## Why is Traefik Answering `XXX` HTTP Response Status Code?
Traefik is a dynamic reverse proxy,
and while the documentation often demonstrates configuration options through file examples,
the core feature of Traefik is its dynamic configurability,
directly reacting to changes from providers over time.
Notably, a part of the configuration is [static](../configuration-overview/#the-static-configuration),
and can be provided by a file on startup, whereas various providers,
such as the file provider,
contribute dynamically all along the traefik instance lifetime to its [dynamic configuration](../configuration-overview/#the-dynamic-configuration) changes.
In addition, the configuration englobes concepts such as the EntryPoint which can be seen as a listener on the Transport Layer (TCP),
as apposed to the Router which is more about the Presentation (TLS) and Application layers (HTTP).
And there can be as many routers as one wishes for a given EntryPoint.
In other words, for a given Entrypoint,
at any given time the traffic seen is not bound to be just about one protocol.
It could be HTTP, or otherwise. Over TLS, or not.
Not to mention that dynamic configuration changes potentially make that kind of traffic vary over time.
Therefore, in this dynamic context,
the static configuration of an `entryPoint` does not give any hint whatsoever about how the traffic going through that `entryPoint` is going to be routed.
Or whether it's even going to be routed at all,
i.e. whether there is a Router matching the kind of traffic going through it.
### `404 Not found`
Traefik returns a `404` response code in the following situations:
- A request reaching an EntryPoint that has no Routers
- An HTTP request reaching an EntryPoint that has no HTTP Router
- An HTTPS request reaching an EntryPoint that has no HTTPS Router
- A request reaching an EntryPoint that has HTTP/HTTPS Routers that cannot be matched
The "field not found" error occurs, when an unknown property is encountered in the dynamic or static configuration.
One easy way to check whether a configuration file is well-formed, is to validate it with:
- [JSON Schema of the static configuration](https://json.schemastore.org/traefik-v2.json)
- [JSON Schema of the dynamic configuration](https://json.schemastore.org/traefik-v2-file-provider.json)
## Why are some resources (routers, middlewares, services...) not created/applied?
As a common tip, if a resource is dropped/not created by Traefik after the dynamic configuration was evaluated,
one should look for an error in the logs.
If found, the error obviously confirms that something went wrong while creating the resource,
and the message should help in figuring out the mistake(s) in the configuration, and how to fix it.
When using the file provider,
one easy way to check if the dynamic configuration is well-formed is to validate it with the [JSON Schema of the dynamic configuration](https://json.schemastore.org/traefik-v2-file-provider.json).