/* THIS IS A GENERATED/BUNDLED FILE BY ESBUILD if you want to view the source, please visit the github repository of this plugin */ var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __markAsModule = (target) => __defProp(target, "__esModule", { value: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { __markAsModule(target); for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __reExport = (target, module2, desc) => { if (module2 && typeof module2 === "object" || typeof module2 === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(module2)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(target, key) && key !== "default") __defProp(target, key, { get: () => module2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(module2, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return target; }; var __toModule = (module2) => { return __reExport(__markAsModule(__defProp(module2 != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(module2)) : {}, "default", module2 && module2.__esModule && "default" in module2 ? { get: () => module2.default, enumerable: true } : { value: module2, enumerable: true })), module2); }; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // src/main.ts __export(exports, { default: () => SettingsSearch }); var import_obsidian = __toModule(require("obsidian")); // node_modules/monkey-around/mjs/index.js function around(obj, factories) { const removers = Object.keys(factories).map((key) => around1(obj, key, factories[key])); return removers.length === 1 ? removers[0] : function() { removers.forEach((r) => r()); }; } function around1(obj, method, createWrapper) { const original = obj[method], hadOwn = obj.hasOwnProperty(method); let current = createWrapper(original); if (original) Object.setPrototypeOf(current, original); Object.setPrototypeOf(wrapper, current); obj[method] = wrapper; return remove; function wrapper(...args) { if (current === original && obj[method] === wrapper) remove(); return current.apply(this, args); } function remove() { if (obj[method] === wrapper) { if (hadOwn) obj[method] = original; else delete obj[method]; } if (current === original) return; current = original; Object.setPrototypeOf(wrapper, original || Function); } } // src/main.ts var SettingsSearch = class extends import_obsidian.Plugin { constructor() { super(...arguments); __publicField(this, "settingsSearchEl", createDiv("settings-search-container vertical-tab-header-group")); __publicField(this, "settingsResultsContainerEl", createDiv("settings-search-results-container vertical-tab-content")); __publicField(this, "settingsNavItemContainer", this.settingsSearchEl.createDiv("vertical-tab-header-group-items").createDiv("vertical-tab-nav-item settings-search-input")); __publicField(this, "settingsResultsEl"); __publicField(this, "search"); __publicField(this, "locale"); __publicField(this, "resources", []); __publicField(this, "results", []); __publicField(this, "loaded", false); __publicField(this, "tabIndex", 0); __publicField(this, "pluginTabIndex", 0); __publicField(this, "settingCache", new Map()); __publicField(this, "searchAppended", false); __publicField(this, "activeIndex", -1); __publicField(this, "activeSetting"); __publicField(this, "scope", new import_obsidian.Scope(this.app.scope)); __publicField(this, "mobileContainers", []); } async onload() { (window["SettingsSearch"] = { addResources: this.addResources.bind(this), removeResources: this.removeResources.bind(this), removeTabResources: this.removeTabResources.bind(this) }) && this.register(() => delete window["SettingsSearch"]); this.app.workspace.onLayoutReady(async () => { this.settingsResultsContainerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Settings Search Results" }); this.settingsResultsEl = this.settingsResultsContainerEl.createDiv("settings-search-results"); this.buildScope(); this.buildSearch(); this.buildResources(); this.buildPluginResources(); this.patchSettings(); this.loaded = true; this.app.workspace.trigger("settings-search-loaded"); }); } buildResources() { const tab = this.app.setting.settingTabs[this.tabIndex]; if (tab) { this.getTabResources(tab); this.tabIndex++; setTimeout(() => this.buildResources()); } } buildPluginResources() { const tab = this.app.setting.pluginTabs[this.pluginTabIndex]; if (tab) { this.getTabResources(tab); this.pluginTabIndex++; setTimeout(() => this.buildPluginResources()); } } get manifests() { return Object.values(this.app.plugins.manifests); } addResourceToCache(resource) { if (!resource || !resource.text || !resource.name || !resource.tab) { return new Error("A valid resource must be provided."); } let name; if (resource.external) { name = createFragment((el) => { (0, import_obsidian.setIcon)(el.createSpan({ attr: { "aria-label": "This setting was added by another plugin." } }), "info"); el.createSpan({ text: resource.text }); }); } else { name = resource.text; } const setting = new import_obsidian.Setting(createDiv()).setName(name).setDesc(createFragment((e) => e.createDiv().innerHTML = resource.desc ?? "")); if (resource.external) { setting.settingEl.addClass("set-externally"); } if (resource.tab == "community-plugins") { let plugin = this.manifests.find((p) => p.name == resource.text); if (plugin && this.app.plugins.getPlugin(plugin.id)?._loaded && this.app.setting.pluginTabs.find((t) => t.id == plugin.id)) { setting.addExtraButton((b) => { b.setTooltip(`Open ${resource.text} Settings`).onClick(() => { this.app.setting.openTabById(plugin.id); }); }); } } if (resource.tab == "plugins") { const plugins = Object.values(this.app.internalPlugins.plugins); const plugin = plugins.find((p) => p._loaded && p.instance.name == resource.text); if (plugin && this.app.setting.pluginTabs.find((t) => t.id == plugin.instance.id)) { setting.addExtraButton((b) => { b.setTooltip(`Open ${resource.text} Settings`).onClick(() => { this.app.setting.openTabById(plugin.instance.id); }); }); } } setting.addExtraButton((b) => { b.setIcon("forward-arrow").onClick(() => { this.showResult(resource); }); }); this.settingCache.set(resource, setting); } getResourceFromCache(resource) { if (!this.settingCache.has(resource)) { this.addResourceToCache(resource); } return this.settingCache.get(resource); } removeResourcesFromCache(resources) { for (const resource of resources) { this.settingCache.delete(resource); } } addResources(...resources) { for (const resource of resources) { resource.external = true; if (this.resources.find((k) => this.equivalent(resource, k))) continue; this.resources.push(resource); this.addResourceToCache(resource); } return () => this.removeResources(...resources); } equivalent(resource1, resource2) { return resource1.name == resource2.name && resource1.tab == resource2.tab && resource1.text == resource2.text && resource1.desc == resource2.desc && resource1.external == resource2.external; } removeResources(...resources) { const removing = []; const keys = [...this.settingCache.keys()]; for (const resource of resources) { if (!resource || !resource.text || !resource.name || !resource.tab) { continue; } resource.external = true; this.resources = this.resources.filter((r) => !this.equivalent(resource, r)); removing.push(...keys.filter((k) => k == resource || this.equivalent(resource, k))); } this.removeResourcesFromCache(removing); } removeTabResources(tab) { const removing = this.resources.filter((t) => t.tab == tab); this.resources = this.resources.filter((t) => t.tab != tab); this.removeResourcesFromCache(removing); } async getTabResources(tab) { await tab.display(); const settings = tab.containerEl.querySelectorAll(".setting-item:not(.setting-item-header)"); for (const el of Array.from(settings)) { const text = el.querySelector(".setting-item-name")?.textContent; if (!text) continue; const desc = el.querySelector(".setting-item-description")?.innerHTML ?? ""; const resource = { tab: tab.id, name: tab.name, text, desc }; this.resources.push(resource); this.addResourceToCache(resource); } if (this.app.setting.activeTab?.id == tab.id) return; tab.containerEl.detach(); tab.hide(); } patchSettings() { const self = this; this.register(around(this.app.setting, { onOpen: function(next) { return function() { next.apply(this); if (!import_obsidian.Platform.isMobile) self.search.inputEl.focus(); return next; }; } })); this.register(around(this.app.setting, { addSettingTab: function(next) { return function(tab) { self.getTabResources(tab); return next.call(this, tab); }; } })); this.register(around(this.app.setting, { removeSettingTab: function(next) { return function(tab) { if (this.isPluginSettingTab(tab)) { self.removeTabResources(tab.id); } return next.call(this, tab); }; } })); this.register(around(this.app.setting, { openTab: function(next) { return function(tab) { self.searchAppended = false; self.app.keymap.popScope(self.scope); return next.call(this, tab); }; }, openTabById: function(next) { return function(tab) { self.searchAppended = false; self.app.keymap.popScope(self.scope); return next.call(this, tab); }; }, onClose: function(next) { return function() { if (import_obsidian.Platform.isMobile) { self.detach(); } return next.call(this); }; } })); } buildSearch() { const tempSetting = new import_obsidian.Setting(createDiv()).addSearch((s) => { this.search = s; }); this.settingsNavItemContainer.append(tempSetting.controlEl); tempSetting.settingEl.detach(); this.search.onChange((v) => { this.onChange(v); }); this.search.setPlaceholder("Search settings..."); this.app.setting.tabHeadersEl.prepend(this.settingsSearchEl); } buildScope() { this.scope.register(["Ctrl"], "N", () => { if (this.activeSetting) { this.activeSetting.settingEl.removeClass("active"); } this.activeIndex = ((this.activeIndex + 1) % this.results.length + this.results.length) % this.results.length; this.centerActiveSetting(); }); this.scope.register([], "ArrowDown", () => { if (this.activeSetting) { this.activeSetting.settingEl.removeClass("active"); } this.activeIndex = ((this.activeIndex + 1) % this.results.length + this.results.length) % this.results.length; this.centerActiveSetting(); }); this.scope.register(["Ctrl"], "P", () => { if (this.activeSetting) { this.activeSetting.settingEl.removeClass("active"); } this.activeIndex = ((this.activeIndex - 1) % this.results.length + this.results.length) % this.results.length; this.centerActiveSetting(); }); this.scope.register([], "ArrowUp", () => { if (this.activeSetting) { this.activeSetting.settingEl.removeClass("active"); } this.activeIndex = ((this.activeIndex - 1) % this.results.length + this.results.length) % this.results.length; this.centerActiveSetting(); }); this.scope.register([], "Enter", () => { if (this.activeSetting) { this.showResult(this.results[this.activeIndex]); } }); } centerActiveSetting() { const result = this.results[this.activeIndex]; this.activeSetting = this.getResourceFromCache(result); this.activeSetting.settingEl.addClass("active"); this.activeSetting.settingEl.