2180 lines
85 KiB
2180 lines
85 KiB
if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true });
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __reExport = (target, module2, desc) => {
if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(target, key) && key !== "default")
__defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return target;
var __toModule = (module2) => {
return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2);
var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var fulfilled = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var rejected = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
// main.ts
__export(exports, {
default: () => AutoNoteMover
var import_obsidian6 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
// settings/settings.ts
var import_obsidian5 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
// suggests/file-suggest.ts
var import_obsidian2 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
// suggests/suggest.ts
var import_obsidian = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/enums.js
var top = "top";
var bottom = "bottom";
var right = "right";
var left = "left";
var auto = "auto";
var basePlacements = [top, bottom, right, left];
var start = "start";
var end = "end";
var clippingParents = "clippingParents";
var viewport = "viewport";
var popper = "popper";
var reference = "reference";
var variationPlacements = /* @__PURE__ */ basePlacements.reduce(function(acc, placement) {
return acc.concat([placement + "-" + start, placement + "-" + end]);
}, []);
var placements = /* @__PURE__ */ [].concat(basePlacements, [auto]).reduce(function(acc, placement) {
return acc.concat([placement, placement + "-" + start, placement + "-" + end]);
}, []);
var beforeRead = "beforeRead";
var read = "read";
var afterRead = "afterRead";
var beforeMain = "beforeMain";
var main = "main";
var afterMain = "afterMain";
var beforeWrite = "beforeWrite";
var write = "write";
var afterWrite = "afterWrite";
var modifierPhases = [beforeRead, read, afterRead, beforeMain, main, afterMain, beforeWrite, write, afterWrite];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getNodeName.js
function getNodeName(element) {
return element ? (element.nodeName || "").toLowerCase() : null;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getWindow.js
function getWindow(node) {
if (node == null) {
return window;
if (node.toString() !== "[object Window]") {
var ownerDocument = node.ownerDocument;
return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView || window : window;
return node;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/instanceOf.js
function isElement(node) {
var OwnElement = getWindow(node).Element;
return node instanceof OwnElement || node instanceof Element;
function isHTMLElement(node) {
var OwnElement = getWindow(node).HTMLElement;
return node instanceof OwnElement || node instanceof HTMLElement;
function isShadowRoot(node) {
if (typeof ShadowRoot === "undefined") {
return false;
var OwnElement = getWindow(node).ShadowRoot;
return node instanceof OwnElement || node instanceof ShadowRoot;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/applyStyles.js
function applyStyles(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state;
Object.keys(state.elements).forEach(function(name) {
var style = state.styles[name] || {};
var attributes = state.attributes[name] || {};
var element = state.elements[name];
if (!isHTMLElement(element) || !getNodeName(element)) {
Object.assign(element.style, style);
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function(name2) {
var value = attributes[name2];
if (value === false) {
} else {
element.setAttribute(name2, value === true ? "" : value);
function effect(_ref2) {
var state = _ref2.state;
var initialStyles = {
popper: {
position: state.options.strategy,
left: "0",
top: "0",
margin: "0"
arrow: {
position: "absolute"
reference: {}
Object.assign(state.elements.popper.style, initialStyles.popper);
state.styles = initialStyles;
if (state.elements.arrow) {
Object.assign(state.elements.arrow.style, initialStyles.arrow);
return function() {
Object.keys(state.elements).forEach(function(name) {
var element = state.elements[name];
var attributes = state.attributes[name] || {};
var styleProperties = Object.keys(state.styles.hasOwnProperty(name) ? state.styles[name] : initialStyles[name]);
var style = styleProperties.reduce(function(style2, property) {
style2[property] = "";
return style2;
}, {});
if (!isHTMLElement(element) || !getNodeName(element)) {
Object.assign(element.style, style);
Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function(attribute) {
var applyStyles_default = {
name: "applyStyles",
enabled: true,
phase: "write",
fn: applyStyles,
requires: ["computeStyles"]
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getBasePlacement.js
function getBasePlacement(placement) {
return placement.split("-")[0];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/math.js
var max = Math.max;
var min = Math.min;
var round = Math.round;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getBoundingClientRect.js
function getBoundingClientRect(element, includeScale) {
if (includeScale === void 0) {
includeScale = false;
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var scaleX = 1;
var scaleY = 1;
if (isHTMLElement(element) && includeScale) {
var offsetHeight = element.offsetHeight;
var offsetWidth = element.offsetWidth;
if (offsetWidth > 0) {
scaleX = round(rect.width) / offsetWidth || 1;
if (offsetHeight > 0) {
scaleY = round(rect.height) / offsetHeight || 1;
return {
width: rect.width / scaleX,
height: rect.height / scaleY,
top: rect.top / scaleY,
right: rect.right / scaleX,
bottom: rect.bottom / scaleY,
left: rect.left / scaleX,
x: rect.left / scaleX,
y: rect.top / scaleY
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getLayoutRect.js
function getLayoutRect(element) {
var clientRect = getBoundingClientRect(element);
var width = element.offsetWidth;
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (Math.abs(clientRect.width - width) <= 1) {
width = clientRect.width;
if (Math.abs(clientRect.height - height) <= 1) {
height = clientRect.height;
return {
x: element.offsetLeft,
y: element.offsetTop,
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/contains.js
function contains(parent, child) {
var rootNode = child.getRootNode && child.getRootNode();
if (parent.contains(child)) {
return true;
} else if (rootNode && isShadowRoot(rootNode)) {
var next = child;
do {
if (next && parent.isSameNode(next)) {
return true;
next = next.parentNode || next.host;
} while (next);
return false;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getComputedStyle.js
function getComputedStyle(element) {
return getWindow(element).getComputedStyle(element);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/isTableElement.js
function isTableElement(element) {
return ["table", "td", "th"].indexOf(getNodeName(element)) >= 0;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getDocumentElement.js
function getDocumentElement(element) {
return ((isElement(element) ? element.ownerDocument : element.document) || window.document).documentElement;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getParentNode.js
function getParentNode(element) {
if (getNodeName(element) === "html") {
return element;
return element.assignedSlot || element.parentNode || (isShadowRoot(element) ? element.host : null) || getDocumentElement(element);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getOffsetParent.js
function getTrueOffsetParent(element) {
if (!isHTMLElement(element) || getComputedStyle(element).position === "fixed") {
return null;
return element.offsetParent;
function getContainingBlock(element) {
var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") !== -1;
var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident") !== -1;
if (isIE && isHTMLElement(element)) {
var elementCss = getComputedStyle(element);
if (elementCss.position === "fixed") {
return null;
var currentNode = getParentNode(element);
if (isShadowRoot(currentNode)) {
currentNode = currentNode.host;
while (isHTMLElement(currentNode) && ["html", "body"].indexOf(getNodeName(currentNode)) < 0) {
var css = getComputedStyle(currentNode);
if (css.transform !== "none" || css.perspective !== "none" || css.contain === "paint" || ["transform", "perspective"].indexOf(css.willChange) !== -1 || isFirefox && css.willChange === "filter" || isFirefox && css.filter && css.filter !== "none") {
return currentNode;
} else {
currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
return null;
function getOffsetParent(element) {
var window2 = getWindow(element);
var offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(element);
while (offsetParent && isTableElement(offsetParent) && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static") {
offsetParent = getTrueOffsetParent(offsetParent);
if (offsetParent && (getNodeName(offsetParent) === "html" || getNodeName(offsetParent) === "body" && getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position === "static")) {
