2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
/ *
if you want to view the source visit the plugins github repository
* /
'use strict' ;
var obsidian = require ( 'obsidian' ) ;
/ * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Copyright ( c ) Microsoft Corporation .
Permission to use , copy , modify , and / or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
function _ _awaiter ( thisArg , _arguments , P , generator ) {
function adopt ( value ) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P ( function ( resolve ) { resolve ( value ) ; } ) ; }
return new ( P || ( P = Promise ) ) ( function ( resolve , reject ) {
function fulfilled ( value ) { try { step ( generator . next ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function rejected ( value ) { try { step ( generator [ "throw" ] ( value ) ) ; } catch ( e ) { reject ( e ) ; } }
function step ( result ) { result . done ? resolve ( result . value ) : adopt ( result . value ) . then ( fulfilled , rejected ) ; }
step ( ( generator = generator . apply ( thisArg , _arguments || [ ] ) ) . next ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : { } ;
function getDefaultExportFromCjs ( x ) {
return x && x . _ _esModule && Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( x , 'default' ) ? x [ 'default' ] : x ;
function createCommonjsModule ( fn , basedir , module ) {
return module = {
path : basedir ,
exports : { } ,
require : function ( path , base ) {
return commonjsRequire ( path , ( base === undefined || base === null ) ? module . path : base ) ;
} , fn ( module , module . exports ) , module . exports ;
function commonjsRequire ( ) {
throw new Error ( 'Dynamic requires are not currently supported by @rollup/plugin-commonjs' ) ;
var chroma = createCommonjsModule ( function ( module , exports ) {
/ * *
* chroma . js - JavaScript library for color conversions
* Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2019 , Gregor Aisch
* All rights reserved .
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions are met :
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice , this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice ,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
* and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* 3. The name Gregor Aisch may not be used to endorse or promote products
* derived from this software without specific prior written permission .
* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
* chroma . js includes colors from colorbrewer2 . org , which are released under
* the following license :
* Copyright ( c ) 2002 Cynthia Brewer , Mark Harrower ,
* and The Pennsylvania State University .
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing ,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* either express or implied . See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License .
* -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
* Named colors are taken from X11 Color Names .
* http : //www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color
* @ preserve
* /
( function ( global , factory ) {
module . exports = factory ( ) ;
} ( commonjsGlobal , ( function ( ) {
var limit = function ( x , min , max ) {
if ( min === void 0 ) min = 0 ;
if ( max === void 0 ) max = 1 ;
return x < min ? min : x > max ? max : x ;
} ;
var clip _rgb = function ( rgb ) {
rgb . _clipped = false ;
rgb . _unclipped = rgb . slice ( 0 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i ++ ) {
if ( i < 3 ) {
if ( rgb [ i ] < 0 || rgb [ i ] > 255 ) { rgb . _clipped = true ; }
rgb [ i ] = limit ( rgb [ i ] , 0 , 255 ) ;
} else if ( i === 3 ) {
rgb [ i ] = limit ( rgb [ i ] , 0 , 1 ) ;
return rgb ;
} ;
// ported from jQuery's $.type
var classToType = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 , list = [ 'Boolean' , 'Number' , 'String' , 'Function' , 'Array' , 'Date' , 'RegExp' , 'Undefined' , 'Null' ] ; i < list . length ; i += 1 ) {
var name = list [ i ] ;
classToType [ ( "[object " + name + "]" ) ] = name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var type = function ( obj ) {
return classToType [ Object . prototype . toString . call ( obj ) ] || "object" ;
} ;
var unpack = function ( args , keyOrder ) {
if ( keyOrder === void 0 ) keyOrder = null ;
// if called with more than 3 arguments, we return the arguments
if ( args . length >= 3 ) { return Array . prototype . slice . call ( args ) ; }
// with less than 3 args we check if first arg is object
// and use the keyOrder string to extract and sort properties
if ( type ( args [ 0 ] ) == 'object' && keyOrder ) {
return keyOrder . split ( '' )
. filter ( function ( k ) { return args [ 0 ] [ k ] !== undefined ; } )
. map ( function ( k ) { return args [ 0 ] [ k ] ; } ) ;
// otherwise we just return the first argument
// (which we suppose is an array of args)
return args [ 0 ] ;
} ;
var last = function ( args ) {
if ( args . length < 2 ) { return null ; }
var l = args . length - 1 ;
if ( type ( args [ l ] ) == 'string' ) { return args [ l ] . toLowerCase ( ) ; }
return null ;
} ;
var PI = Math . PI ;
var utils = {
clip _rgb : clip _rgb ,
limit : limit ,
type : type ,
unpack : unpack ,
last : last ,
PI : PI ,
TWOPI : PI * 2 ,
PITHIRD : PI / 3 ,
DEG2RAD : PI / 180 ,
RAD2DEG : 180 / PI
} ;
var input = {
format : { } ,
autodetect : [ ]
} ;
var last$1 = utils . last ;
var clip _rgb$1 = utils . clip _rgb ;
var type$1 = utils . type ;
var Color = function Color ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var me = this ;
if ( type$1 ( args [ 0 ] ) === 'object' &&
args [ 0 ] . constructor &&
args [ 0 ] . constructor === this . constructor ) {
// the argument is already a Color instance
return args [ 0 ] ;
// last argument could be the mode
var mode = last$1 ( args ) ;
var autodetect = false ;
if ( ! mode ) {
autodetect = true ;
if ( ! input . sorted ) {
input . autodetect = input . autodetect . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return b . p - a . p ; } ) ;
input . sorted = true ;
// auto-detect format
for ( var i = 0 , list = input . autodetect ; i < list . length ; i += 1 ) {
var chk = list [ i ] ;
mode = chk . test . apply ( chk , args ) ;
if ( mode ) { break ; }
if ( input . format [ mode ] ) {
var rgb = input . format [ mode ] . apply ( null , autodetect ? args : args . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) ) ;
me . _rgb = clip _rgb$1 ( rgb ) ;
} else {
throw new Error ( 'unknown format: ' + args ) ;
// add alpha channel
if ( me . _rgb . length === 3 ) { me . _rgb . push ( 1 ) ; }
} ;
Color . prototype . toString = function toString ( ) {
if ( type$1 ( this . hex ) == 'function' ) { return this . hex ( ) ; }
return ( "[" + ( this . _rgb . join ( ',' ) ) + "]" ) ;
} ;
var Color _1 = Color ;
var chroma = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( chroma . Color , [ null ] . concat ( args ) ) ) ;
} ;
chroma . Color = Color _1 ;
chroma . version = '2.1.2' ;
var chroma _1 = chroma ;
var unpack$1 = utils . unpack ;
var max = Math . max ;
var rgb2cmyk = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$1 ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
r = r / 255 ;
g = g / 255 ;
b = b / 255 ;
var k = 1 - max ( r , max ( g , b ) ) ;
var f = k < 1 ? 1 / ( 1 - k ) : 0 ;
var c = ( 1 - r - k ) * f ;
var m = ( 1 - g - k ) * f ;
var y = ( 1 - b - k ) * f ;
return [ c , m , y , k ] ;
} ;
var rgb2cmyk _1 = rgb2cmyk ;
var unpack$2 = utils . unpack ;
var cmyk2rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$2 ( args , 'cmyk' ) ;
var c = args [ 0 ] ;
var m = args [ 1 ] ;
var y = args [ 2 ] ;
var k = args [ 3 ] ;
var alpha = args . length > 4 ? args [ 4 ] : 1 ;
if ( k === 1 ) { return [ 0 , 0 , 0 , alpha ] ; }
return [
c >= 1 ? 0 : 255 * ( 1 - c ) * ( 1 - k ) , // r
m >= 1 ? 0 : 255 * ( 1 - m ) * ( 1 - k ) , // g
y >= 1 ? 0 : 255 * ( 1 - y ) * ( 1 - k ) , // b
] ;
} ;
var cmyk2rgb _1 = cmyk2rgb ;
var unpack$3 = utils . unpack ;
var type$2 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . cmyk = function ( ) {
return rgb2cmyk _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . cmyk = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'cmyk' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . cmyk = cmyk2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$3 ( args , 'cmyk' ) ;
if ( type$2 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 4 ) {
return 'cmyk' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$4 = utils . unpack ;
var last$2 = utils . last ;
var rnd = function ( a ) { return Math . round ( a * 100 ) / 100 ; } ;
/ *
* supported arguments :
* - hsl2css ( h , s , l )
* - hsl2css ( h , s , l , a )
* - hsl2css ( [ h , s , l ] , mode )
* - hsl2css ( [ h , s , l , a ] , mode )
* - hsl2css ( { h , s , l , a } , mode )
* /
var hsl2css = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var hsla = unpack$4 ( args , 'hsla' ) ;
var mode = last$2 ( args ) || 'lsa' ;
hsla [ 0 ] = rnd ( hsla [ 0 ] || 0 ) ;
hsla [ 1 ] = rnd ( hsla [ 1 ] * 100 ) + '%' ;
hsla [ 2 ] = rnd ( hsla [ 2 ] * 100 ) + '%' ;
if ( mode === 'hsla' || ( hsla . length > 3 && hsla [ 3 ] < 1 ) ) {
hsla [ 3 ] = hsla . length > 3 ? hsla [ 3 ] : 1 ;
mode = 'hsla' ;
} else {
hsla . length = 3 ;
return ( mode + "(" + ( hsla . join ( ',' ) ) + ")" ) ;
} ;
var hsl2css _1 = hsl2css ;
var unpack$5 = utils . unpack ;
/ *
* supported arguments :
* - rgb2hsl ( r , g , b )
* - rgb2hsl ( r , g , b , a )
* - rgb2hsl ( [ r , g , b ] )
* - rgb2hsl ( [ r , g , b , a ] )
* - rgb2hsl ( { r , g , b , a } )
* /
var rgb2hsl = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$5 ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
var r = args [ 0 ] ;
var g = args [ 1 ] ;
var b = args [ 2 ] ;
r /= 255 ;
g /= 255 ;
b /= 255 ;
var min = Math . min ( r , g , b ) ;
var max = Math . max ( r , g , b ) ;
var l = ( max + min ) / 2 ;
var s , h ;
if ( max === min ) {
s = 0 ;
h = Number . NaN ;
} else {
s = l < 0.5 ? ( max - min ) / ( max + min ) : ( max - min ) / ( 2 - max - min ) ;
if ( r == max ) { h = ( g - b ) / ( max - min ) ; }
else if ( g == max ) { h = 2 + ( b - r ) / ( max - min ) ; }
else if ( b == max ) { h = 4 + ( r - g ) / ( max - min ) ; }
h *= 60 ;
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
if ( args . length > 3 && args [ 3 ] !== undefined ) { return [ h , s , l , args [ 3 ] ] ; }
return [ h , s , l ] ;
} ;
var rgb2hsl _1 = rgb2hsl ;
var unpack$6 = utils . unpack ;
var last$3 = utils . last ;
var round = Math . round ;
/ *
* supported arguments :
* - rgb2css ( r , g , b )
* - rgb2css ( r , g , b , a )
* - rgb2css ( [ r , g , b ] , mode )
* - rgb2css ( [ r , g , b , a ] , mode )
* - rgb2css ( { r , g , b , a } , mode )
* /
var rgb2css = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var rgba = unpack$6 ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
var mode = last$3 ( args ) || 'rgb' ;
if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 3 ) == 'hsl' ) {
return hsl2css _1 ( rgb2hsl _1 ( rgba ) , mode ) ;
rgba [ 0 ] = round ( rgba [ 0 ] ) ;
rgba [ 1 ] = round ( rgba [ 1 ] ) ;
rgba [ 2 ] = round ( rgba [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( mode === 'rgba' || ( rgba . length > 3 && rgba [ 3 ] < 1 ) ) {
rgba [ 3 ] = rgba . length > 3 ? rgba [ 3 ] : 1 ;
mode = 'rgba' ;
return ( mode + "(" + ( rgba . slice ( 0 , mode === 'rgb' ? 3 : 4 ) . join ( ',' ) ) + ")" ) ;
} ;
var rgb2css _1 = rgb2css ;
var unpack$7 = utils . unpack ;
var round$1 = Math . round ;
var hsl2rgb = function ( ) {
var assign ;
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$7 ( args , 'hsl' ) ;
var h = args [ 0 ] ;
var s = args [ 1 ] ;
var l = args [ 2 ] ;
var r , g , b ;
if ( s === 0 ) {
r = g = b = l * 255 ;
} else {
var t3 = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
var c = [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
var t2 = l < 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - l * s ;
var t1 = 2 * l - t2 ;
var h _ = h / 360 ;
t3 [ 0 ] = h _ + 1 / 3 ;
t3 [ 1 ] = h _ ;
t3 [ 2 ] = h _ - 1 / 3 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
if ( t3 [ i ] < 0 ) { t3 [ i ] += 1 ; }
if ( t3 [ i ] > 1 ) { t3 [ i ] -= 1 ; }
if ( 6 * t3 [ i ] < 1 )
{ c [ i ] = t1 + ( t2 - t1 ) * 6 * t3 [ i ] ; }
else if ( 2 * t3 [ i ] < 1 )
{ c [ i ] = t2 ; }
else if ( 3 * t3 [ i ] < 2 )
{ c [ i ] = t1 + ( t2 - t1 ) * ( ( 2 / 3 ) - t3 [ i ] ) * 6 ; }
{ c [ i ] = t1 ; }
( assign = [ round$1 ( c [ 0 ] * 255 ) , round$1 ( c [ 1 ] * 255 ) , round$1 ( c [ 2 ] * 255 ) ] , r = assign [ 0 ] , g = assign [ 1 ] , b = assign [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( args . length > 3 ) {
// keep alpha channel
return [ r , g , b , args [ 3 ] ] ;
return [ r , g , b , 1 ] ;
} ;
var hsl2rgb _1 = hsl2rgb ;
var RE _RGB = /^rgb\(\s*(-?\d+),\s*(-?\d+)\s*,\s*(-?\d+)\s*\)$/ ;
var RE _RGBA = /^rgba\(\s*(-?\d+),\s*(-?\d+)\s*,\s*(-?\d+)\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)$/ ;
var RE _RGB _PCT = /^rgb\(\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/ ;
var RE _RGBA _PCT = /^rgba\(\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)$/ ;
var RE _HSL = /^hsl\(\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?),\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*\)$/ ;
var RE _HSLA = /^hsla\(\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?),\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)%\s*,\s*([01]|[01]?\.\d+)\)$/ ;
var round$2 = Math . round ;
var css2rgb = function ( css ) {
css = css . toLowerCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
var m ;
if ( input . format . named ) {
try {
return input . format . named ( css ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
// rgb(250,20,0)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _RGB ) ) ) {
var rgb = m . slice ( 1 , 4 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i ++ ) {
rgb [ i ] = + rgb [ i ] ;
rgb [ 3 ] = 1 ; // default alpha
return rgb ;
// rgba(250,20,0,0.4)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _RGBA ) ) ) {
var rgb$1 = m . slice ( 1 , 5 ) ;
for ( var i$1 = 0 ; i$1 < 4 ; i$1 ++ ) {
rgb$1 [ i$1 ] = + rgb$1 [ i$1 ] ;
return rgb$1 ;
// rgb(100%,0%,0%)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _RGB _PCT ) ) ) {
var rgb$2 = m . slice ( 1 , 4 ) ;
for ( var i$2 = 0 ; i$2 < 3 ; i$2 ++ ) {
rgb$2 [ i$2 ] = round$2 ( rgb$2 [ i$2 ] * 2.55 ) ;
rgb$2 [ 3 ] = 1 ; // default alpha
return rgb$2 ;
// rgba(100%,0%,0%,0.4)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _RGBA _PCT ) ) ) {
var rgb$3 = m . slice ( 1 , 5 ) ;
for ( var i$3 = 0 ; i$3 < 3 ; i$3 ++ ) {
rgb$3 [ i$3 ] = round$2 ( rgb$3 [ i$3 ] * 2.55 ) ;
rgb$3 [ 3 ] = + rgb$3 [ 3 ] ;
return rgb$3 ;
// hsl(0,100%,50%)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _HSL ) ) ) {
var hsl = m . slice ( 1 , 4 ) ;
hsl [ 1 ] *= 0.01 ;
hsl [ 2 ] *= 0.01 ;
var rgb$4 = hsl2rgb _1 ( hsl ) ;
rgb$4 [ 3 ] = 1 ;
return rgb$4 ;
// hsla(0,100%,50%,0.5)
if ( ( m = css . match ( RE _HSLA ) ) ) {
var hsl$1 = m . slice ( 1 , 4 ) ;
hsl$1 [ 1 ] *= 0.01 ;
hsl$1 [ 2 ] *= 0.01 ;
var rgb$5 = hsl2rgb _1 ( hsl$1 ) ;
rgb$5 [ 3 ] = + m [ 4 ] ; // default alpha = 1
return rgb$5 ;
} ;
css2rgb . test = function ( s ) {
return RE _RGB . test ( s ) ||
RE _RGBA . test ( s ) ||
RE _RGB _PCT . test ( s ) ||
RE _RGBA _PCT . test ( s ) ||
RE _HSL . test ( s ) ||
RE _HSLA . test ( s ) ;
} ;
var css2rgb _1 = css2rgb ;
var type$3 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . css = function ( mode ) {
return rgb2css _1 ( this . _rgb , mode ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . css = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'css' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . css = css2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 5 ,
test : function ( h ) {
var rest = [ ] , len = arguments . length - 1 ;
while ( len -- > 0 ) rest [ len ] = arguments [ len + 1 ] ;
if ( ! rest . length && type$3 ( h ) === 'string' && css2rgb _1 . test ( h ) ) {
return 'css' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$8 = utils . unpack ;
input . format . gl = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var rgb = unpack$8 ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
rgb [ 0 ] *= 255 ;
rgb [ 1 ] *= 255 ;
rgb [ 2 ] *= 255 ;
return rgb ;
} ;
chroma _1 . gl = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'gl' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . gl = function ( ) {
var rgb = this . _rgb ;
return [ rgb [ 0 ] / 255 , rgb [ 1 ] / 255 , rgb [ 2 ] / 255 , rgb [ 3 ] ] ;
} ;
var unpack$9 = utils . unpack ;
var rgb2hcg = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$9 ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
var min = Math . min ( r , g , b ) ;
var max = Math . max ( r , g , b ) ;
var delta = max - min ;
var c = delta * 100 / 255 ;
var _g = min / ( 255 - delta ) * 100 ;
var h ;
if ( delta === 0 ) {
h = Number . NaN ;
} else {
if ( r === max ) { h = ( g - b ) / delta ; }
if ( g === max ) { h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta ; }
if ( b === max ) { h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta ; }
h *= 60 ;
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
return [ h , c , _g ] ;
} ;
var rgb2hcg _1 = rgb2hcg ;
var unpack$a = utils . unpack ;
var floor = Math . floor ;
/ *
* this is basically just HSV with some minor tweaks
* hue . . [ 0. . 360 ]
* chroma . . [ 0. . 1 ]
* grayness . . [ 0. . 1 ]
* /
var hcg2rgb = function ( ) {
var assign , assign$1 , assign$2 , assign$3 , assign$4 , assign$5 ;
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$a ( args , 'hcg' ) ;
var h = args [ 0 ] ;
var c = args [ 1 ] ;
var _g = args [ 2 ] ;
var r , g , b ;
_g = _g * 255 ;
var _c = c * 255 ;
if ( c === 0 ) {
r = g = b = _g ;
} else {
if ( h === 360 ) { h = 0 ; }
if ( h > 360 ) { h -= 360 ; }
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
h /= 60 ;
var i = floor ( h ) ;
var f = h - i ;
var p = _g * ( 1 - c ) ;
var q = p + _c * ( 1 - f ) ;
var t = p + _c * f ;
var v = p + _c ;
switch ( i ) {
case 0 : ( assign = [ v , t , p ] , r = assign [ 0 ] , g = assign [ 1 ] , b = assign [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 1 : ( assign$1 = [ q , v , p ] , r = assign$1 [ 0 ] , g = assign$1 [ 1 ] , b = assign$1 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 2 : ( assign$2 = [ p , v , t ] , r = assign$2 [ 0 ] , g = assign$2 [ 1 ] , b = assign$2 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 3 : ( assign$3 = [ p , q , v ] , r = assign$3 [ 0 ] , g = assign$3 [ 1 ] , b = assign$3 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 4 : ( assign$4 = [ t , p , v ] , r = assign$4 [ 0 ] , g = assign$4 [ 1 ] , b = assign$4 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 5 : ( assign$5 = [ v , p , q ] , r = assign$5 [ 0 ] , g = assign$5 [ 1 ] , b = assign$5 [ 2 ] ) ; break
return [ r , g , b , args . length > 3 ? args [ 3 ] : 1 ] ;
} ;
var hcg2rgb _1 = hcg2rgb ;
var unpack$b = utils . unpack ;
var type$4 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . hcg = function ( ) {
return rgb2hcg _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hcg = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hcg' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . hcg = hcg2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 1 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$b ( args , 'hcg' ) ;
if ( type$4 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return 'hcg' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$c = utils . unpack ;
var last$4 = utils . last ;
var round$3 = Math . round ;
var rgb2hex = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$c ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
var a = ref [ 3 ] ;
var mode = last$4 ( args ) || 'auto' ;
if ( a === undefined ) { a = 1 ; }
if ( mode === 'auto' ) {
mode = a < 1 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb' ;
r = round$3 ( r ) ;
g = round$3 ( g ) ;
b = round$3 ( b ) ;
var u = r << 16 | g << 8 | b ;
var str = "000000" + u . toString ( 16 ) ; //#.toUpperCase();
str = str . substr ( str . length - 6 ) ;
var hxa = '0' + round$3 ( a * 255 ) . toString ( 16 ) ;
hxa = hxa . substr ( hxa . length - 2 ) ;
switch ( mode . toLowerCase ( ) ) {
case 'rgba' : return ( "#" + str + hxa ) ;
case 'argb' : return ( "#" + hxa + str ) ;
default : return ( "#" + str ) ;
} ;
var rgb2hex _1 = rgb2hex ;
var RE _HEX = /^#?([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})$/ ;
var RE _HEXA = /^#?([A-Fa-f0-9]{8}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4})$/ ;
var hex2rgb = function ( hex ) {
if ( hex . match ( RE _HEX ) ) {
// remove optional leading #
if ( hex . length === 4 || hex . length === 7 ) {
hex = hex . substr ( 1 ) ;
// expand short-notation to full six-digit
if ( hex . length === 3 ) {
hex = hex . split ( '' ) ;
hex = hex [ 0 ] + hex [ 0 ] + hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 2 ] + hex [ 2 ] ;
var u = parseInt ( hex , 16 ) ;
var r = u >> 16 ;
var g = u >> 8 & 0xFF ;
var b = u & 0xFF ;
return [ r , g , b , 1 ] ;
// match rgba hex format, eg #FF000077
if ( hex . match ( RE _HEXA ) ) {
if ( hex . length === 5 || hex . length === 9 ) {
// remove optional leading #
hex = hex . substr ( 1 ) ;
// expand short-notation to full eight-digit
if ( hex . length === 4 ) {
hex = hex . split ( '' ) ;
hex = hex [ 0 ] + hex [ 0 ] + hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 2 ] + hex [ 2 ] + hex [ 3 ] + hex [ 3 ] ;
var u$1 = parseInt ( hex , 16 ) ;
var r$1 = u$1 >> 24 & 0xFF ;
var g$1 = u$1 >> 16 & 0xFF ;
var b$1 = u$1 >> 8 & 0xFF ;
var a = Math . round ( ( u$1 & 0xFF ) / 0xFF * 100 ) / 100 ;
return [ r$1 , g$1 , b$1 , a ] ;
// we used to check for css colors here
// if _input.css? and rgb = _input.css hex
// return rgb
throw new Error ( ( "unknown hex color: " + hex ) ) ;
} ;
var hex2rgb _1 = hex2rgb ;
var type$5 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . hex = function ( mode ) {
return rgb2hex _1 ( this . _rgb , mode ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hex = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hex' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . hex = hex2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 4 ,
test : function ( h ) {
var rest = [ ] , len = arguments . length - 1 ;
while ( len -- > 0 ) rest [ len ] = arguments [ len + 1 ] ;
if ( ! rest . length && type$5 ( h ) === 'string' && [ 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ] . indexOf ( h . length ) >= 0 ) {
return 'hex' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$d = utils . unpack ;
var TWOPI = utils . TWOPI ;
var min = Math . min ;
var sqrt = Math . sqrt ;
var acos = Math . acos ;
var rgb2hsi = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
/ *
borrowed from here :
http : //hummer.stanford.edu/museinfo/doc/examples/humdrum/keyscape2/rgb2hsi.cpp
* /
var ref = unpack$d ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
r /= 255 ;
g /= 255 ;
b /= 255 ;
var h ;
var min _ = min ( r , g , b ) ;
var i = ( r + g + b ) / 3 ;
var s = i > 0 ? 1 - min _ / i : 0 ;
if ( s === 0 ) {
h = NaN ;
} else {
h = ( ( r - g ) + ( r - b ) ) / 2 ;
h /= sqrt ( ( r - g ) * ( r - g ) + ( r - b ) * ( g - b ) ) ;
h = acos ( h ) ;
if ( b > g ) {
h = TWOPI - h ;
h /= TWOPI ;
return [ h * 360 , s , i ] ;
} ;
var rgb2hsi _1 = rgb2hsi ;
var unpack$e = utils . unpack ;
var limit$1 = utils . limit ;
var TWOPI$1 = utils . TWOPI ;
var PITHIRD = utils . PITHIRD ;
var cos = Math . cos ;
/ *
* hue [ 0. . 360 ]
* saturation [ 0. . 1 ]
* intensity [ 0. . 1 ]
* /
var hsi2rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
/ *
borrowed from here :
http : //hummer.stanford.edu/museinfo/doc/examples/humdrum/keyscape2/hsi2rgb.cpp
* /
args = unpack$e ( args , 'hsi' ) ;
var h = args [ 0 ] ;
var s = args [ 1 ] ;
var i = args [ 2 ] ;
var r , g , b ;
if ( isNaN ( h ) ) { h = 0 ; }
if ( isNaN ( s ) ) { s = 0 ; }
// normalize hue
if ( h > 360 ) { h -= 360 ; }
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
h /= 360 ;
if ( h < 1 / 3 ) {
b = ( 1 - s ) / 3 ;
r = ( 1 + s * cos ( TWOPI$1 * h ) / cos ( PITHIRD - TWOPI$1 * h ) ) / 3 ;
g = 1 - ( b + r ) ;
} else if ( h < 2 / 3 ) {
h -= 1 / 3 ;
r = ( 1 - s ) / 3 ;
g = ( 1 + s * cos ( TWOPI$1 * h ) / cos ( PITHIRD - TWOPI$1 * h ) ) / 3 ;
b = 1 - ( r + g ) ;
} else {
h -= 2 / 3 ;
g = ( 1 - s ) / 3 ;
b = ( 1 + s * cos ( TWOPI$1 * h ) / cos ( PITHIRD - TWOPI$1 * h ) ) / 3 ;
r = 1 - ( g + b ) ;
r = limit$1 ( i * r * 3 ) ;
g = limit$1 ( i * g * 3 ) ;
b = limit$1 ( i * b * 3 ) ;
return [ r * 255 , g * 255 , b * 255 , args . length > 3 ? args [ 3 ] : 1 ] ;
} ;
var hsi2rgb _1 = hsi2rgb ;
var unpack$f = utils . unpack ;
var type$6 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . hsi = function ( ) {
return rgb2hsi _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hsi = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hsi' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . hsi = hsi2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$f ( args , 'hsi' ) ;
if ( type$6 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return 'hsi' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$g = utils . unpack ;
var type$7 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . hsl = function ( ) {
return rgb2hsl _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hsl = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hsl' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . hsl = hsl2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$g ( args , 'hsl' ) ;
if ( type$7 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return 'hsl' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$h = utils . unpack ;
var min$1 = Math . min ;
var max$1 = Math . max ;
/ *
* supported arguments :
* - rgb2hsv ( r , g , b )
* - rgb2hsv ( [ r , g , b ] )
* - rgb2hsv ( { r , g , b } )
* /
var rgb2hsl$1 = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$h ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = args [ 0 ] ;
var g = args [ 1 ] ;
var b = args [ 2 ] ;
var min _ = min$1 ( r , g , b ) ;
var max _ = max$1 ( r , g , b ) ;
var delta = max _ - min _ ;
var h , s , v ;
v = max _ / 255.0 ;
if ( max _ === 0 ) {
h = Number . NaN ;
s = 0 ;
} else {
s = delta / max _ ;
if ( r === max _ ) { h = ( g - b ) / delta ; }
if ( g === max _ ) { h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta ; }
if ( b === max _ ) { h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta ; }
h *= 60 ;
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
return [ h , s , v ]
} ;
var rgb2hsv = rgb2hsl$1 ;
var unpack$i = utils . unpack ;
var floor$1 = Math . floor ;
var hsv2rgb = function ( ) {
var assign , assign$1 , assign$2 , assign$3 , assign$4 , assign$5 ;
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$i ( args , 'hsv' ) ;
var h = args [ 0 ] ;
var s = args [ 1 ] ;
var v = args [ 2 ] ;
var r , g , b ;
v *= 255 ;
if ( s === 0 ) {
r = g = b = v ;
} else {
if ( h === 360 ) { h = 0 ; }
if ( h > 360 ) { h -= 360 ; }
if ( h < 0 ) { h += 360 ; }
h /= 60 ;
var i = floor$1 ( h ) ;
var f = h - i ;
var p = v * ( 1 - s ) ;
var q = v * ( 1 - s * f ) ;
var t = v * ( 1 - s * ( 1 - f ) ) ;
switch ( i ) {
case 0 : ( assign = [ v , t , p ] , r = assign [ 0 ] , g = assign [ 1 ] , b = assign [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 1 : ( assign$1 = [ q , v , p ] , r = assign$1 [ 0 ] , g = assign$1 [ 1 ] , b = assign$1 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 2 : ( assign$2 = [ p , v , t ] , r = assign$2 [ 0 ] , g = assign$2 [ 1 ] , b = assign$2 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 3 : ( assign$3 = [ p , q , v ] , r = assign$3 [ 0 ] , g = assign$3 [ 1 ] , b = assign$3 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 4 : ( assign$4 = [ t , p , v ] , r = assign$4 [ 0 ] , g = assign$4 [ 1 ] , b = assign$4 [ 2 ] ) ; break
case 5 : ( assign$5 = [ v , p , q ] , r = assign$5 [ 0 ] , g = assign$5 [ 1 ] , b = assign$5 [ 2 ] ) ; break
return [ r , g , b , args . length > 3 ? args [ 3 ] : 1 ] ;
} ;
var hsv2rgb _1 = hsv2rgb ;
var unpack$j = utils . unpack ;
var type$8 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . hsv = function ( ) {
return rgb2hsv ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hsv = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hsv' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . hsv = hsv2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$j ( args , 'hsv' ) ;
if ( type$8 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return 'hsv' ;
} ) ;
var labConstants = {
// Corresponds roughly to RGB brighter/darker
Kn : 18 ,
// D65 standard referent
Xn : 0.950470 ,
Yn : 1 ,
Zn : 1.088830 ,
t0 : 0.137931034 , // 4 / 29
t1 : 0.206896552 , // 6 / 29
t2 : 0.12841855 , // 3 * t1 * t1
t3 : 0.008856452 , // t1 * t1 * t1
} ;
var unpack$k = utils . unpack ;
var pow = Math . pow ;
var rgb2lab = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$k ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
var ref$1 = rgb2xyz ( r , g , b ) ;
var x = ref$1 [ 0 ] ;
var y = ref$1 [ 1 ] ;
var z = ref$1 [ 2 ] ;
var l = 116 * y - 16 ;
return [ l < 0 ? 0 : l , 500 * ( x - y ) , 200 * ( y - z ) ] ;
} ;
var rgb _xyz = function ( r ) {
if ( ( r /= 255 ) <= 0.04045 ) { return r / 12.92 ; }
return pow ( ( r + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4 ) ;
} ;
var xyz _lab = function ( t ) {
if ( t > labConstants . t3 ) { return pow ( t , 1 / 3 ) ; }
return t / labConstants . t2 + labConstants . t0 ;
} ;
var rgb2xyz = function ( r , g , b ) {
r = rgb _xyz ( r ) ;
g = rgb _xyz ( g ) ;
b = rgb _xyz ( b ) ;
var x = xyz _lab ( ( 0.4124564 * r + 0.3575761 * g + 0.1804375 * b ) / labConstants . Xn ) ;
var y = xyz _lab ( ( 0.2126729 * r + 0.7151522 * g + 0.0721750 * b ) / labConstants . Yn ) ;
var z = xyz _lab ( ( 0.0193339 * r + 0.1191920 * g + 0.9503041 * b ) / labConstants . Zn ) ;
return [ x , y , z ] ;
} ;
var rgb2lab _1 = rgb2lab ;
var unpack$l = utils . unpack ;
var pow$1 = Math . pow ;
/ *
* L * [ 0. . 100 ]
* a [ - 100. . 100 ]
* b [ - 100. . 100 ]
* /
var lab2rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$l ( args , 'lab' ) ;
var l = args [ 0 ] ;
var a = args [ 1 ] ;
var b = args [ 2 ] ;
var x , y , z , r , g , b _ ;
y = ( l + 16 ) / 116 ;
x = isNaN ( a ) ? y : y + a / 500 ;
z = isNaN ( b ) ? y : y - b / 200 ;
y = labConstants . Yn * lab _xyz ( y ) ;
x = labConstants . Xn * lab _xyz ( x ) ;
z = labConstants . Zn * lab _xyz ( z ) ;
r = xyz _rgb ( 3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - 0.4985314 * z ) ; // D65 -> sRGB
g = xyz _rgb ( - 0.9692660 * x + 1.8760108 * y + 0.0415560 * z ) ;
b _ = xyz _rgb ( 0.0556434 * x - 0.2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z ) ;
return [ r , g , b _ , args . length > 3 ? args [ 3 ] : 1 ] ;
} ;
var xyz _rgb = function ( r ) {
return 255 * ( r <= 0.00304 ? 12.92 * r : 1.055 * pow$1 ( r , 1 / 2.4 ) - 0.055 )
} ;
var lab _xyz = function ( t ) {
return t > labConstants . t1 ? t * t * t : labConstants . t2 * ( t - labConstants . t0 )
} ;
var lab2rgb _1 = lab2rgb ;
var unpack$m = utils . unpack ;
var type$9 = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . lab = function ( ) {
return rgb2lab _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . lab = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'lab' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . lab = lab2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$m ( args , 'lab' ) ;
if ( type$9 ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return 'lab' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$n = utils . unpack ;
var RAD2DEG = utils . RAD2DEG ;
var sqrt$1 = Math . sqrt ;
var atan2 = Math . atan2 ;
var round$4 = Math . round ;
var lab2lch = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$n ( args , 'lab' ) ;
var l = ref [ 0 ] ;
var a = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
var c = sqrt$1 ( a * a + b * b ) ;
var h = ( atan2 ( b , a ) * RAD2DEG + 360 ) % 360 ;
if ( round$4 ( c * 10000 ) === 0 ) { h = Number . NaN ; }
return [ l , c , h ] ;
} ;
var lab2lch _1 = lab2lch ;
var unpack$o = utils . unpack ;
var rgb2lch = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$o ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
var ref$1 = rgb2lab _1 ( r , g , b ) ;
var l = ref$1 [ 0 ] ;
var a = ref$1 [ 1 ] ;
var b _ = ref$1 [ 2 ] ;
return lab2lch _1 ( l , a , b _ ) ;
} ;
var rgb2lch _1 = rgb2lch ;
var unpack$p = utils . unpack ;
var DEG2RAD = utils . DEG2RAD ;
var sin = Math . sin ;
var cos$1 = Math . cos ;
var lch2lab = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
/ *
Convert from a qualitative parameter h and a quantitative parameter l to a 24 - bit pixel .
