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package gateway
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
ktypes ""
gatev1 ""
gatev1alpha2 ""
func (p *Provider) loadTCPRoutes(ctx context.Context, client Client, gatewayListeners []gatewayListener, conf *dynamic.Configuration) {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx)
routes, err := client.ListTCPRoutes()
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msgf("Unable to list TCPRoutes")
for _, route := range routes {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx).With().Str("tcproute", route.Name).Str("namespace", route.Namespace).Logger()
var parentStatuses []gatev1alpha2.RouteParentStatus
for _, parentRef := range route.Spec.ParentRefs {
parentStatus := &gatev1alpha2.RouteParentStatus{
ParentRef: parentRef,
ControllerName: controllerName,
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionAccepted),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonNoMatchingParent),
for _, listener := range gatewayListeners {
if !matchListener(listener, route.Namespace, parentRef) {
accepted := true
if !allowRoute(listener, route.Namespace, kindTCPRoute) {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonNotAllowedByListeners))
accepted = false
if accepted {
// only consider the route attached if the listener is in an "attached" state.
if listener.Attached {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonAccepted))
routeConf, resolveRefCondition := p.loadTCPRoute(client, listener, route)
if accepted && listener.Attached {
mergeTCPConfiguration(routeConf, conf)
parentStatus.Conditions = upsertRouteConditionResolvedRefs(parentStatus.Conditions, resolveRefCondition)
parentStatuses = append(parentStatuses, *parentStatus)
routeStatus := gatev1alpha2.TCPRouteStatus{
RouteStatus: gatev1alpha2.RouteStatus{
Parents: parentStatuses,
if err := client.UpdateTCPRouteStatus(ctx, ktypes.NamespacedName{Namespace: route.Namespace, Name: route.Name}, routeStatus); err != nil {
Msg("Unable to update TCPRoute status")
func (p *Provider) loadTCPRoute(client Client, listener gatewayListener, route *gatev1alpha2.TCPRoute) (*dynamic.Configuration, metav1.Condition) {
routeConf := &dynamic.Configuration{
TCP: &dynamic.TCPConfiguration{
Routers: make(map[string]*dynamic.TCPRouter),
Middlewares: make(map[string]*dynamic.TCPMiddleware),
Services: make(map[string]*dynamic.TCPService),
ServersTransports: make(map[string]*dynamic.TCPServersTransport),
routeCondition := metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionTrue,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
router := dynamic.TCPRouter{
Rule: "HostSNI(`*`)",
EntryPoints: []string{listener.EPName},
RuleSyntax: "v3",
if listener.Protocol == gatev1.TLSProtocolType && listener.TLS != nil {
// TODO support let's encrypt
router.TLS = &dynamic.RouterTCPTLSConfig{
Passthrough: listener.TLS.Mode != nil && *listener.TLS.Mode == gatev1.TLSModePassthrough,
// Adding the gateway desc and the entryPoint desc prevents overlapping of routers build from the same routes.
routerName := route.Name + "-" + listener.GWName + "-" + listener.EPName
routerKey := provider.Normalize(makeRouterKey("", makeID(route.Namespace, routerName)))
var ruleServiceNames []string
for i, rule := range route.Spec.Rules {
if rule.BackendRefs == nil {
// Should not happen due to validation.
wrrService, subServices, err := loadTCPServices(client, route.Namespace, rule.BackendRefs)
if err != nil {
return routeConf, metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonBackendNotFound),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load TCPRoute service %s/%s: %v", route.Namespace, route.Name, err),
for svcName, svc := range subServices {
routeConf.TCP.Services[svcName] = svc
serviceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-wrr-%d", routerKey, i)
routeConf.TCP.Services[serviceName] = wrrService
ruleServiceNames = append(ruleServiceNames, serviceName)
if len(ruleServiceNames) == 1 {
router.Service = ruleServiceNames[0]
routeConf.TCP.Routers[routerKey] = &router
return routeConf, routeCondition
routeServiceKey := routerKey + "-wrr"
routeService := &dynamic.TCPService{Weighted: &dynamic.TCPWeightedRoundRobin{}}
for _, name := range ruleServiceNames {
service := dynamic.TCPWRRService{Name: name}
routeService.Weighted.Services = append(routeService.Weighted.Services, service)
routeConf.TCP.Services[routeServiceKey] = routeService
router.Service = routeServiceKey
routeConf.TCP.Routers[routerKey] = &router
return routeConf, routeCondition
// loadTCPServices is generating a WRR service, even when there is only one target.