return window2;
return offsetParent || getContainingBlock(element) || window2;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getMainAxisFromPlacement.js
function getMainAxisFromPlacement(placement) {
return ["top", "bottom"].indexOf(placement) >= 0 ? "x" : "y";
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/within.js
function within(min2, value, max2) {
return max(min2, min(value, max2));
function withinMaxClamp(min2, value, max2) {
var v = within(min2, value, max2);
return v > max2 ? max2 : v;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getFreshSideObject.js
function getFreshSideObject() {
return {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/mergePaddingObject.js
function mergePaddingObject(paddingObject) {
return Object.assign({}, getFreshSideObject(), paddingObject);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/expandToHashMap.js
function expandToHashMap(value, keys) {
return keys.reduce(function(hashMap, key) {
hashMap[key] = value;
return hashMap;
}, {});
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/arrow.js
var toPaddingObject = function toPaddingObject2(padding, state) {
padding = typeof padding === "function" ? padding(Object.assign({}, state.rects, {
placement: state.placement
})) : padding;
return mergePaddingObject(typeof padding !== "number" ? padding : expandToHashMap(padding, basePlacements));
function arrow(_ref) {
var _state$modifiersData$;
var state = _ref.state, name = _ref.name, options = _ref.options;
var arrowElement = state.elements.arrow;
var popperOffsets2 = state.modifiersData.popperOffsets;
var basePlacement = getBasePlacement(state.placement);
var axis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(basePlacement);
var isVertical = [left, right].indexOf(basePlacement) >= 0;
var len = isVertical ? "height" : "width";
if (!arrowElement || !popperOffsets2) {
var paddingObject = toPaddingObject(options.padding, state);
var arrowRect = getLayoutRect(arrowElement);
var minProp = axis === "y" ? top : left;
var maxProp = axis === "y" ? bottom : right;
var endDiff = state.rects.reference[len] + state.rects.reference[axis] - popperOffsets2[axis] - state.rects.popper[len];
var startDiff = popperOffsets2[axis] - state.rects.reference[axis];
var arrowOffsetParent = getOffsetParent(arrowElement);
var clientSize = arrowOffsetParent ? axis === "y" ? arrowOffsetParent.clientHeight || 0 : arrowOffsetParent.clientWidth || 0 : 0;
var centerToReference = endDiff / 2 - startDiff / 2;
var min2 = paddingObject[minProp];
var max2 = clientSize - arrowRect[len] - paddingObject[maxProp];
var center = clientSize / 2 - arrowRect[len] / 2 + centerToReference;
var offset2 = within(min2, center, max2);
var axisProp = axis;
state.modifiersData[name] = (_state$modifiersData$ = {}, _state$modifiersData$[axisProp] = offset2, _state$modifiersData$.centerOffset = offset2 - center, _state$modifiersData$);
function effect2(_ref2) {
var state = _ref2.state, options = _ref2.options;
var _options$element = options.element, arrowElement = _options$element === void 0 ? "[data-popper-arrow]" : _options$element;
if (arrowElement == null) {
if (typeof arrowElement === "string") {
arrowElement = state.elements.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
if (!arrowElement) {
if (true) {
if (!isHTMLElement(arrowElement)) {
console.error(['Popper: "arrow" element must be an HTMLElement (not an SVGElement).', "To use an SVG arrow, wrap it in an HTMLElement that will be used as", "the arrow."].join(" "));
if (!contains(state.elements.popper, arrowElement)) {
if (true) {
console.error(['Popper: "arrow" modifier\'s `element` must be a child of the popper', "element."].join(" "));
state.elements.arrow = arrowElement;
var arrow_default = {
name: "arrow",
enabled: true,
phase: "main",
fn: arrow,
effect: effect2,
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"]
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getVariation.js
function getVariation(placement) {
return placement.split("-")[1];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/computeStyles.js
var unsetSides = {
top: "auto",
right: "auto",
bottom: "auto",
left: "auto"
function roundOffsetsByDPR(_ref) {
var x = _ref.x, y = _ref.y;
var win = window;
var dpr = win.devicePixelRatio || 1;
return {
x: round(x * dpr) / dpr || 0,
y: round(y * dpr) / dpr || 0
function mapToStyles(_ref2) {
var _Object$assign2;
var popper2 = _ref2.popper, popperRect = _ref2.popperRect, placement = _ref2.placement, variation = _ref2.variation, offsets = _ref2.offsets, position = _ref2.position, gpuAcceleration = _ref2.gpuAcceleration, adaptive = _ref2.adaptive, roundOffsets = _ref2.roundOffsets, isFixed = _ref2.isFixed;
var _offsets$x = offsets.x, x = _offsets$x === void 0 ? 0 : _offsets$x, _offsets$y = offsets.y, y = _offsets$y === void 0 ? 0 : _offsets$y;
var _ref3 = typeof roundOffsets === "function" ? roundOffsets({
}) : {
x = _ref3.x;
y = _ref3.y;
var hasX = offsets.hasOwnProperty("x");
var hasY = offsets.hasOwnProperty("y");
var sideX = left;
var sideY = top;
var win = window;
if (adaptive) {
var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(popper2);
var heightProp = "clientHeight";
var widthProp = "clientWidth";
if (offsetParent === getWindow(popper2)) {
offsetParent = getDocumentElement(popper2);
if (getComputedStyle(offsetParent).position !== "static" && position === "absolute") {
heightProp = "scrollHeight";
widthProp = "scrollWidth";
offsetParent = offsetParent;
if (placement === top || (placement === left || placement === right) && variation === end) {
sideY = bottom;
var offsetY = isFixed && offsetParent === win && win.visualViewport ? win.visualViewport.height : offsetParent[heightProp];
y -= offsetY - popperRect.height;
y *= gpuAcceleration ? 1 : -1;
if (placement === left || (placement === top || placement === bottom) && variation === end) {
sideX = right;
var offsetX = isFixed && offsetParent === win && win.visualViewport ? win.visualViewport.width : offsetParent[widthProp];
x -= offsetX - popperRect.width;
x *= gpuAcceleration ? 1 : -1;
var commonStyles = Object.assign({
}, adaptive && unsetSides);
var _ref4 = roundOffsets === true ? roundOffsetsByDPR({
}) : {
x = _ref4.x;
y = _ref4.y;
if (gpuAcceleration) {
var _Object$assign;
return Object.assign({}, commonStyles, (_Object$assign = {}, _Object$assign[sideY] = hasY ? "0" : "", _Object$assign[sideX] = hasX ? "0" : "", _Object$assign.transform = (win.devicePixelRatio || 1) <= 1 ? "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)" : "translate3d(" + x + "px, " + y + "px, 0)", _Object$assign));
return Object.assign({}, commonStyles, (_Object$assign2 = {}, _Object$assign2[sideY] = hasY ? y + "px" : "", _Object$assign2[sideX] = hasX ? x + "px" : "", _Object$assign2.transform = "", _Object$assign2));
function computeStyles(_ref5) {
var state = _ref5.state, options = _ref5.options;
var _options$gpuAccelerat = options.gpuAcceleration, gpuAcceleration = _options$gpuAccelerat === void 0 ? true : _options$gpuAccelerat, _options$adaptive = options.adaptive, adaptive = _options$adaptive === void 0 ? true : _options$adaptive, _options$roundOffsets = options.roundOffsets, roundOffsets = _options$roundOffsets === void 0 ? true : _options$roundOffsets;
if (true) {
var transitionProperty = getComputedStyle(state.elements.popper).transitionProperty || "";
if (adaptive && ["transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left"].some(function(property) {
return transitionProperty.indexOf(property) >= 0;
})) {
console.warn(["Popper: Detected CSS transitions on at least one of the following", 'CSS properties: "transform", "top", "right", "bottom", "left".', "\n\n", 'Disable the "computeStyles" modifier\'s `adaptive` option to allow', "for smooth transitions, or remove these properties from the CSS", "transition declaration on the popper element if only transitioning", "opacity or background-color for example.", "\n\n", "We recommend using the popper element as a wrapper around an inner", "element that can have any CSS property transitioned for animations."].join(" "));
var commonStyles = {
placement: getBasePlacement(state.placement),
variation: getVariation(state.placement),
popper: state.elements.popper,
popperRect: state.rects.popper,
isFixed: state.options.strategy === "fixed"
if (state.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null) {
state.styles.popper = Object.assign({}, state.styles.popper, mapToStyles(Object.assign({}, commonStyles, {
offsets: state.modifiersData.popperOffsets,
position: state.options.strategy,
if (state.modifiersData.arrow != null) {
state.styles.arrow = Object.assign({}, state.styles.arrow, mapToStyles(Object.assign({}, commonStyles, {
offsets: state.modifiersData.arrow,
position: "absolute",
adaptive: false,
state.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, state.attributes.popper, {
"data-popper-placement": state.placement
var computeStyles_default = {
name: "computeStyles",
enabled: true,
phase: "beforeWrite",
fn: computeStyles,
data: {}