These formulas were invented by David Dalrymple to obtain maximum contrast without going
out of gamut if the parameters are in the range 0 - 1.
A saturation multiplier was added by Gregor Aisch
* /
var ref = unpack$p ( args , 'lch' ) ;
var l = ref [ 0 ] ;
var c = ref [ 1 ] ;
var h = ref [ 2 ] ;
if ( isNaN ( h ) ) { h = 0 ; }
h = h * DEG2RAD ;
return [ l , cos$1 ( h ) * c , sin ( h ) * c ]
} ;
var lch2lab _1 = lch2lab ;
var unpack$q = utils . unpack ;
var lch2rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$q ( args , 'lch' ) ;
var l = args [ 0 ] ;
var c = args [ 1 ] ;
var h = args [ 2 ] ;
var ref = lch2lab _1 ( l , c , h ) ;
var L = ref [ 0 ] ;
var a = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b _ = ref [ 2 ] ;
var ref$1 = lab2rgb _1 ( L , a , b _ ) ;
var r = ref$1 [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref$1 [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref$1 [ 2 ] ;
return [ r , g , b , args . length > 3 ? args [ 3 ] : 1 ] ;
} ;
var lch2rgb _1 = lch2rgb ;
var unpack$r = utils . unpack ;
var hcl2rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var hcl = unpack$r ( args , 'hcl' ) . reverse ( ) ;
return lch2rgb _1 . apply ( void 0 , hcl ) ;
} ;
var hcl2rgb _1 = hcl2rgb ;
var unpack$s = utils . unpack ;
var type$a = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . lch = function ( ) { return rgb2lch _1 ( this . _rgb ) ; } ;
Color _1 . prototype . hcl = function ( ) { return rgb2lch _1 ( this . _rgb ) . reverse ( ) ; } ;
chroma _1 . lch = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'lch' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . hcl = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'hcl' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . lch = lch2rgb _1 ;
input . format . hcl = hcl2rgb _1 ;
[ 'lch' , 'hcl' ] . forEach ( function ( m ) { return input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 2 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$s ( args , m ) ;
if ( type$a ( args ) === 'array' && args . length === 3 ) {
return m ;
} ) ; } ) ;
/ * *
X11 color names
http : //www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color
* /
var w3cx11 = {
aliceblue : '#f0f8ff' ,
antiquewhite : '#faebd7' ,
aqua : '#00ffff' ,
aquamarine : '#7fffd4' ,
azure : '#f0ffff' ,
beige : '#f5f5dc' ,
bisque : '#ffe4c4' ,
black : '#000000' ,
blanchedalmond : '#ffebcd' ,
blue : '#0000ff' ,
blueviolet : '#8a2be2' ,
brown : '#a52a2a' ,
burlywood : '#deb887' ,
cadetblue : '#5f9ea0' ,
chartreuse : '#7fff00' ,
chocolate : '#d2691e' ,
coral : '#ff7f50' ,
cornflower : '#6495ed' ,
cornflowerblue : '#6495ed' ,
cornsilk : '#fff8dc' ,
crimson : '#dc143c' ,
cyan : '#00ffff' ,
darkblue : '#00008b' ,
darkcyan : '#008b8b' ,
darkgoldenrod : '#b8860b' ,
darkgray : '#a9a9a9' ,
darkgreen : '#006400' ,
darkgrey : '#a9a9a9' ,
darkkhaki : '#bdb76b' ,
darkmagenta : '#8b008b' ,
darkolivegreen : '#556b2f' ,
darkorange : '#ff8c00' ,
darkorchid : '#9932cc' ,
darkred : '#8b0000' ,
darksalmon : '#e9967a' ,
darkseagreen : '#8fbc8f' ,
darkslateblue : '#483d8b' ,
darkslategray : '#2f4f4f' ,
darkslategrey : '#2f4f4f' ,
darkturquoise : '#00ced1' ,
darkviolet : '#9400d3' ,
deeppink : '#ff1493' ,
deepskyblue : '#00bfff' ,
dimgray : '#696969' ,
dimgrey : '#696969' ,
dodgerblue : '#1e90ff' ,
firebrick : '#b22222' ,
floralwhite : '#fffaf0' ,
forestgreen : '#228b22' ,
fuchsia : '#ff00ff' ,
gainsboro : '#dcdcdc' ,
ghostwhite : '#f8f8ff' ,
gold : '#ffd700' ,
goldenrod : '#daa520' ,
gray : '#808080' ,
green : '#008000' ,
greenyellow : '#adff2f' ,
grey : '#808080' ,
honeydew : '#f0fff0' ,
hotpink : '#ff69b4' ,
indianred : '#cd5c5c' ,
indigo : '#4b0082' ,
ivory : '#fffff0' ,
khaki : '#f0e68c' ,
laserlemon : '#ffff54' ,
lavender : '#e6e6fa' ,
lavenderblush : '#fff0f5' ,
lawngreen : '#7cfc00' ,
lemonchiffon : '#fffacd' ,
lightblue : '#add8e6' ,
lightcoral : '#f08080' ,
lightcyan : '#e0ffff' ,
lightgoldenrod : '#fafad2' ,
lightgoldenrodyellow : '#fafad2' ,
lightgray : '#d3d3d3' ,
lightgreen : '#90ee90' ,
lightgrey : '#d3d3d3' ,
lightpink : '#ffb6c1' ,
lightsalmon : '#ffa07a' ,
lightseagreen : '#20b2aa' ,
lightskyblue : '#87cefa' ,
lightslategray : '#778899' ,
lightslategrey : '#778899' ,
lightsteelblue : '#b0c4de' ,
lightyellow : '#ffffe0' ,
lime : '#00ff00' ,
limegreen : '#32cd32' ,
linen : '#faf0e6' ,
magenta : '#ff00ff' ,
maroon : '#800000' ,
maroon2 : '#7f0000' ,
maroon3 : '#b03060' ,
mediumaquamarine : '#66cdaa' ,
mediumblue : '#0000cd' ,
mediumorchid : '#ba55d3' ,
mediumpurple : '#9370db' ,
mediumseagreen : '#3cb371' ,
mediumslateblue : '#7b68ee' ,
mediumspringgreen : '#00fa9a' ,
mediumturquoise : '#48d1cc' ,
mediumvioletred : '#c71585' ,
midnightblue : '#191970' ,
mintcream : '#f5fffa' ,
mistyrose : '#ffe4e1' ,
moccasin : '#ffe4b5' ,
navajowhite : '#ffdead' ,
navy : '#000080' ,
oldlace : '#fdf5e6' ,
olive : '#808000' ,
olivedrab : '#6b8e23' ,
orange : '#ffa500' ,
orangered : '#ff4500' ,
orchid : '#da70d6' ,
palegoldenrod : '#eee8aa' ,
palegreen : '#98fb98' ,
paleturquoise : '#afeeee' ,
palevioletred : '#db7093' ,
papayawhip : '#ffefd5' ,
peachpuff : '#ffdab9' ,
peru : '#cd853f' ,
pink : '#ffc0cb' ,
plum : '#dda0dd' ,
powderblue : '#b0e0e6' ,
purple : '#800080' ,
purple2 : '#7f007f' ,
purple3 : '#a020f0' ,
rebeccapurple : '#663399' ,
red : '#ff0000' ,
rosybrown : '#bc8f8f' ,
royalblue : '#4169e1' ,
saddlebrown : '#8b4513' ,
salmon : '#fa8072' ,
sandybrown : '#f4a460' ,
seagreen : '#2e8b57' ,
seashell : '#fff5ee' ,
sienna : '#a0522d' ,
silver : '#c0c0c0' ,
skyblue : '#87ceeb' ,
slateblue : '#6a5acd' ,
slategray : '#708090' ,
slategrey : '#708090' ,
snow : '#fffafa' ,
springgreen : '#00ff7f' ,
steelblue : '#4682b4' ,
tan : '#d2b48c' ,
teal : '#008080' ,
thistle : '#d8bfd8' ,
tomato : '#ff6347' ,
turquoise : '#40e0d0' ,
violet : '#ee82ee' ,
wheat : '#f5deb3' ,
white : '#ffffff' ,
whitesmoke : '#f5f5f5' ,
yellow : '#ffff00' ,
yellowgreen : '#9acd32'
} ;
var w3cx11 _1 = w3cx11 ;
var type$b = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . name = function ( ) {
var hex = rgb2hex _1 ( this . _rgb , 'rgb' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 , list = Object . keys ( w3cx11 _1 ) ; i < list . length ; i += 1 ) {
var n = list [ i ] ;
if ( w3cx11 _1 [ n ] === hex ) { return n . toLowerCase ( ) ; }
return hex ;
} ;
input . format . named = function ( name ) {
name = name . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( w3cx11 _1 [ name ] ) { return hex2rgb _1 ( w3cx11 _1 [ name ] ) ; }
throw new Error ( 'unknown color name: ' + name ) ;
} ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 5 ,
test : function ( h ) {
var rest = [ ] , len = arguments . length - 1 ;
while ( len -- > 0 ) rest [ len ] = arguments [ len + 1 ] ;
if ( ! rest . length && type$b ( h ) === 'string' && w3cx11 _1 [ h . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) {
return 'named' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$t = utils . unpack ;
var rgb2num = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var ref = unpack$t ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = ref [ 0 ] ;
var g = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b = ref [ 2 ] ;
return ( r << 16 ) + ( g << 8 ) + b ;
} ;
var rgb2num _1 = rgb2num ;
var type$c = utils . type ;
var num2rgb = function ( num ) {
if ( type$c ( num ) == "number" && num >= 0 && num <= 0xFFFFFF ) {
var r = num >> 16 ;
var g = ( num >> 8 ) & 0xFF ;
var b = num & 0xFF ;
return [ r , g , b , 1 ] ;
throw new Error ( "unknown num color: " + num ) ;
} ;
var num2rgb _1 = num2rgb ;
var type$d = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . num = function ( ) {
return rgb2num _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . num = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'num' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . num = num2rgb _1 ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 5 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
if ( args . length === 1 && type$d ( args [ 0 ] ) === 'number' && args [ 0 ] >= 0 && args [ 0 ] <= 0xFFFFFF ) {
return 'num' ;
} ) ;
var unpack$u = utils . unpack ;
var type$e = utils . type ;
var round$5 = Math . round ;
Color _1 . prototype . rgb = function ( rnd ) {
if ( rnd === void 0 ) rnd = true ;
if ( rnd === false ) { return this . _rgb . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ; }
return this . _rgb . slice ( 0 , 3 ) . map ( round$5 ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . rgba = function ( rnd ) {
if ( rnd === void 0 ) rnd = true ;
return this . _rgb . slice ( 0 , 4 ) . map ( function ( v , i ) {
return i < 3 ? ( rnd === false ? v : round$5 ( v ) ) : v ;
} ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'rgb' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . rgb = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var rgba = unpack$u ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
if ( rgba [ 3 ] === undefined ) { rgba [ 3 ] = 1 ; }
return rgba ;
} ;
input . autodetect . push ( {
p : 3 ,
test : function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
args = unpack$u ( args , 'rgba' ) ;
if ( type$e ( args ) === 'array' && ( args . length === 3 ||
args . length === 4 && type$e ( args [ 3 ] ) == 'number' && args [ 3 ] >= 0 && args [ 3 ] <= 1 ) ) {
return 'rgb' ;
} ) ;
/ *
* Based on implementation by Neil Bartlett
* https : //github.com/neilbartlett/color-temperature
* /
var log = Math . log ;
var temperature2rgb = function ( kelvin ) {
var temp = kelvin / 100 ;
var r , g , b ;
if ( temp < 66 ) {
r = 255 ;
g = - 155.25485562709179 - 0.44596950469579133 * ( g = temp - 2 ) + 104.49216199393888 * log ( g ) ;
b = temp < 20 ? 0 : - 254.76935184120902 + 0.8274096064007395 * ( b = temp - 10 ) + 115.67994401066147 * log ( b ) ;
} else {
r = 351.97690566805693 + 0.114206453784165 * ( r = temp - 55 ) - 40.25366309332127 * log ( r ) ;
g = 325.4494125711974 + 0.07943456536662342 * ( g = temp - 50 ) - 28.0852963507957 * log ( g ) ;
b = 255 ;
return [ r , g , b , 1 ] ;
} ;
var temperature2rgb _1 = temperature2rgb ;
/ *
* Based on implementation by Neil Bartlett
* https : //github.com/neilbartlett/color-temperature
* * /
var unpack$v = utils . unpack ;
var round$6 = Math . round ;
var rgb2temperature = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
var rgb = unpack$v ( args , 'rgb' ) ;
var r = rgb [ 0 ] , b = rgb [ 2 ] ;
var minTemp = 1000 ;
var maxTemp = 40000 ;
var eps = 0.4 ;
var temp ;
while ( maxTemp - minTemp > eps ) {
temp = ( maxTemp + minTemp ) * 0.5 ;
var rgb$1 = temperature2rgb _1 ( temp ) ;
if ( ( rgb$1 [ 2 ] / rgb$1 [ 0 ] ) >= ( b / r ) ) {
maxTemp = temp ;
} else {
minTemp = temp ;
return round$6 ( temp ) ;
} ;
var rgb2temperature _1 = rgb2temperature ;
Color _1 . prototype . temp =
Color _1 . prototype . kelvin =
Color _1 . prototype . temperature = function ( ) {
return rgb2temperature _1 ( this . _rgb ) ;
} ;
chroma _1 . temp =
chroma _1 . kelvin =
chroma _1 . temperature = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
return new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args , [ 'temp' ] ) ) ) ;
} ;
input . format . temp =
input . format . kelvin =
input . format . temperature = temperature2rgb _1 ;
var type$f = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . alpha = function ( a , mutate ) {
if ( mutate === void 0 ) mutate = false ;
if ( a !== undefined && type$f ( a ) === 'number' ) {
if ( mutate ) {
this . _rgb [ 3 ] = a ;
return this ;
return new Color _1 ( [ this . _rgb [ 0 ] , this . _rgb [ 1 ] , this . _rgb [ 2 ] , a ] , 'rgb' ) ;
return this . _rgb [ 3 ] ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . clipped = function ( ) {
return this . _rgb . _clipped || false ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . darken = function ( amount ) {
if ( amount === void 0 ) amount = 1 ;
var me = this ;
var lab = me . lab ( ) ;
lab [ 0 ] -= labConstants . Kn * amount ;
return new Color _1 ( lab , 'lab' ) . alpha ( me . alpha ( ) , true ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . brighten = function ( amount ) {
if ( amount === void 0 ) amount = 1 ;
return this . darken ( - amount ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . darker = Color _1 . prototype . darken ;
Color _1 . prototype . brighter = Color _1 . prototype . brighten ;
Color _1 . prototype . get = function ( mc ) {
var ref = mc . split ( '.' ) ;
var mode = ref [ 0 ] ;
var channel = ref [ 1 ] ;
var src = this [ mode ] ( ) ;
if ( channel ) {
var i = mode . indexOf ( channel ) ;
if ( i > - 1 ) { return src [ i ] ; }
throw new Error ( ( "unknown channel " + channel + " in mode " + mode ) ) ;
} else {
return src ;
} ;
var type$g = utils . type ;
var pow$2 = Math . pow ;
var EPS = 1e-7 ;
var MAX _ITER = 20 ;
Color _1 . prototype . luminance = function ( lum ) {
if ( lum !== undefined && type$g ( lum ) === 'number' ) {
if ( lum === 0 ) {
// return pure black
return new Color _1 ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 , this . _rgb [ 3 ] ] , 'rgb' ) ;
if ( lum === 1 ) {
// return pure white
return new Color _1 ( [ 255 , 255 , 255 , this . _rgb [ 3 ] ] , 'rgb' ) ;
// compute new color using...
