Compare commits
17 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
4dca986810 | |||
2a038c1d7e | ||
616c5eafee | ||
f5ff917b1d | ||
d632e23fba | ||
5804cf1723 | ||
bf7ee0f4d4 | ||
504a410f02 | ||
d05da29912 | ||
72962c6e08 | ||
7bd7b02712 | ||
8f9ab5e14d | ||
7717bb6a84 | ||
0ec2915ea7 | ||
c9a7541b9c | ||
d81cfd7d6f | ||
b330c830d3 |
33 changed files with 1472 additions and 185 deletions
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ jobs:
path: |
# ROCm generation step
@ -273,7 +274,134 @@ jobs:
path: dist/deps/*
# Import the prior generation steps and build the final windows assets
# windows arm64 generate, go build, and zip file (no installer)
# Output of this build is aggregated into the final x86 build
# for a unified windows installer
runs-on: windows-arm64
environment: release
# The current Windows arm64 beta image has effectively zero dev tools installed...
- name: Install git and gzip
run: |
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install -y --no-progress git gzip
echo "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
echo "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Install Visual Studio 2022
run: |
$components = @(
$config = @{
"version" = "1.0"
"components" = $components
"extensions" = @()
$configPath = "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\vsconfig"
$config | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $configPath
$bootstrapperFilePath = "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\vs_community.exe"
write-host "Downloading Visual Studio 2022"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -outfile $bootstrapperFilePath
$bootstrapperArgumentList = ('/c', $bootstrapperFilePath, '--config', $configPath, '--quiet', '--wait' )
write-host "Installing Visual Studio 2022"
$process = Start-Process -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList $bootstrapperArgumentList -Wait -PassThru
$exitCode = $process.ExitCode
write-host $exitCode
# pacman in mingw/msys2 is ~broken on windows arm right now - hangs consistently during attempts to install
# so we'll use this alternative GCC binary
- name: Install llvm-mingw GCC
run: |
write-host "Downloading llvm-mingw"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${gcc_url}" -OutFile "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\"
write-host "Unpacking llvm-mingw"
expand-archive -path "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\" -destinationpath "c:\"
mv c:\llvm-mingw-* c:\llvm-mingw
echo "c:\llvm-mingw\bin" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
- name: Verify GCC
run: |
echo $env:PATH
gcc --version
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set Version
run: |
write-host VERSION=$ver | Out-File -FilePath ${env:GITHUB_ENV} -Encoding utf8 -Append
- uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v2'
project_id: 'ollama'
credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GOOGLE_SIGNING_CREDENTIALS }}'
- run: echo "${{ vars.OLLAMA_CERT }}" | Out-File -FilePath ollama_inc.crt -Encoding utf8
- name: install Windows SDK 8.1 to get signtool
run: |
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
write-host "downloading SDK"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\sdksetup.exe"
Start-Process "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\sdksetup.exe" -ArgumentList @("/q") -NoNewWindow -Wait
write-host "Win SDK 8.1 installed"
gci -path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\' -r -fi 'signtool.exe'
- name: install signing plugin
run: |
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
write-host "downloading plugin"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\"
Expand-Archive -Path "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\" -DestinationPath ${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\plugin\
write-host "Installing plugin"
& "${env:RUNNER_TEMP}\plugin\*\kmscng.msi" /quiet
write-host "plugin installed"
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version-file: go.mod
cache: true
- run: go get ./...
- run: |
$gopath=(get-command go).source | split-path -parent
$gccpath=(get-command gcc).source | split-path -parent
& "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\Tools\Launch-VsDevShell.ps1"
$env:PATH="$gopath;$gccpath;$env:PATH;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\CMake\bin"
echo $env:PATH
.\scripts\build_windows.ps1 buildOllama buildApp gatherDependencies distZip
name: 'Windows Build'
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: windows-arm64
path: |
# Import the prior generation steps plus the full arm64 build, and build the final windows assets
environment: release
runs-on: windows
@ -281,6 +409,7 @@ jobs:
- generate-windows-cuda
- generate-windows-rocm
- generate-windows-cpu
- windows-arm64
@ -338,6 +467,10 @@ jobs:
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: generate-windows-rocm
- uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
name: windows-arm64
path: dist
- run: dir build
- run: |
$gopath=(get-command go).source | split-path -parent
@ -359,7 +492,7 @@ jobs:
environment: release
runs-on: linux
PLATFORM: linux/amd64
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
@ -382,7 +515,7 @@ jobs:
environment: release
runs-on: linux-arm64
PLATFORM: linux/arm64
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
@ -421,7 +554,7 @@ jobs:
# Container image build
environment: release
@ -459,7 +592,6 @@ jobs:
flavor: |
tags: |
- name: Set Version
@ -503,7 +635,7 @@ jobs:
environment: release
runs-on: linux
- build-linux
- build-container-image
FINAL_IMAGE_REPO: ollama/ollama
@ -526,7 +658,6 @@ jobs:
flavor: |
tags: |
- name: Set Version
@ -551,7 +682,7 @@ jobs:
- name: Inspect image
run: |
docker buildx imagetools inspect ${{ env.FINAL_IMAGE_REPO }}:${{ steps.meta.outputs.version }}
environment: release
runs-on: linux
@ -570,7 +701,6 @@ jobs:
flavor: |
tags: |
- name: Set Version
@ -592,7 +722,7 @@ jobs:
target: runtime-rocm
build-args: |
tags: ${{ env.FINAL_IMAGE_REPO }}:${{ env.DOCKER_METADATA_OUTPUT_VERSION}}-rocm,${{ env.FINAL_IMAGE_REPO }}:rocm
push: true
# Aggregate all the assets and ship a release
@ -625,8 +755,6 @@ jobs:
ls -lh dist/
(cd dist; find . -type f | xargs sha256sum > ../sha256sum.txt)
mv sha256sum.txt dist/
mv dist/linux-???64 .
