* You can find an exhaustive list, generated from Traefik's source code, of the custom resources and their attributes in [the reference page](../../reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd.md).
* Validate that [the prerequisites](../../providers/kubernetes-crd.md#configuration-requirements) are fulfilled before using the Traefik custom resources.
* Traefik CRDs are building blocks that you can assemble according to your needs.
You can find an excerpt of the available custom resources in the table below:
| [1] | `entryPoints` | List of [entry points](../routers/index.md#entrypoints) name |
| [2] | `routes` | List of route |
| [3] | `routes[n].match` | Defines the [rule](../routers/index.md#rule) corresponding to an underlying router. |
| [4] | `routes[n].priority` | [Disambiguate](../routers/index.md#priority) rules of the same length, for route matching |
| [5] | `routes[n].middlewares` | List of reference to [Middleware](#kind-middleware) |
| [6] | `middlewares[n].name` | Defines the [Middleware](#kind-middleware) name |
| [7] | `middlewares[n].namespace` | Defines the [Middleware](#kind-middleware) namespace |
| [8] | `routes[n].services` | List of any combination of [TraefikService](#kind-traefikservice) and reference to a [Kubernetes service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) |
| [10] | `tls.secretName` | Defines the [secret](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) name used to store the certificate (in the `IngressRoute` namespace) |
| [11] | `tls.options` | Defines the reference to a [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) |
| [12] | `options.name` | Defines the [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) name |
| [13] | `options.namespace` | Defines the [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) namespace |
| [14] | `tls.cetResolver` | Defines the reference to a [CertResolver](../routers/index.md#certresolver) |
| [15] | `tls.domains` | List of [domains](../routers/index.md#domains) |
| [16] | `domains[n].main` | Defines the main domain name |
| [17] | `domains[n].sans` | List of SANs (alternative domains) |
`Middleware` is the CRD implementation of a [Traefik middleware](../../middlewares/overview.md).
Register the `Middleware` kind in the Kubernetes cluster before creating `Middleware` objects or referencing middlewares in the [`IngressRoute`](#kind-ingressroute) objects.
`TraefikService` is the CRD implementation of a ["Traefik Service"](../services/index.md).
Register the `TraefikService` kind in the Kubernetes cluster before creating `TraefikService` objects,
referencing services in the [`IngressRoute`](#kind-ingressroute)/[`IngressRouteTCP`](#kind-ingressroutetcp) objects or recursively in others `TraefikService` objects.
!!! info "Disambiguate Traefik and Kubernetes Services "
As the field `name` can reference different types of objects, use the field `kind` to avoid any ambiguity.
The field `kind` allows the following values:
*`Service` (default value): to reference a [Kubernetes Service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/)
*`TraefikService`: to reference another [Traefik Service](../services/index.md)
`TraefikService` object allows to use any (valid) combinations of:
| [1] | `entryPoints` | List of [entrypoints](../routers/index.md#entrypoints_1) name |
| [2] | `routes` | List of route |
| [3] | `routes[n].match` | Defines the [rule](../routers/index.md#rule_1) corresponding to an underlying router. |
| [4] | `routes[n].services` | List of any combination of [TraefikService](#kind-traefikservice) and reference to a [Kubernetes service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) |
| [5] | `services[n].name` | Defines the name of a [Kubernetes service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) |
| [6] | `services[n].port` | Defines the port of a [Kubernetes service](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/) |
| [7] | `services[n].weight` | Defines the weight to apply to the server load balancing |
| [8] | `services[n].TerminationDelay` | corresponds to the deadline that the proxy sets, after one of its connected peers indicates it has closed the writing capability of its connection, to close the reading capability as well, hence fully terminating the connection.<br/>It is a duration in milliseconds, defaulting to 100. A negative value means an infinite deadline (i.e. the reading capability is never closed). |
| [10] | `tls.secretName` | Defines the [secret](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) name used to store the certificate (in the `IngressRoute` namespace) |
| [11] | `tls.options` | Defines the reference to a [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) |
| [12] | `options.name` | Defines the [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) name |
| [13] | `options.namespace` | Defines the [TLSOption](#kind-tlsoption) namespace |
| [14] | `tls.cetResolver` | Defines the reference to a [CertResolver](../routers/index.md#certresolver_1) |
| [15] | `tls.domains` | List of [domains](../routers/index.md#domains_1) |
| [16] | `domains[n].main` | Defines the main domain name |
| [17] | `domains[n].sans` | List of SANs (alternative domains) |
| [18] | `tls.passthrough` | If `true`, delegates the TLS termination to the backend |
??? example "Declaring an IngressRouteTCP"
```yaml tab="IngressRouteTCP"
apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1
kind: IngressRouteTCP
name: ingressroutetcpfoo
- footcp
# Match is the rule corresponding to an underlying router.
| [1] | `minVersion` | Defines the [minimum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#minimum-tls-version) that is acceptable |
| [2] | `maxVersion` | Defines the [maximum TLS version](../../https/tls.md#maximum-tls-version) that is acceptable |
| [3] | `cipherSuites` | list of supported [cipher suites](../../https/tls.md#cipher-suites) for TLS versions up to TLS 1.2 |
| [4] | `curvePreferences` | List of the [elliptic curves references](../../https/tls.md#curve-preferences) that will be used in an ECDHE handshake, in preference order |
| [5] | `clientAuth` | determines the server's policy for TLS [Client Authentication](../../https/tls.md#client-authentication-mtls) |
| [6] | `clientAuth.secretNames` | list of names of the referenced Kubernetes [Secrets](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) (in TLSOption namespace) |
| [7] | `clientAuth.clientAuthType` | defines the client authentication type to apply. The available values are: `NoClientCert`, `RequestClientCert`, `VerifyClientCertIfGiven` and `RequireAndVerifyClientCert` |
| [8] | `sniStrict` | if `true`, Traefik won't allow connections from clients connections that do not specify a server_name extension |
??? example "Declaring and referencing a TLSOption"