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:warning: Please be aware that the old configurations for Traefik v1.x are NOT compatible with the v2.x config as of now. If you're running v2, please ensure you are using a [v2 configuration](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/).
Imagine that you have deployed a bunch of microservices with the help of an orchestrator (like Swarm or Kubernetes) or a service registry (like etcd or consul).
Now you want users to access these microservices, and you need a reverse proxy.
Traditional reverse-proxies require that you configure _each_ route that will connect paths and subdomains to _each_ microservice.
In an environment where you add, remove, kill, upgrade, or scale your services _many_ times a day, the task of keeping the routes up to date becomes tedious.
Traefik listens to your service registry/orchestrator API and instantly generates the routes so your microservices are connected to the outside world -- without further intervention from your part.
To get your hands on Traefik, you can use the [5-Minute Quickstart](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/getting-started/quick-start/) in our documentation (you will need Docker).
- join the Traefik community forum: [![Join the chat at https://community.traefik.io/](https://img.shields.io/badge/style-register-green.svg?style=social&label=Discourse)](https://community.traefik.io/)
- Grab the latest binary from the [releases](https://github.com/traefik/traefik/releases) page and run it with the [sample configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traefik/traefik/master/traefik.sample.toml):
- Or use the official tiny Docker image and run it with the [sample configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/traefik/traefik/master/traefik.sample.toml):
We are strongly promoting a philosophy of openness and sharing, and firmly standing against the elitist closed approach. Being part of the core team should be accessible to anyone who is motivated and want to be part of that journey!
This [document](docs/content/contributing/maintainers-guidelines.md) describes how to be part of the core team as well as various responsibilities and guidelines for Traefik maintainers.
You can also find more information on our process to review pull requests and manage issues [in this document](docs/content/contributing/maintainers.md).
- General announcements, new releases: mail at news+subscribe@traefik.io or on [the online viewer](https://groups.google.com/a/traefik.io/forum/#!forum/news).
- Security announcements: mail at security+subscribe@traefik.io or on [the online viewer](https://groups.google.com/a/traefik.io/forum/#!forum/security).