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2019-03-14 10:04:04 +00:00
package common
import (
const (
// UnlimitedNumAttemptsValue is the value for indicating unlimited attempts for reaching success
UnlimitedNumAttemptsValue = uint(0)
// number of characters contained in the generated retry token
generatedRetryTokenLength = 32
// OCIRetryableRequest represents a request that can be reissued according to the specified policy.
type OCIRetryableRequest interface {
// Any retryable request must implement the OCIRequest interface
// Each operation specifies default retry behavior. By passing no arguments to this method, the default retry
// behavior, as determined on a per-operation-basis, will be honored. Variadic retry policy option arguments
// passed to this method will override the default behavior.
RetryPolicy() *RetryPolicy
// OCIOperationResponse represents the output of an OCIOperation, with additional context of error message
// and operation attempt number.
type OCIOperationResponse struct {
// Response from OCI Operation
Response OCIResponse
// Error from OCI Operation
Error error
// Operation Attempt Number (one-based)
AttemptNumber uint
// NewOCIOperationResponse assembles an OCI Operation Response object.
func NewOCIOperationResponse(response OCIResponse, err error, attempt uint) OCIOperationResponse {
return OCIOperationResponse{
Response: response,
Error: err,
AttemptNumber: attempt,
// RetryPolicy is the class that holds all relevant information for retrying operations.
type RetryPolicy struct {
// MaximumNumberAttempts is the maximum number of times to retry a request. Zero indicates an unlimited
// number of attempts.
MaximumNumberAttempts uint
// ShouldRetryOperation inspects the http response, error, and operation attempt number, and
// - returns true if we should retry the operation
// - returns false otherwise
ShouldRetryOperation func(OCIOperationResponse) bool
// GetNextDuration computes the duration to pause between operation retries.
NextDuration func(OCIOperationResponse) time.Duration
// NoRetryPolicy is a helper method that assembles and returns a return policy that indicates an operation should
// never be retried (the operation is performed exactly once).
func NoRetryPolicy() RetryPolicy {
dontRetryOperation := func(OCIOperationResponse) bool { return false }
zeroNextDuration := func(OCIOperationResponse) time.Duration { return 0 * time.Second }
return NewRetryPolicy(uint(1), dontRetryOperation, zeroNextDuration)
// NewRetryPolicy is a helper method for assembling a Retry Policy object.
func NewRetryPolicy(attempts uint, retryOperation func(OCIOperationResponse) bool, nextDuration func(OCIOperationResponse) time.Duration) RetryPolicy {
return RetryPolicy{
MaximumNumberAttempts: attempts,
ShouldRetryOperation: retryOperation,
NextDuration: nextDuration,
// shouldContinueIssuingRequests returns true if we should continue retrying a request, based on the current attempt
// number and the maximum number of attempts specified, or false otherwise.
func shouldContinueIssuingRequests(current, maximum uint) bool {
return maximum == UnlimitedNumAttemptsValue || current <= maximum
// RetryToken generates a retry token that must be included on any request passed to the Retry method.
func RetryToken() string {
alphanumericChars := []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
retryToken := make([]rune, generatedRetryTokenLength)
for i := range retryToken {
retryToken[i] = alphanumericChars[rand.Intn(len(alphanumericChars))]
return string(retryToken)
// Retry is a package-level operation that executes the retryable request using the specified operation and retry policy.
func Retry(ctx context.Context, request OCIRetryableRequest, operation OCIOperation, policy RetryPolicy) (OCIResponse, error) {
type retrierResult struct {
response OCIResponse
err error
var response OCIResponse
var err error
retrierChannel := make(chan retrierResult)
go func() {
// Deal with panics more graciously
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
stackBuffer := make([]byte, 1024)
bytesWritten := runtime.Stack(stackBuffer, false)
stack := string(stackBuffer[:bytesWritten])
retrierChannel <- retrierResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("panicked while retrying operation. Panic was: %s\nStack: %s", r, stack)}
// use a one-based counter because it's easier to think about operation retry in terms of attempt numbering
for currentOperationAttempt := uint(1); shouldContinueIssuingRequests(currentOperationAttempt, policy.MaximumNumberAttempts); currentOperationAttempt++ {
Debugln(fmt.Sprintf("operation attempt #%v", currentOperationAttempt))
response, err = operation(ctx, request)
operationResponse := NewOCIOperationResponse(response, err, currentOperationAttempt)
if !policy.ShouldRetryOperation(operationResponse) {
// we should NOT retry operation based on response and/or error => return
retrierChannel <- retrierResult{response, err}
duration := policy.NextDuration(operationResponse)
//The following condition is kept for backwards compatibility reasons
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok && time.Now().Add(duration).After(deadline) {
// we want to retry the operation, but the policy is telling us to wait for a duration that exceeds
// the specified overall deadline for the operation => instead of waiting for however long that
// time period is and then aborting, abort now and save the cycles
retrierChannel <- retrierResult{response, DeadlineExceededByBackoff}
Debugln(fmt.Sprintf("waiting %v before retrying operation", duration))
// sleep before retrying the operation
retrierChannel <- retrierResult{nil, fmt.Errorf("maximum number of attempts exceeded (%v)", policy.MaximumNumberAttempts)}
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return response, ctx.Err()
case result := <-retrierChannel:
return result.response, result.err