var cur _lum = this . luminance ( ) ;
var mode = 'rgb' ;
var max _iter = MAX _ITER ;
var test = function ( low , high ) {
var mid = low . interpolate ( high , 0.5 , mode ) ;
var lm = mid . luminance ( ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( lum - lm ) < EPS || ! max _iter -- ) {
// close enough
return mid ;
return lm > lum ? test ( low , mid ) : test ( mid , high ) ;
} ;
var rgb = ( cur _lum > lum ? test ( new Color _1 ( [ 0 , 0 , 0 ] ) , this ) : test ( this , new Color _1 ( [ 255 , 255 , 255 ] ) ) ) . rgb ( ) ;
return new Color _1 ( rgb . concat ( [ this . _rgb [ 3 ] ] ) ) ;
return rgb2luminance . apply ( void 0 , ( this . _rgb ) . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ) ;
} ;
var rgb2luminance = function ( r , g , b ) {
// relative luminance
// see http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#relativeluminancedef
r = luminance _x ( r ) ;
g = luminance _x ( g ) ;
b = luminance _x ( b ) ;
return 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b ;
} ;
var luminance _x = function ( x ) {
x /= 255 ;
return x <= 0.03928 ? x / 12.92 : pow$2 ( ( x + 0.055 ) / 1.055 , 2.4 ) ;
} ;
var interpolator = { } ;
var type$h = utils . type ;
var mix = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
if ( f === void 0 ) f = 0.5 ;
var rest = [ ] , len = arguments . length - 3 ;
while ( len -- > 0 ) rest [ len ] = arguments [ len + 3 ] ;
var mode = rest [ 0 ] || 'lrgb' ;
if ( ! interpolator [ mode ] && ! rest . length ) {
// fall back to the first supported mode
mode = Object . keys ( interpolator ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! interpolator [ mode ] ) {
throw new Error ( ( "interpolation mode " + mode + " is not defined" ) ) ;
if ( type$h ( col1 ) !== 'object' ) { col1 = new Color _1 ( col1 ) ; }
if ( type$h ( col2 ) !== 'object' ) { col2 = new Color _1 ( col2 ) ; }
return interpolator [ mode ] ( col1 , col2 , f )
. alpha ( col1 . alpha ( ) + f * ( col2 . alpha ( ) - col1 . alpha ( ) ) ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . mix =
Color _1 . prototype . interpolate = function ( col2 , f ) {
if ( f === void 0 ) f = 0.5 ;
var rest = [ ] , len = arguments . length - 2 ;
while ( len -- > 0 ) rest [ len ] = arguments [ len + 2 ] ;
return mix . apply ( void 0 , [ this , col2 , f ] . concat ( rest ) ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . premultiply = function ( mutate ) {
if ( mutate === void 0 ) mutate = false ;
var rgb = this . _rgb ;
var a = rgb [ 3 ] ;
if ( mutate ) {
this . _rgb = [ rgb [ 0 ] * a , rgb [ 1 ] * a , rgb [ 2 ] * a , a ] ;
return this ;
} else {
return new Color _1 ( [ rgb [ 0 ] * a , rgb [ 1 ] * a , rgb [ 2 ] * a , a ] , 'rgb' ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . saturate = function ( amount ) {
if ( amount === void 0 ) amount = 1 ;
var me = this ;
var lch = me . lch ( ) ;
lch [ 1 ] += labConstants . Kn * amount ;
if ( lch [ 1 ] < 0 ) { lch [ 1 ] = 0 ; }
return new Color _1 ( lch , 'lch' ) . alpha ( me . alpha ( ) , true ) ;
} ;
Color _1 . prototype . desaturate = function ( amount ) {
if ( amount === void 0 ) amount = 1 ;
return this . saturate ( - amount ) ;
} ;
var type$i = utils . type ;
Color _1 . prototype . set = function ( mc , value , mutate ) {
if ( mutate === void 0 ) mutate = false ;
var ref = mc . split ( '.' ) ;
var mode = ref [ 0 ] ;
var channel = ref [ 1 ] ;
var src = this [ mode ] ( ) ;
if ( channel ) {
var i = mode . indexOf ( channel ) ;
if ( i > - 1 ) {
if ( type$i ( value ) == 'string' ) {
switch ( value . charAt ( 0 ) ) {
case '+' : src [ i ] += + value ; break ;
case '-' : src [ i ] += + value ; break ;
case '*' : src [ i ] *= + ( value . substr ( 1 ) ) ; break ;
case '/' : src [ i ] /= + ( value . substr ( 1 ) ) ; break ;
default : src [ i ] = + value ;
} else if ( type$i ( value ) === 'number' ) {
src [ i ] = value ;
} else {
throw new Error ( "unsupported value for Color.set" ) ;
var out = new Color _1 ( src , mode ) ;
if ( mutate ) {
this . _rgb = out . _rgb ;
return this ;
return out ;
throw new Error ( ( "unknown channel " + channel + " in mode " + mode ) ) ;
} else {
return src ;
} ;
var rgb$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
var xyz0 = col1 . _rgb ;
var xyz1 = col2 . _rgb ;
return new Color _1 (
xyz0 [ 0 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 0 ] - xyz0 [ 0 ] ) ,
xyz0 [ 1 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 1 ] - xyz0 [ 1 ] ) ,
xyz0 [ 2 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 2 ] - xyz0 [ 2 ] ) ,
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . rgb = rgb$1 ;
var sqrt$2 = Math . sqrt ;
var pow$3 = Math . pow ;
var lrgb = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
var ref = col1 . _rgb ;
var x1 = ref [ 0 ] ;
var y1 = ref [ 1 ] ;
var z1 = ref [ 2 ] ;
var ref$1 = col2 . _rgb ;
var x2 = ref$1 [ 0 ] ;
var y2 = ref$1 [ 1 ] ;
var z2 = ref$1 [ 2 ] ;
return new Color _1 (
sqrt$2 ( pow$3 ( x1 , 2 ) * ( 1 - f ) + pow$3 ( x2 , 2 ) * f ) ,
sqrt$2 ( pow$3 ( y1 , 2 ) * ( 1 - f ) + pow$3 ( y2 , 2 ) * f ) ,
sqrt$2 ( pow$3 ( z1 , 2 ) * ( 1 - f ) + pow$3 ( z2 , 2 ) * f ) ,
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . lrgb = lrgb ;
var lab$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
var xyz0 = col1 . lab ( ) ;
var xyz1 = col2 . lab ( ) ;
return new Color _1 (
xyz0 [ 0 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 0 ] - xyz0 [ 0 ] ) ,
xyz0 [ 1 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 1 ] - xyz0 [ 1 ] ) ,
xyz0 [ 2 ] + f * ( xyz1 [ 2 ] - xyz0 [ 2 ] ) ,
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . lab = lab$1 ;
var _hsx = function ( col1 , col2 , f , m ) {
var assign , assign$1 ;
var xyz0 , xyz1 ;
if ( m === 'hsl' ) {
xyz0 = col1 . hsl ( ) ;
xyz1 = col2 . hsl ( ) ;
} else if ( m === 'hsv' ) {
xyz0 = col1 . hsv ( ) ;
xyz1 = col2 . hsv ( ) ;
} else if ( m === 'hcg' ) {
xyz0 = col1 . hcg ( ) ;
xyz1 = col2 . hcg ( ) ;
} else if ( m === 'hsi' ) {
xyz0 = col1 . hsi ( ) ;
xyz1 = col2 . hsi ( ) ;
} else if ( m === 'lch' || m === 'hcl' ) {
m = 'hcl' ;
xyz0 = col1 . hcl ( ) ;
xyz1 = col2 . hcl ( ) ;
var hue0 , hue1 , sat0 , sat1 , lbv0 , lbv1 ;
if ( m . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'h' ) {
( assign = xyz0 , hue0 = assign [ 0 ] , sat0 = assign [ 1 ] , lbv0 = assign [ 2 ] ) ;
( assign$1 = xyz1 , hue1 = assign$1 [ 0 ] , sat1 = assign$1 [ 1 ] , lbv1 = assign$1 [ 2 ] ) ;
var sat , hue , lbv , dh ;
if ( ! isNaN ( hue0 ) && ! isNaN ( hue1 ) ) {
// both colors have hue
if ( hue1 > hue0 && hue1 - hue0 > 180 ) {
dh = hue1 - ( hue0 + 360 ) ;
} else if ( hue1 < hue0 && hue0 - hue1 > 180 ) {
dh = hue1 + 360 - hue0 ;
} else {
dh = hue1 - hue0 ;
hue = hue0 + f * dh ;
} else if ( ! isNaN ( hue0 ) ) {
hue = hue0 ;
if ( ( lbv1 == 1 || lbv1 == 0 ) && m != 'hsv' ) { sat = sat0 ; }
} else if ( ! isNaN ( hue1 ) ) {
hue = hue1 ;
if ( ( lbv0 == 1 || lbv0 == 0 ) && m != 'hsv' ) { sat = sat1 ; }
} else {
hue = Number . NaN ;
if ( sat === undefined ) { sat = sat0 + f * ( sat1 - sat0 ) ; }
lbv = lbv0 + f * ( lbv1 - lbv0 ) ;
return new Color _1 ( [ hue , sat , lbv ] , m ) ;
} ;
var lch$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
return _hsx ( col1 , col2 , f , 'lch' ) ;
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . lch = lch$1 ;
interpolator . hcl = lch$1 ;
var num$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
var c1 = col1 . num ( ) ;
var c2 = col2 . num ( ) ;
return new Color _1 ( c1 + f * ( c2 - c1 ) , 'num' )
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . num = num$1 ;
var hcg$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
return _hsx ( col1 , col2 , f , 'hcg' ) ;
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . hcg = hcg$1 ;
var hsi$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
return _hsx ( col1 , col2 , f , 'hsi' ) ;
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . hsi = hsi$1 ;
var hsl$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
return _hsx ( col1 , col2 , f , 'hsl' ) ;
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . hsl = hsl$1 ;
var hsv$1 = function ( col1 , col2 , f ) {
return _hsx ( col1 , col2 , f , 'hsv' ) ;
} ;
// register interpolator
interpolator . hsv = hsv$1 ;
var clip _rgb$2 = utils . clip _rgb ;
var pow$4 = Math . pow ;
var sqrt$3 = Math . sqrt ;
var PI$1 = Math . PI ;
var cos$2 = Math . cos ;
var sin$1 = Math . sin ;
var atan2$1 = Math . atan2 ;
var average = function ( colors , mode , weights ) {
if ( mode === void 0 ) mode = 'lrgb' ;
if ( weights === void 0 ) weights = null ;
var l = colors . length ;
if ( ! weights ) { weights = Array . from ( new Array ( l ) ) . map ( function ( ) { return 1 ; } ) ; }
// normalize weights
var k = l / weights . reduce ( function ( a , b ) { return a + b ; } ) ;
weights . forEach ( function ( w , i ) { weights [ i ] *= k ; } ) ;
// convert colors to Color objects
colors = colors . map ( function ( c ) { return new Color _1 ( c ) ; } ) ;
if ( mode === 'lrgb' ) {
return _average _lrgb ( colors , weights )
var first = colors . shift ( ) ;
var xyz = first . get ( mode ) ;
var cnt = [ ] ;
var dx = 0 ;
var dy = 0 ;
// initial color
for ( var i = 0 ; i < xyz . length ; i ++ ) {
xyz [ i ] = ( xyz [ i ] || 0 ) * weights [ 0 ] ;
cnt . push ( isNaN ( xyz [ i ] ) ? 0 : weights [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( mode . charAt ( i ) === 'h' && ! isNaN ( xyz [ i ] ) ) {
var A = xyz [ i ] / 180 * PI$1 ;
dx += cos$2 ( A ) * weights [ 0 ] ;
dy += sin$1 ( A ) * weights [ 0 ] ;
var alpha = first . alpha ( ) * weights [ 0 ] ;
colors . forEach ( function ( c , ci ) {
var xyz2 = c . get ( mode ) ;
alpha += c . alpha ( ) * weights [ ci + 1 ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < xyz . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! isNaN ( xyz2 [ i ] ) ) {
cnt [ i ] += weights [ ci + 1 ] ;
if ( mode . charAt ( i ) === 'h' ) {
var A = xyz2 [ i ] / 180 * PI$1 ;
dx += cos$2 ( A ) * weights [ ci + 1 ] ;
dy += sin$1 ( A ) * weights [ ci + 1 ] ;
} else {
xyz [ i ] += xyz2 [ i ] * weights [ ci + 1 ] ;
} ) ;
for ( var i$1 = 0 ; i$1 < xyz . length ; i$1 ++ ) {
if ( mode . charAt ( i$1 ) === 'h' ) {
var A$1 = atan2$1 ( dy / cnt [ i$1 ] , dx / cnt [ i$1 ] ) / PI$1 * 180 ;
while ( A$1 < 0 ) { A$1 += 360 ; }
while ( A$1 >= 360 ) { A$1 -= 360 ; }
xyz [ i$1 ] = A$1 ;
} else {
xyz [ i$1 ] = xyz [ i$1 ] / cnt [ i$1 ] ;
alpha /= l ;
return ( new Color _1 ( xyz , mode ) ) . alpha ( alpha > 0.99999 ? 1 : alpha , true ) ;
} ;
var _average _lrgb = function ( colors , weights ) {
var l = colors . length ;
var xyz = [ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < colors . length ; i ++ ) {
var col = colors [ i ] ;
var f = weights [ i ] / l ;
var rgb = col . _rgb ;
xyz [ 0 ] += pow$4 ( rgb [ 0 ] , 2 ) * f ;
xyz [ 1 ] += pow$4 ( rgb [ 1 ] , 2 ) * f ;
xyz [ 2 ] += pow$4 ( rgb [ 2 ] , 2 ) * f ;
xyz [ 3 ] += rgb [ 3 ] * f ;
xyz [ 0 ] = sqrt$3 ( xyz [ 0 ] ) ;
xyz [ 1 ] = sqrt$3 ( xyz [ 1 ] ) ;
xyz [ 2 ] = sqrt$3 ( xyz [ 2 ] ) ;
if ( xyz [ 3 ] > 0.9999999 ) { xyz [ 3 ] = 1 ; }
return new Color _1 ( clip _rgb$2 ( xyz ) ) ;
} ;
// minimal multi-purpose interface
// @requires utils color analyze
var type$j = utils . type ;
var pow$5 = Math . pow ;
var scale = function ( colors ) {
// constructor
var _mode = 'rgb' ;
var _nacol = chroma _1 ( '#ccc' ) ;
var _spread = 0 ;
// const _fixed = false;
var _domain = [ 0 , 1 ] ;
var _pos = [ ] ;
var _padding = [ 0 , 0 ] ;
var _classes = false ;
var _colors = [ ] ;
var _out = false ;
var _min = 0 ;
var _max = 1 ;
var _correctLightness = false ;
var _colorCache = { } ;
var _useCache = true ;
var _gamma = 1 ;
// private methods
var setColors = function ( colors ) {
colors = colors || [ '#fff' , '#000' ] ;
if ( colors && type$j ( colors ) === 'string' && chroma _1 . brewer &&
chroma _1 . brewer [ colors . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) {
colors = chroma _1 . brewer [ colors . toLowerCase ( ) ] ;
if ( type$j ( colors ) === 'array' ) {
// handle single color
if ( colors . length === 1 ) {
colors = [ colors [ 0 ] , colors [ 0 ] ] ;
// make a copy of the colors
colors = colors . slice ( 0 ) ;
// convert to chroma classes
for ( var c = 0 ; c < colors . length ; c ++ ) {
colors [ c ] = chroma _1 ( colors [ c ] ) ;
// auto-fill color position
_pos . length = 0 ;
for ( var c$1 = 0 ; c$1 < colors . length ; c$1 ++ ) {
_pos . push ( c$1 / ( colors . length - 1 ) ) ;
resetCache ( ) ;
return _colors = colors ;
} ;
var getClass = function ( value ) {
if ( _classes != null ) {
var n = _classes . length - 1 ;
var i = 0 ;
while ( i < n && value >= _classes [ i ] ) {
i ++ ;
return i - 1 ;
return 0 ;
} ;
var tMapLightness = function ( t ) { return t ; } ;
var tMapDomain = function ( t ) { return t ; } ;
// const classifyValue = function(value) {
// let val = value;
// if (_classes.length > 2) {
// const n = _classes.length-1;
// const i = getClass(value);
// const minc = _classes[0] + ((_classes[1]-_classes[0]) * (0 + (_spread * 0.5))); // center of 1st class
// const maxc = _classes[n-1] + ((_classes[n]-_classes[n-1]) * (1 - (_spread * 0.5))); // center of last class
// val = _min + ((((_classes[i] + ((_classes[i+1] - _classes[i]) * 0.5)) - minc) / (maxc-minc)) * (_max - _min));
// }
// return val;
// };
var getColor = function ( val , bypassMap ) {
var col , t ;
if ( bypassMap == null ) { bypassMap = false ; }
if ( isNaN ( val ) || ( val === null ) ) { return _nacol ; }
if ( ! bypassMap ) {
if ( _classes && ( _classes . length > 2 ) ) {
// find the class
var c = getClass ( val ) ;
t = c / ( _classes . length - 2 ) ;
} else if ( _max !== _min ) {
// just interpolate between min/max
t = ( val - _min ) / ( _max - _min ) ;
} else {
t = 1 ;
} else {
t = val ;
// domain map
t = tMapDomain ( t ) ;
if ( ! bypassMap ) {
t = tMapLightness ( t ) ; // lightness correction
if ( _gamma !== 1 ) { t = pow$5 ( t , _gamma ) ; }
t = _padding [ 0 ] + ( t * ( 1 - _padding [ 0 ] - _padding [ 1 ] ) ) ;
t = Math . min ( 1 , Math . max ( 0 , t ) ) ;
var k = Math . floor ( t * 10000 ) ;
if ( _useCache && _colorCache [ k ] ) {
col = _colorCache [ k ] ;
} else {
if ( type$j ( _colors ) === 'array' ) {
//for i in [0.._pos.length-1]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < _pos . length ; i ++ ) {
var p = _pos [ i ] ;
if ( t <= p ) {
col = _colors [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( ( t >= p ) && ( i === ( _pos . length - 1 ) ) ) {
col = _colors [ i ] ;
break ;
if ( t > p && t < _pos [ i + 1 ] ) {
t = ( t - p ) / ( _pos [ i + 1 ] - p ) ;
col = chroma _1 . interpolate ( _colors [ i ] , _colors [ i + 1 ] , t , _mode ) ;
break ;
} else if ( type$j ( _colors ) === 'function' ) {
col = _colors ( t ) ;
if ( _useCache ) { _colorCache [ k ] = col ; }
return col ;
} ;
var resetCache = function ( ) { return _colorCache = { } ; } ;
setColors ( colors ) ;
// public interface
var f = function ( v ) {
var c = chroma _1 ( getColor ( v ) ) ;
if ( _out && c [ _out ] ) { return c [ _out ] ( ) ; } else { return c ; }
} ;
f . classes = function ( classes ) {
if ( classes != null ) {
if ( type$j ( classes ) === 'array' ) {
_classes = classes ;
_domain = [ classes [ 0 ] , classes [ classes . length - 1 ] ] ;
} else {
var d = chroma _1 . analyze ( _domain ) ;
if ( classes === 0 ) {
_classes = [ d . min , d . max ] ;
} else {
_classes = chroma _1 . limits ( d , 'e' , classes ) ;
return f ;
return _classes ;
} ;
f . domain = function ( domain ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) {
return _domain ;
_min = domain [ 0 ] ;
_max = domain [ domain . length - 1 ] ;
_pos = [ ] ;
var k = _colors . length ;
if ( ( domain . length === k ) && ( _min !== _max ) ) {
// update positions
for ( var i = 0 , list = Array . from ( domain ) ; i < list . length ; i += 1 ) {
var d = list [ i ] ;
_pos . push ( ( d - _min ) / ( _max - _min ) ) ;
} else {
for ( var c = 0 ; c < k ; c ++ ) {
_pos . push ( c / ( k - 1 ) ) ;
if ( domain . length > 2 ) {
// set domain map
var tOut = domain . map ( function ( d , i ) { return i / ( domain . length - 1 ) ; } ) ;
var tBreaks = domain . map ( function ( d ) { return ( d - _min ) / ( _max - _min ) ; } ) ;
if ( ! tBreaks . every ( function ( val , i ) { return tOut [ i ] === val ; } ) ) {
tMapDomain = function ( t ) {
if ( t <= 0 || t >= 1 ) { return t ; }
var i = 0 ;
while ( t >= tBreaks [ i + 1 ] ) { i ++ ; }
var f = ( t - tBreaks [ i ] ) / ( tBreaks [ i + 1 ] - tBreaks [ i ] ) ;
var out = tOut [ i ] + f * ( tOut [ i + 1 ] - tOut [ i ] ) ;
return out ;
} ;
_domain = [ _min , _max ] ;
return f ;
} ;
f . mode = function ( _m ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) {
return _mode ;
_mode = _m ;
resetCache ( ) ;
return f ;
} ;
f . range = function ( colors , _pos ) {
setColors ( colors ) ;
return f ;
} ;
f . out = function ( _o ) {
_out = _o ;
return f ;
} ;
f . spread = function ( val ) {
if ( ! arguments . length ) {
return _spread ;
_spread = val ;
return f ;
} ;
f . correctLightness = function ( v ) {
if ( v == null ) { v = true ; }
_correctLightness = v ;
resetCache ( ) ;
if ( _correctLightness ) {
tMapLightness = function ( t ) {
var L0 = getColor ( 0 , true ) . lab ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var L1 = getColor ( 1 , true ) . lab ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var pol = L0 > L1 ;
var L _actual = getColor ( t , true ) . lab ( ) [ 0 ] ;
var L _ideal = L0 + ( ( L1 - L0 ) * t ) ;
var L _diff = L _actual - L _ideal ;
var t0 = 0 ;
var t1 = 1 ;
var max _iter = 20 ;
while ( ( Math . abs ( L _diff ) > 1e-2 ) && ( max _iter -- > 0 ) ) {
( function ( ) {
if ( pol ) { L _diff *= - 1 ; }
if ( L _diff < 0 ) {
t0 = t ;
t += ( t1 - t ) * 0.5 ;
} else {
t1 = t ;
t += ( t0 - t ) * 0.5 ;
L _actual = getColor ( t , true ) . lab ( ) [ 0 ] ;
return L _diff = L _actual - L _ideal ;
} ) ( ) ;
return t ;
} ;
} else {
tMapLightness = function ( t ) { return t ; } ;
return f ;
} ;
f . padding = function ( p ) {
if ( p != null ) {
if ( type$j ( p ) === 'number' ) {
p = [ p , p ] ;
_padding = p ;
return f ;
} else {
return _padding ;
} ;
f . colors = function ( numColors , out ) {
// If no arguments are given, return the original colors that were provided
if ( arguments . length < 2 ) { out = 'hex' ; }
var result = [ ] ;
if ( arguments . length === 0 ) {
result = _colors . slice ( 0 ) ;
} else if ( numColors === 1 ) {
result = [ f ( 0.5 ) ] ;
} else if ( numColors > 1 ) {
var dm = _domain [ 0 ] ;
var dd = _domain [ 1 ] - dm ;
result = _ _range _ _ ( 0 , numColors , false ) . map ( function ( i ) { return f ( dm + ( ( i / ( numColors - 1 ) ) * dd ) ) ; } ) ;
} else { // returns all colors based on the defined classes
colors = [ ] ;
var samples = [ ] ;
if ( _classes && ( _classes . length > 2 ) ) {
for ( var i = 1 , end = _classes . length , asc = 1 <= end ; asc ? i < end : i > end ; asc ? i ++ : i -- ) {
samples . push ( ( _classes [ i - 1 ] + _classes [ i ] ) * 0.5 ) ;
} else {
samples = _domain ;
result = samples . map ( function ( v ) { return f ( v ) ; } ) ;
if ( chroma _1 [ out ] ) {
result = result . map ( function ( c ) { return c [ out ] ( ) ; } ) ;
return result ;
} ;
f . cache = function ( c ) {
if ( c != null ) {
_useCache = c ;
return f ;
} else {
return _useCache ;
} ;
f . gamma = function ( g ) {
if ( g != null ) {
_gamma = g ;
return f ;
} else {
return _gamma ;
} ;
f . nodata = function ( d ) {
if ( d != null ) {
_nacol = chroma _1 ( d ) ;
return f ;
} else {
return _nacol ;
} ;
return f ;
} ;
function _ _range _ _ ( left , right , inclusive ) {
var range = [ ] ;
var ascending = left < right ;
var end = ! inclusive ? right : ascending ? right + 1 : right - 1 ;
for ( var i = left ; ascending ? i < end : i > end ; ascending ? i ++ : i -- ) {
range . push ( i ) ;
return range ;
// interpolates between a set of colors uzing a bezier spline
// @requires utils lab
var bezier = function ( colors ) {
var assign , assign$1 , assign$2 ;
var I , lab0 , lab1 , lab2 ;
colors = colors . map ( function ( c ) { return new Color _1 ( c ) ; } ) ;
if ( colors . length === 2 ) {
// linear interpolation
( assign = colors . map ( function ( c ) { return c . lab ( ) ; } ) , lab0 = assign [ 0 ] , lab1 = assign [ 1 ] ) ;
I = function ( t ) {
var lab = ( [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) { return lab0 [ i ] + ( t * ( lab1 [ i ] - lab0 [ i ] ) ) ; } ) ) ;
return new Color _1 ( lab , 'lab' ) ;
} ;
} else if ( colors . length === 3 ) {
// quadratic bezier interpolation
( assign$1 = colors . map ( function ( c ) { return c . lab ( ) ; } ) , lab0 = assign$1 [ 0 ] , lab1 = assign$1 [ 1 ] , lab2 = assign$1 [ 2 ] ) ;
I = function ( t ) {
var lab = ( [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) { return ( ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * lab0 [ i ] ) + ( 2 * ( 1 - t ) * t * lab1 [ i ] ) + ( t * t * lab2 [ i ] ) ; } ) ) ;
return new Color _1 ( lab , 'lab' ) ;
} ;
} else if ( colors . length === 4 ) {
// cubic bezier interpolation
var lab3 ;
( assign$2 = colors . map ( function ( c ) { return c . lab ( ) ; } ) , lab0 = assign$2 [ 0 ] , lab1 = assign$2 [ 1 ] , lab2 = assign$2 [ 2 ] , lab3 = assign$2 [ 3 ] ) ;
I = function ( t ) {
var lab = ( [ 0 , 1 , 2 ] . map ( function ( i ) { return ( ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * lab0 [ i ] ) + ( 3 * ( 1 - t ) * ( 1 - t ) * t * lab1 [ i ] ) + ( 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t * t * lab2 [ i ] ) + ( t * t * t * lab3 [ i ] ) ; } ) ) ;
return new Color _1 ( lab , 'lab' ) ;
} ;
} else if ( colors . length === 5 ) {
var I0 = bezier ( colors . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ) ;
var I1 = bezier ( colors . slice ( 2 , 5 ) ) ;
I = function ( t ) {
if ( t < 0.5 ) {
return I0 ( t * 2 ) ;
} else {
return I1 ( ( t - 0.5 ) * 2 ) ;
} ;
return I ;
} ;
var bezier _1 = function ( colors ) {
var f = bezier ( colors ) ;
f . scale = function ( ) { return scale ( f ) ; } ;
return f ;
} ;
/ *
* interpolates between a set of colors uzing a bezier spline
* blend mode formulas taken from http : //www.venture-ware.com/kevin/coding/lets-learn-math-photoshop-blend-modes/
* /
var blend = function ( bottom , top , mode ) {
if ( ! blend [ mode ] ) {
throw new Error ( 'unknown blend mode ' + mode ) ;
return blend [ mode ] ( bottom , top ) ;
} ;
var blend _f = function ( f ) { return function ( bottom , top ) {
var c0 = chroma _1 ( top ) . rgb ( ) ;
var c1 = chroma _1 ( bottom ) . rgb ( ) ;
return chroma _1 . rgb ( f ( c0 , c1 ) ) ;
} ; } ;
var each = function ( f ) { return function ( c0 , c1 ) {
var out = [ ] ;
out [ 0 ] = f ( c0 [ 0 ] , c1 [ 0 ] ) ;
out [ 1 ] = f ( c0 [ 1 ] , c1 [ 1 ] ) ;
out [ 2 ] = f ( c0 [ 2 ] , c1 [ 2 ] ) ;
return out ;
} ; } ;
var normal = function ( a ) { return a ; } ;
var multiply = function ( a , b ) { return a * b / 255 ; } ;
var darken$1 = function ( a , b ) { return a > b ? b : a ; } ;
var lighten = function ( a , b ) { return a > b ? a : b ; } ;
var screen = function ( a , b ) { return 255 * ( 1 - ( 1 - a / 255 ) * ( 1 - b / 255 ) ) ; } ;
var overlay = function ( a , b ) { return b < 128 ? 2 * a * b / 255 : 255 * ( 1 - 2 * ( 1 - a / 255 ) * ( 1 - b / 255 ) ) ; } ;
var burn = function ( a , b ) { return 255 * ( 1 - ( 1 - b / 255 ) / ( a / 255 ) ) ; } ;
var dodge = function ( a , b ) {
if ( a === 255 ) { return 255 ; }
a = 255 * ( b / 255 ) / ( 1 - a / 255 ) ;
return a > 255 ? 255 : a
} ;
// # add = (a,b) ->
// # if (a + b > 255) then 255 else a + b
blend . normal = blend _f ( each ( normal ) ) ;
blend . multiply = blend _f ( each ( multiply ) ) ;
blend . screen = blend _f ( each ( screen ) ) ;
blend . overlay = blend _f ( each ( overlay ) ) ;
blend . darken = blend _f ( each ( darken$1 ) ) ;
blend . lighten = blend _f ( each ( lighten ) ) ;
blend . dodge = blend _f ( each ( dodge ) ) ;
blend . burn = blend _f ( each ( burn ) ) ;
// blend.add = blend_f(each(add));
var blend _1 = blend ;
// cubehelix interpolation
// based on D.A. Green "A colour scheme for the display of astronomical intensity images"
// http://astron-soc.in/bulletin/11June/289392011.pdf
var type$k = utils . type ;
var clip _rgb$3 = utils . clip _rgb ;
var TWOPI$2 = utils . TWOPI ;
var pow$6 = Math . pow ;
var sin$2 = Math . sin ;
var cos$3 = Math . cos ;
var cubehelix = function ( start , rotations , hue , gamma , lightness ) {
if ( start === void 0 ) start = 300 ;
if ( rotations === void 0 ) rotations = - 1.5 ;
if ( hue === void 0 ) hue = 1 ;
if ( gamma === void 0 ) gamma = 1 ;
if ( lightness === void 0 ) lightness = [ 0 , 1 ] ;
var dh = 0 , dl ;
if ( type$k ( lightness ) === 'array' ) {
dl = lightness [ 1 ] - lightness [ 0 ] ;
} else {
dl = 0 ;
lightness = [ lightness , lightness ] ;
var f = function ( fract ) {
var a = TWOPI$2 * ( ( ( start + 120 ) / 360 ) + ( rotations * fract ) ) ;
var l = pow$6 ( lightness [ 0 ] + ( dl * fract ) , gamma ) ;
var h = dh !== 0 ? hue [ 0 ] + ( fract * dh ) : hue ;
var amp = ( h * l * ( 1 - l ) ) / 2 ;
var cos _a = cos$3 ( a ) ;
var sin _a = sin$2 ( a ) ;
var r = l + ( amp * ( ( - 0.14861 * cos _a ) + ( 1.78277 * sin _a ) ) ) ;
var g = l + ( amp * ( ( - 0.29227 * cos _a ) - ( 0.90649 * sin _a ) ) ) ;
var b = l + ( amp * ( + 1.97294 * cos _a ) ) ;
return chroma _1 ( clip _rgb$3 ( [ r * 255 , g * 255 , b * 255 , 1 ] ) ) ;
} ;
f . start = function ( s ) {
if ( ( s == null ) ) { return start ; }
start = s ;
return f ;
} ;
f . rotations = function ( r ) {
if ( ( r == null ) ) { return rotations ; }
rotations = r ;
return f ;
} ;
f . gamma = function ( g ) {
if ( ( g == null ) ) { return gamma ; }
gamma = g ;
return f ;
} ;
f . hue = function ( h ) {
if ( ( h == null ) ) { return hue ; }
hue = h ;
if ( type$k ( hue ) === 'array' ) {
dh = hue [ 1 ] - hue [ 0 ] ;
if ( dh === 0 ) { hue = hue [ 1 ] ; }
} else {
dh = 0 ;
return f ;
} ;
f . lightness = function ( h ) {
if ( ( h == null ) ) { return lightness ; }
if ( type$k ( h ) === 'array' ) {
lightness = h ;
dl = h [ 1 ] - h [ 0 ] ;
} else {
lightness = [ h , h ] ;
dl = 0 ;
return f ;
} ;
f . scale = function ( ) { return chroma _1 . scale ( f ) ; } ;
f . hue ( hue ) ;
return f ;
} ;
var digits = '0123456789abcdef' ;
var floor$2 = Math . floor ;
var random = Math . random ;
var random _1 = function ( ) {
var code = '#' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i ++ ) {
code += digits . charAt ( floor$2 ( random ( ) * 16 ) ) ;
return new Color _1 ( code , 'hex' ) ;
} ;
var log$1 = Math . log ;
var pow$7 = Math . pow ;
var floor$3 = Math . floor ;
var abs = Math . abs ;
var analyze = function ( data , key ) {
if ( key === void 0 ) key = null ;
var r = {
min : Number . MAX _VALUE ,
max : Number . MAX _VALUE * - 1 ,
sum : 0 ,
values : [ ] ,
count : 0
} ;
if ( type ( data ) === 'object' ) {
data = Object . values ( data ) ;
data . forEach ( function ( val ) {
if ( key && type ( val ) === 'object' ) { val = val [ key ] ; }
if ( val !== undefined && val !== null && ! isNaN ( val ) ) {
r . values . push ( val ) ;
r . sum += val ;
if ( val < r . min ) { r . min = val ; }
if ( val > r . max ) { r . max = val ; }
r . count += 1 ;
} ) ;
r . domain = [ r . min , r . max ] ;
r . limits = function ( mode , num ) { return limits ( r , mode , num ) ; } ;
return r ;
} ;
var limits = function ( data , mode , num ) {
if ( mode === void 0 ) mode = 'equal' ;
if ( num === void 0 ) num = 7 ;
if ( type ( data ) == 'array' ) {
data = analyze ( data ) ;
var min = data . min ;
var max = data . max ;
var values = data . values . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return a - b ; } ) ;
if ( num === 1 ) { return [ min , max ] ; }
var limits = [ ] ;
if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'c' ) { // continuous
limits . push ( min ) ;
limits . push ( max ) ;
if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'e' ) { // equal interval
limits . push ( min ) ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < num ; i ++ ) {
limits . push ( min + ( ( i / num ) * ( max - min ) ) ) ;
limits . push ( max ) ;
else if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'l' ) { // log scale
if ( min <= 0 ) {
throw new Error ( 'Logarithmic scales are only possible for values > 0' ) ;
var min _log = Math . LOG10E * log$1 ( min ) ;
var max _log = Math . LOG10E * log$1 ( max ) ;
limits . push ( min ) ;
for ( var i$1 = 1 ; i$1 < num ; i$1 ++ ) {
limits . push ( pow$7 ( 10 , min _log + ( ( i$1 / num ) * ( max _log - min _log ) ) ) ) ;
limits . push ( max ) ;
else if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'q' ) { // quantile scale
limits . push ( min ) ;
for ( var i$2 = 1 ; i$2 < num ; i$2 ++ ) {
var p = ( ( values . length - 1 ) * i$2 ) / num ;
var pb = floor$3 ( p ) ;
if ( pb === p ) {
limits . push ( values [ pb ] ) ;
} else { // p > pb
var pr = p - pb ;
limits . push ( ( values [ pb ] * ( 1 - pr ) ) + ( values [ pb + 1 ] * pr ) ) ;
limits . push ( max ) ;
else if ( mode . substr ( 0 , 1 ) === 'k' ) { // k-means clustering
/ *
implementation based on
http : //code.google.com/p/figue/source/browse/trunk/figue.js#336
simplified for 1 - d input values
* /
var cluster ;
var n = values . length ;
var assignments = new Array ( n ) ;
var clusterSizes = new Array ( num ) ;
var repeat = true ;
var nb _iters = 0 ;
var centroids = null ;
// get seed values
centroids = [ ] ;
centroids . push ( min ) ;
for ( var i$3 = 1 ; i$3 < num ; i$3 ++ ) {
centroids . push ( min + ( ( i$3 / num ) * ( max - min ) ) ) ;
centroids . push ( max ) ;
while ( repeat ) {
// assignment step
for ( var j = 0 ; j < num ; j ++ ) {
clusterSizes [ j ] = 0 ;
for ( var i$4 = 0 ; i$4 < n ; i$4 ++ ) {
var value = values [ i$4 ] ;
var mindist = Number . MAX _VALUE ;
var best = ( void 0 ) ;
for ( var j$1 = 0 ; j$1 < num ; j$1 ++ ) {
var dist = abs ( centroids [ j$1 ] - value ) ;
if ( dist < mindist ) {
mindist = dist ;
best = j$1 ;
clusterSizes [ best ] ++ ;
assignments [ i$4 ] = best ;
// update centroids step
var newCentroids = new Array ( num ) ;
for ( var j$2 = 0 ; j$2 < num ; j$2 ++ ) {
newCentroids [ j$2 ] = null ;
for ( var i$5 = 0 ; i$5 < n ; i$5 ++ ) {
cluster = assignments [ i$5 ] ;
if ( newCentroids [ cluster ] === null ) {
newCentroids [ cluster ] = values [ i$5 ] ;
} else {
newCentroids [ cluster ] += values [ i$5 ] ;
for ( var j$3 = 0 ; j$3 < num ; j$3 ++ ) {
newCentroids [ j$3 ] *= 1 / clusterSizes [ j$3 ] ;
// check convergence
repeat = false ;
for ( var j$4 = 0 ; j$4 < num ; j$4 ++ ) {
if ( newCentroids [ j$4 ] !== centroids [ j$4 ] ) {
repeat = true ;
break ;
centroids = newCentroids ;
nb _iters ++ ;
if ( nb _iters > 200 ) {
repeat = false ;
// finished k-means clustering
// the next part is borrowed from gabrielflor.it
var kClusters = { } ;
for ( var j$5 = 0 ; j$5 < num ; j$5 ++ ) {
kClusters [ j$5 ] = [ ] ;
for ( var i$6 = 0 ; i$6 < n ; i$6 ++ ) {
cluster = assignments [ i$6 ] ;
kClusters [ cluster ] . push ( values [ i$6 ] ) ;
var tmpKMeansBreaks = [ ] ;
for ( var j$6 = 0 ; j$6 < num ; j$6 ++ ) {
tmpKMeansBreaks . push ( kClusters [ j$6 ] [ 0 ] ) ;
tmpKMeansBreaks . push ( kClusters [ j$6 ] [ kClusters [ j$6 ] . length - 1 ] ) ;
tmpKMeansBreaks = tmpKMeansBreaks . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return a - b ; } ) ;
limits . push ( tmpKMeansBreaks [ 0 ] ) ;
for ( var i$7 = 1 ; i$7 < tmpKMeansBreaks . length ; i$7 += 2 ) {
var v = tmpKMeansBreaks [ i$7 ] ;
if ( ! isNaN ( v ) && ( limits . indexOf ( v ) === - 1 ) ) {
limits . push ( v ) ;
return limits ;
} ;
var analyze _1 = { analyze : analyze , limits : limits } ;
var contrast = function ( a , b ) {
// WCAG contrast ratio
// see http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#contrast-ratiodef
a = new Color _1 ( a ) ;
b = new Color _1 ( b ) ;
var l1 = a . luminance ( ) ;
var l2 = b . luminance ( ) ;
return l1 > l2 ? ( l1 + 0.05 ) / ( l2 + 0.05 ) : ( l2 + 0.05 ) / ( l1 + 0.05 ) ;
} ;
var sqrt$4 = Math . sqrt ;
var atan2$2 = Math . atan2 ;
var abs$1 = Math . abs ;
var cos$4 = Math . cos ;
var PI$2 = Math . PI ;
var deltaE = function ( a , b , L , C ) {
if ( L === void 0 ) L = 1 ;
if ( C === void 0 ) C = 1 ;
// Delta E (CMC)
// see http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Eqn_DeltaE_CMC.html
a = new Color _1 ( a ) ;
b = new Color _1 ( b ) ;
var ref = Array . from ( a . lab ( ) ) ;
var L1 = ref [ 0 ] ;
var a1 = ref [ 1 ] ;
var b1 = ref [ 2 ] ;
var ref$1 = Array . from ( b . lab ( ) ) ;
var L2 = ref$1 [ 0 ] ;
var a2 = ref$1 [ 1 ] ;
var b2 = ref$1 [ 2 ] ;
var c1 = sqrt$4 ( ( a1 * a1 ) + ( b1 * b1 ) ) ;
var c2 = sqrt$4 ( ( a2 * a2 ) + ( b2 * b2 ) ) ;
var sl = L1 < 16.0 ? 0.511 : ( 0.040975 * L1 ) / ( 1.0 + ( 0.01765 * L1 ) ) ;
var sc = ( ( 0.0638 * c1 ) / ( 1.0 + ( 0.0131 * c1 ) ) ) + 0.638 ;
var h1 = c1 < 0.000001 ? 0.0 : ( atan2$2 ( b1 , a1 ) * 180.0 ) / PI$2 ;
while ( h1 < 0 ) { h1 += 360 ; }
while ( h1 >= 360 ) { h1 -= 360 ; }
var t = ( h1 >= 164.0 ) && ( h1 <= 345.0 ) ? ( 0.56 + abs$1 ( 0.2 * cos$4 ( ( PI$2 * ( h1 + 168.0 ) ) / 180.0 ) ) ) : ( 0.36 + abs$1 ( 0.4 * cos$4 ( ( PI$2 * ( h1 + 35.0 ) ) / 180.0 ) ) ) ;
var c4 = c1 * c1 * c1 * c1 ;
var f = sqrt$4 ( c4 / ( c4 + 1900.0 ) ) ;
var sh = sc * ( ( ( f * t ) + 1.0 ) - f ) ;
var delL = L1 - L2 ;
var delC = c1 - c2 ;
var delA = a1 - a2 ;
var delB = b1 - b2 ;
var dH2 = ( ( delA * delA ) + ( delB * delB ) ) - ( delC * delC ) ;
var v1 = delL / ( L * sl ) ;
var v2 = delC / ( C * sc ) ;
var v3 = sh ;
return sqrt$4 ( ( v1 * v1 ) + ( v2 * v2 ) + ( dH2 / ( v3 * v3 ) ) ) ;
} ;
// simple Euclidean distance
var distance = function ( a , b , mode ) {
if ( mode === void 0 ) mode = 'lab' ;
// Delta E (CIE 1976)
// see http://www.brucelindbloom.com/index.html?Equations.html
a = new Color _1 ( a ) ;
b = new Color _1 ( b ) ;
var l1 = a . get ( mode ) ;
var l2 = b . get ( mode ) ;
var sum _sq = 0 ;
for ( var i in l1 ) {
var d = ( l1 [ i ] || 0 ) - ( l2 [ i ] || 0 ) ;
sum _sq += d * d ;
return Math . sqrt ( sum _sq ) ;
} ;
var valid = function ( ) {
var args = [ ] , len = arguments . length ;
while ( len -- ) args [ len ] = arguments [ len ] ;
try {
new ( Function . prototype . bind . apply ( Color _1 , [ null ] . concat ( args ) ) ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( e ) {
return false ;
} ;
// some pre-defined color scales:
var scales = {
cool : function cool ( ) { return scale ( [ chroma _1 . hsl ( 180 , 1 , . 9 ) , chroma _1 . hsl ( 250 , . 7 , . 4 ) ] ) } ,
hot : function hot ( ) { return scale ( [ '#000' , '#f00' , '#ff0' , '#fff' ] ) . mode ( 'rgb' ) }
} ;
/ * *
ColorBrewer colors for chroma . js
Copyright ( c ) 2002 Cynthia Brewer , Mark Harrower , and The
Pennsylvania State University .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License .
