-`storeconfig` : Store the static Traefik configuration into a Key-value store. Please refer to the `Store Traefik configuration`(TODO: add doc and link) section to get documentation on it.
-`healthcheck`: Calls Traefik `/ping` to check health.
Each command can have additional flags.
All those flags will be displayed with:
traefik [command] --help
Each command is described at the beginning of the help section:
traefik --help
# or
docker run traefik[:version] --help
# ex: docker run traefik:1.5 --help
### Command: healthcheck
Checks the health of Traefik.
Its exit status is `0` if Traefik is healthy and `1` if it is unhealthy.
This can be used with Docker [HEALTHCHECK](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#healthcheck) instruction or any other health check orchestration mechanism.
!!! note
The [`ping` endpoint](../ping/) must be enabled to allow the `healthcheck` command to call `/ping`.