* add remote create to python example client
284 lines
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284 lines
11 KiB
import os
import json
import requests
import os
import hashlib
import json
from pathlib import Path
BASE_URL = os.environ.get('OLLAMA_HOST', 'http://localhost:11434')
# Generate a response for a given prompt with a provided model. This is a streaming endpoint, so will be a series of responses.
# The final response object will include statistics and additional data from the request. Use the callback function to override
# the default handler.
def generate(model_name, prompt, system=None, template=None, format="", context=None, options=None, callback=None):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/generate"
payload = {
"model": model_name,
"prompt": prompt,
"system": system,
"template": template,
"context": context,
"options": options,
"format": format,
# Remove keys with None values
payload = {k: v for k, v in payload.items() if v is not None}
with requests.post(url, json=payload, stream=True) as response:
# Creating a variable to hold the context history of the final chunk
final_context = None
# Variable to hold concatenated response strings if no callback is provided
full_response = ""
# Iterating over the response line by line and displaying the details
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:
# Parsing each line (JSON chunk) and extracting the details
chunk = json.loads(line)
# If a callback function is provided, call it with the chunk
if callback:
# If this is not the last chunk, add the "response" field value to full_response and print it
if not chunk.get("done"):
response_piece = chunk.get("response", "")
full_response += response_piece
print(response_piece, end="", flush=True)
# Check if it's the last chunk (done is true)
if chunk.get("done"):
final_context = chunk.get("context")
# Return the full response and the final context
return full_response, final_context
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None, None
# Create a blob file on the server if it doesn't exist.
def create_blob(digest, file_path):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/blobs/{digest}"
# Check if the blob exists
response = requests.head(url)
if response.status_code != 404:
return # Blob already exists, no need to upload
# Upload the blob
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_data:
requests.post(url, data=file_data)
# Create a model from a Modelfile. Use the callback function to override the default handler.
def create(model_name, filename, callback=None):
file_path = Path(filename).expanduser().resolve()
processed_lines = []
# Read and process the modelfile
with open(file_path, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Skip empty or whitespace-only lines
if not line.strip():
command, args = line.split(maxsplit=1)
if command.upper() in ["FROM", "ADAPTER"]:
path = Path(args.strip()).expanduser()
# Check if path is relative and resolve it
if not path.is_absolute():
path = (file_path.parent / path)
# Skip if file does not exist for "model", this is handled by the server
if not path.exists():
# Calculate SHA-256 hash
with open(path, 'rb') as bin_file:
hash = hashlib.sha256()
blob = f"sha256:{hash.hexdigest()}"
# Add the file to the remote server
create_blob(blob, path)
# Replace path with digest in the line
line = f"{command} @{blob}\n"
# Combine processed lines back into a single string
modelfile_content = '\n'.join(processed_lines)
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/create"
payload = {"name": model_name, "modelfile": modelfile_content}
# Making a POST request with the stream parameter set to True to handle streaming responses
with requests.post(url, json=payload, stream=True) as response:
# Iterating over the response line by line and displaying the status
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:
chunk = json.loads(line)
if callback:
print(f"Status: {chunk.get('status')}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# Pull a model from a the model registry. Cancelled pulls are resumed from where they left off, and multiple
# calls to will share the same download progress. Use the callback function to override the default handler.
def pull(model_name, insecure=False, callback=None):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/pull"
payload = {
"name": model_name,
"insecure": insecure
# Making a POST request with the stream parameter set to True to handle streaming responses
with requests.post(url, json=payload, stream=True) as response:
# Iterating over the response line by line and displaying the details
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:
# Parsing each line (JSON chunk) and extracting the details
chunk = json.loads(line)
# If a callback function is provided, call it with the chunk
if callback:
# Print the status message directly to the console
print(chunk.get('status', ''), end='', flush=True)
# If there's layer data, you might also want to print that (adjust as necessary)
if 'digest' in chunk:
print(f" - Digest: {chunk['digest']}", end='', flush=True)
print(f" - Total: {chunk['total']}", end='', flush=True)
print(f" - Completed: {chunk['completed']}", end='\n', flush=True)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# Push a model to the model registry. Use the callback function to override the default handler.
def push(model_name, insecure=False, callback=None):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/push"
payload = {
"name": model_name,
"insecure": insecure
# Making a POST request with the stream parameter set to True to handle streaming responses
with requests.post(url, json=payload, stream=True) as response:
# Iterating over the response line by line and displaying the details
for line in response.iter_lines():
if line:
# Parsing each line (JSON chunk) and extracting the details
chunk = json.loads(line)
# If a callback function is provided, call it with the chunk
if callback:
# Print the status message directly to the console
print(chunk.get('status', ''), end='', flush=True)
# If there's layer data, you might also want to print that (adjust as necessary)
if 'digest' in chunk:
print(f" - Digest: {chunk['digest']}", end='', flush=True)
print(f" - Total: {chunk['total']}", end='', flush=True)
print(f" - Completed: {chunk['completed']}", end='\n', flush=True)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# List models that are available locally.
def list():
response = requests.get(f"{BASE_URL}/api/tags")
data = response.json()
models = data.get('models', [])
return models
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
# Copy a model. Creates a model with another name from an existing model.
def copy(source, destination):
# Create the JSON payload
payload = {
"source": source,
"destination": destination
response = requests.post(f"{BASE_URL}/api/copy", json=payload)
# If the request was successful, return a message indicating that the copy was successful
return "Copy successful"
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
# Delete a model and its data.
def delete(model_name):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/delete"
payload = {"name": model_name}
response = requests.delete(url, json=payload)
return "Delete successful"
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
# Show info about a model.
def show(model_name):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/show"
payload = {"name": model_name}
response = requests.post(url, json=payload)
# Parse the JSON response and return it
data = response.json()
return data
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
def heartbeat():
url = f"{BASE_URL}/"
response = requests.head(url)
return "Ollama is running"
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return "Ollama is not running"