* /
var colorbrewer = {
// sequential
OrRd : [ '#fff7ec' , '#fee8c8' , '#fdd49e' , '#fdbb84' , '#fc8d59' , '#ef6548' , '#d7301f' , '#b30000' , '#7f0000' ] ,
PuBu : [ '#fff7fb' , '#ece7f2' , '#d0d1e6' , '#a6bddb' , '#74a9cf' , '#3690c0' , '#0570b0' , '#045a8d' , '#023858' ] ,
BuPu : [ '#f7fcfd' , '#e0ecf4' , '#bfd3e6' , '#9ebcda' , '#8c96c6' , '#8c6bb1' , '#88419d' , '#810f7c' , '#4d004b' ] ,
Oranges : [ '#fff5eb' , '#fee6ce' , '#fdd0a2' , '#fdae6b' , '#fd8d3c' , '#f16913' , '#d94801' , '#a63603' , '#7f2704' ] ,
BuGn : [ '#f7fcfd' , '#e5f5f9' , '#ccece6' , '#99d8c9' , '#66c2a4' , '#41ae76' , '#238b45' , '#006d2c' , '#00441b' ] ,
YlOrBr : [ '#ffffe5' , '#fff7bc' , '#fee391' , '#fec44f' , '#fe9929' , '#ec7014' , '#cc4c02' , '#993404' , '#662506' ] ,
YlGn : [ '#ffffe5' , '#f7fcb9' , '#d9f0a3' , '#addd8e' , '#78c679' , '#41ab5d' , '#238443' , '#006837' , '#004529' ] ,
Reds : [ '#fff5f0' , '#fee0d2' , '#fcbba1' , '#fc9272' , '#fb6a4a' , '#ef3b2c' , '#cb181d' , '#a50f15' , '#67000d' ] ,
RdPu : [ '#fff7f3' , '#fde0dd' , '#fcc5c0' , '#fa9fb5' , '#f768a1' , '#dd3497' , '#ae017e' , '#7a0177' , '#49006a' ] ,
Greens : [ '#f7fcf5' , '#e5f5e0' , '#c7e9c0' , '#a1d99b' , '#74c476' , '#41ab5d' , '#238b45' , '#006d2c' , '#00441b' ] ,
YlGnBu : [ '#ffffd9' , '#edf8b1' , '#c7e9b4' , '#7fcdbb' , '#41b6c4' , '#1d91c0' , '#225ea8' , '#253494' , '#081d58' ] ,
Purples : [ '#fcfbfd' , '#efedf5' , '#dadaeb' , '#bcbddc' , '#9e9ac8' , '#807dba' , '#6a51a3' , '#54278f' , '#3f007d' ] ,
GnBu : [ '#f7fcf0' , '#e0f3db' , '#ccebc5' , '#a8ddb5' , '#7bccc4' , '#4eb3d3' , '#2b8cbe' , '#0868ac' , '#084081' ] ,
Greys : [ '#ffffff' , '#f0f0f0' , '#d9d9d9' , '#bdbdbd' , '#969696' , '#737373' , '#525252' , '#252525' , '#000000' ] ,
YlOrRd : [ '#ffffcc' , '#ffeda0' , '#fed976' , '#feb24c' , '#fd8d3c' , '#fc4e2a' , '#e31a1c' , '#bd0026' , '#800026' ] ,
PuRd : [ '#f7f4f9' , '#e7e1ef' , '#d4b9da' , '#c994c7' , '#df65b0' , '#e7298a' , '#ce1256' , '#980043' , '#67001f' ] ,
Blues : [ '#f7fbff' , '#deebf7' , '#c6dbef' , '#9ecae1' , '#6baed6' , '#4292c6' , '#2171b5' , '#08519c' , '#08306b' ] ,
PuBuGn : [ '#fff7fb' , '#ece2f0' , '#d0d1e6' , '#a6bddb' , '#67a9cf' , '#3690c0' , '#02818a' , '#016c59' , '#014636' ] ,
Viridis : [ '#440154' , '#482777' , '#3f4a8a' , '#31678e' , '#26838f' , '#1f9d8a' , '#6cce5a' , '#b6de2b' , '#fee825' ] ,
// diverging
Spectral : [ '#9e0142' , '#d53e4f' , '#f46d43' , '#fdae61' , '#fee08b' , '#ffffbf' , '#e6f598' , '#abdda4' , '#66c2a5' , '#3288bd' , '#5e4fa2' ] ,
RdYlGn : [ '#a50026' , '#d73027' , '#f46d43' , '#fdae61' , '#fee08b' , '#ffffbf' , '#d9ef8b' , '#a6d96a' , '#66bd63' , '#1a9850' , '#006837' ] ,
RdBu : [ '#67001f' , '#b2182b' , '#d6604d' , '#f4a582' , '#fddbc7' , '#f7f7f7' , '#d1e5f0' , '#92c5de' , '#4393c3' , '#2166ac' , '#053061' ] ,
PiYG : [ '#8e0152' , '#c51b7d' , '#de77ae' , '#f1b6da' , '#fde0ef' , '#f7f7f7' , '#e6f5d0' , '#b8e186' , '#7fbc41' , '#4d9221' , '#276419' ] ,
PRGn : [ '#40004b' , '#762a83' , '#9970ab' , '#c2a5cf' , '#e7d4e8' , '#f7f7f7' , '#d9f0d3' , '#a6dba0' , '#5aae61' , '#1b7837' , '#00441b' ] ,
RdYlBu : [ '#a50026' , '#d73027' , '#f46d43' , '#fdae61' , '#fee090' , '#ffffbf' , '#e0f3f8' , '#abd9e9' , '#74add1' , '#4575b4' , '#313695' ] ,
BrBG : [ '#543005' , '#8c510a' , '#bf812d' , '#dfc27d' , '#f6e8c3' , '#f5f5f5' , '#c7eae5' , '#80cdc1' , '#35978f' , '#01665e' , '#003c30' ] ,
RdGy : [ '#67001f' , '#b2182b' , '#d6604d' , '#f4a582' , '#fddbc7' , '#ffffff' , '#e0e0e0' , '#bababa' , '#878787' , '#4d4d4d' , '#1a1a1a' ] ,
PuOr : [ '#7f3b08' , '#b35806' , '#e08214' , '#fdb863' , '#fee0b6' , '#f7f7f7' , '#d8daeb' , '#b2abd2' , '#8073ac' , '#542788' , '#2d004b' ] ,
// qualitative
Set2 : [ '#66c2a5' , '#fc8d62' , '#8da0cb' , '#e78ac3' , '#a6d854' , '#ffd92f' , '#e5c494' , '#b3b3b3' ] ,
Accent : [ '#7fc97f' , '#beaed4' , '#fdc086' , '#ffff99' , '#386cb0' , '#f0027f' , '#bf5b17' , '#666666' ] ,
Set1 : [ '#e41a1c' , '#377eb8' , '#4daf4a' , '#984ea3' , '#ff7f00' , '#ffff33' , '#a65628' , '#f781bf' , '#999999' ] ,
Set3 : [ '#8dd3c7' , '#ffffb3' , '#bebada' , '#fb8072' , '#80b1d3' , '#fdb462' , '#b3de69' , '#fccde5' , '#d9d9d9' , '#bc80bd' , '#ccebc5' , '#ffed6f' ] ,
Dark2 : [ '#1b9e77' , '#d95f02' , '#7570b3' , '#e7298a' , '#66a61e' , '#e6ab02' , '#a6761d' , '#666666' ] ,
Paired : [ '#a6cee3' , '#1f78b4' , '#b2df8a' , '#33a02c' , '#fb9a99' , '#e31a1c' , '#fdbf6f' , '#ff7f00' , '#cab2d6' , '#6a3d9a' , '#ffff99' , '#b15928' ] ,
Pastel2 : [ '#b3e2cd' , '#fdcdac' , '#cbd5e8' , '#f4cae4' , '#e6f5c9' , '#fff2ae' , '#f1e2cc' , '#cccccc' ] ,
Pastel1 : [ '#fbb4ae' , '#b3cde3' , '#ccebc5' , '#decbe4' , '#fed9a6' , '#ffffcc' , '#e5d8bd' , '#fddaec' , '#f2f2f2' ] ,
} ;
// add lowercase aliases for case-insensitive matches
for ( var i$1 = 0 , list$1 = Object . keys ( colorbrewer ) ; i$1 < list$1 . length ; i$1 += 1 ) {
var key = list$1 [ i$1 ] ;
colorbrewer [ key . toLowerCase ( ) ] = colorbrewer [ key ] ;
var colorbrewer _1 = colorbrewer ;
// feel free to comment out anything to rollup
// a smaller chroma.js built
// io --> convert colors
// operators --> modify existing Colors
// interpolators
// generators -- > create new colors
chroma _1 . average = average ;
chroma _1 . bezier = bezier _1 ;
chroma _1 . blend = blend _1 ;
chroma _1 . cubehelix = cubehelix ;
chroma _1 . mix = chroma _1 . interpolate = mix ;
chroma _1 . random = random _1 ;
chroma _1 . scale = scale ;
// other utility methods
chroma _1 . analyze = analyze _1 . analyze ;
chroma _1 . contrast = contrast ;
chroma _1 . deltaE = deltaE ;
chroma _1 . distance = distance ;
chroma _1 . limits = analyze _1 . limits ;
chroma _1 . valid = valid ;
// scale
chroma _1 . scales = scales ;
// colors
chroma _1 . colors = w3cx11 _1 ;
chroma _1 . brewer = colorbrewer _1 ;
var chroma _js = chroma _1 ;
return chroma _js ;
} ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
class ImportModal extends obsidian . Modal {
constructor ( app , plugin ) {
super ( app ) ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
onOpen ( ) {
const { contentEl , modalEl } = this ;
modalEl . addClass ( 'modal-style-settings' ) ;
new obsidian . Setting ( contentEl )
. setName ( 'Import style setting' )
. setDesc ( 'Import an entire or partial configuration. Warning: this may override existing settings' ) ;
new obsidian . Setting ( contentEl ) . then ( ( setting ) => {
// Build an error message container
const errorSpan = createSpan ( {
cls : 'style-settings-import-error' ,
text : 'Error importing config' ,
} ) ;
setting . nameEl . appendChild ( errorSpan ) ;
// Attempt to parse the imported data and close if successful
const importAndClose = ( str ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
if ( str ) {
try {
const importedSettings = JSON . parse ( str ) ;
yield this . plugin . settingsManager . setSettings ( importedSettings ) ;
this . plugin . settingsTab . display ( ) ;
this . close ( ) ;
catch ( e ) {
errorSpan . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
errorSpan . setText ( ` Error importing style settings: ${ e } ` ) ;
else {
errorSpan . addClass ( 'active' ) ;
errorSpan . setText ( ` Error importing style settings: config is empty ` ) ;
} ) ;
// Build a file input
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'input' , {
cls : 'style-settings-import-input' ,
attr : {
id : 'style-settings-import-input' ,
name : 'style-settings-import-input' ,
type : 'file' ,
accept : '.json' ,
} ,
} , ( importInput ) => {
// Set up a FileReader so we can parse the file contents
importInput . addEventListener ( 'change' , ( e ) => {
const reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onload = ( e ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
yield importAndClose ( e . target . result . toString ( ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
reader . readAsText ( e . target . files [ 0 ] ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Build a label we will style as a link
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'label' , {
cls : 'style-settings-import-label' ,
text : 'Import from file' ,
attr : {
for : 'style-settings-import-input' ,
} ,
} ) ;
new obsidian . TextAreaComponent ( contentEl )
. setPlaceholder ( 'Paste config here...' )
. then ( ( ta ) => {
new obsidian . ButtonComponent ( contentEl )
. setButtonText ( 'Save' )
. onClick ( ( ) => _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
yield importAndClose ( ta . getValue ( ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
onClose ( ) {
const { contentEl } = this ;
contentEl . empty ( ) ;
class ExportModal extends obsidian . Modal {
constructor ( app , plugin , section , config ) {
super ( app ) ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
this . config = config ;
this . section = section ;
onOpen ( ) {
const { contentEl , modalEl } = this ;
modalEl . addClass ( 'modal-style-settings' ) ;
new obsidian . Setting ( contentEl )
. setName ( ` Export settings for: ${ this . section } ` )
. then ( ( setting ) => {
const output = JSON . stringify ( this . config , null , 2 ) ;
// Build a copy to clipboard link
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'a' , {
cls : 'style-settings-copy' ,
text : 'Copy to clipboard' ,
href : '#' ,
} , ( copyButton ) => {
new obsidian . TextAreaComponent ( contentEl )
. setValue ( output )
. then ( ( textarea ) => {
copyButton . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
// Select the textarea contents and copy them to the clipboard
textarea . inputEl . select ( ) ;
textarea . inputEl . setSelectionRange ( 0 , 99999 ) ;
document . execCommand ( 'copy' ) ;
copyButton . addClass ( 'success' ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
// If the button is still in the dom, remove the success class
if ( copyButton . parentNode ) {
copyButton . removeClass ( 'success' ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Build a download link
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'a' , {
cls : 'style-settings-download' ,
text : 'Download' ,
attr : {
download : 'style-settings.json' ,
href : ` data:application/json;charset=utf-8, ${ encodeURIComponent ( output ) } ` ,
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
onClose ( ) {
const { contentEl } = this ;
contentEl . empty ( ) ;
const SettingType = {
HEADING : 'heading' ,
INFO _TEXT : 'info-text' ,
CLASS _TOGGLE : 'class-toggle' ,
CLASS _SELECT : 'class-select' ,
VARIABLE _TEXT : 'variable-text' ,
VARIABLE _NUMBER : 'variable-number' ,
VARIABLE _NUMBER _SLIDER : 'variable-number-slider' ,
VARIABLE _SELECT : 'variable-select' ,
VARIABLE _COLOR : 'variable-color' ,
VARIABLE _THEMED _COLOR : 'variable-themed-color' ,
COLOR _GRADIENT : 'color-gradient' ,
} ;
function generateColorVariables ( key , format , colorStr , opacity , altFormats = [ ] ) {
const parsedColor = chroma ( colorStr ) ;
const alts = altFormats . reduce ( ( a , alt ) => {
a . push ( ... generateColorVariables ( alt . id , alt . format , colorStr , opacity ) ) ;
return a ;
} , [ ] ) ;
switch ( format ) {
case 'hex' :
return [ { key , value : colorStr } , ... alts ] ;
case 'hsl' :
return [
key ,
value : parsedColor . css ( 'hsl' ) ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
case 'hsl-values' : {
const hsl = parsedColor . hsl ( ) ;
const alpha = opacity ? ` , ${ parsedColor . alpha ( ) } ` : '' ;
const h = isNaN ( hsl [ 0 ] ) ? 0 : hsl [ 0 ] ;
return [
key ,
value : ` ${ h } , ${ hsl [ 1 ] * 100 } %, ${ hsl [ 2 ] * 100 } % ${ alpha } ` ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
case 'hsl-split' : {
const hsl = parsedColor . hsl ( ) ;
const h = isNaN ( hsl [ 0 ] ) ? 0 : hsl [ 0 ] ;
const out = [
key : ` ${ key } -h ` ,
value : h . toString ( ) ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -s ` ,
value : ( hsl [ 1 ] * 100 ) . toString ( ) + '%' ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -l ` ,
value : ( hsl [ 2 ] * 100 ) . toString ( ) + '%' ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
if ( opacity )
out . push ( {
key : ` ${ key } -a ` ,
value : parsedColor . alpha ( ) . toString ( ) ,
} ) ;
return out ;
case 'hsl-split-decimal' : {
const hsl = parsedColor . hsl ( ) ;
const h = isNaN ( hsl [ 0 ] ) ? 0 : hsl [ 0 ] ;
const out = [
key : ` ${ key } -h ` ,
value : h . toString ( ) ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -s ` ,
value : hsl [ 1 ] . toString ( ) ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -l ` ,
value : hsl [ 2 ] . toString ( ) ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
if ( opacity )
out . push ( {
key : ` ${ key } -a ` ,
value : parsedColor . alpha ( ) . toString ( ) ,
} ) ;
return out ;
case 'rgb' :
return [
key ,
value : parsedColor . css ( ) ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
case 'rgb-values' : {
const rgb = parsedColor . rgb ( ) ;
const alpha = opacity ? ` , ${ parsedColor . alpha ( ) } ` : '' ;
return [
key ,
value : ` ${ rgb [ 0 ] } , ${ rgb [ 1 ] } , ${ rgb [ 2 ] } ${ alpha } ` ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
case 'rgb-split' : {
const rgb = parsedColor . rgb ( ) ;
const out = [
key : ` ${ key } -r ` ,
value : rgb [ 0 ] . toString ( ) ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -g ` ,
value : rgb [ 1 ] . toString ( ) ,
} ,
key : ` ${ key } -b ` ,
value : rgb [ 2 ] . toString ( ) ,
} ,
... alts ,
] ;
if ( opacity )
out . push ( {
key : ` ${ key } -a ` ,
value : parsedColor . alpha ( ) . toString ( ) ,
} ) ;
return out ;
function pushColors ( arr , id , from , to , format , step , pad ) {
const scale = chroma . scale ( [ from . trim ( ) , to . trim ( ) ] ) . domain ( [ 0 , 100 ] ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i ++ ) {
if ( i % step === 0 ) {
const c = scale ( i ) ;
arr . push ( ... generateColorVariables ( ` ${ id } - ${ i . toString ( ) . padStart ( pad , '0' ) } ` , format , c . css ( ) , c . alpha ( ) !== 1 ) ) ;
function getCSSVariables ( settings , config , gradients , settingsManager ) {
const vars = [ ] ;
const themedLight = [ ] ;
const themedDark = [ ] ;
const gradientCandidates = { } ;
const gradientCandidatesLight = { } ;
const gradientCandidatesDark = { } ;
const seenGradientSections = new Set ( ) ;
for ( const key in settings ) {
const [ sectionId , settingId , modifier ] = key . split ( '@@' ) ;
const section = config [ sectionId ] ;
if ( ! section )
continue ;
const setting = config [ sectionId ] [ settingId ] ;
if ( ! setting )
continue ;
const value = settings [ key ] ;
switch ( setting . type ) {
case SettingType . VARIABLE _NUMBER :
case SettingType . VARIABLE _NUMBER _SLIDER : {
const format = setting
. format ;
const val = value !== undefined
? value
: setting . default ;
vars . push ( {
key : setting . id ,
value : ` ${ val } ${ format || '' } ` ,
} ) ;
continue ;
case SettingType . VARIABLE _TEXT :
case SettingType . VARIABLE _SELECT : {
const format _text = setting ;
let text = value !== undefined
? value . toString ( )
: format _text . default . toString ( ) ;
if ( format _text . quotes ) {
if ( text !== ` "" ` ) {
text = ` ' ${ text } ' ` ;
else {
text = ` ` ;
vars . push ( {
key : setting . id ,
value : text ,
} ) ;
continue ;
case SettingType . VARIABLE _COLOR : {
if ( ! seenGradientSections . has ( sectionId ) )
seenGradientSections . add ( sectionId ) ;
const colorSetting = setting ;
const color = value !== undefined ? value . toString ( ) : colorSetting . default ;
vars . push ( ... generateColorVariables ( setting . id , colorSetting . format , color , colorSetting . opacity , colorSetting [ 'alt-format' ] ) ) ;
generateColorVariables ( setting . id , 'rgb' , color , colorSetting . opacity ) . forEach ( ( kv ) => {
gradientCandidates [ kv . key ] = kv . value ;
} ) ;
continue ;
case SettingType . VARIABLE _THEMED _COLOR : {
if ( ! seenGradientSections . has ( sectionId ) )
seenGradientSections . add ( sectionId ) ;
const colorSetting = setting ;
const colorKey = modifier === 'light' ? 'default-light' : 'default-dark' ;
const color = value !== undefined ? value . toString ( ) : colorSetting [ colorKey ] ;
( modifier === 'light' ? themedLight : themedDark ) . push ( ... generateColorVariables ( setting . id , colorSetting . format , color , colorSetting . opacity , colorSetting [ 'alt-format' ] ) ) ;
generateColorVariables ( setting . id , 'rgb' , color , colorSetting . opacity ) . forEach ( ( kv ) => {
if ( modifier === 'light' ) {
gradientCandidatesLight [ kv . key ] = kv . value ;
else {
gradientCandidatesDark [ kv . key ] = kv . value ;
} ) ;
continue ;
seenGradientSections . forEach ( ( sectionId ) => {
const g = gradients [ sectionId ] ;
if ( ! g )
return ;
g . forEach ( ( def ) => {
var _a , _b , _c ;
const { from , to , format , step , id , pad = 0 } = def ;
if ( gradientCandidatesLight [ from ] ) {
const fromColor = gradientCandidatesLight [ from ] ;
const toColor = gradientCandidatesLight [ to ] ||
( ( _a = settingsManager . plugin . getCSSVar ( to ) . light ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( toColor ) {
pushColors ( themedLight , id , fromColor , toColor , format , step , pad ) ;
if ( gradientCandidatesDark [ from ] ) {
const fromColor = gradientCandidatesDark [ from ] ;
const toColor = gradientCandidatesDark [ to ] ||
( ( _b = settingsManager . plugin . getCSSVar ( to ) . dark ) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( toColor ) {
pushColors ( themedDark , id , fromColor , toColor , format , step , pad ) ;
if ( gradientCandidates [ from ] ) {
const fromColor = gradientCandidates [ from ] ;
const toColor = gradientCandidates [ to ] ||
( ( _c = settingsManager . plugin . getCSSVar ( to ) . current ) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c . trim ( ) ) ;
if ( toColor ) {
pushColors ( vars , id , fromColor , toColor , format , step , pad ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return [ vars , themedLight , themedDark ] ;
class CSSSettingsManager {
constructor ( plugin ) {
this . config = { } ;
this . gradients = { } ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
this . settings = { } ;
this . styleTag = document . createElement ( 'style' ) ;
this . styleTag . id = 'css-settings-manager' ;
document . getElementsByTagName ( 'head' ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( this . styleTag ) ;
cleanup ( ) {
this . styleTag . remove ( ) ;
this . removeClasses ( ) ;
save ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
yield this . plugin . saveData ( this . settings ) ;
this . setCSSVariables ( ) ;
} ) ;
load ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
this . settings = Object . assign ( { } , yield this . plugin . loadData ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
initClasses ( ) {
Object . keys ( this . config ) . forEach ( ( section ) => {
const config = this . config [ section ] ;
Object . keys ( config ) . forEach ( ( settingId ) => {
const setting = config [ settingId ] ;
if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _TOGGLE ) {
const classToggle = setting ;
const value = this . getSetting ( section , settingId ) ;
if ( value === true ||
( value === undefined && classToggle . default === true ) ) {
document . body . classList . add ( setting . id ) ;
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _SELECT ) {
const multiToggle = setting ;
let value = this . getSetting ( section , settingId ) ;
if ( value === undefined && ! ! multiToggle . default ) {
value = multiToggle . default ;
else if ( value === undefined ) {
value = 'none' ;
if ( value !== 'none' ) {
document . body . classList . add ( value ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
removeClasses ( ) {
Object . keys ( this . config ) . forEach ( ( section ) => {
const config = this . config [ section ] ;
Object . keys ( config ) . forEach ( ( settingId ) => {
const setting = config [ settingId ] ;
if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _TOGGLE ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
document . body . classList . remove ( setting . id ) ;
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _SELECT ) {
const multiToggle = setting ;
multiToggle . options . forEach ( ( v ) => {
if ( typeof v === 'string' ) {
document . body . classList . remove ( v ) ;
else {
document . body . classList . remove ( v . value ) ;
} ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
setCSSVariables ( ) {
const [ vars , themedLight , themedDark ] = getCSSVariables ( this . settings , this . config , this . gradients , this ) ;
this . styleTag . innerText = `
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
body . css - settings - manager {
$ { vars . reduce ( ( combined , current ) => {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
return combined + ` -- ${ current . key } : ${ current . value } ; ` ;
} , '' ) }
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
body . theme - light . css - settings - manager {
$ { themedLight . reduce ( ( combined , current ) => {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
return combined + ` -- ${ current . key } : ${ current . value } ; ` ;
} , '' ) }
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
body . theme - dark . css - settings - manager {
$ { themedDark . reduce ( ( combined , current ) => {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
return combined + ` -- ${ current . key } : ${ current . value } ; ` ;
} , '' ) }
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
. trim ( )
. replace ( /[\r\n\s]+/g , ' ' ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . plugin . app . workspace . trigger ( 'css-change' , { source : 'style-settings' } ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
setConfig ( settings ) {
this . config = { } ;
this . gradients = { } ;
settings . forEach ( ( s ) => {
this . config [ s . id ] = { } ;
s . settings . forEach ( ( setting ) => {
this . config [ s . id ] [ setting . id ] = setting ;
if ( setting . type === SettingType . COLOR _GRADIENT ) {
if ( ! this . gradients [ s . id ] )
this . gradients [ s . id ] = [ ] ;
this . gradients [ s . id ] . push ( setting ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
let pruned = false ;
for ( const key in this . settings ) {
const [ sectionId , settingId ] = key . split ( '@@' ) ;
if ( this . config [ sectionId ] && ! this . config [ sectionId ] [ settingId ] ) {
delete this . settings [ key ] ;
pruned = true ;
if ( pruned ) {
this . save ( ) ;
else {
this . setCSSVariables ( ) ;
getSetting ( sectionId , settingId ) {
return this . settings [ ` ${ sectionId } @@ ${ settingId } ` ] ;
getSettings ( sectionId , ids ) {
return ids . reduce ( ( settings , id ) => {
const fullId = ` ${ sectionId } @@ ${ id } ` ;
const alts = [ 'dark' , 'light' ] ;
if ( this . settings [ fullId ] ) {
settings [ fullId ] = this . settings [ fullId ] ;
alts . forEach ( ( alt ) => {
const id = ` ${ fullId } @@ ${ alt } ` ;
if ( this . settings [ id ] ) {
settings [ id ] = this . settings [ id ] ;
} ) ;
return settings ;
} , { } ) ;
setSetting ( sectionId , settingId , value ) {
this . settings [ ` ${ sectionId } @@ ${ settingId } ` ] = value ;
this . save ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeClasses ( ) ;
this . initClasses ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
setSettings ( settings ) {
Object . keys ( settings ) . forEach ( ( id ) => {
this . settings [ id ] = settings [ id ] ;
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeClasses ( ) ;
this . initClasses ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
return this . save ( ) ;
clearSetting ( sectionId , settingId ) {
delete this . settings [ ` ${ sectionId } @@ ${ settingId } ` ] ;
this . save ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeClasses ( ) ;
this . initClasses ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
clearSection ( sectionId ) {
Object . keys ( this . settings ) . forEach ( ( key ) => {
const [ section ] = key . split ( '@@' ) ;
if ( section === sectionId ) {
delete this . settings [ key ] ;
} ) ;
this . save ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeClasses ( ) ;
this . initClasses ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
export ( section , config ) {
new ExportModal ( this . plugin . app , this . plugin , section , config ) . open ( ) ;
import ( ) {
new ImportModal ( this . plugin . app , this . plugin ) . open ( ) ;
/*! js-yaml 4.1.0 https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml @license MIT */