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/eventListeners.js
var passive = {
passive: true
function effect3(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state, instance = _ref.instance, options = _ref.options;
var _options$scroll = options.scroll, scroll = _options$scroll === void 0 ? true : _options$scroll, _options$resize = options.resize, resize = _options$resize === void 0 ? true : _options$resize;
var window2 = getWindow(state.elements.popper);
var scrollParents = [].concat(state.scrollParents.reference, state.scrollParents.popper);
if (scroll) {
scrollParents.forEach(function(scrollParent) {
scrollParent.addEventListener("scroll", instance.update, passive);
if (resize) {
window2.addEventListener("resize", instance.update, passive);
return function() {
if (scroll) {
scrollParents.forEach(function(scrollParent) {
scrollParent.removeEventListener("scroll", instance.update, passive);
if (resize) {
window2.removeEventListener("resize", instance.update, passive);
var eventListeners_default = {
name: "eventListeners",
enabled: true,
phase: "write",
fn: function fn() {
effect: effect3,
data: {}
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getOppositePlacement.js
var hash = {
left: "right",
right: "left",
bottom: "top",
top: "bottom"
function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function(matched) {
return hash[matched];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getOppositeVariationPlacement.js
var hash2 = {
start: "end",
end: "start"
function getOppositeVariationPlacement(placement) {
return placement.replace(/start|end/g, function(matched) {
return hash2[matched];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getWindowScroll.js
function getWindowScroll(node) {
var win = getWindow(node);
var scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset;
var scrollTop = win.pageYOffset;
return {
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getWindowScrollBarX.js
function getWindowScrollBarX(element) {
return getBoundingClientRect(getDocumentElement(element)).left + getWindowScroll(element).scrollLeft;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getViewportRect.js
function getViewportRect(element) {
var win = getWindow(element);
var html = getDocumentElement(element);
var visualViewport = win.visualViewport;
var width = html.clientWidth;
var height = html.clientHeight;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
if (visualViewport) {
width = visualViewport.width;
height = visualViewport.height;
if (!/^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
x = visualViewport.offsetLeft;
y = visualViewport.offsetTop;
return {
x: x + getWindowScrollBarX(element),
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getDocumentRect.js
function getDocumentRect(element) {
var _element$ownerDocumen;
var html = getDocumentElement(element);
var winScroll = getWindowScroll(element);
var body = (_element$ownerDocumen = element.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _element$ownerDocumen.body;
var width = max(html.scrollWidth, html.clientWidth, body ? body.scrollWidth : 0, body ? body.clientWidth : 0);
var height = max(html.scrollHeight, html.clientHeight, body ? body.scrollHeight : 0, body ? body.clientHeight : 0);
var x = -winScroll.scrollLeft + getWindowScrollBarX(element);
var y = -winScroll.scrollTop;
if (getComputedStyle(body || html).direction === "rtl") {
x += max(html.clientWidth, body ? body.clientWidth : 0) - width;
return {
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/isScrollParent.js
function isScrollParent(element) {
var _getComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(element), overflow = _getComputedStyle.overflow, overflowX = _getComputedStyle.overflowX, overflowY = _getComputedStyle.overflowY;
return /auto|scroll|overlay|hidden/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getScrollParent.js
function getScrollParent(node) {
if (["html", "body", "#document"].indexOf(getNodeName(node)) >= 0) {
return node.ownerDocument.body;
if (isHTMLElement(node) && isScrollParent(node)) {
return node;
return getScrollParent(getParentNode(node));
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/listScrollParents.js
function listScrollParents(element, list) {
var _element$ownerDocumen;
if (list === void 0) {
list = [];
var scrollParent = getScrollParent(element);
var isBody = scrollParent === ((_element$ownerDocumen = element.ownerDocument) == null ? void 0 : _element$ownerDocumen.body);
var win = getWindow(scrollParent);
var target = isBody ? [win].concat(win.visualViewport || [], isScrollParent(scrollParent) ? scrollParent : []) : scrollParent;
var updatedList = list.concat(target);
return isBody ? updatedList : updatedList.concat(listScrollParents(getParentNode(target)));
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/rectToClientRect.js
function rectToClientRect(rect) {
return Object.assign({}, rect, {
left: rect.x,
top: rect.y,
right: rect.x + rect.width,
bottom: rect.y + rect.height
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getClippingRect.js
function getInnerBoundingClientRect(element) {
var rect = getBoundingClientRect(element);
rect.top = rect.top + element.clientTop;
rect.left = rect.left + element.clientLeft;
rect.bottom = rect.top + element.clientHeight;
rect.right = rect.left + element.clientWidth;
rect.width = element.clientWidth;
rect.height = element.clientHeight;
rect.x = rect.left;
rect.y = rect.top;
return rect;
function getClientRectFromMixedType(element, clippingParent) {
return clippingParent === viewport ? rectToClientRect(getViewportRect(element)) : isElement(clippingParent) ? getInnerBoundingClientRect(clippingParent) : rectToClientRect(getDocumentRect(getDocumentElement(element)));
function getClippingParents(element) {
var clippingParents2 = listScrollParents(getParentNode(element));
var canEscapeClipping = ["absolute", "fixed"].indexOf(getComputedStyle(element).position) >= 0;
var clipperElement = canEscapeClipping && isHTMLElement(element) ? getOffsetParent(element) : element;
if (!isElement(clipperElement)) {
return [];
return clippingParents2.filter(function(clippingParent) {
return isElement(clippingParent) && contains(clippingParent, clipperElement) && getNodeName(clippingParent) !== "body";
function getClippingRect(element, boundary, rootBoundary) {
var mainClippingParents = boundary === "clippingParents" ? getClippingParents(element) : [].concat(boundary);
var clippingParents2 = [].concat(mainClippingParents, [rootBoundary]);
var firstClippingParent = clippingParents2[0];
var clippingRect = clippingParents2.reduce(function(accRect, clippingParent) {
var rect = getClientRectFromMixedType(element, clippingParent);
accRect.top = max(rect.top, accRect.top);
accRect.right = min(rect.right, accRect.right);
accRect.bottom = min(rect.bottom, accRect.bottom);
accRect.left = max(rect.left, accRect.left);
return accRect;
}, getClientRectFromMixedType(element, firstClippingParent));
clippingRect.width = clippingRect.right - clippingRect.left;
clippingRect.height = clippingRect.bottom - clippingRect.top;
clippingRect.x = clippingRect.left;
clippingRect.y = clippingRect.top;
return clippingRect;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/computeOffsets.js
function computeOffsets(_ref) {
var reference2 = _ref.reference, element = _ref.element, placement = _ref.placement;
var basePlacement = placement ? getBasePlacement(placement) : null;
var variation = placement ? getVariation(placement) : null;
var commonX = reference2.x + reference2.width / 2 - element.width / 2;
var commonY = reference2.y + reference2.height / 2 - element.height / 2;
var offsets;
switch (basePlacement) {
case top:
offsets = {
x: commonX,
y: reference2.y - element.height
case bottom:
offsets = {
x: commonX,
y: reference2.y + reference2.height
case right:
offsets = {
x: reference2.x + reference2.width,
y: commonY
case left:
offsets = {
x: reference2.x - element.width,
y: commonY
offsets = {
x: reference2.x,
y: reference2.y
var mainAxis = basePlacement ? getMainAxisFromPlacement(basePlacement) : null;
if (mainAxis != null) {
var len = mainAxis === "y" ? "height" : "width";
switch (variation) {
case start:
offsets[mainAxis] = offsets[mainAxis] - (reference2[len] / 2 - element[len] / 2);
case end:
offsets[mainAxis] = offsets[mainAxis] + (reference2[len] / 2 - element[len] / 2);
return offsets;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/detectOverflow.js
function detectOverflow(state, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var _options = options, _options$placement = _options.placement, placement = _options$placement === void 0 ? state.placement : _options$placement, _options$boundary = _options.boundary, boundary = _options$boundary === void 0 ? clippingParents : _options$boundary, _options$rootBoundary = _options.rootBoundary, rootBoundary = _options$rootBoundary === void 0 ? viewport : _options$rootBoundary, _options$elementConte = _options.elementContext, elementContext = _options$elementConte === void 0 ? popper : _options$elementConte, _options$altBoundary = _options.altBoundary, altBoundary = _options$altBoundary === void 0 ? false : _options$altBoundary, _options$padding = _options.padding, padding = _options$padding === void 0 ? 0 : _options$padding;
