#ifndef __APPLE__ // TODO - maybe consider nvidia support on intel macs? #include #include "gpu_info_cudart.h" void cudart_init(char *cudart_lib_path, cudart_init_resp_t *resp) { cudartReturn_t ret; resp->err = NULL; resp->num_devices = 0; const int buflen = 256; char buf[buflen + 1]; int i; struct lookup { char *s; void **p; } l[] = { {"cudaSetDevice", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaSetDevice}, {"cudaDeviceSynchronize", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaDeviceSynchronize}, {"cudaDeviceReset", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaDeviceReset}, {"cudaMemGetInfo", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaMemGetInfo}, {"cudaGetDeviceCount", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaGetDeviceCount}, {"cudaDeviceGetAttribute", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaDeviceGetAttribute}, {"cudaDriverGetVersion", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaDriverGetVersion}, {"cudaGetDeviceProperties", (void *)&resp->ch.cudaGetDeviceProperties}, {NULL, NULL}, }; resp->ch.handle = LOAD_LIBRARY(cudart_lib_path, RTLD_LAZY); if (!resp->ch.handle) { char *msg = LOAD_ERR(); LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "library %s load err: %s\n", cudart_lib_path, msg); snprintf(buf, buflen, "Unable to load %s library to query for Nvidia GPUs: %s", cudart_lib_path, msg); free(msg); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } for (i = 0; l[i].s != NULL; i++) { *l[i].p = LOAD_SYMBOL(resp->ch.handle, l[i].s); if (!l[i].p) { char *msg = LOAD_ERR(); LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "dlerr: %s\n", msg); UNLOAD_LIBRARY(resp->ch.handle); resp->ch.handle = NULL; snprintf(buf, buflen, "symbol lookup for %s failed: %s", l[i].s, msg); free(msg); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } } ret = (*resp->ch.cudaSetDevice)(0); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "cudaSetDevice err: %d\n", ret); UNLOAD_LIBRARY(resp->ch.handle); resp->ch.handle = NULL; if (ret == CUDA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DRIVER) { resp->err = strdup("your nvidia driver is too old or missing. If you have a CUDA GPU please upgrade to run ollama"); return; } snprintf(buf, buflen, "cudart init failure: %d", ret); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } int version = 0; cudartDriverVersion_t driverVersion; driverVersion.major = 0; driverVersion.minor = 0; // Report driver version if we're in verbose mode, ignore errors ret = (*resp->ch.cudaDriverGetVersion)(&version); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "cudaDriverGetVersion failed: %d\n", ret); } else { driverVersion.major = version / 1000; driverVersion.minor = (version - (driverVersion.major * 1000)) / 10; LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "CUDA driver version: %d-%d\n", driverVersion.major, driverVersion.minor); } ret = (*resp->ch.cudaGetDeviceCount)(&resp->num_devices); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { LOG(resp->ch.verbose, "cudaGetDeviceCount err: %d\n", ret); UNLOAD_LIBRARY(resp->ch.handle); resp->ch.handle = NULL; snprintf(buf, buflen, "unable to get device count: %d", ret); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } } void cudart_bootstrap(cudart_handle_t h, int i, mem_info_t *resp) { resp->err = NULL; cudartMemory_t memInfo = {0,0,0}; cudartReturn_t ret; const int buflen = 256; char buf[buflen + 1]; if (h.handle == NULL) { resp->err = strdup("cudart handle isn't initialized"); return; } ret = (*h.cudaSetDevice)(i); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "cudart device failed to initialize"); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } cudaDeviceProp_t props; ret = (*h.cudaGetDeviceProperties)(&props, i); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { LOG(h.verbose, "[%d] device properties lookup failure: %d\n", i, ret); snprintf(&resp->gpu_id[0], GPU_ID_LEN, "%d", i); resp->major = 0; resp->minor = 0; } else { int allNull = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (props.uuid.bytes[j] != 0) { allNull = 0; break; } } if (allNull != 0) { snprintf(&resp->gpu_id[0], GPU_ID_LEN, "%d", i); } else { // GPU-d110a105-ac29-1d54-7b49-9c90440f215b snprintf(&resp->gpu_id[0], GPU_ID_LEN, "GPU-%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x", props.uuid.bytes[0], props.uuid.bytes[1], props.uuid.bytes[2], props.uuid.bytes[3], props.uuid.bytes[4], props.uuid.bytes[5], props.uuid.bytes[6], props.uuid.bytes[7], props.uuid.bytes[8], props.uuid.bytes[9], props.uuid.bytes[10], props.uuid.bytes[11], props.uuid.bytes[12], props.uuid.bytes[13], props.uuid.bytes[14], props.uuid.bytes[15] ); } resp->major = props.major; resp->minor = props.minor; // TODO add other useful properties from props } ret = (*h.cudaMemGetInfo)(&memInfo.free, &memInfo.total); if (ret != CUDART_SUCCESS) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "cudart device memory info lookup failure %d", ret); resp->err = strdup(buf); return; } resp->total = memInfo.total; resp->free = memInfo.free; LOG(h.verbose, "[%s] CUDA totalMem %lu\n", resp->gpu_id, resp->total); LOG(h.verbose, "[%s] CUDA freeMem %lu\n", resp->gpu_id, resp->free); LOG(h.verbose, "[%s] Compute Capability %d.%d\n", resp->gpu_id, resp->major, resp->minor); } void cudart_release(cudart_handle_t h) { LOG(h.verbose, "releasing cudart library\n"); UNLOAD_LIBRARY(h.handle); h.handle = NULL; } #endif // __APPLE__