function isNothing ( subject ) {
return ( typeof subject === 'undefined' ) || ( subject === null ) ;
function isObject ( subject ) {
return ( typeof subject === 'object' ) && ( subject !== null ) ;
function toArray ( sequence ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( sequence ) ) return sequence ;
else if ( isNothing ( sequence ) ) return [ ] ;
return [ sequence ] ;
function extend ( target , source ) {
var index , length , key , sourceKeys ;
if ( source ) {
sourceKeys = Object . keys ( source ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = sourceKeys . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
key = sourceKeys [ index ] ;
target [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
return target ;
function repeat ( string , count ) {
var result = '' , cycle ;
for ( cycle = 0 ; cycle < count ; cycle += 1 ) {
result += string ;
return result ;
function isNegativeZero ( number ) {
return ( number === 0 ) && ( Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY === 1 / number ) ;
var isNothing _1 = isNothing ;
var isObject _1 = isObject ;
var toArray _1 = toArray ;
var repeat _1 = repeat ;
var isNegativeZero _1 = isNegativeZero ;
var extend _1 = extend ;
var common = {
isNothing : isNothing _1 ,
isObject : isObject _1 ,
toArray : toArray _1 ,
repeat : repeat _1 ,
isNegativeZero : isNegativeZero _1 ,
extend : extend _1
} ;
// YAML error class. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8458984
function formatError ( exception , compact ) {
var where = '' , message = exception . reason || '(unknown reason)' ;
if ( ! exception . mark ) return message ;
if ( exception . mark . name ) {
where += 'in "' + exception . mark . name + '" ' ;
where += '(' + ( exception . mark . line + 1 ) + ':' + ( exception . mark . column + 1 ) + ')' ;
if ( ! compact && exception . mark . snippet ) {
where += '\n\n' + exception . mark . snippet ;
return message + ' ' + where ;
function YAMLException$1 ( reason , mark ) {
// Super constructor
Error . call ( this ) ;
this . name = 'YAMLException' ;
this . reason = reason ;
this . mark = mark ;
this . message = formatError ( this , false ) ;
// Include stack trace in error object
if ( Error . captureStackTrace ) {
// Chrome and NodeJS
Error . captureStackTrace ( this , this . constructor ) ;
} else {
// FF, IE 10+ and Safari 6+. Fallback for others
this . stack = ( new Error ( ) ) . stack || '' ;
// Inherit from Error
YAMLException$1 . prototype = Object . create ( Error . prototype ) ;
YAMLException$1 . prototype . constructor = YAMLException$1 ;
YAMLException$1 . prototype . toString = function toString ( compact ) {
return this . name + ': ' + formatError ( this , compact ) ;
} ;
var exception = YAMLException$1 ;
// get snippet for a single line, respecting maxLength
function getLine ( buffer , lineStart , lineEnd , position , maxLineLength ) {
var head = '' ;
var tail = '' ;
var maxHalfLength = Math . floor ( maxLineLength / 2 ) - 1 ;
if ( position - lineStart > maxHalfLength ) {
head = ' ... ' ;
lineStart = position - maxHalfLength + head . length ;
if ( lineEnd - position > maxHalfLength ) {
tail = ' ...' ;
lineEnd = position + maxHalfLength - tail . length ;
return {
str : head + buffer . slice ( lineStart , lineEnd ) . replace ( /\t/g , '→' ) + tail ,
pos : position - lineStart + head . length // relative position
} ;
function padStart ( string , max ) {
return common . repeat ( ' ' , max - string . length ) + string ;
function makeSnippet ( mark , options ) {
options = Object . create ( options || null ) ;
if ( ! mark . buffer ) return null ;
if ( ! options . maxLength ) options . maxLength = 79 ;
if ( typeof options . indent !== 'number' ) options . indent = 1 ;
if ( typeof options . linesBefore !== 'number' ) options . linesBefore = 3 ;
if ( typeof options . linesAfter !== 'number' ) options . linesAfter = 2 ;
var re = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g ;
var lineStarts = [ 0 ] ;
var lineEnds = [ ] ;
var match ;
var foundLineNo = - 1 ;
while ( ( match = re . exec ( mark . buffer ) ) ) {
lineEnds . push ( match . index ) ;
lineStarts . push ( match . index + match [ 0 ] . length ) ;
if ( mark . position <= match . index && foundLineNo < 0 ) {
foundLineNo = lineStarts . length - 2 ;
if ( foundLineNo < 0 ) foundLineNo = lineStarts . length - 1 ;
var result = '' , i , line ;
var lineNoLength = Math . min ( mark . line + options . linesAfter , lineEnds . length ) . toString ( ) . length ;
var maxLineLength = options . maxLength - ( options . indent + lineNoLength + 3 ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= options . linesBefore ; i ++ ) {
if ( foundLineNo - i < 0 ) break ;
line = getLine (
mark . buffer ,
lineStarts [ foundLineNo - i ] ,
lineEnds [ foundLineNo - i ] ,
mark . position - ( lineStarts [ foundLineNo ] - lineStarts [ foundLineNo - i ] ) ,
) ;
result = common . repeat ( ' ' , options . indent ) + padStart ( ( mark . line - i + 1 ) . toString ( ) , lineNoLength ) +
' | ' + line . str + '\n' + result ;
line = getLine ( mark . buffer , lineStarts [ foundLineNo ] , lineEnds [ foundLineNo ] , mark . position , maxLineLength ) ;
result += common . repeat ( ' ' , options . indent ) + padStart ( ( mark . line + 1 ) . toString ( ) , lineNoLength ) +
' | ' + line . str + '\n' ;
result += common . repeat ( '-' , options . indent + lineNoLength + 3 + line . pos ) + '^' + '\n' ;
for ( i = 1 ; i <= options . linesAfter ; i ++ ) {
if ( foundLineNo + i >= lineEnds . length ) break ;
line = getLine (
mark . buffer ,
lineStarts [ foundLineNo + i ] ,
lineEnds [ foundLineNo + i ] ,
mark . position - ( lineStarts [ foundLineNo ] - lineStarts [ foundLineNo + i ] ) ,
) ;
result += common . repeat ( ' ' , options . indent ) + padStart ( ( mark . line + i + 1 ) . toString ( ) , lineNoLength ) +
' | ' + line . str + '\n' ;
return result . replace ( /\n$/ , '' ) ;
var snippet = makeSnippet ;
'kind' ,
'multi' ,
'resolve' ,
'construct' ,
'instanceOf' ,
'predicate' ,
'represent' ,
'representName' ,
'defaultStyle' ,
] ;
'scalar' ,
'sequence' ,
] ;
function compileStyleAliases ( map ) {
var result = { } ;
if ( map !== null ) {
Object . keys ( map ) . forEach ( function ( style ) {
map [ style ] . forEach ( function ( alias ) {
result [ String ( alias ) ] = style ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function Type$1 ( tag , options ) {
options = options || { } ;
Object . keys ( options ) . forEach ( function ( name ) {
if ( TYPE _CONSTRUCTOR _OPTIONS . indexOf ( name ) === - 1 ) {
throw new exception ( 'Unknown option "' + name + '" is met in definition of "' + tag + '" YAML type.' ) ;
} ) ;
// TODO: Add tag format check.
this . options = options ; // keep original options in case user wants to extend this type later
this . tag = tag ;
this . kind = options [ 'kind' ] || null ;
this . resolve = options [ 'resolve' ] || function ( ) { return true ; } ;
this . construct = options [ 'construct' ] || function ( data ) { return data ; } ;
this . instanceOf = options [ 'instanceOf' ] || null ;
this . predicate = options [ 'predicate' ] || null ;
this . represent = options [ 'represent' ] || null ;
this . representName = options [ 'representName' ] || null ;
this . defaultStyle = options [ 'defaultStyle' ] || null ;
this . multi = options [ 'multi' ] || false ;
this . styleAliases = compileStyleAliases ( options [ 'styleAliases' ] || null ) ;
if ( YAML _NODE _KINDS . indexOf ( this . kind ) === - 1 ) {
throw new exception ( 'Unknown kind "' + this . kind + '" is specified for "' + tag + '" YAML type.' ) ;
var type = Type$1 ;
/*eslint-disable max-len*/
function compileList ( schema , name ) {
var result = [ ] ;
schema [ name ] . forEach ( function ( currentType ) {
var newIndex = result . length ;
result . forEach ( function ( previousType , previousIndex ) {
if ( previousType . tag === currentType . tag &&
previousType . kind === currentType . kind &&
previousType . multi === currentType . multi ) {
newIndex = previousIndex ;
} ) ;
result [ newIndex ] = currentType ;
} ) ;
return result ;
function compileMap ( /* lists... */ ) {
var result = {
scalar : { } ,
sequence : { } ,
mapping : { } ,
fallback : { } ,
multi : {
scalar : [ ] ,
sequence : [ ] ,
mapping : [ ] ,
fallback : [ ]
} , index , length ;
function collectType ( type ) {
if ( type . multi ) {
result . multi [ type . kind ] . push ( type ) ;
result . multi [ 'fallback' ] . push ( type ) ;
} else {
result [ type . kind ] [ type . tag ] = result [ 'fallback' ] [ type . tag ] = type ;
for ( index = 0 , length = arguments . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
arguments [ index ] . forEach ( collectType ) ;
return result ;
function Schema$1 ( definition ) {
return this . extend ( definition ) ;
Schema$1 . prototype . extend = function extend ( definition ) {
var implicit = [ ] ;
var explicit = [ ] ;
if ( definition instanceof type ) {
// Schema.extend(type)
explicit . push ( definition ) ;
} else if ( Array . isArray ( definition ) ) {
// Schema.extend([ type1, type2, ... ])
explicit = explicit . concat ( definition ) ;
} else if ( definition && ( Array . isArray ( definition . implicit ) || Array . isArray ( definition . explicit ) ) ) {
// Schema.extend({ explicit: [ type1, type2, ... ], implicit: [ type1, type2, ... ] })
if ( definition . implicit ) implicit = implicit . concat ( definition . implicit ) ;
if ( definition . explicit ) explicit = explicit . concat ( definition . explicit ) ;
} else {
throw new exception ( 'Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], ' +
'or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })' ) ;
implicit . forEach ( function ( type$1 ) {
if ( ! ( type$1 instanceof type ) ) {
throw new exception ( 'Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.' ) ;
if ( type$1 . loadKind && type$1 . loadKind !== 'scalar' ) {
throw new exception ( 'There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.' ) ;
if ( type$1 . multi ) {
throw new exception ( 'There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.' ) ;
} ) ;
explicit . forEach ( function ( type$1 ) {
if ( ! ( type$1 instanceof type ) ) {
throw new exception ( 'Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.' ) ;
} ) ;
var result = Object . create ( Schema$1 . prototype ) ;
result . implicit = ( this . implicit || [ ] ) . concat ( implicit ) ;
result . explicit = ( this . explicit || [ ] ) . concat ( explicit ) ;
result . compiledImplicit = compileList ( result , 'implicit' ) ;
result . compiledExplicit = compileList ( result , 'explicit' ) ;
result . compiledTypeMap = compileMap ( result . compiledImplicit , result . compiledExplicit ) ;
return result ;
} ;
var schema = Schema$1 ;
var str = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:str' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
construct : function ( data ) { return data !== null ? data : '' ; }
} ) ;
var seq = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:seq' , {
kind : 'sequence' ,
construct : function ( data ) { return data !== null ? data : [ ] ; }
} ) ;
var map = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:map' , {
kind : 'mapping' ,
construct : function ( data ) { return data !== null ? data : { } ; }
} ) ;
var failsafe = new schema ( {
explicit : [
str ,
seq ,
} ) ;
function resolveYamlNull ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return true ;
var max = data . length ;
return ( max === 1 && data === '~' ) ||
( max === 4 && ( data === 'null' || data === 'Null' || data === 'NULL' ) ) ;
function constructYamlNull ( ) {
return null ;
function isNull ( object ) {
return object === null ;
var _null = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:null' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlNull ,
construct : constructYamlNull ,
predicate : isNull ,
represent : {
canonical : function ( ) { return '~' ; } ,
lowercase : function ( ) { return 'null' ; } ,
uppercase : function ( ) { return 'NULL' ; } ,
camelcase : function ( ) { return 'Null' ; } ,
empty : function ( ) { return '' ; }
} ,
defaultStyle : 'lowercase'
} ) ;
function resolveYamlBoolean ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return false ;
var max = data . length ;
return ( max === 4 && ( data === 'true' || data === 'True' || data === 'TRUE' ) ) ||
( max === 5 && ( data === 'false' || data === 'False' || data === 'FALSE' ) ) ;
function constructYamlBoolean ( data ) {
return data === 'true' ||
data === 'True' ||
data === 'TRUE' ;
function isBoolean ( object ) {
return Object . prototype . toString . call ( object ) === '[object Boolean]' ;
var bool = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:bool' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlBoolean ,
construct : constructYamlBoolean ,
predicate : isBoolean ,
represent : {
lowercase : function ( object ) { return object ? 'true' : 'false' ; } ,
uppercase : function ( object ) { return object ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE' ; } ,
camelcase : function ( object ) { return object ? 'True' : 'False' ; }
} ,
defaultStyle : 'lowercase'
} ) ;
function isHexCode ( c ) {
return ( ( 0x30 /* 0 */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x39 /* 9 */ ) ) ||
( ( 0x41 /* A */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x46 /* F */ ) ) ||
( ( 0x61 /* a */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x66 /* f */ ) ) ;
function isOctCode ( c ) {
return ( ( 0x30 /* 0 */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x37 /* 7 */ ) ) ;
function isDecCode ( c ) {
return ( ( 0x30 /* 0 */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x39 /* 9 */ ) ) ;
function resolveYamlInteger ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return false ;
var max = data . length ,
index = 0 ,
hasDigits = false ,
ch ;
if ( ! max ) return false ;
ch = data [ index ] ;
// sign
if ( ch === '-' || ch === '+' ) {
ch = data [ ++ index ] ;
if ( ch === '0' ) {
// 0
if ( index + 1 === max ) return true ;
ch = data [ ++ index ] ;
// base 2, base 8, base 16
if ( ch === 'b' ) {
// base 2
index ++ ;
for ( ; index < max ; index ++ ) {
ch = data [ index ] ;
if ( ch === '_' ) continue ;
if ( ch !== '0' && ch !== '1' ) return false ;
hasDigits = true ;
return hasDigits && ch !== '_' ;
if ( ch === 'x' ) {
// base 16
index ++ ;
for ( ; index < max ; index ++ ) {
ch = data [ index ] ;
if ( ch === '_' ) continue ;
if ( ! isHexCode ( data . charCodeAt ( index ) ) ) return false ;
hasDigits = true ;
return hasDigits && ch !== '_' ;
if ( ch === 'o' ) {
// base 8
index ++ ;
for ( ; index < max ; index ++ ) {
ch = data [ index ] ;
if ( ch === '_' ) continue ;
if ( ! isOctCode ( data . charCodeAt ( index ) ) ) return false ;
hasDigits = true ;
return hasDigits && ch !== '_' ;
// base 10 (except 0)
// value should not start with `_`;
if ( ch === '_' ) return false ;
for ( ; index < max ; index ++ ) {
ch = data [ index ] ;
if ( ch === '_' ) continue ;
if ( ! isDecCode ( data . charCodeAt ( index ) ) ) {
return false ;
hasDigits = true ;
// Should have digits and should not end with `_`
if ( ! hasDigits || ch === '_' ) return false ;
return true ;
function constructYamlInteger ( data ) {
var value = data , sign = 1 , ch ;
if ( value . indexOf ( '_' ) !== - 1 ) {
value = value . replace ( /_/g , '' ) ;
ch = value [ 0 ] ;
if ( ch === '-' || ch === '+' ) {
if ( ch === '-' ) sign = - 1 ;
value = value . slice ( 1 ) ;
ch = value [ 0 ] ;
if ( value === '0' ) return 0 ;
if ( ch === '0' ) {
if ( value [ 1 ] === 'b' ) return sign * parseInt ( value . slice ( 2 ) , 2 ) ;
if ( value [ 1 ] === 'x' ) return sign * parseInt ( value . slice ( 2 ) , 16 ) ;
if ( value [ 1 ] === 'o' ) return sign * parseInt ( value . slice ( 2 ) , 8 ) ;
return sign * parseInt ( value , 10 ) ;
function isInteger ( object ) {
return ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( object ) ) === '[object Number]' &&
( object % 1 === 0 && ! common . isNegativeZero ( object ) ) ;
var int = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:int' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlInteger ,
construct : constructYamlInteger ,
predicate : isInteger ,
represent : {
binary : function ( obj ) { return obj >= 0 ? '0b' + obj . toString ( 2 ) : '-0b' + obj . toString ( 2 ) . slice ( 1 ) ; } ,
octal : function ( obj ) { return obj >= 0 ? '0o' + obj . toString ( 8 ) : '-0o' + obj . toString ( 8 ) . slice ( 1 ) ; } ,
decimal : function ( obj ) { return obj . toString ( 10 ) ; } ,
/* eslint-disable max-len */
hexadecimal : function ( obj ) { return obj >= 0 ? '0x' + obj . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) : '-0x' + obj . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) . slice ( 1 ) ; }
} ,
defaultStyle : 'decimal' ,
styleAliases : {
binary : [ 2 , 'bin' ] ,
octal : [ 8 , 'oct' ] ,
decimal : [ 10 , 'dec' ] ,
hexadecimal : [ 16 , 'hex' ]
} ) ;
var YAML _FLOAT _PATTERN = new RegExp (
// 2.5e4, 2.5 and integers
'^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
// .2e4, .2
// special case, seems not from spec
'|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?' +
// .inf
'|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)' +
// .nan
'|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$' ) ;
function resolveYamlFloat ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return false ;
if ( ! YAML _FLOAT _PATTERN . test ( data ) ||
// Quick hack to not allow integers end with `_`
// Probably should update regexp & check speed
data [ data . length - 1 ] === '_' ) {
return false ;
return true ;
function constructYamlFloat ( data ) {
var value , sign ;
value = data . replace ( /_/g , '' ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
sign = value [ 0 ] === '-' ? - 1 : 1 ;
if ( '+-' . indexOf ( value [ 0 ] ) >= 0 ) {
value = value . slice ( 1 ) ;
if ( value === '.inf' ) {
return ( sign === 1 ) ? Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY : Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ;
} else if ( value === '.nan' ) {
return NaN ;
return sign * parseFloat ( value , 10 ) ;
var SCIENTIFIC _WITHOUT _DOT = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/ ;
function representYamlFloat ( object , style ) {
var res ;
if ( isNaN ( object ) ) {
switch ( style ) {
case 'lowercase' : return '.nan' ;
case 'uppercase' : return '.NAN' ;
case 'camelcase' : return '.NaN' ;
} else if ( Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY === object ) {
switch ( style ) {
case 'lowercase' : return '.inf' ;
case 'uppercase' : return '.INF' ;
case 'camelcase' : return '.Inf' ;
} else if ( Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY === object ) {
switch ( style ) {
case 'lowercase' : return '-.inf' ;
case 'uppercase' : return '-.INF' ;
case 'camelcase' : return '-.Inf' ;
} else if ( common . isNegativeZero ( object ) ) {
return '-0.0' ;
res = object . toString ( 10 ) ;
// JS stringifier can build scientific format without dots: 5e-100,
// while YAML requres dot: 5.e-100. Fix it with simple hack
return SCIENTIFIC _WITHOUT _DOT . test ( res ) ? res . replace ( 'e' , '.e' ) : res ;
function isFloat ( object ) {
return ( Object . prototype . toString . call ( object ) === '[object Number]' ) &&
( object % 1 !== 0 || common . isNegativeZero ( object ) ) ;
var float = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:float' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlFloat ,
construct : constructYamlFloat ,
predicate : isFloat ,
represent : representYamlFloat ,
defaultStyle : 'lowercase'
} ) ;
var json = failsafe . extend ( {
implicit : [
_null ,
bool ,
int ,
} ) ;
var core = json ;
var YAML _DATE _REGEXP = new RegExp (
'^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
'-([0-9][0-9])' + // [2] month
'-([0-9][0-9])$' ) ; // [3] day
var YAML _TIMESTAMP _REGEXP = new RegExp (
'^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])' + // [1] year
'-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [2] month
'-([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [3] day
'(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)' + // ...
'([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [4] hour
':([0-9][0-9])' + // [5] minute
':([0-9][0-9])' + // [6] second
'(?:\\.([0-9]*))?' + // [7] fraction
'(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)' + // [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour
'(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$' ) ; // [11] tz_minute
function resolveYamlTimestamp ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return false ;
if ( YAML _DATE _REGEXP . exec ( data ) !== null ) return true ;
if ( YAML _TIMESTAMP _REGEXP . exec ( data ) !== null ) return true ;
return false ;
function constructYamlTimestamp ( data ) {
var match , year , month , day , hour , minute , second , fraction = 0 ,
delta = null , tz _hour , tz _minute , date ;
match = YAML _DATE _REGEXP . exec ( data ) ;
if ( match === null ) match = YAML _TIMESTAMP _REGEXP . exec ( data ) ;
if ( match === null ) throw new Error ( 'Date resolve error' ) ;
// match: [1] year [2] month [3] day
year = + ( match [ 1 ] ) ;
month = + ( match [ 2 ] ) - 1 ; // JS month starts with 0
day = + ( match [ 3 ] ) ;
if ( ! match [ 4 ] ) { // no hour
return new Date ( Date . UTC ( year , month , day ) ) ;
// match: [4] hour [5] minute [6] second [7] fraction
hour = + ( match [ 4 ] ) ;
minute = + ( match [ 5 ] ) ;
second = + ( match [ 6 ] ) ;
if ( match [ 7 ] ) {
fraction = match [ 7 ] . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ;
while ( fraction . length < 3 ) { // milli-seconds
fraction += '0' ;
fraction = + fraction ;
// match: [8] tz [9] tz_sign [10] tz_hour [11] tz_minute
if ( match [ 9 ] ) {
tz _hour = + ( match [ 10 ] ) ;
tz _minute = + ( match [ 11 ] || 0 ) ;
delta = ( tz _hour * 60 + tz _minute ) * 60000 ; // delta in mili-seconds
if ( match [ 9 ] === '-' ) delta = - delta ;
date = new Date ( Date . UTC ( year , month , day , hour , minute , second , fraction ) ) ;
if ( delta ) date . setTime ( date . getTime ( ) - delta ) ;
return date ;
function representYamlTimestamp ( object /*, style*/ ) {
return object . toISOString ( ) ;
var timestamp = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlTimestamp ,
construct : constructYamlTimestamp ,
instanceOf : Date ,
represent : representYamlTimestamp
} ) ;
function resolveYamlMerge ( data ) {
return data === '<<' || data === null ;
var merge = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:merge' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlMerge
} ) ;
/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
// [ 64, 65, 66 ] -> [ padding, CR, LF ]
var BASE64 _MAP = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r' ;
function resolveYamlBinary ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return false ;
var code , idx , bitlen = 0 , max = data . length , map = BASE64 _MAP ;
// Convert one by one.
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < max ; idx ++ ) {
code = map . indexOf ( data . charAt ( idx ) ) ;
// Skip CR/LF
if ( code > 64 ) continue ;
// Fail on illegal characters
if ( code < 0 ) return false ;
bitlen += 6 ;
// If there are any bits left, source was corrupted
return ( bitlen % 8 ) === 0 ;
function constructYamlBinary ( data ) {
var idx , tailbits ,
input = data . replace ( /[\r\n=]/g , '' ) , // remove CR/LF & padding to simplify scan
max = input . length ,
map = BASE64 _MAP ,
bits = 0 ,
result = [ ] ;
// Collect by 6*4 bits (3 bytes)
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < max ; idx ++ ) {
if ( ( idx % 4 === 0 ) && idx ) {
result . push ( ( bits >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) ;
result . push ( ( bits >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) ;
result . push ( bits & 0xFF ) ;
bits = ( bits << 6 ) | map . indexOf ( input . charAt ( idx ) ) ;
// Dump tail
tailbits = ( max % 4 ) * 6 ;
if ( tailbits === 0 ) {
result . push ( ( bits >> 16 ) & 0xFF ) ;
result . push ( ( bits >> 8 ) & 0xFF ) ;
result . push ( bits & 0xFF ) ;
} else if ( tailbits === 18 ) {
result . push ( ( bits >> 10 ) & 0xFF ) ;
result . push ( ( bits >> 2 ) & 0xFF ) ;
} else if ( tailbits === 12 ) {
result . push ( ( bits >> 4 ) & 0xFF ) ;
return new Uint8Array ( result ) ;
function representYamlBinary ( object /*, style*/ ) {
var result = '' , bits = 0 , idx , tail ,
max = object . length ,
map = BASE64 _MAP ;
// Convert every three bytes to 4 ASCII characters.
