# Common definitions for the various Makefiles # No rules are defined here so this is safe to include at the beginning of other makefiles OS := $(shell uname -s) ARCH ?= $(subst aarch64,arm64,$(subst x86_64,amd64,$(shell uname -m))) ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW,$(OS))$(findstring MSYS,$(OS))) OS := windows ARCH := $(shell systeminfo 2>/dev/null | grep "System Type" | grep ARM64 > /dev/null && echo "arm64" || echo "amd64" ) else ifeq ($(OS),Linux) OS := linux else ifeq ($(OS),Darwin) OS := darwin endif comma:= , empty:= space:= $(empty) $(empty) uc = $(subst a,A,$(subst b,B,$(subst c,C,$(subst d,D,$(subst e,E,$(subst f,F,$(subst g,G,$(subst h,H,$(subst i,I,$(subst j,J,$(subst k,K,$(subst l,L,$(subst m,M,$(subst n,N,$(subst o,O,$(subst p,P,$(subst q,Q,$(subst r,R,$(subst s,S,$(subst t,T,$(subst u,U,$(subst v,V,$(subst w,W,$(subst x,X,$(subst y,Y,$(subst z,Z,$1)))))))))))))))))))))))))) export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW = -mfma|-mf16c export CGO_CXXFLAGS_ALLOW = -mfma|-mf16c export HIP_PLATFORM = amd export CGO_ENABLED=1 SRC_DIR := $(dir $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))))) BUILD_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)build/$(OS)-$(ARCH) DIST_BASE = $(abspath $(SRC_DIR)/../dist/$(OS)-$(ARCH)) DIST_LIB_DIR = $(DIST_BASE)/lib/ollama RUNNERS_DIST_DIR = $(DIST_LIB_DIR)/runners RUNNERS_PAYLOAD_DIR = $(abspath $(SRC_DIR)/../build/$(OS)/$(ARCH)) RUNNERS_BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR)/runners DEFAULT_RUNNER := $(if $(and $(filter darwin,$(OS)),$(filter arm64,$(ARCH))),metal,cpu) GZIP:=$(shell command -v pigz 2>/dev/null || echo "gzip") ifneq ($(OS),windows) CCACHE:=$(shell command -v ccache 2>/dev/null || echo "") endif VERSION?=$(shell git describe --tags --first-parent --abbrev=7 --long --dirty --always | sed -e "s/^v//g") # Conditionally enable ccache for cgo builds too ifneq ($(CCACHE),) CC=$(CCACHE) gcc CXX=$(CCACHE) g++ export CC export CXX endif # Override in environment space separated to tune GPU runner CPU vector flags ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) GPU_RUNNER_CPU_FLAGS ?= avx endif ifeq ($(OS),windows) CP := cp SRC_DIR := $(shell cygpath -m -s "$(SRC_DIR)") OBJ_EXT := obj SHARED_EXT := dll EXE_EXT := .exe SHARED_PREFIX := CPU_FLAG_PREFIX := /arch: _GCC_TEST:=$(findstring clang,$(shell gcc --version)) ifneq ($(_GCC_TEST),clang) $(error WRONG COMPILER DETECTED $(shell type gcc) - gcc must be a clang compat compiler on windows - see docs/development.md for setup instructions) endif ifneq ($(HIP_PATH),) # If HIP_PATH has spaces, hipcc trips over them when subprocessing HIP_PATH := $(shell cygpath -m -s "$(patsubst %\,%,$(HIP_PATH))") export HIP_PATH endif else ifeq ($(OS),linux) CP := cp -af OBJ_EXT := o SHARED_EXT := so SHARED_PREFIX := lib CPU_FLAG_PREFIX := -m HIP_PATH?=/opt/rocm else OBJ_EXT := o SHARED_EXT := so CPU_FLAG_PREFIX := -m CP := cp -af endif COMMON_SRCS := \ $(wildcard *.c) \ $(wildcard *.cpp) COMMON_HDRS := \ $(wildcard *.h) \ $(wildcard *.hpp)