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "auto", block: "nearest" }); } detachFromMobile() { if (import_obsidian.Platform.isMobile) { this.settingsResultsContainerEl.detach(); for (const header of this.mobileContainers) { this.app.setting.tabHeadersEl.append(header); } this.search.setValue(""); } } detachFromDesktop() { if (import_obsidian.Platform.isDesktop) { this.app.setting.openTabById(this.app.setting.lastTabId); } } detach() { this.detachFromDesktop(); this.detachFromMobile(); this.searchAppended = false; } onChange(v) { if (!v) { this.detach(); this.app.keymap.popScope(this.scope); return; } if (!this.searchAppended) { this.activeIndex = -1; this.app.keymap.popScope(this.scope); this.app.keymap.pushScope(this.scope); if (this.activeSetting) { this.activeSetting.settingEl.removeClass("active"); this.activeSetting = null; } if (!import_obsidian.Platform.isMobile) { this.app.setting.activeTab.navEl.removeClass("is-active"); this.app.setting.tabContentContainer.empty(); this.app.setting.tabContentContainer.append(this.settingsResultsContainerEl); } else { const headers = this.app.setting.tabHeadersEl.querySelectorAll(".vertical-tab-header-group:not(.settings-search-container)"); for (const header of Array.from(headers)) { this.mobileContainers.push(header); header.detach(); } this.app.setting.tabHeadersEl.append(this.settingsResultsContainerEl); } this.searchAppended = true; } this.appendResults(this.performFuzzySearch(v)); } getMatchText(text, result) { const matchElements = {}; return createFragment((content) => { for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { let match = result.matches.find((m) => m[0] === i); if (match) { const index = result.matches.indexOf(match); if (!matchElements[index]) { matchElements[index] = createSpan("suggestion-highlight"); } let element = matchElements[index]; content.appendChild(element); element.appendText(text.substring(match[0], match[1])); i += match[1] - match[0] - 1; continue; } content.appendText(text[i]); } }); } appendResults(results) { this.settingsResultsEl.empty(); if (results.length) { const headers = {}; for (const resource of results) { if (!(resource.tab in headers)) { headers[resource.tab] = this.settingsResultsEl.createDiv(); new import_obsidian.Setting(headers[resource.tab]).setHeading().setName(resource.name); } const setting = this.getResourceFromCache(resource); headers[resource.tab].append(setting.settingEl); } } else { this.settingsResultsEl.setText("No results found :("); } } showResult(result) { this.search.setValue(""); const tab = this.app.setting.settingTabs.find((t) => t.id == result.tab) ?? this.app.setting.pluginTabs.find((t) => t.id == result.tab); if (!tab) { new import_obsidian.Notice("There was an issue opening the setting tab."); return; } this.app.setting.openTabById(tab.id); this.app.keymap.popScope(this.scope); this.detach(); try { const names = tab.containerEl.querySelectorAll(".setting-item-name"); const el = Array.from(names).find((n) => n.textContent == result.text); if (!el) return; const setting = el.closest(".setting-item"); if (!setting) return; if (tab.id == "obsidian-style-settings") { let collapsed = setting.closest(".style-settings-container"); let previous = collapsed?.previousElementSibling; while (previous != null && previous.hasClass("is-collapsed") && previous.hasClass("style-settings-heading")) { previous.removeClass("is-collapsed"); collapsed = collapsed.parentElement?.closest(".style-settings-container"); previous = collapsed?.previousElementSibling; } } let details = setting.closest("details"); while (details) { details.setAttr("open", "open"); details = details.parentElement?.closest("details"); } setting.scrollIntoView(true); setting.addClass("is-flashing"); window.setTimeout(() => setting.removeClass("is-flashing"), 3e3); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } performFuzzySearch(input) { const results = [], hotkeys = []; for (const resource of this.resources) { let result = (0, import_obsidian.prepareSimpleSearch)(input)(resource.text) ?? (0, import_obsidian.prepareSimpleSearch)(input)(resource.desc); if (result) { if (resource.tab == "hotkeys") { hotkeys.push(resource); } else { results.push(resource); } } } this.results = [...results, ...hotkeys]; return this.results; } onunload() { this.settingsSearchEl.detach(); this.settingsResultsEl.detach(); this.detach(); if (this.searchAppended && import_obsidian.Platform.isDesktop) this.app.setting.openTabById(this.app.setting.lastTabId); } };