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < max ; idx ++ ) {
if ( ( idx % 3 === 0 ) && idx ) {
result += map [ ( bits >> 18 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits >> 12 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits >> 6 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ bits & 0x3F ] ;
bits = ( bits << 8 ) + object [ idx ] ;
// Dump tail
tail = max % 3 ;
if ( tail === 0 ) {
result += map [ ( bits >> 18 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits >> 12 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits >> 6 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ bits & 0x3F ] ;
} else if ( tail === 2 ) {
result += map [ ( bits >> 10 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits >> 4 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits << 2 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ 64 ] ;
} else if ( tail === 1 ) {
result += map [ ( bits >> 2 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ ( bits << 4 ) & 0x3F ] ;
result += map [ 64 ] ;
result += map [ 64 ] ;
return result ;
function isBinary ( obj ) {
return Object . prototype . toString . call ( obj ) === '[object Uint8Array]' ;
var binary = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:binary' , {
kind : 'scalar' ,
resolve : resolveYamlBinary ,
construct : constructYamlBinary ,
predicate : isBinary ,
represent : representYamlBinary
} ) ;
var _hasOwnProperty$3 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var _toString$2 = Object . prototype . toString ;
function resolveYamlOmap ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return true ;
var objectKeys = [ ] , index , length , pair , pairKey , pairHasKey ,
object = data ;
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
pair = object [ index ] ;
pairHasKey = false ;
if ( _toString$2 . call ( pair ) !== '[object Object]' ) return false ;
for ( pairKey in pair ) {
if ( _hasOwnProperty$3 . call ( pair , pairKey ) ) {
if ( ! pairHasKey ) pairHasKey = true ;
else return false ;
if ( ! pairHasKey ) return false ;
if ( objectKeys . indexOf ( pairKey ) === - 1 ) objectKeys . push ( pairKey ) ;
else return false ;
return true ;
function constructYamlOmap ( data ) {
return data !== null ? data : [ ] ;
var omap = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:omap' , {
kind : 'sequence' ,
resolve : resolveYamlOmap ,
construct : constructYamlOmap
} ) ;
var _toString$1 = Object . prototype . toString ;
function resolveYamlPairs ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return true ;
var index , length , pair , keys , result ,
object = data ;
result = new Array ( object . length ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
pair = object [ index ] ;
if ( _toString$1 . call ( pair ) !== '[object Object]' ) return false ;
keys = Object . keys ( pair ) ;
if ( keys . length !== 1 ) return false ;
result [ index ] = [ keys [ 0 ] , pair [ keys [ 0 ] ] ] ;
return true ;
function constructYamlPairs ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return [ ] ;
var index , length , pair , keys , result ,
object = data ;
result = new Array ( object . length ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
pair = object [ index ] ;
keys = Object . keys ( pair ) ;
result [ index ] = [ keys [ 0 ] , pair [ keys [ 0 ] ] ] ;
return result ;
var pairs = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs' , {
kind : 'sequence' ,
resolve : resolveYamlPairs ,
construct : constructYamlPairs
} ) ;
var _hasOwnProperty$2 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
function resolveYamlSet ( data ) {
if ( data === null ) return true ;
var key , object = data ;
for ( key in object ) {
if ( _hasOwnProperty$2 . call ( object , key ) ) {
if ( object [ key ] !== null ) return false ;
return true ;
function constructYamlSet ( data ) {
return data !== null ? data : { } ;
var set = new type ( 'tag:yaml.org,2002:set' , {
kind : 'mapping' ,
resolve : resolveYamlSet ,
construct : constructYamlSet
} ) ;
var _default = core . extend ( {
implicit : [
timestamp ,
] ,
explicit : [
binary ,
omap ,
pairs ,
} ) ;
/*eslint-disable max-len,no-use-before-define*/
var _hasOwnProperty$1 = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var CONTEXT _FLOW _IN = 1 ;
var CONTEXT _FLOW _OUT = 2 ;
var CONTEXT _BLOCK _IN = 3 ;
var CHOMPING _CLIP = 1 ;
var CHOMPING _KEEP = 3 ;
var PATTERN _NON _PRINTABLE = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/ ;
var PATTERN _NON _ASCII _LINE _BREAKS = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/ ;
var PATTERN _FLOW _INDICATORS = /[,\[\]\{\}]/ ;
var PATTERN _TAG _HANDLE = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i ;
var PATTERN _TAG _URI = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i ;
function _class ( obj ) { return Object . prototype . toString . call ( obj ) ; }
function is _EOL ( c ) {
return ( c === 0x0A /* LF */ ) || ( c === 0x0D /* CR */ ) ;
function is _WHITE _SPACE ( c ) {
return ( c === 0x09 /* Tab */ ) || ( c === 0x20 /* Space */ ) ;
function is _WS _OR _EOL ( c ) {
return ( c === 0x09 /* Tab */ ) ||
( c === 0x20 /* Space */ ) ||
( c === 0x0A /* LF */ ) ||
( c === 0x0D /* CR */ ) ;
function is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( c ) {
return c === 0x2C /* , */ ||
c === 0x5B /* [ */ ||
c === 0x5D /* ] */ ||
c === 0x7B /* { */ ||
c === 0x7D /* } */ ;
function fromHexCode ( c ) {
var lc ;
if ( ( 0x30 /* 0 */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x39 /* 9 */ ) ) {
return c - 0x30 ;
/*eslint-disable no-bitwise*/
lc = c | 0x20 ;
if ( ( 0x61 /* a */ <= lc ) && ( lc <= 0x66 /* f */ ) ) {
return lc - 0x61 + 10 ;
return - 1 ;
function escapedHexLen ( c ) {
if ( c === 0x78 /* x */ ) { return 2 ; }
if ( c === 0x75 /* u */ ) { return 4 ; }
if ( c === 0x55 /* U */ ) { return 8 ; }
return 0 ;
function fromDecimalCode ( c ) {
if ( ( 0x30 /* 0 */ <= c ) && ( c <= 0x39 /* 9 */ ) ) {
return c - 0x30 ;
return - 1 ;
function simpleEscapeSequence ( c ) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
return ( c === 0x30 /* 0 */ ) ? '\x00' :
( c === 0x61 /* a */ ) ? '\x07' :
( c === 0x62 /* b */ ) ? '\x08' :
( c === 0x74 /* t */ ) ? '\x09' :
( c === 0x09 /* Tab */ ) ? '\x09' :
( c === 0x6E /* n */ ) ? '\x0A' :
( c === 0x76 /* v */ ) ? '\x0B' :
( c === 0x66 /* f */ ) ? '\x0C' :
( c === 0x72 /* r */ ) ? '\x0D' :
( c === 0x65 /* e */ ) ? '\x1B' :
( c === 0x20 /* Space */ ) ? ' ' :
( c === 0x22 /* " */ ) ? '\x22' :
( c === 0x2F /* / */ ) ? '/' :
( c === 0x5C /* \ */ ) ? '\x5C' :
( c === 0x4E /* N */ ) ? '\x85' :
( c === 0x5F /* _ */ ) ? '\xA0' :
( c === 0x4C /* L */ ) ? '\u2028' :
( c === 0x50 /* P */ ) ? '\u2029' : '' ;
function charFromCodepoint ( c ) {
if ( c <= 0xFFFF ) {
return String . fromCharCode ( c ) ;
// Encode UTF-16 surrogate pair
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#Code_points_U.2B010000_to_U.2B10FFFF
return String . fromCharCode (
( ( c - 0x010000 ) >> 10 ) + 0xD800 ,
( ( c - 0x010000 ) & 0x03FF ) + 0xDC00
) ;
var simpleEscapeCheck = new Array ( 256 ) ; // integer, for fast access
var simpleEscapeMap = new Array ( 256 ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i ++ ) {
simpleEscapeCheck [ i ] = simpleEscapeSequence ( i ) ? 1 : 0 ;
simpleEscapeMap [ i ] = simpleEscapeSequence ( i ) ;
function State$1 ( input , options ) {
this . input = input ;
this . filename = options [ 'filename' ] || null ;
this . schema = options [ 'schema' ] || _default ;
this . onWarning = options [ 'onWarning' ] || null ;
// (Hidden) Remove? makes the loader to expect YAML 1.1 documents
// if such documents have no explicit %YAML directive
this . legacy = options [ 'legacy' ] || false ;
this . json = options [ 'json' ] || false ;
this . listener = options [ 'listener' ] || null ;
this . implicitTypes = this . schema . compiledImplicit ;
this . typeMap = this . schema . compiledTypeMap ;
this . length = input . length ;
this . position = 0 ;
this . line = 0 ;
this . lineStart = 0 ;
this . lineIndent = 0 ;
// position of first leading tab in the current line,
// used to make sure there are no tabs in the indentation
this . firstTabInLine = - 1 ;
this . documents = [ ] ;
/ *
this . version ;
this . checkLineBreaks ;
this . tagMap ;
this . anchorMap ;
this . tag ;
this . anchor ;
this . kind ;
this . result ; * /
function generateError ( state , message ) {
var mark = {
name : state . filename ,
buffer : state . input . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) , // omit trailing \0
position : state . position ,
line : state . line ,
column : state . position - state . lineStart
} ;
mark . snippet = snippet ( mark ) ;
return new exception ( message , mark ) ;
function throwError ( state , message ) {
throw generateError ( state , message ) ;
function throwWarning ( state , message ) {
if ( state . onWarning ) {
state . onWarning . call ( null , generateError ( state , message ) ) ;
var directiveHandlers = {
YAML : function handleYamlDirective ( state , name , args ) {
var match , major , minor ;
if ( state . version !== null ) {
throwError ( state , 'duplication of %YAML directive' ) ;
if ( args . length !== 1 ) {
throwError ( state , 'YAML directive accepts exactly one argument' ) ;
match = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/ . exec ( args [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( match === null ) {
throwError ( state , 'ill-formed argument of the YAML directive' ) ;
major = parseInt ( match [ 1 ] , 10 ) ;
minor = parseInt ( match [ 2 ] , 10 ) ;
if ( major !== 1 ) {
throwError ( state , 'unacceptable YAML version of the document' ) ;
state . version = args [ 0 ] ;
state . checkLineBreaks = ( minor < 2 ) ;
if ( minor !== 1 && minor !== 2 ) {
throwWarning ( state , 'unsupported YAML version of the document' ) ;
} ,
TAG : function handleTagDirective ( state , name , args ) {
var handle , prefix ;
if ( args . length !== 2 ) {
throwError ( state , 'TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments' ) ;
handle = args [ 0 ] ;
prefix = args [ 1 ] ;
if ( ! PATTERN _TAG _HANDLE . test ( handle ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive' ) ;
if ( _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( state . tagMap , handle ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + handle + '" tag handle' ) ;
if ( ! PATTERN _TAG _URI . test ( prefix ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive' ) ;
try {
prefix = decodeURIComponent ( prefix ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
throwError ( state , 'tag prefix is malformed: ' + prefix ) ;
state . tagMap [ handle ] = prefix ;
} ;
function captureSegment ( state , start , end , checkJson ) {
var _position , _length , _character , _result ;
if ( start < end ) {
_result = state . input . slice ( start , end ) ;
if ( checkJson ) {
for ( _position = 0 , _length = _result . length ; _position < _length ; _position += 1 ) {
_character = _result . charCodeAt ( _position ) ;
if ( ! ( _character === 0x09 ||
( 0x20 <= _character && _character <= 0x10FFFF ) ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'expected valid JSON character' ) ;
} else if ( PATTERN _NON _PRINTABLE . test ( _result ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'the stream contains non-printable characters' ) ;
state . result += _result ;
function mergeMappings ( state , destination , source , overridableKeys ) {
var sourceKeys , key , index , quantity ;
if ( ! common . isObject ( source ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable' ) ;
sourceKeys = Object . keys ( source ) ;
for ( index = 0 , quantity = sourceKeys . length ; index < quantity ; index += 1 ) {
key = sourceKeys [ index ] ;
if ( ! _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( destination , key ) ) {
destination [ key ] = source [ key ] ;
overridableKeys [ key ] = true ;
function storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , valueNode ,
startLine , startLineStart , startPos ) {
var index , quantity ;
// The output is a plain object here, so keys can only be strings.
// We need to convert keyNode to a string, but doing so can hang the process
// (deeply nested arrays that explode exponentially using aliases).
if ( Array . isArray ( keyNode ) ) {
keyNode = Array . prototype . slice . call ( keyNode ) ;
for ( index = 0 , quantity = keyNode . length ; index < quantity ; index += 1 ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( keyNode [ index ] ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'nested arrays are not supported inside keys' ) ;
if ( typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class ( keyNode [ index ] ) === '[object Object]' ) {
keyNode [ index ] = '[object Object]' ;
// Avoid code execution in load() via toString property
// (still use its own toString for arrays, timestamps,
// and whatever user schema extensions happen to have @@toStringTag)
if ( typeof keyNode === 'object' && _class ( keyNode ) === '[object Object]' ) {
keyNode = '[object Object]' ;
keyNode = String ( keyNode ) ;
if ( _result === null ) {
_result = { } ;
if ( keyTag === 'tag:yaml.org,2002:merge' ) {
if ( Array . isArray ( valueNode ) ) {
for ( index = 0 , quantity = valueNode . length ; index < quantity ; index += 1 ) {
mergeMappings ( state , _result , valueNode [ index ] , overridableKeys ) ;
} else {
mergeMappings ( state , _result , valueNode , overridableKeys ) ;
} else {
if ( ! state . json &&
! _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( overridableKeys , keyNode ) &&
_hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( _result , keyNode ) ) {
state . line = startLine || state . line ;
state . lineStart = startLineStart || state . lineStart ;
state . position = startPos || state . position ;
throwError ( state , 'duplicated mapping key' ) ;
// used for this specific key only because Object.defineProperty is slow
if ( keyNode === '__proto__' ) {
Object . defineProperty ( _result , keyNode , {
configurable : true ,
enumerable : true ,
writable : true ,
value : valueNode
} ) ;
} else {
_result [ keyNode ] = valueNode ;
delete overridableKeys [ keyNode ] ;
return _result ;
function readLineBreak ( state ) {
var ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x0A /* LF */ ) {
state . position ++ ;
} else if ( ch === 0x0D /* CR */ ) {
state . position ++ ;
if ( state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) === 0x0A /* LF */ ) {
state . position ++ ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'a line break is expected' ) ;
state . line += 1 ;
state . lineStart = state . position ;
state . firstTabInLine = - 1 ;
function skipSeparationSpace ( state , allowComments , checkIndent ) {
var lineBreaks = 0 ,
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
while ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
if ( ch === 0x09 /* Tab */ && state . firstTabInLine === - 1 ) {
state . firstTabInLine = state . position ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( allowComments && ch === 0x23 /* # */ ) {
do {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} while ( ch !== 0x0A /* LF */ && ch !== 0x0D /* CR */ && ch !== 0 ) ;
if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
readLineBreak ( state ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
lineBreaks ++ ;
state . lineIndent = 0 ;
while ( ch === 0x20 /* Space */ ) {
state . lineIndent ++ ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} else {
break ;
if ( checkIndent !== - 1 && lineBreaks !== 0 && state . lineIndent < checkIndent ) {
throwWarning ( state , 'deficient indentation' ) ;
return lineBreaks ;
function testDocumentSeparator ( state ) {
var _position = state . position ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( _position ) ;
// Condition state.position === state.lineStart is tested
// in parent on each call, for efficiency. No needs to test here again.
if ( ( ch === 0x2D /* - */ || ch === 0x2E /* . */ ) &&
ch === state . input . charCodeAt ( _position + 1 ) &&
ch === state . input . charCodeAt ( _position + 2 ) ) {
_position += 3 ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( _position ) ;
if ( ch === 0 || is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
function writeFoldedLines ( state , count ) {
if ( count === 1 ) {
state . result += ' ' ;
} else if ( count > 1 ) {
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , count - 1 ) ;
function readPlainScalar ( state , nodeIndent , withinFlowCollection ) {
var preceding ,
following ,
captureStart ,
captureEnd ,
hasPendingContent ,
_line ,
_lineStart ,
_lineIndent ,
_kind = state . kind ,
_result = state . result ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ||
is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( ch ) ||
ch === 0x23 /* # */ ||
ch === 0x26 /* & */ ||
ch === 0x2A /* * */ ||
ch === 0x21 /* ! */ ||
ch === 0x7C /* | */ ||
ch === 0x3E /* > */ ||
ch === 0x27 /* ' */ ||
ch === 0x22 /* " */ ||
ch === 0x25 /* % */ ||
ch === 0x40 /* @ */ ||
ch === 0x60 /* ` */ ) {
return false ;
if ( ch === 0x3F /* ? */ || ch === 0x2D /* - */ ) {
following = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) ;
if ( is _WS _OR _EOL ( following ) ||
withinFlowCollection && is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( following ) ) {
return false ;
state . kind = 'scalar' ;
state . result = '' ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
hasPendingContent = false ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
if ( ch === 0x3A /* : */ ) {
following = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) ;
if ( is _WS _OR _EOL ( following ) ||
withinFlowCollection && is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( following ) ) {
break ;
} else if ( ch === 0x23 /* # */ ) {
preceding = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position - 1 ) ;
if ( is _WS _OR _EOL ( preceding ) ) {
break ;
} else if ( ( state . position === state . lineStart && testDocumentSeparator ( state ) ) ||
withinFlowCollection && is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( ch ) ) {
break ;
} else if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
_line = state . line ;
_lineStart = state . lineStart ;
_lineIndent = state . lineIndent ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , false , - 1 ) ;
if ( state . lineIndent >= nodeIndent ) {
hasPendingContent = true ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
continue ;
} else {
state . position = captureEnd ;
state . line = _line ;
state . lineStart = _lineStart ;
state . lineIndent = _lineIndent ;
break ;
if ( hasPendingContent ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , captureEnd , false ) ;
writeFoldedLines ( state , state . line - _line ) ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
hasPendingContent = false ;
if ( ! is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
captureEnd = state . position + 1 ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , captureEnd , false ) ;
if ( state . result ) {
return true ;
state . kind = _kind ;
state . result = _result ;
return false ;
function readSingleQuotedScalar ( state , nodeIndent ) {
var ch ,
captureStart , captureEnd ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x27 /* ' */ ) {
return false ;
state . kind = 'scalar' ;
state . result = '' ;
state . position ++ ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
while ( ( ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ) !== 0 ) {
if ( ch === 0x27 /* ' */ ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , state . position , true ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x27 /* ' */ ) {
captureStart = state . position ;
state . position ++ ;
captureEnd = state . position ;
} else {
return true ;
} else if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , captureEnd , true ) ;
writeFoldedLines ( state , skipSeparationSpace ( state , false , nodeIndent ) ) ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
} else if ( state . position === state . lineStart && testDocumentSeparator ( state ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar' ) ;
} else {
state . position ++ ;
captureEnd = state . position ;
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar' ) ;
function readDoubleQuotedScalar ( state , nodeIndent ) {
var captureStart ,
captureEnd ,
hexLength ,
hexResult ,
tmp ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x22 /* " */ ) {
return false ;
state . kind = 'scalar' ;
state . result = '' ;
state . position ++ ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
while ( ( ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ) !== 0 ) {
if ( ch === 0x22 /* " */ ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , state . position , true ) ;
state . position ++ ;
return true ;
} else if ( ch === 0x5C /* \ */ ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , state . position , true ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
skipSeparationSpace ( state , false , nodeIndent ) ;
// TODO: rework to inline fn with no type cast?
} else if ( ch < 256 && simpleEscapeCheck [ ch ] ) {
state . result += simpleEscapeMap [ ch ] ;
state . position ++ ;
} else if ( ( tmp = escapedHexLen ( ch ) ) > 0 ) {
hexLength = tmp ;
hexResult = 0 ;
for ( ; hexLength > 0 ; hexLength -- ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ( tmp = fromHexCode ( ch ) ) >= 0 ) {
hexResult = ( hexResult << 4 ) + tmp ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'expected hexadecimal character' ) ;
state . result += charFromCodepoint ( hexResult ) ;
state . position ++ ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'unknown escape sequence' ) ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
} else if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , captureEnd , true ) ;
writeFoldedLines ( state , skipSeparationSpace ( state , false , nodeIndent ) ) ;
captureStart = captureEnd = state . position ;
} else if ( state . position === state . lineStart && testDocumentSeparator ( state ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar' ) ;
} else {
state . position ++ ;
captureEnd = state . position ;
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar' ) ;
function readFlowCollection ( state , nodeIndent ) {
var readNext = true ,
_line ,
_lineStart ,
_pos ,
_tag = state . tag ,
_result ,
_anchor = state . anchor ,
following ,
terminator ,
isPair ,
isExplicitPair ,
isMapping ,
overridableKeys = Object . create ( null ) ,
keyNode ,
keyTag ,
valueNode ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x5B /* [ */ ) {
terminator = 0x5D ; /* ] */
isMapping = false ;
_result = [ ] ;
} else if ( ch === 0x7B /* { */ ) {
terminator = 0x7D ; /* } */
isMapping = true ;
_result = { } ;
} else {
return false ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = _result ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , nodeIndent ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch === terminator ) {
state . position ++ ;
state . tag = _tag ;
state . anchor = _anchor ;
state . kind = isMapping ? 'mapping' : 'sequence' ;
state . result = _result ;
return true ;
} else if ( ! readNext ) {
throwError ( state , 'missed comma between flow collection entries' ) ;
} else if ( ch === 0x2C /* , */ ) {
// "flow collection entries can never be completely empty", as per YAML 1.2, section 7.4
throwError ( state , "expected the node content, but found ','" ) ;
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null ;
isPair = isExplicitPair = false ;
if ( ch === 0x3F /* ? */ ) {
following = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) ;
if ( is _WS _OR _EOL ( following ) ) {
isPair = isExplicitPair = true ;
state . position ++ ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , nodeIndent ) ;
_line = state . line ; // Save the current line.
_lineStart = state . lineStart ;
_pos = state . position ;
composeNode ( state , nodeIndent , CONTEXT _FLOW _IN , false , true ) ;
keyTag = state . tag ;
keyNode = state . result ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , nodeIndent ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ( isExplicitPair || state . line === _line ) && ch === 0x3A /* : */ ) {
isPair = true ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , nodeIndent ) ;
composeNode ( state , nodeIndent , CONTEXT _FLOW _IN , false , true ) ;
valueNode = state . result ;
if ( isMapping ) {
storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , valueNode , _line , _lineStart , _pos ) ;
} else if ( isPair ) {
_result . push ( storeMappingPair ( state , null , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , valueNode , _line , _lineStart , _pos ) ) ;
} else {
_result . push ( keyNode ) ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , nodeIndent ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x2C /* , */ ) {
readNext = true ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} else {
readNext = false ;
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection' ) ;
function readBlockScalar ( state , nodeIndent ) {
var captureStart ,
folding ,
chomping = CHOMPING _CLIP ,
didReadContent = false ,
detectedIndent = false ,
textIndent = nodeIndent ,
emptyLines = 0 ,
atMoreIndented = false ,
tmp ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x7C /* | */ ) {
folding = false ;
} else if ( ch === 0x3E /* > */ ) {
folding = true ;
} else {
return false ;
state . kind = 'scalar' ;
state . result = '' ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x2B /* + */ || ch === 0x2D /* - */ ) {
if ( CHOMPING _CLIP === chomping ) {
chomping = ( ch === 0x2B /* + */ ) ? CHOMPING _KEEP : CHOMPING _STRIP ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'repeat of a chomping mode identifier' ) ;
} else if ( ( tmp = fromDecimalCode ( ch ) ) >= 0 ) {
if ( tmp === 0 ) {
throwError ( state , 'bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one' ) ;
} else if ( ! detectedIndent ) {
textIndent = nodeIndent + tmp - 1 ;
detectedIndent = true ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'repeat of an indentation width identifier' ) ;
} else {
break ;
if ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
do { ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ; }
while ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) ;
if ( ch === 0x23 /* # */ ) {
do { ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ; }
while ( ! is _EOL ( ch ) && ( ch !== 0 ) ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
readLineBreak ( state ) ;
state . lineIndent = 0 ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
while ( ( ! detectedIndent || state . lineIndent < textIndent ) &&
( ch === 0x20 /* Space */ ) ) {
state . lineIndent ++ ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ! detectedIndent && state . lineIndent > textIndent ) {
textIndent = state . lineIndent ;
if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) {
emptyLines ++ ;
continue ;
// End of the scalar.
if ( state . lineIndent < textIndent ) {
// Perform the chomping.
if ( chomping === CHOMPING _KEEP ) {
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines ) ;
} else if ( chomping === CHOMPING _CLIP ) {
if ( didReadContent ) { // i.e. only if the scalar is not empty.
state . result += '\n' ;
// Break this `while` cycle and go to the funciton's epilogue.
break ;
// Folded style: use fancy rules to handle line breaks.
if ( folding ) {
// Lines starting with white space characters (more-indented lines) are not folded.
if ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
atMoreIndented = true ;
// except for the first content line (cf. Example 8.1)
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines ) ;
// End of more-indented block.
} else if ( atMoreIndented ) {
atMoreIndented = false ;
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , emptyLines + 1 ) ;
// Just one line break - perceive as the same line.
} else if ( emptyLines === 0 ) {
if ( didReadContent ) { // i.e. only if we have already read some scalar content.
state . result += ' ' ;
// Several line breaks - perceive as different lines.
} else {
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , emptyLines ) ;
// Literal style: just add exact number of line breaks between content lines.
} else {
// Keep all line breaks except the header line break.
state . result += common . repeat ( '\n' , didReadContent ? 1 + emptyLines : emptyLines ) ;
didReadContent = true ;
detectedIndent = true ;
emptyLines = 0 ;
captureStart = state . position ;
while ( ! is _EOL ( ch ) && ( ch !== 0 ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
captureSegment ( state , captureStart , state . position , false ) ;
return true ;
function readBlockSequence ( state , nodeIndent ) {
var _line ,
_tag = state . tag ,
_anchor = state . anchor ,
_result = [ ] ,
following ,
detected = false ,
ch ;
// there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
// it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
if ( state . firstTabInLine !== - 1 ) return false ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = _result ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
if ( state . firstTabInLine !== - 1 ) {
state . position = state . firstTabInLine ;
throwError ( state , 'tab characters must not be used in indentation' ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x2D /* - */ ) {
break ;
following = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) ;
if ( ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( following ) ) {
break ;
detected = true ;
state . position ++ ;
if ( skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ) {
if ( state . lineIndent <= nodeIndent ) {
_result . push ( null ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
continue ;
_line = state . line ;
composeNode ( state , nodeIndent , CONTEXT _BLOCK _IN , false , true ) ;
_result . push ( state . result ) ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ( state . line === _line || state . lineIndent > nodeIndent ) && ( ch !== 0 ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'bad indentation of a sequence entry' ) ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent < nodeIndent ) {
break ;
if ( detected ) {
state . tag = _tag ;
state . anchor = _anchor ;
state . kind = 'sequence' ;
state . result = _result ;
return true ;
return false ;
function readBlockMapping ( state , nodeIndent , flowIndent ) {
var following ,
allowCompact ,
_line ,
_keyLine ,
_keyLineStart ,
_keyPos ,
_tag = state . tag ,
_anchor = state . anchor ,
_result = { } ,
overridableKeys = Object . create ( null ) ,
keyTag = null ,
keyNode = null ,
valueNode = null ,
atExplicitKey = false ,
detected = false ,
ch ;
// there is a leading tab before this token, so it can't be a block sequence/mapping;
// it can still be flow sequence/mapping or a scalar
if ( state . firstTabInLine !== - 1 ) return false ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = _result ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
if ( ! atExplicitKey && state . firstTabInLine !== - 1 ) {
state . position = state . firstTabInLine ;
throwError ( state , 'tab characters must not be used in indentation' ) ;
following = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) ;
_line = state . line ; // Save the current line.
// Explicit notation case. There are two separate blocks:
// first for the key (denoted by "?") and second for the value (denoted by ":")
if ( ( ch === 0x3F /* ? */ || ch === 0x3A /* : */ ) && is _WS _OR _EOL ( following ) ) {
if ( ch === 0x3F /* ? */ ) {
if ( atExplicitKey ) {
storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , null , _keyLine , _keyLineStart , _keyPos ) ;
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null ;
detected = true ;
atExplicitKey = true ;
allowCompact = true ;
} else if ( atExplicitKey ) {
// i.e. 0x3A/* : */ === character after the explicit key.
atExplicitKey = false ;
allowCompact = true ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line' ) ;
state . position += 1 ;
ch = following ;
// Implicit notation case. Flow-style node as the key first, then ":", and the value.
} else {
_keyLine = state . line ;
_keyLineStart = state . lineStart ;
_keyPos = state . position ;
if ( ! composeNode ( state , flowIndent , CONTEXT _FLOW _OUT , false , true ) ) {
// Neither implicit nor explicit notation.
// Reading is done. Go to the epilogue.
break ;
if ( state . line === _line ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
while ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x3A /* : */ ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping' ) ;
if ( atExplicitKey ) {
storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , null , _keyLine , _keyLineStart , _keyPos ) ;
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null ;
detected = true ;
atExplicitKey = false ;
allowCompact = false ;
keyTag = state . tag ;
keyNode = state . result ;
} else if ( detected ) {
throwError ( state , 'can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed' ) ;
} else {
state . tag = _tag ;
state . anchor = _anchor ;
return true ; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
} else if ( detected ) {
throwError ( state , 'can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key' ) ;
} else {
state . tag = _tag ;
state . anchor = _anchor ;
return true ; // Keep the result of `composeNode`.
// Common reading code for both explicit and implicit notations.
if ( state . line === _line || state . lineIndent > nodeIndent ) {
if ( atExplicitKey ) {
_keyLine = state . line ;
_keyLineStart = state . lineStart ;
_keyPos = state . position ;
if ( composeNode ( state , nodeIndent , CONTEXT _BLOCK _OUT , true , allowCompact ) ) {
if ( atExplicitKey ) {
keyNode = state . result ;
} else {
valueNode = state . result ;
if ( ! atExplicitKey ) {
storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , valueNode , _keyLine , _keyLineStart , _keyPos ) ;
keyTag = keyNode = valueNode = null ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ( state . line === _line || state . lineIndent > nodeIndent ) && ( ch !== 0 ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'bad indentation of a mapping entry' ) ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent < nodeIndent ) {
break ;
// Epilogue.
// Special case: last mapping's node contains only the key in explicit notation.
if ( atExplicitKey ) {
storeMappingPair ( state , _result , overridableKeys , keyTag , keyNode , null , _keyLine , _keyLineStart , _keyPos ) ;
// Expose the resulting mapping.
if ( detected ) {
state . tag = _tag ;
state . anchor = _anchor ;
state . kind = 'mapping' ;
state . result = _result ;
return detected ;
function readTagProperty ( state ) {
var _position ,
isVerbatim = false ,
isNamed = false ,
tagHandle ,
tagName ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x21 /* ! */ ) return false ;
if ( state . tag !== null ) {
throwError ( state , 'duplication of a tag property' ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x3C /* < */ ) {
isVerbatim = true ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} else if ( ch === 0x21 /* ! */ ) {
isNamed = true ;
tagHandle = '!!' ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} else {
tagHandle = '!' ;
_position = state . position ;
if ( isVerbatim ) {
do { ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ; }
while ( ch !== 0 && ch !== 0x3E /* > */ ) ;
if ( state . position < state . length ) {
tagName = state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag' ) ;
} else {
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ) {
if ( ch === 0x21 /* ! */ ) {
if ( ! isNamed ) {
tagHandle = state . input . slice ( _position - 1 , state . position + 1 ) ;
if ( ! PATTERN _TAG _HANDLE . test ( tagHandle ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'named tag handle cannot contain such characters' ) ;
isNamed = true ;
_position = state . position + 1 ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks' ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
tagName = state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ;
if ( PATTERN _FLOW _INDICATORS . test ( tagName ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters' ) ;
if ( tagName && ! PATTERN _TAG _URI . test ( tagName ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'tag name cannot contain such characters: ' + tagName ) ;
try {
tagName = decodeURIComponent ( tagName ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
throwError ( state , 'tag name is malformed: ' + tagName ) ;
if ( isVerbatim ) {
state . tag = tagName ;
} else if ( _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( state . tagMap , tagHandle ) ) {
state . tag = state . tagMap [ tagHandle ] + tagName ;
} else if ( tagHandle === '!' ) {
state . tag = '!' + tagName ;
} else if ( tagHandle === '!!' ) {
state . tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tagName ;
} else {
throwError ( state , 'undeclared tag handle "' + tagHandle + '"' ) ;
return true ;
function readAnchorProperty ( state ) {
var _position ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x26 /* & */ ) return false ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
throwError ( state , 'duplication of an anchor property' ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
_position = state . position ;
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) && ! is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( state . position === _position ) {
throwError ( state , 'name of an anchor node must contain at least one character' ) ;
state . anchor = state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ;
return true ;
function readAlias ( state ) {
var _position , alias ,
ch ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( ch !== 0x2A /* * */ ) return false ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
_position = state . position ;
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) && ! is _FLOW _INDICATOR ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( state . position === _position ) {
throwError ( state , 'name of an alias node must contain at least one character' ) ;
alias = state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ;
if ( ! _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( state . anchorMap , alias ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'unidentified alias "' + alias + '"' ) ;
state . result = state . anchorMap [ alias ] ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
return true ;
function composeNode ( state , parentIndent , nodeContext , allowToSeek , allowCompact ) {
var allowBlockStyles ,
allowBlockScalars ,
allowBlockCollections ,
indentStatus = 1 , // 1: this>parent, 0: this=parent, -1: this<parent
atNewLine = false ,
hasContent = false ,
typeIndex ,
typeQuantity ,
typeList ,
type ,
flowIndent ,
blockIndent ;
if ( state . listener !== null ) {
state . listener ( 'open' , state ) ;
state . tag = null ;
state . anchor = null ;
state . kind = null ;
state . result = null ;
allowBlockStyles = allowBlockScalars = allowBlockCollections =
CONTEXT _BLOCK _OUT === nodeContext ||
CONTEXT _BLOCK _IN === nodeContext ;
if ( allowToSeek ) {
if ( skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ) {
atNewLine = true ;
if ( state . lineIndent > parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = 1 ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent === parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = 0 ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent < parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = - 1 ;
if ( indentStatus === 1 ) {
while ( readTagProperty ( state ) || readAnchorProperty ( state ) ) {
if ( skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ) {
atNewLine = true ;
allowBlockCollections = allowBlockStyles ;
if ( state . lineIndent > parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = 1 ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent === parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = 0 ;
} else if ( state . lineIndent < parentIndent ) {
indentStatus = - 1 ;
} else {
allowBlockCollections = false ;
if ( allowBlockCollections ) {
allowBlockCollections = atNewLine || allowCompact ;
if ( indentStatus === 1 || CONTEXT _BLOCK _OUT === nodeContext ) {
if ( CONTEXT _FLOW _IN === nodeContext || CONTEXT _FLOW _OUT === nodeContext ) {
flowIndent = parentIndent ;
} else {
flowIndent = parentIndent + 1 ;
blockIndent = state . position - state . lineStart ;
if ( indentStatus === 1 ) {
if ( allowBlockCollections &&
( readBlockSequence ( state , blockIndent ) ||
readBlockMapping ( state , blockIndent , flowIndent ) ) ||
readFlowCollection ( state , flowIndent ) ) {
hasContent = true ;
} else {
if ( ( allowBlockScalars && readBlockScalar ( state , flowIndent ) ) ||
readSingleQuotedScalar ( state , flowIndent ) ||
readDoubleQuotedScalar ( state , flowIndent ) ) {
hasContent = true ;
} else if ( readAlias ( state ) ) {
hasContent = true ;
if ( state . tag !== null || state . anchor !== null ) {
throwError ( state , 'alias node should not have any properties' ) ;
} else if ( readPlainScalar ( state , flowIndent , CONTEXT _FLOW _IN === nodeContext ) ) {
hasContent = true ;
if ( state . tag === null ) {
state . tag = '?' ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = state . result ;
} else if ( indentStatus === 0 ) {
// Special case: block sequences are allowed to have same indentation level as the parent.