mv dist/linux-amd64-rocm .
cat dist/sha256sum.txt
- name: Create or update Release
run: |
@ -197,6 +197,18 @@ ollama show llama3.1
ollama list
### List which models are currently loaded
ollama ps
### Stop a model which is currently running
ollama stop llama3.1
### Start Ollama
`ollama serve` is used when you want to start ollama without running the desktop application.
@ -338,6 +350,7 @@ See the [API documentation](./docs/ for all endpoints.
- [gollama](
- [Ollama eBook Summary](
- [Ollama Mixture of Experts (MOE) in 50 lines of code](
- [vim-intelligence-bridge]( Simple interaction of "Ollama" with the Vim editor
### Apple Vision Pro
- [Enchanted](
@ -392,6 +405,7 @@ See the [API documentation](./docs/ for all endpoints.
- [Ollamaclient for Golang](
- [High-level function abstraction in Go](
- [Ollama PHP](
- [Agents-Flex for Java]( with [example](
### Mobile
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher}
ArchitecturesAllowed=x64 arm64
ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 arm64
ArchitecturesAllowed=x64compatible arm64
ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64compatible arm64
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ OutputDir=..\dist\
@ -86,12 +87,21 @@ Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Source: ".\app.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "{#MyAppExeName}" ; Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\ollama.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\dist\windows-{#ARCH}\lib\ollama\runners\*"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\ollama\runners"; Flags: ignoreversion 64bit recursesubdirs
#if DirExists("..\dist\windows-amd64")
Source: "..\dist\windows-amd64-app.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "{#MyAppExeName}" ;Check: not IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\dist\windows-amd64\ollama.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: not IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\dist\windows-amd64\lib\ollama\*"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\ollama\"; Check: not IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit recursesubdirs
#if DirExists("..\dist\windows-arm64")
Source: "..\dist\windows-arm64\vc_redist.arm64.exe"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Check: IsArm64() and vc_redist_needed(); Flags: deleteafterinstall
Source: "..\dist\windows-arm64-app.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "{#MyAppExeName}" ;Check: IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\dist\windows-arm64\ollama.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit
Source: "..\dist\windows-arm64\lib\ollama\*"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\ollama\"; Check: IsArm64(); Flags: ignoreversion 64bit recursesubdirs
Source: "..\dist\ollama_welcome.ps1"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: ".\assets\app.ico"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "..\dist\windows-amd64\lib\ollama\*"; DestDir: "{app}\lib\ollama\"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs
Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; IconFilename: "{app}\app.ico"
@ -99,6 +109,9 @@ Name: "{userstartup}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; IconFilen
Name: "{userprograms}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; IconFilename: "{app}\app.ico"
#if DirExists("..\dist\windows-arm64")
Filename: "{tmp}\vc_redist.arm64.exe"; Parameters: "/install /passive /norestart"; Check: IsArm64() and vc_redist_needed(); StatusMsg: "Installing VC++ Redistributables..."; Flags: waituntilterminated
Filename: "{cmd}"; Parameters: "/C set PATH={app};%PATH% & ""{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"""; Flags: postinstall nowait runhidden
@ -154,3 +167,39 @@ begin
{ Pos() returns 0 if not found }
Result := Pos(';' + ExpandConstant(Param) + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') = 0;
{ --- VC Runtime libraries discovery code - Only install vc_redist if it isn't already installed ----- }
const VCRTL_MIN_V1 = 14;
const VCRTL_MIN_V2 = 40;
const VCRTL_MIN_V3 = 33807;
const VCRTL_MIN_V4 = 0;
// check if the minimum required vc redist is installed (by looking the registry)
function vc_redist_needed (): Boolean;
sRegKey: string;
v1: Cardinal;
v2: Cardinal;
v3: Cardinal;
v4: Cardinal;
sRegKey := 'SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\VC\Runtimes\arm64';
if (RegQueryDWordValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sRegKey, 'Major', v1) and
RegQueryDWordValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sRegKey, 'Minor', v2) and
RegQueryDWordValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sRegKey, 'Bld', v3) and
RegQueryDWordValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sRegKey, 'RBld', v4)) then
Log ('VC Redist version: ' + IntToStr (v1) +
'.' + IntToStr (v2) + '.' + IntToStr (v3) +
'.' + IntToStr (v4));
{ Version info was found. Return true if later or equal to our
minimal required version RTL_MIN_Vx }
Result := not (
(v1 > VCRTL_MIN_V1) or ((v1 = VCRTL_MIN_V1) and
((v2 > VCRTL_MIN_V2) or ((v2 = VCRTL_MIN_V2) and
((v3 > VCRTL_MIN_V3) or ((v3 = VCRTL_MIN_V3) and
(v4 >= VCRTL_MIN_V4)))))));
Result := TRUE;
@ -407,6 +407,33 @@ A single JSON object is returned:
#### Unload a model
If an empty prompt is provided and the `keep_alive` parameter is set to `0`, a model will be unloaded from memory.