var paddingObject = mergePaddingObject(typeof padding !== "number" ? padding : expandToHashMap(padding, basePlacements));
var altContext = elementContext === popper ? reference : popper;
var popperRect = state.rects.popper;
var element = state.elements[altBoundary ? altContext : elementContext];
var clippingClientRect = getClippingRect(isElement(element) ? element : element.contextElement || getDocumentElement(state.elements.popper), boundary, rootBoundary);
var referenceClientRect = getBoundingClientRect(state.elements.reference);
var popperOffsets2 = computeOffsets({
reference: referenceClientRect,
element: popperRect,
strategy: "absolute",
var popperClientRect = rectToClientRect(Object.assign({}, popperRect, popperOffsets2));
var elementClientRect = elementContext === popper ? popperClientRect : referenceClientRect;
var overflowOffsets = {
top: clippingClientRect.top - elementClientRect.top + paddingObject.top,
bottom: elementClientRect.bottom - clippingClientRect.bottom + paddingObject.bottom,
left: clippingClientRect.left - elementClientRect.left + paddingObject.left,
right: elementClientRect.right - clippingClientRect.right + paddingObject.right
var offsetData = state.modifiersData.offset;
if (elementContext === popper && offsetData) {
var offset2 = offsetData[placement];
Object.keys(overflowOffsets).forEach(function(key) {
var multiply = [right, bottom].indexOf(key) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
var axis = [top, bottom].indexOf(key) >= 0 ? "y" : "x";
overflowOffsets[key] += offset2[axis] * multiply;
return overflowOffsets;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/computeAutoPlacement.js
function computeAutoPlacement(state, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = {};
var _options = options, placement = _options.placement, boundary = _options.boundary, rootBoundary = _options.rootBoundary, padding = _options.padding, flipVariations = _options.flipVariations, _options$allowedAutoP = _options.allowedAutoPlacements, allowedAutoPlacements = _options$allowedAutoP === void 0 ? placements : _options$allowedAutoP;
var variation = getVariation(placement);
var placements2 = variation ? flipVariations ? variationPlacements : variationPlacements.filter(function(placement2) {
return getVariation(placement2) === variation;
}) : basePlacements;
var allowedPlacements = placements2.filter(function(placement2) {
return allowedAutoPlacements.indexOf(placement2) >= 0;
if (allowedPlacements.length === 0) {
allowedPlacements = placements2;
if (true) {
console.error(["Popper: The `allowedAutoPlacements` option did not allow any", "placements. Ensure the `placement` option matches the variation", "of the allowed placements.", 'For example, "auto" cannot be used to allow "bottom-start".', 'Use "auto-start" instead.'].join(" "));
var overflows = allowedPlacements.reduce(function(acc, placement2) {
acc[placement2] = detectOverflow(state, {
placement: placement2,
return acc;
}, {});
return Object.keys(overflows).sort(function(a, b) {
return overflows[a] - overflows[b];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/flip.js
function getExpandedFallbackPlacements(placement) {
if (getBasePlacement(placement) === auto) {
return [];
var oppositePlacement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
return [getOppositeVariationPlacement(placement), oppositePlacement, getOppositeVariationPlacement(oppositePlacement)];
function flip(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state, options = _ref.options, name = _ref.name;
if (state.modifiersData[name]._skip) {
var _options$mainAxis = options.mainAxis, checkMainAxis = _options$mainAxis === void 0 ? true : _options$mainAxis, _options$altAxis = options.altAxis, checkAltAxis = _options$altAxis === void 0 ? true : _options$altAxis, specifiedFallbackPlacements = options.fallbackPlacements, padding = options.padding, boundary = options.boundary, rootBoundary = options.rootBoundary, altBoundary = options.altBoundary, _options$flipVariatio = options.flipVariations, flipVariations = _options$flipVariatio === void 0 ? true : _options$flipVariatio, allowedAutoPlacements = options.allowedAutoPlacements;
var preferredPlacement = state.options.placement;
var basePlacement = getBasePlacement(preferredPlacement);
var isBasePlacement = basePlacement === preferredPlacement;
var fallbackPlacements = specifiedFallbackPlacements || (isBasePlacement || !flipVariations ? [getOppositePlacement(preferredPlacement)] : getExpandedFallbackPlacements(preferredPlacement));
var placements2 = [preferredPlacement].concat(fallbackPlacements).reduce(function(acc, placement2) {
return acc.concat(getBasePlacement(placement2) === auto ? computeAutoPlacement(state, {
placement: placement2,
}) : placement2);
}, []);
var referenceRect = state.rects.reference;
var popperRect = state.rects.popper;
var checksMap = new Map();
var makeFallbackChecks = true;
var firstFittingPlacement = placements2[0];
for (var i = 0; i < placements2.length; i++) {
var placement = placements2[i];
var _basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);
var isStartVariation = getVariation(placement) === start;
var isVertical = [top, bottom].indexOf(_basePlacement) >= 0;
var len = isVertical ? "width" : "height";
var overflow = detectOverflow(state, {
var mainVariationSide = isVertical ? isStartVariation ? right : left : isStartVariation ? bottom : top;
if (referenceRect[len] > popperRect[len]) {
mainVariationSide = getOppositePlacement(mainVariationSide);
var altVariationSide = getOppositePlacement(mainVariationSide);
var checks = [];
if (checkMainAxis) {
checks.push(overflow[_basePlacement] <= 0);
if (checkAltAxis) {
checks.push(overflow[mainVariationSide] <= 0, overflow[altVariationSide] <= 0);
if (checks.every(function(check) {
return check;
})) {
firstFittingPlacement = placement;
makeFallbackChecks = false;
checksMap.set(placement, checks);
if (makeFallbackChecks) {
var numberOfChecks = flipVariations ? 3 : 1;
var _loop = function _loop2(_i2) {
var fittingPlacement = placements2.find(function(placement2) {
var checks2 = checksMap.get(placement2);
if (checks2) {
return checks2.slice(0, _i2).every(function(check) {
return check;
if (fittingPlacement) {
firstFittingPlacement = fittingPlacement;
return "break";
for (var _i = numberOfChecks; _i > 0; _i--) {
var _ret = _loop(_i);
if (_ret === "break")
if (state.placement !== firstFittingPlacement) {
state.modifiersData[name]._skip = true;
state.placement = firstFittingPlacement;
state.reset = true;
var flip_default = {
name: "flip",
enabled: true,
phase: "main",
fn: flip,
requiresIfExists: ["offset"],
data: {
_skip: false
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/hide.js
function getSideOffsets(overflow, rect, preventedOffsets) {
if (preventedOffsets === void 0) {
preventedOffsets = {
x: 0,
y: 0
return {
top: overflow.top - rect.height - preventedOffsets.y,
right: overflow.right - rect.width + preventedOffsets.x,
bottom: overflow.bottom - rect.height + preventedOffsets.y,
left: overflow.left - rect.width - preventedOffsets.x
function isAnySideFullyClipped(overflow) {
return [top, right, bottom, left].some(function(side) {
return overflow[side] >= 0;
function hide(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state, name = _ref.name;
var referenceRect = state.rects.reference;
var popperRect = state.rects.popper;
var preventedOffsets = state.modifiersData.preventOverflow;
var referenceOverflow = detectOverflow(state, {
elementContext: "reference"
var popperAltOverflow = detectOverflow(state, {
altBoundary: true
var referenceClippingOffsets = getSideOffsets(referenceOverflow, referenceRect);
var popperEscapeOffsets = getSideOffsets(popperAltOverflow, popperRect, preventedOffsets);
var isReferenceHidden = isAnySideFullyClipped(referenceClippingOffsets);
var hasPopperEscaped = isAnySideFullyClipped(popperEscapeOffsets);
state.modifiersData[name] = {
state.attributes.popper = Object.assign({}, state.attributes.popper, {
"data-popper-reference-hidden": isReferenceHidden,
"data-popper-escaped": hasPopperEscaped
var hide_default = {
name: "hide",
enabled: true,
phase: "main",
requiresIfExists: ["preventOverflow"],
fn: hide
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/offset.js
function distanceAndSkiddingToXY(placement, rects, offset2) {
var basePlacement = getBasePlacement(placement);
var invertDistance = [left, top].indexOf(basePlacement) >= 0 ? -1 : 1;
var _ref = typeof offset2 === "function" ? offset2(Object.assign({}, rects, {
})) : offset2, skidding = _ref[0], distance = _ref[1];
skidding = skidding || 0;
distance = (distance || 0) * invertDistance;
return [left, right].indexOf(basePlacement) >= 0 ? {
x: distance,
y: skidding
} : {
x: skidding,
y: distance
function offset(_ref2) {
var state = _ref2.state, options = _ref2.options, name = _ref2.name;
