package main

import (


func main() {
	client, err := api.ClientFromEnvironment()
	if err != nil {

	// By default, GenerateRequest is streaming.
	req := &api.GenerateRequest{
		Model:  "gemma2",
		Prompt: "how many planets are there?",

	ctx := context.Background()
	respFunc := func(resp api.GenerateResponse) error {
		// Only print the response here; GenerateResponse has a number of other
		// interesting fields you want to examine.

		// In streaming mode, responses are partial so we call fmt.Print (and not
		// Println) in order to avoid spurious newlines being introduced. The
		// model will insert its own newlines if it wants.
		return nil

	err = client.Generate(ctx, req, respFunc)
	if err != nil {