##### Request
curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{
"model": "llama3.1",
"keep_alive": 0
##### Response
A single JSON object is returned:
"model": "llama3.1",
"created_at": "2024-09-12T03:54:03.516566Z",
"response": "",
"done": true,
"done_reason": "unload"
## Generate a chat completion
@ -736,6 +763,64 @@ curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{
#### Load a model
If the messages array is empty, the model will be loaded into memory.
##### Request
curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{
"model": "llama3.1",
"messages": []
##### Response
"model": "llama3.1",
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": ""
"done_reason": "load",
"done": true
#### Unload a model
If the messages array is empty and the `keep_alive` parameter is set to `0`, a model will be unloaded from memory.
##### Request
curl http://localhost:11434/api/chat -d '{
"model": "llama3.1",
"messages": [],
"keep_alive": 0
##### Response
A single JSON object is returned:
"model": "llama3.1",
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": ""
"done_reason": "unload",
"done": true
## Create a Model
@ -148,3 +148,22 @@ In addition to the common Windows development tools described above, install AMD
- [Strawberry Perl](
Lastly, add `ninja.exe` included with MSVC to the system path (e.g. `C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\CMake\Ninja`).
#### Windows arm64
The default `Developer PowerShell for VS 2022` may default to x86 which is not what you want. To ensure you get an arm64 development environment, start a plain PowerShell terminal and run:
import-module 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community\\Common7\\Tools\\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll'
Enter-VsDevShell -Arch arm64 -vsinstallpath 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2022\\Community' -skipautomaticlocation
You can confirm with `write-host $env:VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH`
Follow the instructions at to set up an arm64 msys2 environment. Ollama requires gcc and mingw32-make to compile, which is not currently available on Windows arm64, but a gcc compatibility adapter is available via `mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-gcc-compat`. At a minimum you will need to install the following:
pacman -S mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-clang mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-gcc-compat mingw-w64-clang-aarch64-make make
You will need to ensure your PATH includes go, cmake, gcc and clang mingw32-make to build ollama from source. (typically `C:\msys64\clangarm64\bin\`)
@ -237,9 +237,13 @@ ollama run llama3.1 ""
## How do I keep a model loaded in memory or make it unload immediately?
By default models are kept in memory for 5 minutes before being unloaded. This allows for quicker response times if you are making numerous requests to the LLM. You may, however, want to free up the memory before the 5 minutes have elapsed or keep the model loaded indefinitely. Use the `keep_alive` parameter with either the `/api/generate` and `/api/chat` API endpoints to control how long the model is left in memory.
By default models are kept in memory for 5 minutes before being unloaded. This allows for quicker response times if you're making numerous requests to the LLM. If you want to immediately unload a model from memory, use the `ollama stop` command:
The `keep_alive` parameter can be set to:
ollama stop llama3.1
If you're using the API, use the `keep_alive` parameter with the `/api/generate` and `/api/chat` endpoints to set the amount of time that a model stays in memory. The `keep_alive` parameter can be set to:
* a duration string (such as "10m" or "24h")
* a number in seconds (such as 3600)
* any negative number which will keep the model loaded in memory (e.g. -1 or "-1m")
@ -255,9 +259,9 @@ To unload the model and free up memory use:
curl http://localhost:11434/api/generate -d '{"model": "llama3.1", "keep_alive": 0}'
Alternatively, you can change the amount of time all models are loaded into memory by setting the `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` environment variable when starting the Ollama server. The `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` variable uses the same parameter types as the `keep_alive` parameter types mentioned above. Refer to section explaining [how to configure the Ollama server](#how-do-i-configure-ollama-server) to correctly set the environment variable.
Alternatively, you can change the amount of time all models are loaded into memory by setting the `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` environment variable when starting the Ollama server. The `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` variable uses the same parameter types as the `keep_alive` parameter types mentioned above. Refer to the section explaining [how to configure the Ollama server](#how-do-i-configure-ollama-server) to correctly set the environment variable.
If you wish to override the `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` setting, use the `keep_alive` API parameter with the `/api/generate` or `/api/chat` API endpoints.
The `keep_alive` API parameter with the `/api/generate` and `/api/chat` API endpoints will override the `OLLAMA_KEEP_ALIVE` setting.
## How do I manage the maximum number of requests the Ollama server can queue?
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Ollama supports importing adapters based on several different model architecture
You can create the adapter using a fine tuning framework or tool which can output adapters in the Safetensors format, such as:
* Hugging Face [fine tuning framework] (
* Hugging Face [fine tuning framework](
* [Unsloth](
* [MLX](
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# RAG Hallucination Checker using Bespoke-Minicheck
This example allows the user to ask questions related to a document, which can be specified via an article url. Relevant chunks are retreived from the document and given to `llama3.1` as context to answer the question. Then each sentence in the answer is checked against the retrieved chunks using `bespoke-minicheck` to ensure that the answer does not contain hallucinations.
## Running the Example
1. Ensure `all-minilm` (embedding) `llama3.1` (chat) and `bespoke-minicheck` (check) models installed:
ollama pull all-minilm
ollama pull llama3.1
ollama pull bespoke-minicheck
2. Install the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Run the example:
## Expected Output
Enter the URL of an article you want to chat with, or press Enter for default example:
Loaded, chunked, and embedded text from
Enter your question or type quit: Who is the CEO of openai?
