config.ServiceConfigs
VolumeConfigs map[string]*config.VolumeConfig
NetworkConfigs map[string]*config.NetworkConfig
Files []string
ReloadCallback func() error
ParseOptions *config.ParseOptions
runtime RuntimeProject
networks Networks
volumes Volumes
configVersion string
context *Context
reload []string
upCount int
listeners []chan<- events.Event
hasListeners bool
// NewProject creates a new project with the specified context.
func NewProject(context *Context, runtime RuntimeProject, parseOptions *config.ParseOptions) *Project {
p := &Project{
context: context,
runtime: runtime,
ParseOptions: parseOptions,
ServiceConfigs: config.NewServiceConfigs(),
VolumeConfigs: make(map[string]*config.VolumeConfig),
NetworkConfigs: make(map[string]*config.NetworkConfig),
if context.LoggerFactory == nil {
context.LoggerFactory = &logger.NullLogger{}
if context.ResourceLookup == nil {
context.ResourceLookup = &lookup.FileResourceLookup{}
if context.EnvironmentLookup == nil {
var envPath, absPath, cwd string
var err error
if len(context.ComposeFiles) > 0 {
absPath, err = filepath.Abs(context.ComposeFiles[0])
dir, _ := path.Split(absPath)
envPath = filepath.Join(dir, ".env")
} else {
cwd, err = os.Getwd()
envPath = filepath.Join(cwd, ".env")
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not get the rooted path name to the current directory: %v", err)
return nil
context.EnvironmentLookup = &lookup.ComposableEnvLookup{
Lookups: []config.EnvironmentLookup{
Path: envPath,
context.Project = p
p.listeners = []chan<- events.Event{NewDefaultListener(p)}
return p
// Parse populates project information based on its context. It sets up the name,
// the composefile and the composebytes (the composefile content).
func (p *Project) Parse() error {
err := p.context.open()
if err != nil {
return err
p.Name = p.context.ProjectName
p.Files = p.context.ComposeFiles
if len(p.Files) == 1 && p.Files[0] == "-" {
p.Files = []string{"."}
if p.context.ComposeBytes != nil {
for i, composeBytes := range p.context.ComposeBytes {
file := ""
if i < len(p.context.ComposeFiles) {
file = p.Files[i]
if err := p.load(file, composeBytes); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateService creates a service with the specified name based. If there
// is no config in the project for this service, it will return an error.
func (p *Project) CreateService(name string) (Service, error) {
existing, ok := p.GetServiceConfig(name)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to find service: %s", name)
// Copy because we are about to modify the environment
config := *existing
if p.context.EnvironmentLookup != nil {
parsedEnv := make([]string, 0, len(config.Environment))
for _, env := range config.Environment {
parts := strings.SplitN(env, "=", 2)
if len(parts) > 1 {
parsedEnv = append(parsedEnv, env)
} else {
env = parts[0]
for _, value := range p.context.EnvironmentLookup.Lookup(env, &config) {
parsedEnv = append(parsedEnv, value)
config.Environment = parsedEnv
// check the environment for extra build Args that are set but not given a value in the compose file
for arg, value := range config.Build.Args {
if *value == "\x00" {
envValue := p.context.EnvironmentLookup.Lookup(arg, &config)
// depending on what we get back we do different things
switch l := len(envValue); l {
case 0:
delete(config.Build.Args, arg)
case 1:
parts := strings.SplitN(envValue[0], "=", 2)
config.Build.Args[parts[0]] = &parts[1]
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tried to set Build Arg %#v to multi-value %#v", arg, envValue)
return p.context.ServiceFactory.Create(p, name, &config)
// AddConfig adds the specified service config for the specified name.
func (p *Project) AddConfig(name string, config *config.ServiceConfig) error {
p.Notify(events.ServiceAdd, name, nil)
p.ServiceConfigs.Add(name, config)
p.reload = append(p.reload, name)
return nil
// AddVolumeConfig adds the specified volume config for the specified name.
func (p *Project) AddVolumeConfig(name string, config *config.VolumeConfig) error {
p.Notify(events.VolumeAdd, name, nil)
p.VolumeConfigs[name] = config
return nil
// AddNetworkConfig adds the specified network config for the specified name.
func (p *Project) AddNetworkConfig(name string, config *config.NetworkConfig) error {
p.Notify(events.NetworkAdd, name, nil)
p.NetworkConfigs[name] = config
return nil
// Load loads the specified byte array (the composefile content) and adds the
// service configuration to the project.