var _options$offset = options.offset, offset2 = _options$offset === void 0 ? [0, 0] : _options$offset;
var data = placements.reduce(function(acc, placement) {
acc[placement] = distanceAndSkiddingToXY(placement, state.rects, offset2);
return acc;
}, {});
var _data$state$placement = data[state.placement], x = _data$state$placement.x, y = _data$state$placement.y;
if (state.modifiersData.popperOffsets != null) {
state.modifiersData.popperOffsets.x += x;
state.modifiersData.popperOffsets.y += y;
state.modifiersData[name] = data;
var offset_default = {
name: "offset",
enabled: true,
phase: "main",
requires: ["popperOffsets"],
fn: offset
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/popperOffsets.js
function popperOffsets(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state, name = _ref.name;
state.modifiersData[name] = computeOffsets({
reference: state.rects.reference,
element: state.rects.popper,
strategy: "absolute",
placement: state.placement
var popperOffsets_default = {
name: "popperOffsets",
enabled: true,
phase: "read",
fn: popperOffsets,
data: {}
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/getAltAxis.js
function getAltAxis(axis) {
return axis === "x" ? "y" : "x";
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/modifiers/preventOverflow.js
function preventOverflow(_ref) {
var state = _ref.state, options = _ref.options, name = _ref.name;
var _options$mainAxis = options.mainAxis, checkMainAxis = _options$mainAxis === void 0 ? true : _options$mainAxis, _options$altAxis = options.altAxis, checkAltAxis = _options$altAxis === void 0 ? false : _options$altAxis, boundary = options.boundary, rootBoundary = options.rootBoundary, altBoundary = options.altBoundary, padding = options.padding, _options$tether = options.tether, tether = _options$tether === void 0 ? true : _options$tether, _options$tetherOffset = options.tetherOffset, tetherOffset = _options$tetherOffset === void 0 ? 0 : _options$tetherOffset;
var overflow = detectOverflow(state, {
var basePlacement = getBasePlacement(state.placement);
var variation = getVariation(state.placement);
var isBasePlacement = !variation;
var mainAxis = getMainAxisFromPlacement(basePlacement);
var altAxis = getAltAxis(mainAxis);
var popperOffsets2 = state.modifiersData.popperOffsets;
var referenceRect = state.rects.reference;
var popperRect = state.rects.popper;
var tetherOffsetValue = typeof tetherOffset === "function" ? tetherOffset(Object.assign({}, state.rects, {
placement: state.placement
})) : tetherOffset;
var normalizedTetherOffsetValue = typeof tetherOffsetValue === "number" ? {
mainAxis: tetherOffsetValue,
altAxis: tetherOffsetValue
} : Object.assign({
mainAxis: 0,
altAxis: 0
}, tetherOffsetValue);
var offsetModifierState = state.modifiersData.offset ? state.modifiersData.offset[state.placement] : null;
var data = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (!popperOffsets2) {
if (checkMainAxis) {
var _offsetModifierState$;
var mainSide = mainAxis === "y" ? top : left;
var altSide = mainAxis === "y" ? bottom : right;
var len = mainAxis === "y" ? "height" : "width";
var offset2 = popperOffsets2[mainAxis];
var min2 = offset2 + overflow[mainSide];
var max2 = offset2 - overflow[altSide];
var additive = tether ? -popperRect[len] / 2 : 0;
var minLen = variation === start ? referenceRect[len] : popperRect[len];
var maxLen = variation === start ? -popperRect[len] : -referenceRect[len];
var arrowElement = state.elements.arrow;
var arrowRect = tether && arrowElement ? getLayoutRect(arrowElement) : {
width: 0,
height: 0
var arrowPaddingObject = state.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"] ? state.modifiersData["arrow#persistent"].padding : getFreshSideObject();
var arrowPaddingMin = arrowPaddingObject[mainSide];
var arrowPaddingMax = arrowPaddingObject[altSide];
var arrowLen = within(0, referenceRect[len], arrowRect[len]);
var minOffset = isBasePlacement ? referenceRect[len] / 2 - additive - arrowLen - arrowPaddingMin - normalizedTetherOffsetValue.mainAxis : minLen - arrowLen - arrowPaddingMin - normalizedTetherOffsetValue.mainAxis;
var maxOffset = isBasePlacement ? -referenceRect[len] / 2 + additive + arrowLen + arrowPaddingMax + normalizedTetherOffsetValue.mainAxis : maxLen + arrowLen + arrowPaddingMax + normalizedTetherOffsetValue.mainAxis;
var arrowOffsetParent = state.elements.arrow && getOffsetParent(state.elements.arrow);
var clientOffset = arrowOffsetParent ? mainAxis === "y" ? arrowOffsetParent.clientTop || 0 : arrowOffsetParent.clientLeft || 0 : 0;
var offsetModifierValue = (_offsetModifierState$ = offsetModifierState == null ? void 0 : offsetModifierState[mainAxis]) != null ? _offsetModifierState$ : 0;
var tetherMin = offset2 + minOffset - offsetModifierValue - clientOffset;
var tetherMax = offset2 + maxOffset - offsetModifierValue;
var preventedOffset = within(tether ? min(min2, tetherMin) : min2, offset2, tether ? max(max2, tetherMax) : max2);
popperOffsets2[mainAxis] = preventedOffset;
data[mainAxis] = preventedOffset - offset2;
if (checkAltAxis) {
var _offsetModifierState$2;
var _mainSide = mainAxis === "x" ? top : left;
var _altSide = mainAxis === "x" ? bottom : right;
var _offset = popperOffsets2[altAxis];
var _len = altAxis === "y" ? "height" : "width";
var _min = _offset + overflow[_mainSide];
var _max = _offset - overflow[_altSide];
var isOriginSide = [top, left].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
var _offsetModifierValue = (_offsetModifierState$2 = offsetModifierState == null ? void 0 : offsetModifierState[altAxis]) != null ? _offsetModifierState$2 : 0;
var _tetherMin = isOriginSide ? _min : _offset - referenceRect[_len] - popperRect[_len] - _offsetModifierValue + normalizedTetherOffsetValue.altAxis;
var _tetherMax = isOriginSide ? _offset + referenceRect[_len] + popperRect[_len] - _offsetModifierValue - normalizedTetherOffsetValue.altAxis : _max;
var _preventedOffset = tether && isOriginSide ? withinMaxClamp(_tetherMin, _offset, _tetherMax) : within(tether ? _tetherMin : _min, _offset, tether ? _tetherMax : _max);
popperOffsets2[altAxis] = _preventedOffset;
data[altAxis] = _preventedOffset - _offset;
state.modifiersData[name] = data;
var preventOverflow_default = {
name: "preventOverflow",
enabled: true,
phase: "main",
fn: preventOverflow,
requiresIfExists: ["offset"]
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getHTMLElementScroll.js
function getHTMLElementScroll(element) {
return {
scrollLeft: element.scrollLeft,
scrollTop: element.scrollTop
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getNodeScroll.js
function getNodeScroll(node) {
if (node === getWindow(node) || !isHTMLElement(node)) {
return getWindowScroll(node);
} else {
return getHTMLElementScroll(node);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/dom-utils/getCompositeRect.js
function isElementScaled(element) {
var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var scaleX = round(rect.width) / element.offsetWidth || 1;
var scaleY = round(rect.height) / element.offsetHeight || 1;
return scaleX !== 1 || scaleY !== 1;
function getCompositeRect(elementOrVirtualElement, offsetParent, isFixed) {
if (isFixed === void 0) {
isFixed = false;
var isOffsetParentAnElement = isHTMLElement(offsetParent);
var offsetParentIsScaled = isHTMLElement(offsetParent) && isElementScaled(offsetParent);
var documentElement = getDocumentElement(offsetParent);
var rect = getBoundingClientRect(elementOrVirtualElement, offsetParentIsScaled);
var scroll = {
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
var offsets = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (isOffsetParentAnElement || !isOffsetParentAnElement && !isFixed) {
if (getNodeName(offsetParent) !== "body" || isScrollParent(documentElement)) {
scroll = getNodeScroll(offsetParent);
if (isHTMLElement(offsetParent)) {
offsets = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent, true);
offsets.x += offsetParent.clientLeft;
offsets.y += offsetParent.clientTop;
} else if (documentElement) {
offsets.x = getWindowScrollBarX(documentElement);
return {
x: rect.left + scroll.scrollLeft - offsets.x,
y: rect.top + scroll.scrollTop - offsets.y,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/orderModifiers.js
function order(modifiers) {
var map = new Map();
var visited = new Set();
var result = [];
modifiers.forEach(function(modifier) {
map.set(modifier.name, modifier);
function sort(modifier) {
var requires = [].concat(modifier.requires || [], modifier.requiresIfExists || []);
requires.forEach(function(dep) {
if (!visited.has(dep)) {
var depModifier = map.get(dep);
if (depModifier) {
modifiers.forEach(function(modifier) {
if (!visited.has(modifier.name)) {
return result;
function orderModifiers(modifiers) {
var orderedModifiers = order(modifiers);
return modifierPhases.reduce(function(acc, phase) {
return acc.concat(orderedModifiers.filter(function(modifier) {
return modifier.phase === phase;
}, []);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/debounce.js
function debounce(fn2) {
var pending;
return function() {
if (!pending) {
pending = new Promise(function(resolve) {
