When deployed into Kubernetes, Traefik will read the environment variables `KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST` and `KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT` to construct the endpoint.
The access token will be looked up in `/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token` and the SSL CA certificate in `/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt`.
Both are provided mounted automatically when deployed inside Kubernetes.
Specifically, it may be set to the URL used by `kubectl proxy` to connect to a Kubernetes cluster using the granted autentication and authorization of the associated kubeconfig.
### TLS communication between Traefik and backend pods
Traefik automatically requests endpoint information based on the service provided in the ingress spec.
Although traefik will connect directly to the endpoints (pods), it still checks the service port to see if TLS communication is required.
If the service port defined in the ingress spec is 443, then the backend communication protocol is assumed to be TLS, and will connect via TLS automatically.
!!! note
Please note that by enabling TLS communication between traefik and your pods, you will have to have trusted certificates that have the proper trust chain and IP subject name.
If this is not an option, you may need to skip TLS certificate verification.
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-regex: ^http://localhost/(.*)` | Redirect to another URL for that frontend. Must be set with `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-replacement`. |
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-replacement: http://mydomain/$1` | Redirect to another URL for that frontend. Must be set with `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-regex`. |
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /users` | Replaces each matched Ingress path with the specified one, and adds the old path to the `X-Replaced-Path` header. |
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/whitelist-source-range: ", fe80::/16"` | A comma-separated list of IP ranges permitted for access. all source IPs are permitted if the list is empty or a single range is ill-formatted. |
Please note that `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-regex` and `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-replacement` do not have to be set if `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/redirect-entry-point` is defined for the redirection (they will not be used in this case).
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/max-conn-amount: 10` | Set a maximum number of connections to the backend.<br>Must be used in conjunction with the below label to take effect. |
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/max-conn-extractor-func: client.ip` | Set the function to be used against the request to determine what to limit maximum connections to the backend by.<br>Must be used in conjunction with the above label to take effect. |
| `traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name: <NAME>` | Manually set the cookie name for sticky sessions. |
!!! note
`traefik.ingress.kubernetes.io/` and `ingress.kubernetes.io/` are supported prefixes.
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/custom-request-headers: EXPR` | Provides the container with custom request headers that will be appended to each request forwarded to the container. Format: <code>HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2</code> |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/custom-response-headers: EXPR` | Appends the headers to each response returned by the container, before forwarding the response to the client. Format: <code>HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2</code> |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/allowed-hosts: EXPR` | Provides a list of allowed hosts that requests will be processed. Format: `Host1,Host2` |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-headers: EXPR` | Provides a list of headers that the proxied hostname may be stored. Format: `HEADER1,HEADER2` |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"` | Forces the frontend to redirect to SSL if a non-SSL request is sent. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-temporary-redirect: "true"` | Forces the frontend to redirect to SSL if a non-SSL request is sent, but by sending a 302 instead of a 301. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-host: HOST` | This setting configures the hostname that redirects will be based on. Default is "", which is the same host as the request. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-proxy-headers: EXPR` | Header combinations that would signify a proper SSL Request (Such as `X-Forwarded-For:https`). Format: <code>HEADER:value||HEADER2:value2</code> |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-max-age: "315360000"` | Sets the max-age of the HSTS header. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-include-subdomains: "true"` | Adds the IncludeSubdomains section of the STS header. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/hsts-preload: "true"` | Adds the preload flag to the HSTS header. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/force-hsts: "false"` | Adds the STS header to non-SSL requests. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/frame-deny: "false"` | Adds the `X-Frame-Options` header with the value of `DENY`. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/custom-frame-options-value: VALUE` | Overrides the `X-Frame-Options` header with the custom value. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/content-type-nosniff: "true"` | Adds the `X-Content-Type-Options` header with the value `nosniff`. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/browser-xss-filter: "true"` | Adds the X-XSS-Protection header with the value `1; mode=block`. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/custom-browser-xss-value: VALUE` | Set custom value for X-XSS-Protection header. This overrides the BrowserXssFilter option. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/is-development: "false"` | This will cause the `AllowedHosts`, `SSLRedirect`, and `STSSeconds`/`STSIncludeSubdomains` options to be ignored during development.<br>When deploying to production, be sure to set this to false. |
| `ingress.kubernetes.io/auth-secret: mysecret` | Name of Secret containing the username and password with access to the paths defined in the Ingress object. |