// FIXME is it needed ?
func (p *Project) Load(bytes []byte) error {
return p.load("", bytes)
func (p *Project) load(file string, bytes []byte) error {
version, serviceConfigs, volumeConfigs, networkConfigs, err := config.Merge(p.ServiceConfigs, p.context.EnvironmentLookup, p.context.ResourceLookup, file, bytes, p.ParseOptions)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Could not parse config for project %s : %v", p.Name, err)
return err
p.configVersion = version
for name, config := range volumeConfigs {
err := p.AddVolumeConfig(name, config)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, config := range networkConfigs {
err := p.AddNetworkConfig(name, config)
if err != nil {
return err
for name, config := range serviceConfigs {
err := p.AddConfig(name, config)
if err != nil {
return err
// Update network configuration a little bit
if p.context.NetworksFactory != nil {
networks, err := p.context.NetworksFactory.Create(p.Name, p.NetworkConfigs, p.ServiceConfigs, p.isNetworkEnabled())
if err != nil {
return err
p.networks = networks
if p.context.VolumesFactory != nil {
volumes, err := p.context.VolumesFactory.Create(p.Name, p.VolumeConfigs, p.ServiceConfigs, p.isVolumeEnabled())
if err != nil {
return err
p.volumes = volumes
return nil
func (p *Project) handleNetworkConfig() {
if p.isNetworkEnabled() {
for _, serviceName := range p.ServiceConfigs.Keys() {
serviceConfig, _ := p.ServiceConfigs.Get(serviceName)
if serviceConfig.NetworkMode != "" {
if serviceConfig.Networks == nil || len(serviceConfig.Networks.Networks) == 0 {
// Add default as network
serviceConfig.Networks = &yaml.Networks{
Networks: []*yaml.Network{
Name: "default",
RealName: fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", p.Name, "default"),
p.AddNetworkConfig("default", &config.NetworkConfig{})
// Consolidate the name of the network
// FIXME(vdemeester) probably shouldn't be there, maybe move that to interface/factory
for _, network := range serviceConfig.Networks.Networks {
net, ok := p.NetworkConfigs[network.Name]
if ok && net != nil {
if net.External.External {
network.RealName = network.Name
if net.External.Name != "" {
network.RealName = net.External.Name
} else {
network.RealName = p.Name + "_" + network.Name
} else {
network.RealName = p.Name + "_" + network.Name
p.NetworkConfigs[network.Name] = &config.NetworkConfig{
External: yaml.External{External: false},
// Ignoring if we don't find the network, it will be catched later
func (p *Project) isNetworkEnabled() bool {
return p.configVersion == "2"
func (p *Project) handleVolumeConfig() {
if p.isVolumeEnabled() {
for _, serviceName := range p.ServiceConfigs.Keys() {
serviceConfig, _ := p.ServiceConfigs.Get(serviceName)
// Consolidate the name of the volume
// FIXME(vdemeester) probably shouldn't be there, maybe move that to interface/factory
if serviceConfig.Volumes == nil {
for _, volume := range serviceConfig.Volumes.Volumes {
if !IsNamedVolume(volume.Source) {
vol, ok := p.VolumeConfigs[volume.Source]
if !ok || vol == nil {
if vol.External.External {
if vol.External.Name != "" {
volume.Source = vol.External.Name
} else {
volume.Source = p.Name + "_" + volume.Source
func (p *Project) isVolumeEnabled() bool {
return p.configVersion == "2"
// initialize sets up required element for project before any action (on project and service).
