#!powershell $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function init_vars { $script:llamacppDir = "../llama.cpp" $script:patches = @("0001-Expose-callable-API-for-server.patch") $script:cmakeDefs = @("-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=on", "-DLLAMA_NATIVE=off", "-DLLAMA_F16C=off", "-DLLAMA_FMA=off", "-DLLAMA_AVX512=off", "-DLLAMA_AVX2=off", "-DLLAMA_AVX=on", "-A","x64") $script:cmakeTargets = @("ggml", "ggml_static", "llama", "build_info", "common", "ext_server_shared", "llava_static") if ($env:CGO_CFLAGS -contains "-g") { $script:cmakeDefs += @("-DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=on", "-DLLAMA_SERVER_VERBOSE=on") $script:config = "RelWithDebInfo" } else { $script:cmakeDefs += @("-DLLAMA_SERVER_VERBOSE=off") $script:config = "Release" } } function git_module_setup { # TODO add flags to skip the init/patch logic to make it easier to mod llama.cpp code in-repo & git submodule init if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} & git submodule update --force "${script:llamacppDir}" if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} } function apply_patches { # Wire up our CMakefile if (!(Select-String -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/examples/server/CMakeLists.txt" -Pattern 'ollama')) { Add-Content -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/examples/server/CMakeLists.txt" -Value 'include (../../../ext_server/CMakeLists.txt) # ollama' } # Avoid duplicate main symbols when we link into the cgo binary $content = Get-Content -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/examples/server/server.cpp" $content = $content -replace 'int main\(', 'int __main(' Set-Content -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/examples/server/server.cpp" -Value $content } function build { write-host "generating config with: cmake -S ${script:llamacppDir} -B $script:buildDir $script:cmakeDefs" & cmake --version & cmake -S "${script:llamacppDir}" -B $script:buildDir $script:cmakeDefs if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} write-host "building with: cmake --build $script:buildDir --config $script:config ($script:cmakeTargets | ForEach-Object { "--target", $_ })" & cmake --build $script:buildDir --config $script:config ($script:cmakeTargets | ForEach-Object { "--target", $_ }) if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { exit($LASTEXITCODE)} } function install { rm -ea 0 -recurse -force -path "${script:buildDir}/lib" md "${script:buildDir}/lib" -ea 0 > $null cp "${script:buildDir}/bin/${script:config}/ext_server_shared.dll" "${script:buildDir}/lib" cp "${script:buildDir}/bin/${script:config}/llama.dll" "${script:buildDir}/lib" # Display the dll dependencies in the build log dumpbin /dependents "${script:buildDir}/bin/${script:config}/ext_server_shared.dll" | select-string ".dll" } function cleanup { Set-Location "${script:llamacppDir}/examples/server" git checkout CMakeLists.txt server.cpp } init_vars git_module_setup apply_patches # first build CPU based $script:buildDir="${script:llamacppDir}/build/windows/cpu" build install # Then build cuda as a dynamically loaded library init_vars $script:buildDir="${script:llamacppDir}/build/windows/cuda" $script:cmakeDefs += @("-DLLAMA_CUBLAS=ON") build install # TODO - actually implement ROCm support on windows $script:buildDir="${script:llamacppDir}/build/windows/rocm" rm -ea 0 -recurse -force -path "${script:buildDir}/lib" md "${script:buildDir}/lib" -ea 0 > $null echo $null >> "${script:buildDir}/lib/.generated" cleanup write-host "`ngo generate completed"