Retrieved chunks:
OpenAI is releasing a new model called o1 , the first in a planned series of “ reasoning ” models that have been trained to answer more complex questions , faster than a human can . It ’ s being released alongside o1-mini , a smaller , cheaper version . And yes , if you ’ re steeped in AI rumors : this is , in fact , the extremely hyped Strawberry model . For OpenAI , o1 represents a step toward its broader goal of human-like artificial intelligence .
OpenAI is releasing a new model called o1 , the first in a planned series of “ reasoning ” models that have been trained to answer more complex questions , faster than a human can . It ’ s being released alongside o1-mini , a smaller , cheaper version . And yes , if you ’ re steeped in AI rumors : this is , in fact , the extremely hyped Strawberry model . For OpenAI , o1 represents a step toward its broader goal of human-like artificial intelligence . More practically , it does a better job at writing code and solving multistep problems than previous models . But it ’ s also more expensive and slower to use than GPT-4o . OpenAI is calling this release of o1 a “ preview ” to emphasize how nascent it is . ChatGPT Plus and Team users get access to both o1-preview and o1-mini starting today , while Enterprise and Edu users will get access early next week .
More practically , it does a better job at writing code and solving multistep problems than previous models . But it ’ s also more expensive and slower to use than GPT-4o . OpenAI is calling this release of o1 a “ preview ” to emphasize how nascent it is . ChatGPT Plus and Team users get access to both o1-preview and o1-mini starting today , while Enterprise and Edu users will get access early next week . OpenAI says it plans to bring o1-mini access to all the free users of ChatGPT but hasn ’ t set a release date yet . Developer access to o1 is really expensive : In the API , o1-preview is $ 15 per 1 million input tokens , or chunks of text parsed by the model , and $ 60 per 1 million output tokens . For comparison , GPT-4o costs $ 5 per 1 million input tokens and $ 15 per 1 million output tokens .
OpenAI says it plans to bring o1-mini access to all the free users of ChatGPT but hasn ’ t set a release date yet . Developer access to o1 is really expensive : In the API , o1-preview is $ 15 per 1 million input tokens , or chunks of text parsed by the model , and $ 60 per 1 million output tokens . For comparison , GPT-4o costs $ 5 per 1 million input tokens and $ 15 per 1 million output tokens . The training behind o1 is fundamentally different from its predecessors , OpenAI ’ s research lead , Jerry Tworek , tells me , though the company is being vague about the exact details . He says o1 “ has been trained using a completely new optimization algorithm and a new training dataset specifically tailored for it. ” Image : OpenAI OpenAI taught previous GPT models to mimic patterns from its training data .
LLM Answer:
The text does not mention the CEO of OpenAI. It only discusses the release of a new model called o1 and some details about it, but does not provide information on the company's leadership.
LLM Claim: The text does not mention the CEO of OpenAI.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? Yes
LLM Claim: It only discusses the release of a new model called o1 and some details about it, but does not provide information on the company's leadership.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? No
The second claim is unsupported since the text mentions the research lead.
Another tricky example:
Enter your question or type quit: what sets o1 apart from gpt-4o?
Retrieved chunks:
OpenAI says it plans to bring o1-mini access to all the free users of ChatGPT but hasn ’ t set a release date yet . Developer access to o1 is really expensive : In the API , o1-preview is $ 15 per 1 million input tokens , or chunks of text parsed by the model , and $ 60 per 1 million output tokens . For comparison , GPT-4o costs $ 5 per 1 million input tokens and $ 15 per 1 million output tokens . The training behind o1 is fundamentally different from its predecessors , OpenAI ’ s research lead , Jerry Tworek , tells me , though the company is being vague about the exact details . He says o1 “ has been trained using a completely new optimization algorithm and a new training dataset specifically tailored for it. ” Image : OpenAI OpenAI taught previous GPT models to mimic patterns from its training data .
He says OpenAI also tested o1 against a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad , and while GPT-4o only correctly solved only 13 percent of problems , o1 scored 83 percent . “ We can ’ t say we solved hallucinations ” In online programming contests known as Codeforces competitions , this new model reached the 89th percentile of participants , and OpenAI claims the next update of this model will perform “ similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics , chemistry and biology. ” At the same time , o1 is not as capable as GPT-4o in a lot of areas . It doesn ’ t do as well on factual knowledge about the world .
More practically , it does a better job at writing code and solving multistep problems than previous models . But it ’ s also more expensive and slower to use than GPT-4o . OpenAI is calling this release of o1 a “ preview ” to emphasize how nascent it is . ChatGPT Plus and Team users get access to both o1-preview and o1-mini starting today , while Enterprise and Edu users will get access early next week . OpenAI says it plans to bring o1-mini access to all the free users of ChatGPT but hasn ’ t set a release date yet . Developer access to o1 is really expensive : In the API , o1-preview is $ 15 per 1 million input tokens , or chunks of text parsed by the model , and $ 60 per 1 million output tokens . For comparison , GPT-4o costs $ 5 per 1 million input tokens and $ 15 per 1 million output tokens .