Promise.resolve().then(function() {
pending = void 0;
return pending;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/format.js
function format(str) {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
return [].concat(args).reduce(function(p, c) {
return p.replace(/%s/, c);
}, str);
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/validateModifiers.js
var INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR = 'Popper: modifier "%s" provided an invalid %s property, expected %s but got %s';
var MISSING_DEPENDENCY_ERROR = 'Popper: modifier "%s" requires "%s", but "%s" modifier is not available';
var VALID_PROPERTIES = ["name", "enabled", "phase", "fn", "effect", "requires", "options"];
function validateModifiers(modifiers) {
modifiers.forEach(function(modifier) {
[].concat(Object.keys(modifier), VALID_PROPERTIES).filter(function(value, index, self) {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
}).forEach(function(key) {
switch (key) {
case "name":
if (typeof modifier.name !== "string") {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, String(modifier.name), '"name"', '"string"', '"' + String(modifier.name) + '"'));
case "enabled":
if (typeof modifier.enabled !== "boolean") {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"enabled"', '"boolean"', '"' + String(modifier.enabled) + '"'));
case "phase":
if (modifierPhases.indexOf(modifier.phase) < 0) {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"phase"', "either " + modifierPhases.join(", "), '"' + String(modifier.phase) + '"'));
case "fn":
if (typeof modifier.fn !== "function") {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"fn"', '"function"', '"' + String(modifier.fn) + '"'));
case "effect":
if (modifier.effect != null && typeof modifier.effect !== "function") {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"effect"', '"function"', '"' + String(modifier.fn) + '"'));
case "requires":
if (modifier.requires != null && !Array.isArray(modifier.requires)) {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"requires"', '"array"', '"' + String(modifier.requires) + '"'));
case "requiresIfExists":
if (!Array.isArray(modifier.requiresIfExists)) {
console.error(format(INVALID_MODIFIER_ERROR, modifier.name, '"requiresIfExists"', '"array"', '"' + String(modifier.requiresIfExists) + '"'));
case "options":
case "data":
console.error('PopperJS: an invalid property has been provided to the "' + modifier.name + '" modifier, valid properties are ' + VALID_PROPERTIES.map(function(s) {
return '"' + s + '"';
}).join(", ") + '; but "' + key + '" was provided.');
modifier.requires && modifier.requires.forEach(function(requirement) {
if (modifiers.find(function(mod) {
return mod.name === requirement;
}) == null) {
console.error(format(MISSING_DEPENDENCY_ERROR, String(modifier.name), requirement, requirement));
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/uniqueBy.js
function uniqueBy(arr, fn2) {
var identifiers = new Set();
return arr.filter(function(item) {
var identifier = fn2(item);
if (!identifiers.has(identifier)) {
return true;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/utils/mergeByName.js
function mergeByName(modifiers) {
var merged = modifiers.reduce(function(merged2, current) {
var existing = merged2[current.name];
merged2[current.name] = existing ? Object.assign({}, existing, current, {
options: Object.assign({}, existing.options, current.options),
data: Object.assign({}, existing.data, current.data)
}) : current;
return merged2;
}, {});
return Object.keys(merged).map(function(key) {
return merged[key];
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/createPopper.js
var INVALID_ELEMENT_ERROR = "Popper: Invalid reference or popper argument provided. They must be either a DOM element or virtual element.";
var INFINITE_LOOP_ERROR = "Popper: An infinite loop in the modifiers cycle has been detected! The cycle has been interrupted to prevent a browser crash.";
placement: "bottom",
modifiers: [],
strategy: "absolute"
function areValidElements() {
for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
args[_key] = arguments[_key];
return !args.some(function(element) {
return !(element && typeof element.getBoundingClientRect === "function");
function popperGenerator(generatorOptions) {
if (generatorOptions === void 0) {
generatorOptions = {};
var _generatorOptions = generatorOptions, _generatorOptions$def = _generatorOptions.defaultModifiers, defaultModifiers2 = _generatorOptions$def === void 0 ? [] : _generatorOptions$def, _generatorOptions$def2 = _generatorOptions.defaultOptions, defaultOptions = _generatorOptions$def2 === void 0 ? DEFAULT_OPTIONS : _generatorOptions$def2;
return function createPopper2(reference2, popper2, options) {
if (options === void 0) {
options = defaultOptions;
var state = {
placement: "bottom",
orderedModifiers: [],
options: Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_OPTIONS, defaultOptions),
modifiersData: {},
elements: {
reference: reference2,
popper: popper2
attributes: {},
styles: {}
var effectCleanupFns = [];
var isDestroyed = false;
var instance = {
setOptions: function setOptions(setOptionsAction) {
var options2 = typeof setOptionsAction === "function" ? setOptionsAction(state.options) : setOptionsAction;
state.options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, state.options, options2);
state.scrollParents = {
reference: isElement(reference2) ? listScrollParents(reference2) : reference2.contextElement ? listScrollParents(reference2.contextElement) : [],
popper: listScrollParents(popper2)
var orderedModifiers = orderModifiers(mergeByName([].concat(defaultModifiers2, state.options.modifiers)));
state.orderedModifiers = orderedModifiers.filter(function(m) {
return m.enabled;
if (true) {
var modifiers = uniqueBy([].concat(orderedModifiers, state.options.modifiers), function(_ref) {
var name = _ref.name;
return name;
if (getBasePlacement(state.options.placement) === auto) {
var flipModifier = state.orderedModifiers.find(function(_ref2) {
var name = _ref2.name;
return name === "flip";
if (!flipModifier) {
console.error(['Popper: "auto" placements require the "flip" modifier be', "present and enabled to work."].join(" "));
var _getComputedStyle = getComputedStyle(popper2), marginTop = _getComputedStyle.marginTop, marginRight = _getComputedStyle.marginRight, marginBottom = _getComputedStyle.marginBottom, marginLeft = _getComputedStyle.marginLeft;
if ([marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom, marginLeft].some(function(margin) {
return parseFloat(margin);
})) {
console.warn(['Popper: CSS "margin" styles cannot be used to apply padding', "between the popper and its reference element or boundary.", "To replicate margin, use the `offset` modifier, as well as", "the `padding` option in the `preventOverflow` and `flip`", "modifiers."].join(" "));
return instance.update();
forceUpdate: function forceUpdate() {
if (isDestroyed) {
var _state$elements = state.elements, reference3 = _state$elements.reference, popper3 = _state$elements.popper;
if (!areValidElements(reference3, popper3)) {
if (true) {
state.rects = {
reference: getCompositeRect(reference3, getOffsetParent(popper3), state.options.strategy === "fixed"),
popper: getLayoutRect(popper3)
state.reset = false;
state.placement = state.options.placement;
state.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(modifier) {
return state.modifiersData[modifier.name] = Object.assign({}, modifier.data);
var __debug_loops__ = 0;
for (var index = 0; index < state.orderedModifiers.length; index++) {
if (true) {
__debug_loops__ += 1;
if (__debug_loops__ > 100) {
if (state.reset === true) {
state.reset = false;
index = -1;
var _state$orderedModifie = state.orderedModifiers[index], fn2 = _state$orderedModifie.fn, _state$orderedModifie2 = _state$orderedModifie.options, _options = _state$orderedModifie2 === void 0 ? {} : _state$orderedModifie2, name = _state$orderedModifie.name;
if (typeof fn2 === "function") {
state = fn2({
options: _options,
}) || state;
update: debounce(function() {
return new Promise(function(resolve) {
destroy: function destroy() {
isDestroyed = true;
if (!areValidElements(reference2, popper2)) {
if (true) {
return instance;
instance.setOptions(options).then(function(state2) {
if (!isDestroyed && options.onFirstUpdate) {
function runModifierEffects() {
state.orderedModifiers.forEach(function(_ref3) {
var name = _ref3.name, _ref3$options = _ref3.options, options2 = _ref3$options === void 0 ? {} : _ref3$options, effect4 = _ref3.effect;
if (typeof effect4 === "function") {
var cleanupFn = effect4({
options: options2
var noopFn = function noopFn2() {
effectCleanupFns.push(cleanupFn || noopFn);
function cleanupModifierEffects() {
effectCleanupFns.forEach(function(fn2) {
return fn2();
effectCleanupFns = [];
return instance;
// node_modules/@popperjs/core/lib/popper.js
var defaultModifiers = [eventListeners_default, popperOffsets_default, computeStyles_default, applyStyles_default, offset_default, flip_default, preventOverflow_default, arrow_default, hide_default];
