Please refer to our migration guides for specific instructions on upgrading between versions, an example is the [v2 to v3 migration guide](../migration/
!!! important "All target dates for end of support or feature removal announcements may be subject to change."
## Versioning Scheme
The Traefik Proxy project follows the [semantic versioning]( scheme and maintains a separate branch for each minor version. The main branch always represents the next upcoming minor or major version.
And these are our guiding rules for version support:
- **Only the latest `minor`** will be on active support at any given time
- **The last `minor` after releasing a new `major`** will be supported for 1 year following the `major` release
- **Previous rules are subject to change** and in such cases an announcement will be made publicly, [here]( is an example extending v1.x branch support.