“ We can ’ t say we solved hallucinations ” In online programming contests known as Codeforces competitions , this new model reached the 89th percentile of participants , and OpenAI claims the next update of this model will perform “ similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics , chemistry and biology. ” At the same time , o1 is not as capable as GPT-4o in a lot of areas . It doesn ’ t do as well on factual knowledge about the world . It also doesn ’ t have the ability to browse the web or process files and images . Still , the company believes it represents a brand-new class of capabilities . It was named o1 to indicate “ resetting the counter back to 1. ” “ I ’ m gon na be honest : I think we ’ re terrible at naming , traditionally , ” McGrew says .
LLM Answer: According to the text, several things set o1 apart from GPT-4o:
* In online programming contests (Codeforces competitions), o1 scored 83% correct solutions compared to GPT-4o's 13%.
* The training behind o1 is "fundamentally different" from its predecessors, including a completely new optimization algorithm and a new training dataset specifically tailored for it.
* o1 has been shown to perform similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology, while GPT-4o does not have this level of performance.
* However, o1 is also less capable than GPT-4o in some areas, particularly with regard to factual knowledge about the world.
LLM Claim: According to the text, several things set o1 apart from GPT-4o:
* In online programming contests (Codeforces competitions), o1 scored 83% correct solutions compared to GPT-4o's 13%.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? Yes
LLM Claim: * The training behind o1 is "fundamentally different" from its predecessors, including a completely new optimization algorithm and a new training dataset specifically tailored for it.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? Yes
LLM Claim: * o1 has been shown to perform similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology, while GPT-4o does not have this level of performance.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? No
LLM Claim: * However, o1 is also less capable than GPT-4o in some areas, particularly with regard to factual knowledge about the world.
Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? Yes
We see that the third claim "* o1 has been shown to perform similarly to PhD students on challenging benchmark tasks in physics, chemistry, and biology, while GPT-4o does not have this level of performance." is not supported by the context. This is because the context only mentions that o1 "is claimed to perform" which is different from "has been shown to perform".
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
import ollama
import warnings
from mattsollamatools import chunker
from newspaper import Article
import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import nltk
"ignore", category=FutureWarning, module="transformers.tokenization_utils_base"
||||"punkt", quiet=True)
def getArticleText(url):
"""Gets the text of an article from a URL.
Often there are a bunch of ads and menus on pages for a news article.
This uses newspaper3k to get just the text of just the article.
article = Article(url)
return article.text
def knn_search(question_embedding, embeddings, k=5):
"""Performs K-nearest neighbors (KNN) search"""
X = np.array(
[item["embedding"] for article in embeddings for item in article["embeddings"]]
source_texts = [
item["source"] for article in embeddings for item in article["embeddings"]
# Fit a KNN model on the embeddings
knn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k, metric="cosine")
# Find the indices and distances of the k-nearest neighbors.
_, indices = knn.kneighbors(question_embedding, n_neighbors=k)
# Get the indices and source texts of the best matches
best_matches = [(indices[0][i], source_texts[indices[0][i]]) for i in range(k)]
return best_matches
def check(document, claim):
"""Checks if the claim is supported by the document by calling bespoke-minicheck.
Returns Yes/yes if the claim is supported by the document, No/no otherwise.
Support for logits will be added in the future.
bespoke-minicheck's system prompt is defined as:
'Determine whether the provided claim is consistent with the corresponding
document. Consistency in this context implies that all information presented in the claim
is substantiated by the document. If not, it should be considered inconsistent. Please
assess the claim's consistency with the document by responding with either "Yes" or "No".'
bespoke-minicheck's user prompt is defined as:
"Document: {document}\nClaim: {claim}"
prompt = f"Document: {document}\nClaim: {claim}"
response = ollama.generate(
model="bespoke-minicheck", prompt=prompt, options={"num_predict": 2, "temperature": 0.0}
return response["response"].strip()
if __name__ == "__main__":
allEmbeddings = []
default_url = ""
user_input = input(
"Enter the URL of an article you want to chat with, or press Enter for default example: "
article_url = user_input.strip() if user_input.strip() else default_url
article = {}
article["embeddings"] = []
article["url"] = article_url
text = getArticleText(article_url)
chunks = chunker(text)
# Embed (batch) chunks using ollama
embeddings = ollama.embed(model="all-minilm", input=chunks)["embeddings"]
for chunk, embedding in zip(chunks, embeddings):
item = {}
item["source"] = chunk
item["embedding"] = embedding
item["sourcelength"] = len(chunk)
print(f"\nLoaded, chunked, and embedded text from {article_url}.\n")
while True:
# Input a question from the user
# For example, "Who is the chief research officer?"
question = input("Enter your question or type quit: ")
if question.lower() == "quit":
# Embed the user's question using ollama.embed
question_embedding = ollama.embed(model="all-minilm", input=question)[
# Perform KNN search to find the best matches (indices and source text)
best_matches = knn_search(question_embedding, allEmbeddings, k=4)
sourcetext = "\n\n".join([source_text for (_, source_text) in best_matches])
print(f"\nRetrieved chunks: \n{sourcetext}\n")
# Give the retreived chunks and question to the chat model
system_prompt = f"Only use the following information to answer the question. Do not use anything else: {sourcetext}"
ollama_response = ollama.generate(
options={"stream": False},
answer = ollama_response["response"]
print(f"LLM Answer:\n{answer}\n")
# Check each sentence in the response for grounded factuality
if answer:
for claim in nltk.sent_tokenize(answer):
print(f"LLM Claim: {claim}")
f"Is this claim supported by the context according to bespoke-minicheck? {check(sourcetext, claim)}\n"
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
"""Simple example to demonstrate how to use the bespoke-minicheck model."""
import ollama
# NOTE: ollama must be running for this to work, start the ollama app or run `ollama serve`
def check(document, claim):
"""Checks if the claim is supported by the document by calling bespoke-minicheck.
