// TCPServersTransport options to configure communication between Traefik and the servers.
DialKeepAliveptypes.Duration`description:"Defines the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection. If zero, keep-alive probes are sent with a default value (currently 15 seconds), if supported by the protocol and operating system. Network protocols or operating systems that do not support keep-alives ignore this field. If negative, keep-alive probes are disabled" json:"dialKeepAlive,omitempty" toml:"dialKeepAlive,omitempty" yaml:"dialKeepAlive,omitempty" export:"true"`
DialTimeoutptypes.Duration`description:"Defines the amount of time to wait until a connection to a backend server can be established. If zero, no timeout exists." json:"dialTimeout,omitempty" toml:"dialTimeout,omitempty" yaml:"dialTimeout,omitempty" export:"true"`
// TerminationDelay, corresponds to the deadline that the proxy sets, after one
// of its connected peers indicates it has closed the writing capability of its
// connection, to close the reading capability as well, hence fully terminating the
// connection. It is a duration in milliseconds, defaulting to 100. A negative value
// means an infinite deadline (i.e. the reading capability is never closed).
TerminationDelayptypes.Duration`description:"Defines the delay to wait before fully terminating the connection, after one connected peer has closed its writing capability." json:"terminationDelay,omitempty" toml:"terminationDelay,omitempty" yaml:"terminationDelay,omitempty" export:"true"`
// TLSClientConfig options to configure TLS communication between Traefik and the servers.
ServerNamestring`description:"Defines the serverName used to contact the server." json:"serverName,omitempty" toml:"serverName,omitempty" yaml:"serverName,omitempty"`
RootCAs[]traefiktls.FileOrContent`description:"Defines a list of CA secret used to validate self-signed certificate" json:"rootCAs,omitempty" toml:"rootCAs,omitempty" yaml:"rootCAs,omitempty"`
Certificatestraefiktls.Certificates`description:"Defines a list of secret storing client certificates for mTLS." json:"certificates,omitempty" toml:"certificates,omitempty" yaml:"certificates,omitempty" export:"true"`
PeerCertURIstring`description:"Defines the URI used to match against SAN URI during the peer certificate verification." json:"peerCertURI,omitempty" toml:"peerCertURI,omitempty" yaml:"peerCertURI,omitempty" export:"true"`