var createPopper = /* @__PURE__ */ popperGenerator({
// suggests/suggest.ts
var wrapAround = (value, size) => {
return (value % size + size) % size;
var Suggest = class {
constructor(owner, containerEl, scope) {
this.owner = owner;
this.containerEl = containerEl;
containerEl.on("click", ".suggestion-item", this.onSuggestionClick.bind(this));
containerEl.on("mousemove", ".suggestion-item", this.onSuggestionMouseover.bind(this));
scope.register([], "ArrowUp", (event) => {
if (!event.isComposing) {
this.setSelectedItem(this.selectedItem - 1, true);
return false;
scope.register([], "ArrowDown", (event) => {
if (!event.isComposing) {
this.setSelectedItem(this.selectedItem + 1, true);
return false;
scope.register([], "Enter", (event) => {
if (!event.isComposing) {
return false;
onSuggestionClick(event, el) {
const item = this.suggestions.indexOf(el);
this.setSelectedItem(item, false);
onSuggestionMouseover(_event, el) {
const item = this.suggestions.indexOf(el);
this.setSelectedItem(item, false);
setSuggestions(values) {
const suggestionEls = [];
values.forEach((value) => {
const suggestionEl = this.containerEl.createDiv("suggestion-item");
this.owner.renderSuggestion(value, suggestionEl);
this.values = values;
this.suggestions = suggestionEls;
this.setSelectedItem(0, false);
useSelectedItem(event) {
const currentValue = this.values[this.selectedItem];
if (currentValue) {
this.owner.selectSuggestion(currentValue, event);
setSelectedItem(selectedIndex, scrollIntoView) {
const normalizedIndex = wrapAround(selectedIndex, this.suggestions.length);
const prevSelectedSuggestion = this.suggestions[this.selectedItem];
const selectedSuggestion = this.suggestions[normalizedIndex];
prevSelectedSuggestion == null ? void 0 : prevSelectedSuggestion.removeClass("is-selected");
selectedSuggestion == null ? void 0 : selectedSuggestion.addClass("is-selected");
this.selectedItem = normalizedIndex;
if (scrollIntoView) {
var TextInputSuggest = class {
constructor(app, inputEl) {
this.app = app;
this.inputEl = inputEl;
this.scope = new import_obsidian.Scope();
this.suggestEl = createDiv("suggestion-container");
const suggestion = this.suggestEl.createDiv("suggestion");
this.suggest = new Suggest(this, suggestion, this.scope);
this.scope.register([], "Escape", this.close.bind(this));
this.inputEl.addEventListener("input", this.onInputChanged.bind(this));
this.inputEl.addEventListener("focus", this.onInputChanged.bind(this));
this.inputEl.addEventListener("blur", this.close.bind(this));
this.suggestEl.on("mousedown", ".suggestion-container", (event) => {
onInputChanged() {
const inputStr = this.inputEl.value;
const suggestions = this.getSuggestions(inputStr);
if (suggestions.length > 0) {
this.open(this.app.dom.appContainerEl, this.inputEl);
open(container, inputEl) {
this.popper = createPopper(inputEl, this.suggestEl, {
placement: "bottom-start",
modifiers: [
name: "sameWidth",
enabled: true,
fn: ({ state, instance }) => {
const targetWidth = `${state.rects.reference.width}px`;
if (state.styles.popper.width === targetWidth) {
state.styles.popper.width = targetWidth;
phase: "beforeWrite",
requires: ["computeStyles"]
close() {
// suggests/file-suggest.ts
var FolderSuggest = class extends TextInputSuggest {
getSuggestions(inputStr) {
const abstractFiles = this.app.vault.getAllLoadedFiles();
const folders = [];
const lowerCaseInputStr = inputStr.toLowerCase();
abstractFiles.forEach((folder) => {
if (folder instanceof import_obsidian2.TFolder && folder.path.toLowerCase().contains(lowerCaseInputStr)) {
return folders;
renderSuggestion(file, el) {
selectSuggestion(file) {
this.inputEl.value = file.path;
// suggests/tag-suggest.ts
var import_obsidian3 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
var GetAllTagsInTheVault = class extends import_obsidian3.Plugin {
constructor(app, manifest) {
super(app, manifest);
this.fileArray = this.app.vault.getMarkdownFiles();
this.fileCache = this.fileArray.map((value) => this.app.metadataCache.getFileCache(value));
this.tagArray = this.fileCache.map((value) => (0, import_obsidian3.getAllTags)(value));
this.tagArrayJoin = this.tagArray.join();
this.tagArraySplit = this.tagArrayJoin.split(",");
this.tagArrayFilter = this.tagArraySplit.filter(Boolean);
this.tagList = [...new Set(this.tagArrayFilter)];
pull() {
return this.tagList;
var TagSuggest = class extends TextInputSuggest {
getSuggestions(inputStr) {
this.tagList = new GetAllTagsInTheVault(this.app, this.manifest);
this.tagMatch = [];
this.lowerCaseInputStr = inputStr.toLowerCase();
this.tagList.pull().forEach((Tag) => {
if (Tag.toLowerCase().contains(this.lowerCaseInputStr)) {
return this.tagMatch;
renderSuggestion(Tag, el) {
selectSuggestion(Tag) {
this.inputEl.value = Tag;
// utils/Utils.ts
var import_obsidian4 = __toModule(require("obsidian"));
var isFmDisable = (fileCache) => {
const fm = (0, import_obsidian4.parseFrontMatterEntry)(fileCache.frontmatter, "AutoNoteMover");
if (fm === "disable") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var folderOrFile = (app, path) => {
const F = app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath(path);
if (F instanceof import_obsidian4.TFile) {
return import_obsidian4.TFile;
} else if (F instanceof import_obsidian4.TFolder) {
return import_obsidian4.TFolder;
var isTFExists = (app, path, F) => {
if (folderOrFile(app, (0, import_obsidian4.normalizePath)(path)) === F) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var fileMove = (app, settingFolder, fileFullName, file) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
if (!isTFExists(app, settingFolder, import_obsidian4.TFolder)) {
console.error(`[Auto Note Mover] The destination folder "${settingFolder}" does not exist.`);
new import_obsidian4.Notice(`[Auto Note Mover]
"Error: The destination folder
does not exist.`);
const newPath = (0, import_obsidian4.normalizePath)(settingFolder + "/" + fileFullName);
if (isTFExists(app, newPath, import_obsidian4.TFile) && newPath !== file.path) {
console.error(`[Auto Note Mover] Error: A file with the same name "${fileFullName}" exists at the destination folder.`);
new import_obsidian4.Notice(`[Auto Note Mover]
Error: A file with the same name
exists at the destination folder.`);
if (newPath === file.path) {
yield app.fileManager.renameFile(file, newPath);
console.log(`[Auto Note Mover] Moved the note "${fileFullName}" to the "${settingFolder}".`);
new import_obsidian4.Notice(`[Auto Note Mover]
Moved the note "${fileFullName}"
to the "${settingFolder}".`);
var arrayMove = (array, fromIndex, toIndex) => {
if (toIndex < 0 || toIndex === array.length) {
const temp = array[fromIndex];
array[fromIndex] = array[toIndex];
array[toIndex] = temp;
var getTriggerIndicator = (trigger) => {
if (trigger === "Automatic") {
return `[A]`;
} else {
return `[M]`;
// settings/settings.ts
trigger_auto_manual: "Automatic",
use_regex_to_check_for_tags: false,
statusBar_trigger_indicator: true,
folder_tag_pattern: [{ folder: "", tag: "", pattern: "" }],
use_regex_to_check_for_excluded_folder: false,
excluded_folder: [{ folder: "" }]
var AutoNoteMoverSettingTab = class extends import_obsidian5.PluginSettingTab {
constructor(app, plugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
display() {
const { containerEl } = this;
add_auto_note_mover_setting() {
this.containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Auto Note Mover" });
const descEl = document.createDocumentFragment();
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setDesc("Auto Note Mover will automatically move the active notes to their respective folders according to the rules.");
const triggerDesc = document.createDocumentFragment();
triggerDesc.append("Choose how the trigger will be activated.", descEl.createEl("br"), descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "Automatic " }), "is triggered when you create, edit, or rename a note, and moves the note if it matches the rules.", descEl.createEl("br"), "You can also activate the trigger with a command.", descEl.createEl("br"), descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "Manual " }), "will not automatically move notes.", descEl.createEl("br"), "You can trigger by command.");
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Trigger").setDesc(triggerDesc).addDropdown((dropDown) => dropDown.addOption("Automatic", "Automatic").addOption("Manual", "Manual").setValue(this.plugin.settings.trigger_auto_manual).onChange((value) => {
this.plugin.settings.trigger_auto_manual = value;
const useRegexToCheckForTags = document.createDocumentFragment();
useRegexToCheckForTags.append("If enabled, tags will be checked with regular expressions.", descEl.createEl("br"), "For example, if you want to match the #tag, you would write ", descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "^#tag$" }), descEl.createEl("br"), "This setting is for a specific purpose, such as specifying nested tags in bulk.", descEl.createEl("br"), descEl.createEl("strong", {
text: "If you want to use the suggested tags as they are, it is recommended to disable this setting."