func loadTCPServices(client Client, namespace string, backendRefs []gatev1.BackendRef) (*dynamic.TCPService, map[string]*dynamic.TCPService, error) {
services := map[string]*dynamic.TCPService{}
wrrSvc := &dynamic.TCPService{
Weighted: &dynamic.TCPWeightedRoundRobin{
Services: []dynamic.TCPWRRService{},
for _, backendRef := range backendRefs {
if backendRef.Group == nil || backendRef.Kind == nil {
// Should not happen as this is validated by kubernetes
if isInternalService(backendRef) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("traefik internal service %s is not allowed in a WRR loadbalancer", backendRef.Name)
weight := int(ptr.Deref(backendRef.Weight, 1))
if isTraefikService(backendRef) {
wrrSvc.Weighted.Services = append(wrrSvc.Weighted.Services, dynamic.TCPWRRService{Name: string(backendRef.Name), Weight: &weight})
if *backendRef.Group != "" && *backendRef.Group != groupCore && *backendRef.Kind != "Service" {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported BackendRef %s/%s/%s", *backendRef.Group, *backendRef.Kind, backendRef.Name)
svc := dynamic.TCPService{
LoadBalancer: &dynamic.TCPServersLoadBalancer{},
service, exists, err := client.GetService(namespace, string(backendRef.Name))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if !exists {
return nil, nil, errors.New("service not found")
if len(service.Spec.Ports) > 1 && backendRef.Port == nil {
// If the port is unspecified and the backend is a Service
// object consisting of multiple port definitions, the route
// must be dropped from the Gateway. The controller should
// raise the "ResolvedRefs" condition on the Gateway with the
// "DroppedRoutes" reason. The gateway status for this route
// should be updated with a condition that describes the error
// more specifically.
log.Error().Msg("A multiple ports Kubernetes Service cannot be used if unspecified backendRef.Port")
var portSpec corev1.ServicePort
var match bool
for _, p := range service.Spec.Ports {
if backendRef.Port == nil || p.Port == int32(*backendRef.Port) {
portSpec = p
match = true
if !match {
return nil, nil, errors.New("service port not found")
endpoints, endpointsExists, endpointsErr := client.GetEndpoints(namespace, string(backendRef.Name))
if endpointsErr != nil {
return nil, nil, endpointsErr
if !endpointsExists {
return nil, nil, errors.New("endpoints not found")
if len(endpoints.Subsets) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("subset not found")
var port int32
var portStr string
for _, subset := range endpoints.Subsets {
for _, p := range subset.Ports {
if portSpec.Name == p.Name {
port = p.Port
if port == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("cannot define a port")
portStr = strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10)
for _, addr := range subset.Addresses {
svc.LoadBalancer.Servers = append(svc.LoadBalancer.Servers, dynamic.TCPServer{
Address: net.JoinHostPort(addr.IP, portStr),
serviceName := provider.Normalize(makeID(service.Namespace, service.Name) + "-" + portStr)
services[serviceName] = &svc
wrrSvc.Weighted.Services = append(wrrSvc.Weighted.Services, dynamic.TCPWRRService{Name: serviceName, Weight: &weight})
if len(wrrSvc.Weighted.Services) == 0 {
return nil, nil, errors.New("no service has been created")
return wrrSvc, services, nil
func mergeTCPConfiguration(from, to *dynamic.Configuration) {
if from == nil || from.TCP == nil || to == nil {
if to.TCP == nil {
to.TCP = from.TCP
if to.TCP.Routers == nil {
to.TCP.Routers = map[string]*dynamic.TCPRouter{}
for routerName, router := range from.TCP.Routers {
to.TCP.Routers[routerName] = router
if to.TCP.Middlewares == nil {
to.TCP.Middlewares = map[string]*dynamic.TCPMiddleware{}
for middlewareName, middleware := range from.TCP.Middlewares {
to.TCP.Middlewares[middlewareName] = middleware
if to.TCP.Services == nil {
to.TCP.Services = map[string]*dynamic.TCPService{}
for serviceName, service := range from.TCP.Services {
to.TCP.Services[serviceName] = service