Returns Yes/yes if the claim is supported by the document, No/no otherwise.
Support for logits will be added in the future.
bespoke-minicheck's system prompt is defined as:
'Determine whether the provided claim is consistent with the corresponding
document. Consistency in this context implies that all information presented in the claim
is substantiated by the document. If not, it should be considered inconsistent. Please
assess the claim's consistency with the document by responding with either "Yes" or "No".'
bespoke-minicheck's user prompt is defined as:
"Document: {document}\nClaim: {claim}"
prompt = f"Document: {document}\nClaim: {claim}"
response = ollama.generate(
model="bespoke-minicheck", prompt=prompt, options={"num_predict": 2, "temperature": 0.0}
return response["response"].strip()
def get_user_input(prompt):
user_input = input(prompt)
if not user_input:
return user_input
def main():
while True:
# Get a document from the user (e.g. "Ryan likes running and biking.")
document = get_user_input("Enter a document: ")
# Get a claim from the user (e.g. "Ryan likes to run.")
claim = get_user_input("Enter a claim: ")
# Check if the claim is supported by the document
grounded_factuality_check = check(document, claim)
f"Is the claim supported by the document according to bespoke-minicheck? {grounded_factuality_check}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Simple Bespoke-Minicheck Example
`bespoke-minicheck` is a model for checking if a claim is supported by a document. It is used through the **generate** endpoint, which is called in this example with a `prompt` that includes the expected formatting of the user input.
## Running the Example
1. Ensure you have the `bespoke-minicheck` model installed:
ollama pull bespoke-minicheck
2. Install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Run the program:
4. Enter a document and a claim when prompted:
Enter a document: Roses are red.
Enter a claim: Roses are blue.
The claim and document are then given to the `bespoke-minicheck` as inputs, which then generates a response (Yes or No) on whether the claim is supported by the document.
Is the claim supported by the document according to bespoke-minicheck? No
## More Examples
Document ([source](
> The Apple Computer 1 (Apple-1[a]), later known predominantly as the Apple I(written with a Roman numeral),[b] is an 8-bit motherboard-only personal computer designed by Steve Wozniak[5][6] and released by the Apple Computer Company (now Apple Inc.) in 1976. The company was initially formed to sell the Apple I – its first product – and would later become the world's largest technology company.[7] The idea of starting a company and selling the computer came from Wozniak's friend and Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.[8][9] One of the main innovations of the Apple I was that it included video display terminal circuitry on its circuit board, allowing it to connect to a low-cost composite video monitor or television, instead of an expensive computer terminal, compared to most existing computers at the time.
>The Apple I is a 16-bit computer.
Expected output:
>Is the claim supported by the document according to bespoke-minicheck? **No**
>Apple was originally called the Apple Computer Company.
Expected output:
>Is the claim supported by the document according to bespoke-minicheck? **Yes**
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -10,5 +10,6 @@ target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE ggml llama common llava ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ${LLAMA_SERVER_LDFLAGS})
if (WIN32)
target_link_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE -municode -Wl,/subsystem:console)
target_compile_features(${TARGET} PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
@ -69,22 +69,10 @@ git_module_setup() {
apply_patches() {
# Wire up our CMakefile
if ! grep ollama ${LLAMACPP_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt; then
echo 'add_subdirectory(../ext_server ext_server) # ollama' >>${LLAMACPP_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt
if [ -n "$(ls -A ../patches/*.diff)" ]; then
# apply temporary patches until fix is upstream
for patch in ../patches/*.diff; do
for file in $(grep "^+++ " ${patch} | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f2- -d/); do
(cd ${LLAMACPP_DIR}; git checkout ${file})
for patch in ../patches/*.diff; do
(cd ${LLAMACPP_DIR} && git apply ${patch})
# apply temporary patches until fix is upstream
for patch in ../patches/*.patch; do
git -c '' -c '<>' -C ${LLAMACPP_DIR} am ${patch}
build() {
@ -19,6 +19,19 @@ function amdGPUs {
function init_vars {
write-host "Checking for cmake..."
get-command cmake
write-host "Checking for ninja..."
