// Set the system prompt to prepare the model to receive a prompt and a schema and set some rules for the output.
constsystemprompt=`You will be given a text along with a prompt and a schema. You will have to extract the information requested in the prompt from the text and generate output in JSON observing the schema provided. If the schema shows a type of integer or number, you must only show a integer for that field. A string should always be a valid string. If a value is unknown, leave it empty. Output the JSON with extra spaces to ensure that it pretty prints.`
constprompt=`Review the source text and determine the 10 most important people to focus on. Then extract the name and title for those people. Output should be in JSON.\n\nSchema: \n${JSON.stringify(schema,null,2)}\n\nSource Text:\n${textcontent}`
// setJSONFormat is the equivalent of setting 'format: json' in the API