// http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2799784
hasContent = allowBlockCollections && readBlockSequence ( state , blockIndent ) ;
if ( state . tag === null ) {
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = state . result ;
} else if ( state . tag === '?' ) {
// Implicit resolving is not allowed for non-scalar types, and '?'
// non-specific tag is only automatically assigned to plain scalars.
// We only need to check kind conformity in case user explicitly assigns '?'
// tag, for example like this: "!<?> [0]"
if ( state . result !== null && state . kind !== 'scalar' ) {
throwError ( state , 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + state . kind + '"' ) ;
for ( typeIndex = 0 , typeQuantity = state . implicitTypes . length ; typeIndex < typeQuantity ; typeIndex += 1 ) {
type = state . implicitTypes [ typeIndex ] ;
if ( type . resolve ( state . result ) ) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
state . result = type . construct ( state . result ) ;
state . tag = type . tag ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = state . result ;
break ;
} else if ( state . tag !== '!' ) {
if ( _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( state . typeMap [ state . kind || 'fallback' ] , state . tag ) ) {
type = state . typeMap [ state . kind || 'fallback' ] [ state . tag ] ;
} else {
// looking for multi type
type = null ;
typeList = state . typeMap . multi [ state . kind || 'fallback' ] ;
for ( typeIndex = 0 , typeQuantity = typeList . length ; typeIndex < typeQuantity ; typeIndex += 1 ) {
if ( state . tag . slice ( 0 , typeList [ typeIndex ] . tag . length ) === typeList [ typeIndex ] . tag ) {
type = typeList [ typeIndex ] ;
break ;
if ( ! type ) {
throwError ( state , 'unknown tag !<' + state . tag + '>' ) ;
if ( state . result !== null && type . kind !== state . kind ) {
throwError ( state , 'unacceptable node kind for !<' + state . tag + '> tag; it should be "' + type . kind + '", not "' + state . kind + '"' ) ;
if ( ! type . resolve ( state . result , state . tag ) ) { // `state.result` updated in resolver if matched
throwError ( state , 'cannot resolve a node with !<' + state . tag + '> explicit tag' ) ;
} else {
state . result = type . construct ( state . result , state . tag ) ;
if ( state . anchor !== null ) {
state . anchorMap [ state . anchor ] = state . result ;
if ( state . listener !== null ) {
state . listener ( 'close' , state ) ;
return state . tag !== null || state . anchor !== null || hasContent ;
function readDocument ( state ) {
var documentStart = state . position ,
_position ,
directiveName ,
directiveArgs ,
hasDirectives = false ,
ch ;
state . version = null ;
state . checkLineBreaks = state . legacy ;
state . tagMap = Object . create ( null ) ;
state . anchorMap = Object . create ( null ) ;
while ( ( ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ) !== 0 ) {
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) ;
if ( state . lineIndent > 0 || ch !== 0x25 /* % */ ) {
break ;
hasDirectives = true ;
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
_position = state . position ;
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
directiveName = state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ;
directiveArgs = [ ] ;
if ( directiveName . length < 1 ) {
throwError ( state , 'directive name must not be less than one character in length' ) ;
while ( ch !== 0 ) {
while ( is _WHITE _SPACE ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
if ( ch === 0x23 /* # */ ) {
do { ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ; }
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _EOL ( ch ) ) ;
break ;
if ( is _EOL ( ch ) ) break ;
_position = state . position ;
while ( ch !== 0 && ! is _WS _OR _EOL ( ch ) ) {
ch = state . input . charCodeAt ( ++ state . position ) ;
directiveArgs . push ( state . input . slice ( _position , state . position ) ) ;
if ( ch !== 0 ) readLineBreak ( state ) ;
if ( _hasOwnProperty$1 . call ( directiveHandlers , directiveName ) ) {
directiveHandlers [ directiveName ] ( state , directiveName , directiveArgs ) ;
} else {
throwWarning ( state , 'unknown document directive "' + directiveName + '"' ) ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
if ( state . lineIndent === 0 &&
state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) === 0x2D /* - */ &&
state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 1 ) === 0x2D /* - */ &&
state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position + 2 ) === 0x2D /* - */ ) {
state . position += 3 ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
} else if ( hasDirectives ) {
throwError ( state , 'directives end mark is expected' ) ;
composeNode ( state , state . lineIndent - 1 , CONTEXT _BLOCK _OUT , false , true ) ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
if ( state . checkLineBreaks &&
PATTERN _NON _ASCII _LINE _BREAKS . test ( state . input . slice ( documentStart , state . position ) ) ) {
throwWarning ( state , 'non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content' ) ;
state . documents . push ( state . result ) ;
if ( state . position === state . lineStart && testDocumentSeparator ( state ) ) {
if ( state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) === 0x2E /* . */ ) {
state . position += 3 ;
skipSeparationSpace ( state , true , - 1 ) ;
return ;
if ( state . position < ( state . length - 1 ) ) {
throwError ( state , 'end of the stream or a document separator is expected' ) ;
} else {
return ;
function loadDocuments ( input , options ) {
input = String ( input ) ;
options = options || { } ;
if ( input . length !== 0 ) {
// Add tailing `\n` if not exists
if ( input . charCodeAt ( input . length - 1 ) !== 0x0A /* LF */ &&
input . charCodeAt ( input . length - 1 ) !== 0x0D /* CR */ ) {
input += '\n' ;
// Strip BOM
if ( input . charCodeAt ( 0 ) === 0xFEFF ) {
input = input . slice ( 1 ) ;
var state = new State$1 ( input , options ) ;
var nullpos = input . indexOf ( '\0' ) ;
if ( nullpos !== - 1 ) {
state . position = nullpos ;
throwError ( state , 'null byte is not allowed in input' ) ;
// Use 0 as string terminator. That significantly simplifies bounds check.
state . input += '\0' ;
while ( state . input . charCodeAt ( state . position ) === 0x20 /* Space */ ) {
state . lineIndent += 1 ;
state . position += 1 ;
while ( state . position < ( state . length - 1 ) ) {
readDocument ( state ) ;
return state . documents ;
function loadAll$1 ( input , iterator , options ) {
if ( iterator !== null && typeof iterator === 'object' && typeof options === 'undefined' ) {
options = iterator ;
iterator = null ;
var documents = loadDocuments ( input , options ) ;
if ( typeof iterator !== 'function' ) {
return documents ;
for ( var index = 0 , length = documents . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
iterator ( documents [ index ] ) ;
function load$1 ( input , options ) {
var documents = loadDocuments ( input , options ) ;
if ( documents . length === 0 ) {
/*eslint-disable no-undefined*/
return undefined ;
} else if ( documents . length === 1 ) {
return documents [ 0 ] ;
throw new exception ( 'expected a single document in the stream, but found more' ) ;
var loadAll _1 = loadAll$1 ;
var load _1 = load$1 ;
var loader = {
loadAll : loadAll _1 ,
load : load _1
} ;
/*eslint-disable no-use-before-define*/
var _toString = Object . prototype . toString ;
var _hasOwnProperty = Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty ;
var CHAR _BOM = 0xFEFF ;
var CHAR _TAB = 0x09 ; /* Tab */
var CHAR _LINE _FEED = 0x0A ; /* LF */
var CHAR _CARRIAGE _RETURN = 0x0D ; /* CR */
var CHAR _SPACE = 0x20 ; /* Space */
var CHAR _EXCLAMATION = 0x21 ; /* ! */
var CHAR _DOUBLE _QUOTE = 0x22 ; /* " */
var CHAR _SHARP = 0x23 ; /* # */
var CHAR _PERCENT = 0x25 ; /* % */
var CHAR _AMPERSAND = 0x26 ; /* & */
var CHAR _SINGLE _QUOTE = 0x27 ; /* ' */
var CHAR _ASTERISK = 0x2A ; /* * */
var CHAR _COMMA = 0x2C ; /* , */
var CHAR _MINUS = 0x2D ; /* - */
var CHAR _COLON = 0x3A ; /* : */
var CHAR _EQUALS = 0x3D ; /* = */
var CHAR _GREATER _THAN = 0x3E ; /* > */
var CHAR _QUESTION = 0x3F ; /* ? */
var CHAR _COMMERCIAL _AT = 0x40 ; /* @ */
var CHAR _LEFT _SQUARE _BRACKET = 0x5B ; /* [ */
var CHAR _RIGHT _SQUARE _BRACKET = 0x5D ; /* ] */
var CHAR _GRAVE _ACCENT = 0x60 ; /* ` */
var CHAR _LEFT _CURLY _BRACKET = 0x7B ; /* { */
var CHAR _VERTICAL _LINE = 0x7C ; /* | */
var CHAR _RIGHT _CURLY _BRACKET = 0x7D ; /* } */
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x00 ] = '\\0' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x07 ] = '\\a' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x08 ] = '\\b' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x09 ] = '\\t' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x0A ] = '\\n' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x0B ] = '\\v' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x0C ] = '\\f' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x0D ] = '\\r' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x1B ] = '\\e' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x22 ] = '\\"' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x5C ] = '\\\\' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x85 ] = '\\N' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0xA0 ] = '\\_' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x2028 ] = '\\L' ;
ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ 0x2029 ] = '\\P' ;
'y' , 'Y' , 'yes' , 'Yes' , 'YES' , 'on' , 'On' , 'ON' ,
'n' , 'N' , 'no' , 'No' , 'NO' , 'off' , 'Off' , 'OFF'
] ;
var DEPRECATED _BASE60 _SYNTAX = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$/ ;
function compileStyleMap ( schema , map ) {
var result , keys , index , length , tag , style , type ;
if ( map === null ) return { } ;
result = { } ;
keys = Object . keys ( map ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = keys . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
tag = keys [ index ] ;
style = String ( map [ tag ] ) ;
if ( tag . slice ( 0 , 2 ) === '!!' ) {
tag = 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' + tag . slice ( 2 ) ;
type = schema . compiledTypeMap [ 'fallback' ] [ tag ] ;
if ( type && _hasOwnProperty . call ( type . styleAliases , style ) ) {
style = type . styleAliases [ style ] ;
result [ tag ] = style ;
return result ;
function encodeHex ( character ) {
var string , handle , length ;
string = character . toString ( 16 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( character <= 0xFF ) {
handle = 'x' ;
length = 2 ;
} else if ( character <= 0xFFFF ) {
handle = 'u' ;
length = 4 ;
} else if ( character <= 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
handle = 'U' ;
length = 8 ;
} else {
throw new exception ( 'code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF' ) ;
return '\\' + handle + common . repeat ( '0' , length - string . length ) + string ;
function State ( options ) {
this . schema = options [ 'schema' ] || _default ;
this . indent = Math . max ( 1 , ( options [ 'indent' ] || 2 ) ) ;
this . noArrayIndent = options [ 'noArrayIndent' ] || false ;
this . skipInvalid = options [ 'skipInvalid' ] || false ;
this . flowLevel = ( common . isNothing ( options [ 'flowLevel' ] ) ? - 1 : options [ 'flowLevel' ] ) ;
this . styleMap = compileStyleMap ( this . schema , options [ 'styles' ] || null ) ;
this . sortKeys = options [ 'sortKeys' ] || false ;
this . lineWidth = options [ 'lineWidth' ] || 80 ;
this . noRefs = options [ 'noRefs' ] || false ;
this . noCompatMode = options [ 'noCompatMode' ] || false ;
this . condenseFlow = options [ 'condenseFlow' ] || false ;
this . quotingType = options [ 'quotingType' ] === '"' ? QUOTING _TYPE _DOUBLE : QUOTING _TYPE _SINGLE ;
this . forceQuotes = options [ 'forceQuotes' ] || false ;
this . replacer = typeof options [ 'replacer' ] === 'function' ? options [ 'replacer' ] : null ;
this . implicitTypes = this . schema . compiledImplicit ;
this . explicitTypes = this . schema . compiledExplicit ;
this . tag = null ;
this . result = '' ;
this . duplicates = [ ] ;
this . usedDuplicates = null ;
// Indents every line in a string. Empty lines (\n only) are not indented.
function indentString ( string , spaces ) {
var ind = common . repeat ( ' ' , spaces ) ,
position = 0 ,
next = - 1 ,
result = '' ,
line ,
length = string . length ;
while ( position < length ) {
next = string . indexOf ( '\n' , position ) ;
if ( next === - 1 ) {
line = string . slice ( position ) ;
position = length ;
} else {
line = string . slice ( position , next + 1 ) ;
position = next + 1 ;
if ( line . length && line !== '\n' ) result += ind ;
result += line ;
return result ;
function generateNextLine ( state , level ) {
return '\n' + common . repeat ( ' ' , state . indent * level ) ;
function testImplicitResolving ( state , str ) {
var index , length , type ;
for ( index = 0 , length = state . implicitTypes . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
type = state . implicitTypes [ index ] ;
if ( type . resolve ( str ) ) {
return true ;
return false ;
// [33] s-white ::= s-space | s-tab
function isWhitespace ( c ) {
return c === CHAR _SPACE || c === CHAR _TAB ;
// Returns true if the character can be printed without escaping.
// From YAML 1.2: "any allowed characters known to be non-printable
// should also be escaped. [However,] This isn’ t mandatory"
// Derived from nb-char - \t - #x85 - #xA0 - #x2028 - #x2029.
function isPrintable ( c ) {
return ( 0x00020 <= c && c <= 0x00007E )
|| ( ( 0x000A1 <= c && c <= 0x00D7FF ) && c !== 0x2028 && c !== 0x2029 )
|| ( ( 0x0E000 <= c && c <= 0x00FFFD ) && c !== CHAR _BOM )
|| ( 0x10000 <= c && c <= 0x10FFFF ) ;
// [34] ns-char ::= nb-char - s-white
// [27] nb-char ::= c-printable - b-char - c-byte-order-mark
// [26] b-char ::= b-line-feed | b-carriage-return
// Including s-white (for some reason, examples doesn't match specs in this aspect)
// ns-char ::= c-printable - b-line-feed - b-carriage-return - c-byte-order-mark
function isNsCharOrWhitespace ( c ) {
return isPrintable ( c )
&& c !== CHAR _BOM
// - b-char
&& c !== CHAR _LINE _FEED ;
// [127] ns-plain-safe(c) ::= c = flow-out ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
// c = flow-in ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
// c = block-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-out
// c = flow-key ⇒ ns-plain-safe-in
// [128] ns-plain-safe-out ::= ns-char
// [129] ns-plain-safe-in ::= ns-char - c-flow-indicator
// [130] ns-plain-char(c) ::= ( ns-plain-safe(c) - “:” - “#” )
// | ( /* An ns-char preceding */ “#” )
// | ( “:” /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c) */ )
function isPlainSafe ( c , prev , inblock ) {
var cIsNsCharOrWhitespace = isNsCharOrWhitespace ( c ) ;
var cIsNsChar = cIsNsCharOrWhitespace && ! isWhitespace ( c ) ;
return (
// ns-plain-safe
inblock ? // c = flow-in
: cIsNsCharOrWhitespace
// - c-flow-indicator
&& c !== CHAR _COMMA
// ns-plain-char
&& c !== CHAR _SHARP // false on '#'
&& ! ( prev === CHAR _COLON && ! cIsNsChar ) // false on ': '
|| ( isNsCharOrWhitespace ( prev ) && ! isWhitespace ( prev ) && c === CHAR _SHARP ) // change to true on '[^ ]#'
|| ( prev === CHAR _COLON && cIsNsChar ) ; // change to true on ':[^ ]'
// Simplified test for values allowed as the first character in plain style.
function isPlainSafeFirst ( c ) {
// Uses a subset of ns-char - c-indicator
// where ns-char = nb-char - s-white.
// No support of ( ( “?” | “:” | “-” ) /* Followed by an ns-plain-safe(c)) */ ) part
return isPrintable ( c ) && c !== CHAR _BOM
&& ! isWhitespace ( c ) // - s-white
// - (c-indicator ::=
// “-” | “?” | “:” | “,” | “[” | “]” | “{” | “}”
&& c !== CHAR _MINUS
&& c !== CHAR _COLON
&& c !== CHAR _COMMA
// | “#” | “&” | “*” | “!” | “|” | “=” | “>” | “'” | “"”
&& c !== CHAR _SHARP
&& c !== CHAR _EQUALS
// | “%” | “@” | “`”)
&& c !== CHAR _PERCENT
&& c !== CHAR _GRAVE _ACCENT ;
// Simplified test for values allowed as the last character in plain style.
function isPlainSafeLast ( c ) {
// just not whitespace or colon, it will be checked to be plain character later
return ! isWhitespace ( c ) && c !== CHAR _COLON ;
// Same as 'string'.codePointAt(pos), but works in older browsers.
function codePointAt ( string , pos ) {
var first = string . charCodeAt ( pos ) , second ;
if ( first >= 0xD800 && first <= 0xDBFF && pos + 1 < string . length ) {
second = string . charCodeAt ( pos + 1 ) ;
if ( second >= 0xDC00 && second <= 0xDFFF ) {
// https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-encoding#surrogate-formulae
return ( first - 0xD800 ) * 0x400 + second - 0xDC00 + 0x10000 ;
return first ;
// Determines whether block indentation indicator is required.
function needIndentIndicator ( string ) {
var leadingSpaceRe = /^\n* / ;
return leadingSpaceRe . test ( string ) ;
var STYLE _PLAIN = 1 ,
// Determines which scalar styles are possible and returns the preferred style.
// lineWidth = -1 => no limit.
// Pre-conditions: str.length > 0.
// Post-conditions:
// STYLE_PLAIN or STYLE_SINGLE => no \n are in the string.
// STYLE_LITERAL => no lines are suitable for folding (or lineWidth is -1).
// STYLE_FOLDED => a line > lineWidth and can be folded (and lineWidth != -1).
function chooseScalarStyle ( string , singleLineOnly , indentPerLevel , lineWidth ,
testAmbiguousType , quotingType , forceQuotes , inblock ) {
var i ;
var char = 0 ;
var prevChar = null ;
var hasLineBreak = false ;
var hasFoldableLine = false ; // only checked if shouldTrackWidth
var shouldTrackWidth = lineWidth !== - 1 ;
var previousLineBreak = - 1 ; // count the first line correctly
var plain = isPlainSafeFirst ( codePointAt ( string , 0 ) )
&& isPlainSafeLast ( codePointAt ( string , string . length - 1 ) ) ;
if ( singleLineOnly || forceQuotes ) {
// Case: no block styles.
// Check for disallowed characters to rule out plain and single.
for ( i = 0 ; i < string . length ; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i ++ ) {
char = codePointAt ( string , i ) ;
if ( ! isPrintable ( char ) ) {
return STYLE _DOUBLE ;
plain = plain && isPlainSafe ( char , prevChar , inblock ) ;
prevChar = char ;
} else {
// Case: block styles permitted.
for ( i = 0 ; i < string . length ; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i ++ ) {
char = codePointAt ( string , i ) ;
if ( char === CHAR _LINE _FEED ) {
hasLineBreak = true ;
// Check if any line can be folded.
if ( shouldTrackWidth ) {
hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine ||
// Foldable line = too long, and not more-indented.
( i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
string [ previousLineBreak + 1 ] !== ' ' ) ;
previousLineBreak = i ;
} else if ( ! isPrintable ( char ) ) {
return STYLE _DOUBLE ;
plain = plain && isPlainSafe ( char , prevChar , inblock ) ;
prevChar = char ;
// in case the end is missing a \n
hasFoldableLine = hasFoldableLine || ( shouldTrackWidth &&
( i - previousLineBreak - 1 > lineWidth &&
string [ previousLineBreak + 1 ] !== ' ' ) ) ;
// Although every style can represent \n without escaping, prefer block styles
// for multiline, since they're more readable and they don't add empty lines.
// Also prefer folding a super-long line.
if ( ! hasLineBreak && ! hasFoldableLine ) {
// Strings interpretable as another type have to be quoted;
// e.g. the string 'true' vs. the boolean true.
if ( plain && ! forceQuotes && ! testAmbiguousType ( string ) ) {
return STYLE _PLAIN ;
// Edge case: block indentation indicator can only have one digit.
if ( indentPerLevel > 9 && needIndentIndicator ( string ) ) {
return STYLE _DOUBLE ;
// At this point we know block styles are valid.
// Prefer literal style unless we want to fold.
if ( ! forceQuotes ) {
return hasFoldableLine ? STYLE _FOLDED : STYLE _LITERAL ;
// Note: line breaking/folding is implemented for only the folded style.
// NB. We drop the last trailing newline (if any) of a returned block scalar
// since the dumper adds its own newline. This always works:
// • No ending newline => unaffected; already using strip "-" chomping.
// • Ending newline => removed then restored.
// Importantly, this keeps the "+" chomp indicator from gaining an extra line.
function writeScalar ( state , string , level , iskey , inblock ) {
state . dump = ( function ( ) {
if ( string . length === 0 ) {
return state . quotingType === QUOTING _TYPE _DOUBLE ? '""' : "''" ;
if ( ! state . noCompatMode ) {
if ( DEPRECATED _BOOLEANS _SYNTAX . indexOf ( string ) !== - 1 || DEPRECATED _BASE60 _SYNTAX . test ( string ) ) {
return state . quotingType === QUOTING _TYPE _DOUBLE ? ( '"' + string + '"' ) : ( "'" + string + "'" ) ;
var indent = state . indent * Math . max ( 1 , level ) ; // no 0-indent scalars
// As indentation gets deeper, let the width decrease monotonically
// to the lower bound min(state.lineWidth, 40).
// Note that this implies
// state.lineWidth ≤ 40 + state.indent: width is fixed at the lower bound.
// state.lineWidth > 40 + state.indent: width decreases until the lower bound.
// This behaves better than a constant minimum width which disallows narrower options,
// or an indent threshold which causes the width to suddenly increase.
var lineWidth = state . lineWidth === - 1
? - 1 : Math . max ( Math . min ( state . lineWidth , 40 ) , state . lineWidth - indent ) ;
// Without knowing if keys are implicit/explicit, assume implicit for safety.
var singleLineOnly = iskey
// No block styles in flow mode.
|| ( state . flowLevel > - 1 && level >= state . flowLevel ) ;
function testAmbiguity ( string ) {
return testImplicitResolving ( state , string ) ;
switch ( chooseScalarStyle ( string , singleLineOnly , state . indent , lineWidth ,
testAmbiguity , state . quotingType , state . forceQuotes && ! iskey , inblock ) ) {
return string ;
return "'" + string . replace ( /'/g , "''" ) + "'" ;
return '|' + blockHeader ( string , state . indent )
+ dropEndingNewline ( indentString ( string , indent ) ) ;
return '>' + blockHeader ( string , state . indent )
+ dropEndingNewline ( indentString ( foldString ( string , lineWidth ) , indent ) ) ;
return '"' + escapeString ( string ) + '"' ;
default :
throw new exception ( 'impossible error: invalid scalar style' ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
// Pre-conditions: string is valid for a block scalar, 1 <= indentPerLevel <= 9.
function blockHeader ( string , indentPerLevel ) {
var indentIndicator = needIndentIndicator ( string ) ? String ( indentPerLevel ) : '' ;
// note the special case: the string '\n' counts as a "trailing" empty line.
var clip = string [ string . length - 1 ] === '\n' ;
var keep = clip && ( string [ string . length - 2 ] === '\n' || string === '\n' ) ;
var chomp = keep ? '+' : ( clip ? '' : '-' ) ;
return indentIndicator + chomp + '\n' ;
// (See the note for writeScalar.)
function dropEndingNewline ( string ) {
return string [ string . length - 1 ] === '\n' ? string . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) : string ;
// Note: a long line without a suitable break point will exceed the width limit.
// Pre-conditions: every char in str isPrintable, str.length > 0, width > 0.
function foldString ( string , width ) {
// In folded style, $k$ consecutive newlines output as $k+1$ newlines—
// unless they're before or after a more-indented line, or at the very
// beginning or end, in which case $k$ maps to $k$.
// Therefore, parse each chunk as newline(s) followed by a content line.
var lineRe = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g ;
// first line (possibly an empty line)
var result = ( function ( ) {
var nextLF = string . indexOf ( '\n' ) ;
nextLF = nextLF !== - 1 ? nextLF : string . length ;
lineRe . lastIndex = nextLF ;
return foldLine ( string . slice ( 0 , nextLF ) , width ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
// If we haven't reached the first content line yet, don't add an extra \n.
var prevMoreIndented = string [ 0 ] === '\n' || string [ 0 ] === ' ' ;
var moreIndented ;
// rest of the lines
var match ;
while ( ( match = lineRe . exec ( string ) ) ) {
var prefix = match [ 1 ] , line = match [ 2 ] ;
moreIndented = ( line [ 0 ] === ' ' ) ;
result += prefix
+ ( ! prevMoreIndented && ! moreIndented && line !== ''
? '\n' : '' )
+ foldLine ( line , width ) ;
prevMoreIndented = moreIndented ;
return result ;
// Greedy line breaking.
// Picks the longest line under the limit each time,
// otherwise settles for the shortest line over the limit.
// NB. More-indented lines *cannot* be folded, as that would add an extra \n.
function foldLine ( line , width ) {
if ( line === '' || line [ 0 ] === ' ' ) return line ;
// Since a more-indented line adds a \n, breaks can't be followed by a space.
var breakRe = / [^ ]/g ; // note: the match index will always be <= length-2.
var match ;
// start is an inclusive index. end, curr, and next are exclusive.
var start = 0 , end , curr = 0 , next = 0 ;
var result = '' ;
// Invariants: 0 <= start <= length-1.
// 0 <= curr <= next <= max(0, length-2). curr - start <= width.
// Inside the loop:
// A match implies length >= 2, so curr and next are <= length-2.
while ( ( match = breakRe . exec ( line ) ) ) {
next = match . index ;
// maintain invariant: curr - start <= width
if ( next - start > width ) {
end = ( curr > start ) ? curr : next ; // derive end <= length-2
result += '\n' + line . slice ( start , end ) ;
// skip the space that was output as \n
start = end + 1 ; // derive start <= length-1
curr = next ;
// By the invariants, start <= length-1, so there is something left over.