$d=(get-command -ea 'silentlycontinue' ninja).path
if ($null -eq $d) {
$MSVC_INSTALL=(Get-CimInstance MSFT_VSInstance -Namespace root/cimv2/vs)[0].InstallLocation
$matches=(gci -path $MSVC_INSTALL -r -fi ninja.exe)
if ($matches.count -eq 0) {
throw "Unable to locate ninja"
$ninjaDir=($matches[0].FullName | split-path -parent)
if (!$script:SRC_DIR) {
$script:SRC_DIR = $(resolve-path "..\..\")
@ -83,29 +96,9 @@ function git_module_setup {
function apply_patches {
# Wire up our CMakefile
if (!(Select-String -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/CMakeLists.txt" -Pattern 'ollama')) {
Add-Content -Path "${script:llamacppDir}/CMakeLists.txt" -Value 'add_subdirectory(../ext_server ext_server) # ollama'
# Apply temporary patches until fix is upstream
$patches = Get-ChildItem "../patches/*.diff"
foreach ($patch in $patches) {
# Extract file paths from the patch file
$filePaths = Get-Content $patch.FullName | Where-Object { $_ -match '^\+\+\+ ' } | ForEach-Object {
$parts = $_ -split ' '
($parts[1] -split '/', 2)[1]
# Checkout each file
foreach ($file in $filePaths) {
git -C "${script:llamacppDir}" checkout $file
# Apply each patch
foreach ($patch in $patches) {
git -C "${script:llamacppDir}" apply $patch.FullName
foreach ($patch in $(Get-ChildItem "../patches/*.patch")) {
git -c '' -c '<>' -C "${script:llamacppDir}" am $patch.FullName
@ -165,7 +158,7 @@ function cleanup {
# Checkout each file
foreach ($file in $filePaths) {
foreach ($file in $filePaths) {
git -C "${script:llamacppDir}" checkout $file
git -C "${script:llamacppDir}" checkout CMakeLists.txt
@ -182,12 +175,12 @@ function build_static() {
if ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_STATIC_GENERATE}") -and ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}") -or ("${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}" -eq "static"))) {
# GCC build for direct linking into the Go binary
# cmake will silently fallback to msvc compilers if mingw isn't in the path, so detect and fail fast
# as we need this to be compiled by gcc for golang to be able to link with itx
write-host "Checking for MinGW..."
# error action ensures we exit on failure
get-command gcc
get-command mingw32-make
# cmake will silently fallback to msvc compilers if gcc isn't in the path, so detect and fail fast
# as we need this to be compiled by gcc for golang to be able to link with it
write-host "Checking for gcc..."
get-command gcc
get-command mingw32-make
$oldTargets = $script:cmakeTargets
$script:cmakeTargets = @("llama", "ggml")
$script:cmakeDefs = @(
@ -211,11 +204,10 @@ function build_static() {
function build_cpu($gen_arch) {
function build_cpu_x64 {
if ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_CPU_GENERATE}" ) -and ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}") -or ("${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}" -eq "cpu"))) {
# remaining llama.cpp builds use MSVC
$script:cmakeDefs = $script:commonCpuDefs + @("-A", $gen_arch, "-DGGML_AVX=off", "-DGGML_AVX2=off", "-DGGML_AVX512=off", "-DGGML_FMA=off", "-DGGML_F16C=off") + $script:cmakeDefs
$script:cmakeDefs = $script:commonCpuDefs + @("-A", "x64", "-DGGML_AVX=off", "-DGGML_AVX2=off", "-DGGML_AVX512=off", "-DGGML_FMA=off", "-DGGML_F16C=off") + $script:cmakeDefs
write-host "Building LCD CPU"
@ -227,6 +219,32 @@ function build_cpu($gen_arch) {
function build_cpu_arm64 {
if ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_CPU_GENERATE}" ) -and ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}") -or ("${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}" -eq "cpu"))) {
write-host "Checking for clang..."
get-command clang
$env:CFLAGS="-march=armv8.7-a -fvectorize -ffp-model=fast -fno-finite-math-only"
$script:cmakeDefs = $script:commonCpuDefs + @(
) + $script:cmakeDefs
write-host "Building LCD CPU"
} else {
write-host "Skipping CPU generation step as requested"
function build_cpu_avx() {
if ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_SKIP_CPU_GENERATE}" ) -and ((-not "${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}") -or ("${env:OLLAMA_CPU_TARGET}" -eq "cpu_avx"))) {
@ -351,7 +369,7 @@ function build_rocm() {
$script:cmakeDefs += @(
"-G", "Ninja",
"-G", "Ninja",
@ -400,9 +418,9 @@ if ($($args.count) -eq 0) {
if ($script:ARCH -eq "arm64") {
} else { # amd64
@ -416,5 +434,5 @@ if ($($args.count) -eq 0) {
for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $args.count; $i++ ) {
write-host "performing $($args[$i])"
& $($args[$i])
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ package llm
// #cgo darwin,arm64 LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/arm64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/arm64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/arm64_static/ggml/src -framework Accelerate -framework Metal
// #cgo darwin,amd64 LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/x86_64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/x86_64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/darwin/x86_64_static/ggml/src
// #cgo windows,amd64 LDFLAGS: -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/amd64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/amd64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/amd64_static/ggml/src
// #cgo windows,arm64 LDFLAGS: -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static/ggml/src
// #cgo windows,arm64 LDFLAGS: -lllama -lggml -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/windows/arm64_static/ggml/src
// #cgo linux,amd64 LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/x86_64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/x86_64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/x86_64_static/ggml/src
// #cgo linux,arm64 LDFLAGS: -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/arm64_static -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/arm64_static/src -L${SRCDIR}/build/linux/arm64_static/ggml/src
