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Copyright 2014 Alexander Okoli
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package goutils
import (
// RANDOM provides the time-based seed used to generate random numbers
var RANDOM = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
RandomNonAlphaNumeric creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of all characters (ASCII/Unicode values between 0 to 2,147,483,647 (math.MaxInt32)).
count - the length of random string to create
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomNonAlphaNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
return RandomAlphaNumericCustom(count, false, false)
RandomAscii creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of characters whose ASCII value is between 32 and 126 (inclusive).
count - the length of random string to create
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomAscii(count int) (string, error) {
return Random(count, 32, 127, false, false)
RandomNumeric creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of numeric characters.
count - the length of random string to create
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
return Random(count, 0, 0, false, true)
RandomAlphabetic creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
count - the length of random string to create
letters - if true, generated string may include alphabetic characters
numbers - if true, generated string may include numeric characters
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomAlphabetic(count int) (string, error) {
return Random(count, 0, 0, true, false)
RandomAlphaNumeric creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters.
count - the length of random string to create
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomAlphaNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
RandomString, err := Random(count, 0, 0, true, true)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
match, err := regexp.MatchString("([0-9]+)", RandomString)
if err != nil {
if !match {
//Get the position between 0 and the length of the string-1 to insert a random number
position := rand.Intn(count)
//Insert a random number between [0-9] in the position
RandomString = RandomString[:position] + string('0'+rand.Intn(10)) + RandomString[position+1:]
return RandomString, err
return RandomString, err
RandomAlphaNumericCustom creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
count - the length of random string to create
letters - if true, generated string may include alphabetic characters
numbers - if true, generated string may include numeric characters
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomAlphaNumericCustom(count int, letters bool, numbers bool) (string, error) {
return Random(count, 0, 0, letters, numbers)
Random creates a random string based on a variety of options, using default source of randomness.
This method has exactly the same semantics as RandomSeed(int, int, int, bool, bool, []char, *rand.Rand), but
instead of using an externally supplied source of randomness, it uses the internal *rand.Rand instance.
count - the length of random string to create
start - the position in set of chars (ASCII/Unicode int) to start at
end - the position in set of chars (ASCII/Unicode int) to end before
letters - if true, generated string may include alphabetic characters
numbers - if true, generated string may include numeric characters
chars - the set of chars to choose randoms from. If nil, then it will use the set of all chars.
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func Random(count int, start int, end int, letters bool, numbers bool, chars ...rune) (string, error) {
return RandomSeed(count, start, end, letters, numbers, chars, RANDOM)
RandomSeed creates a random string based on a variety of options, using supplied source of randomness.
If the parameters start and end are both 0, start and end are set to ' ' and 'z', the ASCII printable characters, will be used,
unless letters and numbers are both false, in which case, start and end are set to 0 and math.MaxInt32, respectively.
If chars is not nil, characters stored in chars that are between start and end are chosen.
This method accepts a user-supplied *rand.Rand instance to use as a source of randomness. By seeding a single *rand.Rand instance
with a fixed seed and using it for each call, the same random sequence of strings can be generated repeatedly and predictably.
count - the length of random string to create
start - the position in set of chars (ASCII/Unicode decimals) to start at
end - the position in set of chars (ASCII/Unicode decimals) to end before
letters - if true, generated string may include alphabetic characters
numbers - if true, generated string may include numeric characters
chars - the set of chars to choose randoms from. If nil, then it will use the set of all chars.
random - a source of randomness.
string - the random string
error - an error stemming from invalid parameters: if count < 0; or the provided chars array is empty; or end <= start; or end > len(chars)
func RandomSeed(count int, start int, end int, letters bool, numbers bool, chars []rune, random *rand.Rand) (string, error) {
if count == 0 {
return "", nil
} else if count < 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("randomstringutils illegal argument: Requested random string length %v is less than 0.", count) // equiv to err := errors.New("...")
return "", err
if chars != nil && len(chars) == 0 {
err := fmt.Errorf("randomstringutils illegal argument: The chars array must not be empty")
return "", err
if start == 0 && end == 0 {
if chars != nil {
end = len(chars)
} else {
if !letters && !numbers {
end = math.MaxInt32
} else {
end = 'z' + 1
start = ' '
} else {
if end <= start {
err := fmt.Errorf("randomstringutils illegal argument: Parameter end (%v) must be greater than start (%v)", end, start)
return "", err
if chars != nil && end > len(chars) {
err := fmt.Errorf("randomstringutils illegal argument: Parameter end (%v) cannot be greater than len(chars) (%v)", end, len(chars))
return "", err
buffer := make([]rune, count)
gap := end - start
// high-surrogates range, (\uD800-\uDBFF) = 55296 - 56319
// low-surrogates range, (\uDC00-\uDFFF) = 56320 - 57343
for count != 0 {
var ch rune
if chars == nil {
ch = rune(random.Intn(gap) + start)
} else {
ch = chars[random.Intn(gap)+start]
if letters && unicode.IsLetter(ch) || numbers && unicode.IsDigit(ch) || !letters && !numbers {
if ch >= 56320 && ch <= 57343 { // low surrogate range
if count == 0 {
} else {
// Insert low surrogate
buffer[count] = ch
// Insert high surrogate
buffer[count] = rune(55296 + random.Intn(128))
} else if ch >= 55296 && ch <= 56191 { // High surrogates range (Partial)
if count == 0 {
} else {
// Insert low surrogate
buffer[count] = rune(56320 + random.Intn(128))
// Insert high surrogate
buffer[count] = ch
} else if ch >= 56192 && ch <= 56319 {
// private high surrogate, skip it
} else {
// not one of the surrogates*
buffer[count] = ch
} else {
return string(buffer), nil