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Use regular expressions to check for tags").setDesc(useRegexToCheckForTags).addToggle((toggle) => {
toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
const ruleDesc = document.createDocumentFragment();
ruleDesc.append("1. Set the destination folder.", descEl.createEl("br"), "2. Set a tag or title that matches the note you want to move. ", descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "You can set either the tag or the title. " }), descEl.createEl("br"), "3. The rules are checked in order from the top. The notes will be moved to the folder with the ", descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "first matching rule." }), descEl.createEl("br"), "Tag: Be sure to add a", descEl.createEl("strong", { text: " # " }), "at the beginning.", descEl.createEl("br"), "Title: Tested by JavaScript regular expressions.", descEl.createEl("br"), descEl.createEl("br"), "Notice:", descEl.createEl("br"), "1. Attached files will not be moved, but they will still appear in the note.", descEl.createEl("br"), '2. Auto Note Mover will not move notes that have "', descEl.createEl("strong", { text: "AutoNoteMover: disable" }), '" in the frontmatter.');
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Add new rule").setDesc(ruleDesc).addButton((button) => {
button.setTooltip("Add new rule").setButtonText("+").setCta().onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
folder: "",
tag: "",
pattern: ""
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern.forEach((folder_tag_pattern, index) => {
const settings = this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern;
const settingTag = settings.map((e) => e["tag"]);
const settingPattern = settings.map((e) => e["pattern"]);
const checkArr = (arr, val) => {
return arr.some((arrVal) => val === arrVal);
const s = new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).addSearch((cb) => {
new FolderSuggest(this.app, cb.inputEl);
cb.setPlaceholder("Folder").setValue(folder_tag_pattern.folder).onChange((newFolder) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].folder = newFolder.trim();
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addSearch((cb) => {
new TagSuggest(this.app, cb.inputEl);
cb.setPlaceholder("Tag").setValue(folder_tag_pattern.tag).onChange((newTag) => __async(this, null, function* () {
if (this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].pattern) {
return new import_obsidian5.Notice(`You can set either the tag or the title.`);
if (newTag && checkArr(settingTag, newTag)) {
new import_obsidian5.Notice("This tag is already used.");
if (!this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags) {
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].tag = newTag.trim();
} else if (this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags) {
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].tag = newTag;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addSearch((cb) => {
cb.setPlaceholder("Title by regex").setValue(folder_tag_pattern.pattern).onChange((newPattern) => __async(this, null, function* () {
if (this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].tag) {
return new import_obsidian5.Notice(`You can set either the tag or the title.`);
if (newPattern && checkArr(settingPattern, newPattern)) {
new import_obsidian5.Notice("This pattern is already used.");
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern[index].pattern = newPattern;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("up-chevron-glyph").setTooltip("Move up").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
arrayMove(this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern, index, index - 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("down-chevron-glyph").setTooltip("Move down").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
arrayMove(this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern, index, index + 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("cross").setTooltip("Delete").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.folder_tag_pattern.splice(index, 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
const useRegexToCheckForExcludedFolder = document.createDocumentFragment();
useRegexToCheckForExcludedFolder.append("If enabled, excluded folder will be checked with regular expressions.");
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Use regular expressions to check for excluded folder").setDesc(useRegexToCheckForExcludedFolder).addToggle((toggle) => {
toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_excluded_folder).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_excluded_folder = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
const excludedFolderDesc = document.createDocumentFragment();
excludedFolderDesc.append("Notes in the excluded folder will not be moved.", descEl.createEl("br"), "This takes precedence over the notes movement rules.");
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Add Excluded Folder").setDesc(excludedFolderDesc).addButton((button) => {
button.setTooltip("Add Excluded Folders").setButtonText("+").setCta().onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
folder: ""
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
this.plugin.settings.excluded_folder.forEach((excluded_folder, index) => {
const s = new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).addSearch((cb) => {
new FolderSuggest(this.app, cb.inputEl);
cb.setPlaceholder("Folder").setValue(excluded_folder.folder).onChange((newFolder) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.excluded_folder[index].folder = newFolder;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("up-chevron-glyph").setTooltip("Move up").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
arrayMove(this.plugin.settings.excluded_folder, index, index - 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("down-chevron-glyph").setTooltip("Move down").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
arrayMove(this.plugin.settings.excluded_folder, index, index + 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
}).addExtraButton((cb) => {
cb.setIcon("cross").setTooltip("Delete").onClick(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.excluded_folder.splice(index, 1);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
const statusBarTriggerIndicatorDesc = document.createDocumentFragment();
statusBarTriggerIndicatorDesc.append("The status bar will display [A] if the trigger is Automatic, and [M] for Manual.", descEl.createEl("br"), "To change the setting, you need to restart Obsidian.", descEl.createEl("br"), "Desktop only.");
new import_obsidian5.Setting(this.containerEl).setName("Status Bar Trigger Indicator").setDesc(statusBarTriggerIndicatorDesc).addToggle((toggle) => {
toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.statusBar_trigger_indicator).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.statusBar_trigger_indicator = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
// main.ts
var AutoNoteMover = class extends import_obsidian6.Plugin {
onload() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield this.loadSettings();
const folderTagPattern = this.settings.folder_tag_pattern;
const excludedFolder = this.settings.excluded_folder;
const fileCheck = (file, oldPath, caller) => {
if (this.settings.trigger_auto_manual !== "Automatic" && caller !== "cmd") {
if (!(file instanceof import_obsidian6.TFile))
if (oldPath && oldPath.split("/").pop() === file.basename + "." + file.extension) {
const excludedFolderLength = excludedFolder.length;
for (let i = 0; i < excludedFolderLength; i++) {
if (!this.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_excluded_folder && excludedFolder[i].folder && file.parent.path === (0, import_obsidian6.normalizePath)(excludedFolder[i].folder)) {
} else if (this.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_excluded_folder && excludedFolder[i].folder) {
const regex = new RegExp(excludedFolder[i].folder);
if (regex.test(file.parent.path)) {
const fileCache = this.app.metadataCache.getFileCache(file);
if (isFmDisable(fileCache)) {
const fileName = file.basename;
const fileFullName = file.basename + "." + file.extension;
const settingsLength = folderTagPattern.length;
const cacheTag = (0, import_obsidian6.getAllTags)(fileCache);
for (let i = 0; i < settingsLength; i++) {
const settingFolder = folderTagPattern[i].folder;
const settingTag = folderTagPattern[i].tag;
const settingPattern = folderTagPattern[i].pattern;
if (!settingPattern) {
if (!this.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags) {
if (cacheTag.find((e) => e === settingTag)) {
fileMove(this.app, settingFolder, fileFullName, file);
} else if (this.settings.use_regex_to_check_for_tags) {
const regex = new RegExp(settingTag);
if (cacheTag.find((e) => regex.test(e))) {
fileMove(this.app, settingFolder, fileFullName, file);
} else if (!settingTag) {
const regex = new RegExp(settingPattern);
const isMatch = regex.test(fileName);
if (isMatch) {
fileMove(this.app, settingFolder, fileFullName, file);
let triggerIndicator;
const setIndicator = () => {
if (!this.settings.statusBar_trigger_indicator)
if (this.settings.statusBar_trigger_indicator) {
triggerIndicator = this.addStatusBarItem();
this.registerDomEvent(window, "change", setIndicator);
this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(() => {
this.registerEvent(this.app.vault.on("create", (file) => fileCheck(file)));
this.registerEvent(this.app.metadataCache.on("changed", (file) => fileCheck(file)));
this.registerEvent(this.app.vault.on("rename", (file, oldPath) => fileCheck(file, oldPath)));
const moveNoteCommand = (view) => {
if (isFmDisable(this.app.metadataCache.getFileCache(view.file))) {
new import_obsidian6.Notice("Auto Note Mover is disabled in the frontmatter.");
fileCheck(view.file, void 0, "cmd");
id: "Move-the-note",
name: "Move the note",
checkCallback: (checking) => {
const markdownView = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian6.MarkdownView);
if (markdownView) {
if (!checking) {
return true;
id: "Toggle-Auto-Manual",
name: "Toggle Auto-Manual",
callback: () => {
if (this.settings.trigger_auto_manual === "Automatic") {
this.settings.trigger_auto_manual = "Manual";
new import_obsidian6.Notice("[Auto Note Mover]\nTrigger is Manual.");
} else if (this.settings.trigger_auto_manual === "Manual") {
this.settings.trigger_auto_manual = "Automatic";
new import_obsidian6.Notice("[Auto Note Mover]\nTrigger is Automatic.");
this.addSettingTab(new AutoNoteMoverSettingTab(this.app, this));
onunload() {
loadSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, yield this.loadData());
saveSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield this.saveData(this.settings);