#ifndef __APPLE__ #ifndef __GPU_INFO_NVCUDA_H__ #define __GPU_INFO_NVCUDA_H__ #include "gpu_info.h" // Just enough typedef's to dlopen/dlsym for memory information typedef enum cudaError_enum { CUDA_SUCCESS = 0, CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE = 1, CUDA_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION = 2, CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED = 3, CUDA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DRIVER = 35, // Other values omitted for now... } CUresult; typedef enum CUdevice_attribute_enum { CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MAJOR = 75, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY_MINOR = 76, // TODO - not yet wired up but may be useful for Jetson or other // integrated GPU scenarios with shared memory CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRATED = 18 } CUdevice_attribute; typedef void *nvcudaDevice_t; // Opaque is sufficient typedef struct nvcudaMemory_st { uint64_t total; uint64_t free; } nvcudaMemory_t; typedef struct nvcudaDriverVersion { int major; int minor; } nvcudaDriverVersion_t; typedef struct CUuuid_st { unsigned char bytes[16]; } CUuuid; typedef int CUdevice; typedef void* CUcontext; typedef struct nvcuda_handle { void *handle; uint16_t verbose; int driver_major; int driver_minor; CUresult (*cuInit)(unsigned int Flags); CUresult (*cuDriverGetVersion)(int *driverVersion); CUresult (*cuDeviceGetCount)(int *); CUresult (*cuDeviceGet)(CUdevice* device, int ordinal); CUresult (*cuDeviceGetAttribute)(int* pi, CUdevice_attribute attrib, CUdevice dev); CUresult (*cuDeviceGetUuid)(CUuuid* uuid, CUdevice dev); // signature compatible with cuDeviceGetUuid_v2 CUresult (*cuDeviceGetName)(char *name, int len, CUdevice dev); // Context specific aspects CUresult (*cuCtxCreate_v3)(CUcontext* pctx, void *params, int len, unsigned int flags, CUdevice dev); CUresult (*cuMemGetInfo_v2)(uint64_t* free, uint64_t* total); CUresult (*cuCtxDestroy)(CUcontext ctx); } nvcuda_handle_t; typedef struct nvcuda_init_resp { char *err; // If err is non-null handle is invalid nvcuda_handle_t ch; int num_devices; } nvcuda_init_resp_t; void nvcuda_init(char *nvcuda_lib_path, nvcuda_init_resp_t *resp); void nvcuda_bootstrap(nvcuda_handle_t ch, int device_id, mem_info_t *resp); void nvcuda_get_free(nvcuda_handle_t ch, int device_id, uint64_t *free); void nvcuda_release(nvcuda_handle_t ch); #endif // __GPU_INFO_NVCUDA_H__ #endif // __APPLE__