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:construction: As stated in the [1.7 release note](https://blog.containo.us/traefik-1-7-yet-another-slice-of-awesomeness-2a9c99737889#782d), a significant update is in progress on the [master](https://github.com/containous/traefik/tree/master) branch. This branch will remain in constant evolution and prone to change with little notice, so use it for test purposes only.
Imagine that you have deployed a bunch of microservices with the help of an orchestrator (like Swarm or Kubernetes) or a service registry (like etcd or consul).
Now you want users to access these microservices, and you need a reverse proxy.
Traditional reverse-proxies require that you configure _each_ route that will connect paths and subdomains to _each_ microservice.
In an environment where you add, remove, kill, upgrade, or scale your services _many_ times a day, the task of keeping the routes up to date becomes tedious.
Træfik listens to your service registry/orchestrator API and instantly generates the routes so your microservices are connected to the outside world -- without further intervention from your part.
- Packaged as a single binary file (made with :heart: with go) and available as a [tiny](https://microbadger.com/images/traefik) [official](https://hub.docker.com/r/_/traefik/) docker image
To get your hands on Træfik, you can use the [5-Minute Quickstart](http://docs.traefik.io/#the-trfik-quickstart-using-docker) in our documentation (you will need Docker).
Alternatively, if you don't want to install anything on your computer, you can try Træfik online in this great [Katacoda tutorial](https://www.katacoda.com/courses/traefik/deploy-load-balancer) that shows how to load balance requests between multiple Docker containers.
If you are looking for a more comprehensive and real use-case example, you can also check [Play-With-Docker](http://training.play-with-docker.com/traefik-load-balancing/) to see how to load balance between multiple nodes.
- join the Træfik community Slack channel: [![Join the chat at https://slack.traefik.io](https://img.shields.io/badge/style-register-green.svg?style=social&label=Slack)](https://slack.traefik.io)
- Grab the latest binary from the [releases](https://github.com/containous/traefik/releases) page and run it with the [sample configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containous/traefik/master/traefik.sample.toml):
- Or use the official tiny Docker image and run it with the [sample configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containous/traefik/master/traefik.sample.toml):
- General announcements, new releases: mail at news+subscribe@traefik.io or on [the online viewer](https://groups.google.com/a/traefik.io/forum/#!forum/news)
- Security announcements: mail at security+subscribe@traefik.io or on [the online viewer](https://groups.google.com/a/traefik.io/forum/#!forum/security).