You need either [Docker]( and `make` (Method 1), or `go` (Method 2) in order to build traefik. For changes to its dependencies, the `glide` dependency management tool and `glide-vc` plugin are required.
- It is recommended you clone Træfik into a directory like `~/go/src/` (This is the official golang workspace hierarchy, and will allow dependencies to resolve properly)
- Set your `GOPATH` and `PATH` variable to be set to `~/go` via:
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
> Note: You will want to add those 2 export lines to your `.bashrc` or `.bash_profile`
- Verify your environment is setup properly by running `$ go env`. Depending on your OS and environment you should see output similar to:
## more go env's will be listed
###### Build Træfik
Once your environment is set up and the Træfik repository cloned you can build Træfik. You need get `go-bindata` once to be able to use `go generate` command as part of the build. The steps to build are:
If you want to add a dependency, use `$ glide get` to have glide put it into the vendor folder and update the glide manifest/lock files (`glide.yaml` and `glide.lock`, respectively). A following `glide-vc` run should be triggered to trim down the size of the vendor folder. The final result must be committed into VCS.
Care must be taken to choose the right arguments to `glide` when dealing with dependencies, or otherwise risk ending up with a broken build. For that reason, the helper script `script/` encapsulates the gory details and conveniently calls `glide-vc` as well. Call it without parameters for basic usage instructions.
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