// #include <stdlib.h>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
From 8b8d83ffca775840acc5dc700f3b3703e9f5cfe4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:27:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] patch cmakelist
CMakeLists.txt | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index a3132063..6a2a9912 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -199,3 +199,5 @@ if (LLAMA_BUILD_EXAMPLES)
+add_subdirectory(../ext_server ext_server) # ollama
@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
From 2cfaa0a04faa9c87ba8f1ac8527eb953e69c6cde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:10 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 01-load-progress.diff
common/common.cpp | 2 ++
common/common.h | 7 +++++++
2 files changed, 9 insertions(+)
diff --git a/common/common.cpp b/common/common.cpp
index 2c05a4d4..927f0e3d 100644
index 9fa18472..48ff41e9 100644
--- a/common/common.cpp
+++ b/common/common.cpp
@@ -2093,6 +2093,8 @@ struct llama_model_params llama_model_params_from_gpt_params(const gpt_params &
@@ -2573,6 +2573,8 @@ struct llama_model_params llama_model_params_from_gpt_params(const gpt_params &
mparams.use_mmap = params.use_mmap;
mparams.use_mlock = params.use_mlock;
mparams.check_tensors = params.check_tensors;
@ -12,10 +22,10 @@ index 2c05a4d4..927f0e3d 100644
mparams.kv_overrides = NULL;
} else {
diff --git a/common/common.h b/common/common.h
index 65c0ef81..ebca2c77 100644
index cb5e7f6d..d8f043f7 100644
--- a/common/common.h
+++ b/common/common.h
@@ -184,6 +184,13 @@ struct gpt_params {
@@ -204,6 +204,13 @@ struct gpt_params {
std::string mmproj = ""; // path to multimodal projector
std::vector<std::string> image; // path to image file(s)
@ -29,3 +39,6 @@ index 65c0ef81..ebca2c77 100644
// embedding
bool embedding = false; // get only sentence embedding
int32_t embd_normalize = 2; // normalisation for embendings (-1=none, 0=max absolute int16, 1=taxicab, 2=euclidean, >2=p-norm)
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
From ba4bba80a744f76ac67b8234451c259a3c5da83b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:11 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 02-clip-log.diff
examples/llava/clip.cpp | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/examples/llava/clip.cpp b/examples/llava/clip.cpp
index e431c7f7..f077e688 100644
index 9b890571..cb51793d 100644
--- a/examples/llava/clip.cpp
+++ b/examples/llava/clip.cpp
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
@ -10,3 +19,6 @@ index e431c7f7..f077e688 100644
#include "log.h"
#include "ggml.h"
#include "ggml-alloc.h"
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
From e43bfd3f607a6dfcaba2d490d35f412a52e55e30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:12 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 03-load_exception.diff
src/llama.cpp | 25 ++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/llama.cpp b/src/llama.cpp
index 73f52435..58a00fb1 100644
index 88355971..926bb71a 100644
--- a/src/llama.cpp
+++ b/src/llama.cpp
@@ -7241,7 +7241,7 @@ static int llama_model_load(const std::string & fname, llama_model & model, llam
@@ -8635,7 +8635,7 @@ static int llama_model_load(const std::string & fname, llama_model & model, llam
} catch (const std::exception & err) {
LLAMA_LOG_ERROR("%s: error loading model: %s\n", __func__, err.what());
@ -11,7 +20,7 @@ index 73f52435..58a00fb1 100644
return 0;
@@ -17564,16 +17564,23 @@ struct llama_model * llama_load_model_from_file(
@@ -18022,16 +18022,23 @@ struct llama_model * llama_load_model_from_file(
@ -43,3 +52,6 @@ index 73f52435..58a00fb1 100644
return model;
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
From 29411d9a9d2b6a0af6425ffe88498f17f71f7d5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:12 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 04-metal.diff
ggml/src/ggml-metal.m | 30 +++++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ggml/src/ggml-metal.m b/ggml/src/ggml-metal.m
index 0207b787..b5e9884b 100644
index 91b5e61b..9cfa72ac 100644
--- a/ggml/src/ggml-metal.m
+++ b/ggml/src/ggml-metal.m
@@ -1396,27 +1396,23 @@ static enum ggml_status ggml_metal_graph_compute(
@@ -1734,27 +1734,23 @@ static enum ggml_status ggml_metal_graph_compute(
// to the matrix-vector kernel
int ne11_mm_min = 1;
@ -43,3 +52,6 @@ index 0207b787..b5e9884b 100644
// for now the matrix-matrix multiplication kernel only works on A14+/M1+ SoCs
// AMD GPU and older A-chips will reuse matrix-vector multiplication kernel
@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
From b298ac8614d1e38da28f760eb1d2ae8af0fbbe62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:13 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 05-default-pretokenizer.diff
src/llama.cpp | 14 +++-----------
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/llama.cpp b/src/llama.cpp
index 88355971..dd7d41ed 100644
index 926bb71a..d1e959fc 100644
--- a/src/llama.cpp
+++ b/src/llama.cpp
@@ -6083,16 +6083,7 @@ static void llm_load_vocab(
@ -30,3 +39,6 @@ index 88355971..dd7d41ed 100644
} else if (vocab.type == LLAMA_VOCAB_TYPE_SPM) {
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
From c9a6ca9fc039233dee746a4da9705762cd9e515d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Yang <>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 15:53:14 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] 06-embeddings.diff
src/llama.cpp | 17 ++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/llama.cpp b/src/llama.cpp
index 88355971..d7db689b 100644
index d1e959fc..f79bd782 100644
--- a/src/llama.cpp
+++ b/src/llama.cpp
@@ -15906,7 +15906,7 @@ static size_t llama_output_reserve(llama_context & lctx, size_t n_outputs) {
@@ -15898,7 +15898,7 @@ static size_t llama_output_reserve(llama_context & lctx, size_t n_outputs) {
const auto n_embd = hparams.n_embd;