// This means it's not needed to be called on Config for example.
func (p *Project) initialize(ctx context.Context) error {
if p.networks != nil {
if err := p.networks.Initialize(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if p.volumes != nil {
if err := p.volumes.Initialize(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (p *Project) loadWrappers(wrappers map[string]*serviceWrapper, servicesToConstruct []string) error {
for _, name := range servicesToConstruct {
wrapper, err := newServiceWrapper(name, p)
if err != nil {
return err
wrappers[name] = wrapper
return nil
func (p *Project) perform(start, done events.EventType, services []string, action wrapperAction, cycleAction serviceAction) error {
p.Notify(start, "", nil)
err := p.forEach(services, action, cycleAction)
p.Notify(done, "", nil)
return err
func isSelected(wrapper *serviceWrapper, selected map[string]bool) bool {
return len(selected) == 0 || selected[wrapper.name]
func (p *Project) forEach(services []string, action wrapperAction, cycleAction serviceAction) error {
selected := make(map[string]bool)
wrappers := make(map[string]*serviceWrapper)
for _, s := range services {
selected[s] = true
return p.traverse(true, selected, wrappers, action, cycleAction)
func (p *Project) startService(wrappers map[string]*serviceWrapper, history []string, selected, launched map[string]bool, wrapper *serviceWrapper, action wrapperAction, cycleAction serviceAction) error {
if launched[wrapper.name] {
return nil
launched[wrapper.name] = true
history = append(history, wrapper.name)
for _, dep := range wrapper.service.DependentServices() {
target := wrappers[dep.Target]
if target == nil {
log.Debugf("Failed to find %s", dep.Target)
return fmt.Errorf("Service '%s' has a link to service '%s' which is undefined", wrapper.name, dep.Target)
if utils.Contains(history, dep.Target) {
cycle := strings.Join(append(history, dep.Target), "->")
if dep.Optional {
log.Debugf("Ignoring cycle for %s", cycle)
if cycleAction != nil {
var err error
log.Debugf("Running cycle action for %s", cycle)
err = cycleAction(target.service)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Cycle detected in path %s", cycle)
err := p.startService(wrappers, history, selected, launched, target, action, cycleAction)
if err != nil {
return err
if isSelected(wrapper, selected) {
log.Debugf("Launching action for %s", wrapper.name)
go action(wrapper, wrappers)
} else {
return nil
func (p *Project) traverse(start bool, selected map[string]bool, wrappers map[string]*serviceWrapper, action wrapperAction, cycleAction serviceAction) error {
restart := false
wrapperList := []string{}
if start {
for _, name := range p.ServiceConfigs.Keys() {
wrapperList = append(wrapperList, name)
} else {
for _, wrapper := range wrappers {
if err := wrapper.Reset(); err != nil {
return err
wrapperList = p.reload
p.loadWrappers(wrappers, wrapperList)
p.reload = []string{}
// check service name
for s := range selected {
if wrappers[s] == nil {
return errors.New("No such service: " + s)
launched := map[string]bool{}
for _, wrapper := range wrappers {
if err := p.startService(wrappers, []string{}, selected, launched, wrapper, action, cycleAction); err != nil {
return err
var firstError error
for _, wrapper := range wrappers {
if !isSelected(wrapper, selected) {
if err := wrapper.Wait(); err == ErrRestart {
restart = true
} else if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to start: %s : %v", wrapper.name, err)
if firstError == nil {
firstError = err
if restart {
if p.ReloadCallback != nil {
if err := p.ReloadCallback(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed calling callback: %v", err)
return p.traverse(false, selected, wrappers, action, cycleAction)
return firstError
// AddListener adds the specified listener to the project.
// This implements implicitly events.Emitter.
func (p *Project) AddListener(c chan<- events.Event) {
if !p.hasListeners {
for _, l := range p.listeners {
p.hasListeners = true
p.listeners = []chan<- events.Event{c}
} else {
p.listeners = append(p.listeners, c)
// Notify notifies all project listener with the specified eventType, service name and datas.
// This implements implicitly events.Notifier interface.
func (p *Project) Notify(eventType events.EventType, serviceName string, data map[string]string) {
if eventType == events.NoEvent {
event := events.Event{
EventType: eventType,
ServiceName: serviceName,
Data: data,
for _, l := range p.listeners {
l <- event
// GetServiceConfig looks up a service config for a given service name, returning the ServiceConfig
// object and a bool flag indicating whether it was found
func (p *Project) GetServiceConfig(name string) (*config.ServiceConfig, bool) {
return p.ServiceConfigs.Get(name)
// IsNamedVolume returns whether the specified volume (string) is a named volume or not.
func IsNamedVolume(volume string) bool {
return !strings.HasPrefix(volume, ".") && !strings.HasPrefix(volume, "/") && !strings.HasPrefix(volume, "~")