// It is either the whole string or a part starting from non-whitespace.
result += '\n' ;
// Insert a break if the remainder is too long and there is a break available.
if ( line . length - start > width && curr > start ) {
result += line . slice ( start , curr ) + '\n' + line . slice ( curr + 1 ) ;
} else {
result += line . slice ( start ) ;
return result . slice ( 1 ) ; // drop extra \n joiner
// Escapes a double-quoted string.
function escapeString ( string ) {
var result = '' ;
var char = 0 ;
var escapeSeq ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < string . length ; char >= 0x10000 ? i += 2 : i ++ ) {
char = codePointAt ( string , i ) ;
escapeSeq = ESCAPE _SEQUENCES [ char ] ;
if ( ! escapeSeq && isPrintable ( char ) ) {
result += string [ i ] ;
if ( char >= 0x10000 ) result += string [ i + 1 ] ;
} else {
result += escapeSeq || encodeHex ( char ) ;
return result ;
function writeFlowSequence ( state , level , object ) {
var _result = '' ,
_tag = state . tag ,
index ,
length ,
value ;
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
value = object [ index ] ;
if ( state . replacer ) {
value = state . replacer . call ( object , String ( index ) , value ) ;
// Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
if ( writeNode ( state , level , value , false , false ) ||
( typeof value === 'undefined' &&
writeNode ( state , level , null , false , false ) ) ) {
if ( _result !== '' ) _result += ',' + ( ! state . condenseFlow ? ' ' : '' ) ;
_result += state . dump ;
state . tag = _tag ;
state . dump = '[' + _result + ']' ;
function writeBlockSequence ( state , level , object , compact ) {
var _result = '' ,
_tag = state . tag ,
index ,
length ,
value ;
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
value = object [ index ] ;
if ( state . replacer ) {
value = state . replacer . call ( object , String ( index ) , value ) ;
// Write only valid elements, put null instead of invalid elements.
if ( writeNode ( state , level + 1 , value , true , true , false , true ) ||
( typeof value === 'undefined' &&
writeNode ( state , level + 1 , null , true , true , false , true ) ) ) {
if ( ! compact || _result !== '' ) {
_result += generateNextLine ( state , level ) ;
if ( state . dump && CHAR _LINE _FEED === state . dump . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) {
_result += '-' ;
} else {
_result += '- ' ;
_result += state . dump ;
state . tag = _tag ;
state . dump = _result || '[]' ; // Empty sequence if no valid values.
function writeFlowMapping ( state , level , object ) {
var _result = '' ,
_tag = state . tag ,
objectKeyList = Object . keys ( object ) ,
index ,
length ,
objectKey ,
objectValue ,
pairBuffer ;
for ( index = 0 , length = objectKeyList . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
pairBuffer = '' ;
if ( _result !== '' ) pairBuffer += ', ' ;
if ( state . condenseFlow ) pairBuffer += '"' ;
objectKey = objectKeyList [ index ] ;
objectValue = object [ objectKey ] ;
if ( state . replacer ) {
objectValue = state . replacer . call ( object , objectKey , objectValue ) ;
if ( ! writeNode ( state , level , objectKey , false , false ) ) {
continue ; // Skip this pair because of invalid key;
if ( state . dump . length > 1024 ) pairBuffer += '? ' ;
pairBuffer += state . dump + ( state . condenseFlow ? '"' : '' ) + ':' + ( state . condenseFlow ? '' : ' ' ) ;
if ( ! writeNode ( state , level , objectValue , false , false ) ) {
continue ; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
pairBuffer += state . dump ;
// Both key and value are valid.
_result += pairBuffer ;
state . tag = _tag ;
state . dump = '{' + _result + '}' ;
function writeBlockMapping ( state , level , object , compact ) {
var _result = '' ,
_tag = state . tag ,
objectKeyList = Object . keys ( object ) ,
index ,
length ,
objectKey ,
objectValue ,
explicitPair ,
pairBuffer ;
// Allow sorting keys so that the output file is deterministic
if ( state . sortKeys === true ) {
// Default sorting
objectKeyList . sort ( ) ;
} else if ( typeof state . sortKeys === 'function' ) {
// Custom sort function
objectKeyList . sort ( state . sortKeys ) ;
} else if ( state . sortKeys ) {
// Something is wrong
throw new exception ( 'sortKeys must be a boolean or a function' ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = objectKeyList . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
pairBuffer = '' ;
if ( ! compact || _result !== '' ) {
pairBuffer += generateNextLine ( state , level ) ;
objectKey = objectKeyList [ index ] ;
objectValue = object [ objectKey ] ;
if ( state . replacer ) {
objectValue = state . replacer . call ( object , objectKey , objectValue ) ;
if ( ! writeNode ( state , level + 1 , objectKey , true , true , true ) ) {
continue ; // Skip this pair because of invalid key.
explicitPair = ( state . tag !== null && state . tag !== '?' ) ||
( state . dump && state . dump . length > 1024 ) ;
if ( explicitPair ) {
if ( state . dump && CHAR _LINE _FEED === state . dump . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) {
pairBuffer += '?' ;
} else {
pairBuffer += '? ' ;
pairBuffer += state . dump ;
if ( explicitPair ) {
pairBuffer += generateNextLine ( state , level ) ;
if ( ! writeNode ( state , level + 1 , objectValue , true , explicitPair ) ) {
continue ; // Skip this pair because of invalid value.
if ( state . dump && CHAR _LINE _FEED === state . dump . charCodeAt ( 0 ) ) {
pairBuffer += ':' ;
} else {
pairBuffer += ': ' ;
pairBuffer += state . dump ;
// Both key and value are valid.
_result += pairBuffer ;
state . tag = _tag ;
state . dump = _result || '{}' ; // Empty mapping if no valid pairs.
function detectType ( state , object , explicit ) {
var _result , typeList , index , length , type , style ;
typeList = explicit ? state . explicitTypes : state . implicitTypes ;
for ( index = 0 , length = typeList . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
type = typeList [ index ] ;
if ( ( type . instanceOf || type . predicate ) &&
( ! type . instanceOf || ( ( typeof object === 'object' ) && ( object instanceof type . instanceOf ) ) ) &&
( ! type . predicate || type . predicate ( object ) ) ) {
if ( explicit ) {
if ( type . multi && type . representName ) {
state . tag = type . representName ( object ) ;
} else {
state . tag = type . tag ;
} else {
state . tag = '?' ;
if ( type . represent ) {
style = state . styleMap [ type . tag ] || type . defaultStyle ;
if ( _toString . call ( type . represent ) === '[object Function]' ) {
_result = type . represent ( object , style ) ;
} else if ( _hasOwnProperty . call ( type . represent , style ) ) {
_result = type . represent [ style ] ( object , style ) ;
} else {
throw new exception ( '!<' + type . tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + style + '" style' ) ;
state . dump = _result ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Serializes `object` and writes it to global `result`.
// Returns true on success, or false on invalid object.
function writeNode ( state , level , object , block , compact , iskey , isblockseq ) {
state . tag = null ;
state . dump = object ;
if ( ! detectType ( state , object , false ) ) {
detectType ( state , object , true ) ;
var type = _toString . call ( state . dump ) ;
var inblock = block ;
var tagStr ;
if ( block ) {
block = ( state . flowLevel < 0 || state . flowLevel > level ) ;
var objectOrArray = type === '[object Object]' || type === '[object Array]' ,
duplicateIndex ,
duplicate ;
if ( objectOrArray ) {
duplicateIndex = state . duplicates . indexOf ( object ) ;
duplicate = duplicateIndex !== - 1 ;
if ( ( state . tag !== null && state . tag !== '?' ) || duplicate || ( state . indent !== 2 && level > 0 ) ) {
compact = false ;
if ( duplicate && state . usedDuplicates [ duplicateIndex ] ) {
state . dump = '*ref_' + duplicateIndex ;
} else {
if ( objectOrArray && duplicate && ! state . usedDuplicates [ duplicateIndex ] ) {
state . usedDuplicates [ duplicateIndex ] = true ;
if ( type === '[object Object]' ) {
if ( block && ( Object . keys ( state . dump ) . length !== 0 ) ) {
writeBlockMapping ( state , level , state . dump , compact ) ;
if ( duplicate ) {
state . dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state . dump ;
} else {
writeFlowMapping ( state , level , state . dump ) ;
if ( duplicate ) {
state . dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state . dump ;
} else if ( type === '[object Array]' ) {
if ( block && ( state . dump . length !== 0 ) ) {
if ( state . noArrayIndent && ! isblockseq && level > 0 ) {
writeBlockSequence ( state , level - 1 , state . dump , compact ) ;
} else {
writeBlockSequence ( state , level , state . dump , compact ) ;
if ( duplicate ) {
state . dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + state . dump ;
} else {
writeFlowSequence ( state , level , state . dump ) ;
if ( duplicate ) {
state . dump = '&ref_' + duplicateIndex + ' ' + state . dump ;
} else if ( type === '[object String]' ) {
if ( state . tag !== '?' ) {
writeScalar ( state , state . dump , level , iskey , inblock ) ;
} else if ( type === '[object Undefined]' ) {
return false ;
} else {
if ( state . skipInvalid ) return false ;
throw new exception ( 'unacceptable kind of an object to dump ' + type ) ;
if ( state . tag !== null && state . tag !== '?' ) {
// Need to encode all characters except those allowed by the spec:
// [35] ns-dec-digit ::= [#x30-#x39] /* 0-9 */
// [36] ns-hex-digit ::= ns-dec-digit
// | [#x41-#x46] /* A-F */ | [#x61-#x66] /* a-f */
// [37] ns-ascii-letter ::= [#x41-#x5A] /* A-Z */ | [#x61-#x7A] /* a-z */
// [38] ns-word-char ::= ns-dec-digit | ns-ascii-letter | “-”
// [39] ns-uri-char ::= “%” ns-hex-digit ns-hex-digit | ns-word-char | “#”
// | “;” | “/” | “?” | “:” | “@” | “&” | “=” | “+” | “$” | “,”
// | “_” | “.” | “!” | “~” | “*” | “'” | “(” | “)” | “[” | “]”
// Also need to encode '!' because it has special meaning (end of tag prefix).
tagStr = encodeURI (
state . tag [ 0 ] === '!' ? state . tag . slice ( 1 ) : state . tag
) . replace ( /!/g , '%21' ) ;
if ( state . tag [ 0 ] === '!' ) {
tagStr = '!' + tagStr ;
} else if ( tagStr . slice ( 0 , 18 ) === 'tag:yaml.org,2002:' ) {
tagStr = '!!' + tagStr . slice ( 18 ) ;
} else {
tagStr = '!<' + tagStr + '>' ;
state . dump = tagStr + ' ' + state . dump ;
return true ;
function getDuplicateReferences ( object , state ) {
var objects = [ ] ,
duplicatesIndexes = [ ] ,
index ,
length ;
inspectNode ( object , objects , duplicatesIndexes ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = duplicatesIndexes . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
state . duplicates . push ( objects [ duplicatesIndexes [ index ] ] ) ;
state . usedDuplicates = new Array ( length ) ;
function inspectNode ( object , objects , duplicatesIndexes ) {
var objectKeyList ,
index ,
length ;
if ( object !== null && typeof object === 'object' ) {
index = objects . indexOf ( object ) ;
if ( index !== - 1 ) {
if ( duplicatesIndexes . indexOf ( index ) === - 1 ) {
duplicatesIndexes . push ( index ) ;
} else {
objects . push ( object ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( object ) ) {
for ( index = 0 , length = object . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
inspectNode ( object [ index ] , objects , duplicatesIndexes ) ;
} else {
objectKeyList = Object . keys ( object ) ;
for ( index = 0 , length = objectKeyList . length ; index < length ; index += 1 ) {
inspectNode ( object [ objectKeyList [ index ] ] , objects , duplicatesIndexes ) ;
function dump$1 ( input , options ) {
options = options || { } ;
var state = new State ( options ) ;
if ( ! state . noRefs ) getDuplicateReferences ( input , state ) ;
var value = input ;
if ( state . replacer ) {
value = state . replacer . call ( { '' : value } , '' , value ) ;
if ( writeNode ( state , 0 , value , true , true ) ) return state . dump + '\n' ;
return '' ;
var dump _1 = dump$1 ;
var dumper = {
dump : dump _1
} ;
function renamed ( from , to ) {
return function ( ) {
throw new Error ( 'Function yaml.' + from + ' is removed in js-yaml 4. ' +
'Use yaml.' + to + ' instead, which is now safe by default.' ) ;
} ;
var Type = type ;
var Schema = schema ;
var FAILSAFE _SCHEMA = failsafe ;
var JSON _SCHEMA = json ;
var CORE _SCHEMA = core ;
var DEFAULT _SCHEMA = _default ;
var load = loader . load ;
var loadAll = loader . loadAll ;
var dump = dumper . dump ;
var YAMLException = exception ;
// Re-export all types in case user wants to create custom schema
var types = {
binary : binary ,
float : float ,
map : map ,
null : _null ,
pairs : pairs ,
set : set ,
timestamp : timestamp ,
bool : bool ,
int : int ,
merge : merge ,
omap : omap ,
seq : seq ,
str : str
} ;
// Removed functions from JS-YAML 3.0.x
var safeLoad = renamed ( 'safeLoad' , 'load' ) ;
var safeLoadAll = renamed ( 'safeLoadAll' , 'loadAll' ) ;
var safeDump = renamed ( 'safeDump' , 'dump' ) ;
var jsYaml = {
Type : Type ,
Schema : Schema ,
load : load ,
loadAll : loadAll ,
dump : dump ,
YAMLException : YAMLException ,
types : types ,
safeLoad : safeLoad ,
safeLoadAll : safeLoadAll ,
safeDump : safeDump
} ;
// Detect either spaces or tabs but not both to properly handle tabs for indentation and spaces for alignment
const INDENT _REGEX = /^(?:( )+|\t+)/ ;
const INDENT _TYPE _SPACE = 'space' ;
const INDENT _TYPE _TAB = 'tab' ;
/ * *
Make a Map that counts how many indents / unindents have occurred for a given size and how many lines follow a given indentation .
The key is a concatenation of the indentation type ( s = space and t = tab ) and the size of the indents / unindents .
` ` `
indents = {
t3 : [ 1 , 0 ] ,
t4 : [ 1 , 5 ] ,
s5 : [ 1 , 0 ] ,
s12 : [ 1 , 0 ] ,
` ` `
* /
function makeIndentsMap ( string , ignoreSingleSpaces ) {
const indents = new Map ( ) ;
// Remember the size of previous line's indentation
let previousSize = 0 ;
let previousIndentType ;
// Indents key (ident type + size of the indents/unindents)
let key ;
for ( const line of string . split ( /\n/g ) ) {
if ( ! line ) {
// Ignore empty lines
continue ;
let indent ;
let indentType ;
let weight ;
let entry ;
const matches = line . match ( INDENT _REGEX ) ;
if ( matches === null ) {
previousSize = 0 ;
previousIndentType = '' ;
} else {
indent = matches [ 0 ] . length ;
indentType = matches [ 1 ] ? INDENT _TYPE _SPACE : INDENT _TYPE _TAB ;
// Ignore single space unless it's the only indent detected to prevent common false positives
if ( ignoreSingleSpaces && indentType === INDENT _TYPE _SPACE && indent === 1 ) {
continue ;
if ( indentType !== previousIndentType ) {
previousSize = 0 ;
previousIndentType = indentType ;
weight = 0 ;
const indentDifference = indent - previousSize ;
previousSize = indent ;
// Previous line have same indent?
if ( indentDifference === 0 ) {
weight ++ ;
// We use the key from previous loop
} else {
const absoluteIndentDifference = indentDifference > 0 ? indentDifference : - indentDifference ;
key = encodeIndentsKey ( indentType , absoluteIndentDifference ) ;
// Update the stats
entry = indents . get ( key ) ;
entry = entry === undefined ? [ 1 , 0 ] : [ ++ entry [ 0 ] , entry [ 1 ] + weight ] ;
indents . set ( key , entry ) ;
return indents ;
// Encode the indent type and amount as a string (e.g. 's4') for use as a compound key in the indents Map.
function encodeIndentsKey ( indentType , indentAmount ) {
const typeCharacter = indentType === INDENT _TYPE _SPACE ? 's' : 't' ;
return typeCharacter + String ( indentAmount ) ;
// Extract the indent type and amount from a key of the indents Map.
function decodeIndentsKey ( indentsKey ) {
const keyHasTypeSpace = indentsKey [ 0 ] === 's' ;
const type = keyHasTypeSpace ? INDENT _TYPE _SPACE : INDENT _TYPE _TAB ;
const amount = Number ( indentsKey . slice ( 1 ) ) ;
return { type , amount } ;
// Return the key (e.g. 's4') from the indents Map that represents the most common indent,
// or return undefined if there are no indents.
function getMostUsedKey ( indents ) {
let result ;
let maxUsed = 0 ;
let maxWeight = 0 ;
for ( const [ key , [ usedCount , weight ] ] of indents ) {
if ( usedCount > maxUsed || ( usedCount === maxUsed && weight > maxWeight ) ) {
maxUsed = usedCount ;
maxWeight = weight ;
result = key ;
return result ;
function makeIndentString ( type , amount ) {
const indentCharacter = type === INDENT _TYPE _SPACE ? ' ' : '\t' ;
return indentCharacter . repeat ( amount ) ;
function detectIndent ( string ) {
if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) {
throw new TypeError ( 'Expected a string' ) ;
// Identify indents while skipping single space indents to avoid common edge cases (e.g. code comments)
// If no indents are identified, run again and include all indents for comprehensive detection
let indents = makeIndentsMap ( string , true ) ;
if ( indents . size === 0 ) {
indents = makeIndentsMap ( string , false ) ;
const keyOfMostUsedIndent = getMostUsedKey ( indents ) ;
let type ;
let amount = 0 ;
let indent = '' ;
if ( keyOfMostUsedIndent !== undefined ) {
( { type , amount } = decodeIndentsKey ( keyOfMostUsedIndent ) ) ;
indent = makeIndentString ( type , amount ) ;
return {
amount ,
type ,
indent ,
} ;
const ar = { } ;
const cz = { } ;
const da = { } ;
const de = {
'Default:' : 'Standard:' ,
'Error:' : 'Fehler:' ,
'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Fehlender heller standard Wert oder Wert ist in keinem validen Farb-Format' ,
'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Fehlender dunkler standard Wert oder Wert ist in keinem validen Farb-Format' ,
'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Fehlender standard Wert oder Wert ist in keinem validen Farb-Format' ,
'missing default value' : 'Fehlender standard Wert' ,
} ;
const en = {
'Default:' : 'Default:' ,
'Error:' : 'Error:' ,
'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' ,
'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' ,
'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' ,
'missing default value' : 'missing default value' ,
} ;
const es = { } ;
const fr = { } ;
const hi = { } ;
const id = { } ;
const it = { } ;
const ja = { } ;
const ko = { } ;
const nl = {
'Default:' : 'Standaard:' ,
'Error:' : 'Error:' ,
'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Geen standaard waarde voor het lichte thema, of de waarde is niet in het goede formaat' ,
'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Geen standaard waarde voor het donkere thema, of de waarde is niet in het goede formaat' ,
'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' : 'Geen standaard waarde, of de waarde is niet in het goede formaat' ,
'missing default value' : 'Geen standaard waarde' ,
} ;
const no = { } ;
const pl = { } ;
const pt = { } ;
const ptBr = { } ;
const ro = { } ;
const ru = { } ;
const sq = { } ;
const tr = { } ;
const uk = { } ;
const zh = {
'Default:' : '默认:' ,
'Error:' : '错误:' ,
'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' : '缺少默认的浅色模式色值,或该色值没有采用一个有效的颜色格式' ,
'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' : '缺少默认的深色模式色值,或该色值没有采用一个有效的颜色格式' ,
'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' : '缺少默认色值,或该色值没有采用一个有效的颜色格式' ,
'missing default value' : '缺少默认色值' ,
} ;
const zhTw = { } ;
const lang = window . localStorage . getItem ( 'language' ) ;
const localeMap = {
ar ,
cz ,
da ,
de ,
en ,
es ,
fr ,
hi ,
id ,
it ,
ja ,
ko ,
nl ,
no ,
pl ,
'pt-BR' : ptBr ,
pt ,
ro ,
ru ,
sq ,
tr ,
uk ,
'zh-TW' : zhTw ,
zh ,
} ;
const locale = localeMap [ lang || 'en' ] ;
function t ( str ) {
if ( ! locale ) {
console . error ( 'Error: Style Settings locale not found' , lang ) ;
return ( locale && locale [ str ] ) || en [ str ] ;
const settingRegExp = /\/\*\s*@settings[\r\n]+?([\s\S]+?)\*\//g ;
const nameRegExp = /^name:\s*(.+)$/m ;
function getTitle ( config ) {
if ( lang ) {
return config [ ` title. ${ lang } ` ] || config . title ;
return config . title ;
function getDescription ( config ) {
if ( lang ) {
return ( config [ ` description. ${ lang } ` ] ||
config . description ) ;
return config . description ;
function isValidDefaultColor ( color ) {
return /^(#|rgb|hsl)/ . test ( color ) ;
function getPickrSettings ( opts ) {
const { el , isView , containerEl , swatches , opacity , defaultColor } = opts ;
return {
el ,
container : isView ? document . body : containerEl ,
theme : 'nano' ,
swatches ,
lockOpacity : ! opacity ,
default : defaultColor ,
position : 'left-middle' ,
components : {
preview : true ,
hue : true ,
opacity : ! ! opacity ,
interaction : {
hex : true ,
rgba : true ,
hsla : true ,
input : true ,
cancel : true ,
save : true ,
} ,
} ,
} ;
function onPickrCancel ( instance ) {
instance . hide ( ) ;
function sanitizeText ( str ) {
if ( str === '' ) {
return ` "" ` ;
return str . replace ( /[;<>]/g , '' ) ;
function createDescription ( description , def , defLabel ) {
const fragment = createFragment ( ) ;
if ( description ) {
fragment . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( description ) ) ;
if ( def ) {
const small = createEl ( 'small' ) ;
small . appendChild ( createEl ( 'strong' , { text : ` ${ t ( 'Default:' ) } ` } ) ) ;
small . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( defLabel || def ) ) ;
const div = createEl ( 'div' ) ;
div . appendChild ( small ) ;
fragment . appendChild ( div ) ;
return fragment ;
var fuzzysort = createCommonjsModule ( function ( module ) {
( ( root , UMD ) => {
if ( module . exports ) module . exports = UMD ( ) ;
else root [ 'fuzzysort' ] = UMD ( ) ;
} ) ( commonjsGlobal , _ => {
var single = ( search , target ) => { if ( search == 'farzher' ) return { target : "farzher was here (^-^*)/" , score : 0 , _indexes : [ 0 ] }
if ( ! search || ! target ) return NULL
var preparedSearch = getPreparedSearch ( search ) ;
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
var searchBitflags = preparedSearch . bitflags ;
if ( ( searchBitflags & target . _bitflags ) !== searchBitflags ) return NULL
return algorithm ( preparedSearch , target )
} ;
var go = ( search , targets , options ) => { if ( search == 'farzher' ) return [ { target : "farzher was here (^-^*)/" , score : 0 , _indexes : [ 0 ] , obj : targets ? targets [ 0 ] : NULL } ]
if ( ! search ) return options && options . all ? all ( search , targets , options ) : noResults
var preparedSearch = getPreparedSearch ( search ) ;
var searchBitflags = preparedSearch . bitflags ;
preparedSearch . containsSpace ;
var threshold = options && options . threshold || INT _MIN ;
var limit = options && options [ 'limit' ] || INT _MAX ; // for some reason only limit breaks when minified
var resultsLen = 0 ; var limitedCount = 0 ;
var targetsLen = targets . length ;
// This code is copy/pasted 3 times for performance reasons [options.keys, options.key, no keys]
// options.key
if ( options && options . key ) {
var key = options . key ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetsLen ; ++ i ) { var obj = targets [ i ] ;
var target = getValue ( obj , key ) ;
if ( ! target ) continue
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
if ( ( searchBitflags & target . _bitflags ) !== searchBitflags ) continue
var result = algorithm ( preparedSearch , target ) ;
if ( result === NULL ) continue
if ( result . score < threshold ) continue
// have to clone result so duplicate targets from different obj can each reference the correct obj
result = { target : result . target , _targetLower : '' , _targetLowerCodes : NULL , _nextBeginningIndexes : NULL , _bitflags : 0 , score : result . score , _indexes : result . _indexes , obj : obj } ; // hidden
if ( resultsLen < limit ) { q . add ( result ) ; ++ resultsLen ; }
else {
++ limitedCount ;
if ( result . score > q . peek ( ) . score ) q . replaceTop ( result ) ;
// options.keys
} else if ( options && options . keys ) {
var scoreFn = options [ 'scoreFn' ] || defaultScoreFn ;
var keys = options . keys ;
var keysLen = keys . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetsLen ; ++ i ) { var obj = targets [ i ] ;
var objResults = new Array ( keysLen ) ;
for ( var keyI = 0 ; keyI < keysLen ; ++ keyI ) {
var key = keys [ keyI ] ;
var target = getValue ( obj , key ) ;
if ( ! target ) { objResults [ keyI ] = NULL ; continue }
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
if ( ( searchBitflags & target . _bitflags ) !== searchBitflags ) objResults [ keyI ] = NULL ;
else objResults [ keyI ] = algorithm ( preparedSearch , target ) ;
objResults . obj = obj ; // before scoreFn so scoreFn can use it
var score = scoreFn ( objResults ) ;
if ( score === NULL ) continue
if ( score < threshold ) continue
objResults . score = score ;
if ( resultsLen < limit ) { q . add ( objResults ) ; ++ resultsLen ; }
else {
++ limitedCount ;
if ( score > q . peek ( ) . score ) q . replaceTop ( objResults ) ;
// no keys
} else {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetsLen ; ++ i ) { var target = targets [ i ] ;
if ( ! target ) continue
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
if ( ( searchBitflags & target . _bitflags ) !== searchBitflags ) continue
var result = algorithm ( preparedSearch , target ) ;
if ( result === NULL ) continue
if ( result . score < threshold ) continue
if ( resultsLen < limit ) { q . add ( result ) ; ++ resultsLen ; }
else {
++ limitedCount ;
if ( result . score > q . peek ( ) . score ) q . replaceTop ( result ) ;
if ( resultsLen === 0 ) return noResults
var results = new Array ( resultsLen ) ;
for ( var i = resultsLen - 1 ; i >= 0 ; -- i ) results [ i ] = q . poll ( ) ;
results . total = resultsLen + limitedCount ;
return results
} ;
var highlight = ( result , hOpen , hClose ) => {
if ( typeof hOpen === 'function' ) return highlightCallback ( result , hOpen )
if ( result === NULL ) return NULL
if ( hOpen === undefined ) hOpen = '<b>' ;
if ( hClose === undefined ) hClose = '</b>' ;
var highlighted = '' ;
var matchesIndex = 0 ;
var opened = false ;
var target = result . target ;
var targetLen = target . length ;
var indexes = result . _indexes ;
indexes = indexes . slice ( 0 , indexes . len ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => a - b ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetLen ; ++ i ) { var char = target [ i ] ;
if ( indexes [ matchesIndex ] === i ) {
++ matchesIndex ;
if ( ! opened ) { opened = true ;
highlighted += hOpen ;
if ( matchesIndex === indexes . length ) {
highlighted += char + hClose + target . substr ( i + 1 ) ;
} else {
if ( opened ) { opened = false ;
highlighted += hClose ;
highlighted += char ;
return highlighted
} ;
var highlightCallback = ( result , cb ) => {
if ( result === NULL ) return NULL
var target = result . target ;
var targetLen = target . length ;
var indexes = result . _indexes ;
indexes = indexes . slice ( 0 , indexes . len ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => a - b ) ;
var highlighted = '' ;
var matchI = 0 ;
var indexesI = 0 ;
var opened = false ;
var result = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetLen ; ++ i ) { var char = target [ i ] ;
if ( indexes [ indexesI ] === i ) {
++ indexesI ;
if ( ! opened ) { opened = true ;
result . push ( highlighted ) ; highlighted = '' ;
if ( indexesI === indexes . length ) {
highlighted += char ;
result . push ( cb ( highlighted , matchI ++ ) ) ; highlighted = '' ;
result . push ( target . substr ( i + 1 ) ) ;
} else {
if ( opened ) { opened = false ;
result . push ( cb ( highlighted , matchI ++ ) ) ; highlighted = '' ;
highlighted += char ;
return result
} ;
var indexes = result => result . _indexes . slice ( 0 , result . _indexes . len ) . sort ( ( a , b ) => a - b ) ;
var prepare = ( target ) => {
if ( typeof target !== 'string' ) target = '' ;
var info = prepareLowerInfo ( target ) ;
return { 'target' : target , _targetLower : info . _lower , _targetLowerCodes : info . lowerCodes , _nextBeginningIndexes : NULL , _bitflags : info . bitflags , 'score' : NULL , _indexes : [ 0 ] , 'obj' : NULL } // hidden
} ;
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
// Below this point is only internal code
var prepareSearch = ( search ) => {
if ( typeof search !== 'string' ) search = '' ;
search = search . trim ( ) ;
var info = prepareLowerInfo ( search ) ;
var spaceSearches = [ ] ;
if ( info . containsSpace ) {
var searches = search . split ( /\s+/ ) ;
searches = [ ... new Set ( searches ) ] ; // distinct
for ( var i = 0 ; i < searches . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( searches [ i ] === '' ) continue
var _info = prepareLowerInfo ( searches [ i ] ) ;
spaceSearches . push ( { lowerCodes : _info . lowerCodes , _lower : searches [ i ] . toLowerCase ( ) , containsSpace : false } ) ;
return { lowerCodes : info . lowerCodes , bitflags : info . bitflags , containsSpace : info . containsSpace , _lower : info . _lower , spaceSearches : spaceSearches }
} ;
var getPrepared = ( target ) => {
if ( target . length > 999 ) return prepare ( target ) // don't cache huge targets
var targetPrepared = preparedCache . get ( target ) ;
if ( targetPrepared !== undefined ) return targetPrepared
targetPrepared = prepare ( target ) ;
preparedCache . set ( target , targetPrepared ) ;
return targetPrepared
} ;
var getPreparedSearch = ( search ) => {
if ( search . length > 999 ) return prepareSearch ( search ) // don't cache huge searches
var searchPrepared = preparedSearchCache . get ( search ) ;
if ( searchPrepared !== undefined ) return searchPrepared
searchPrepared = prepareSearch ( search ) ;
preparedSearchCache . set ( search , searchPrepared ) ;
return searchPrepared
} ;
var all = ( search , targets , options ) => {
var results = [ ] ; results . total = targets . length ;
var limit = options && options . limit || INT _MAX ;
if ( options && options . key ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets . length ; i ++ ) { var obj = targets [ i ] ;
var target = getValue ( obj , options . key ) ;
if ( ! target ) continue
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
target . score = INT _MIN ;
target . _indexes . len = 0 ;
var result = target ;
result = { target : result . target , _targetLower : '' , _targetLowerCodes : NULL , _nextBeginningIndexes : NULL , _bitflags : 0 , score : target . score , _indexes : NULL , obj : obj } ; // hidden
results . push ( result ) ; if ( results . length >= limit ) return results
} else if ( options && options . keys ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets . length ; i ++ ) { var obj = targets [ i ] ;
var objResults = new Array ( options . keys . length ) ;
for ( var keyI = options . keys . length - 1 ; keyI >= 0 ; -- keyI ) {
var target = getValue ( obj , options . keys [ keyI ] ) ;
if ( ! target ) { objResults [ keyI ] = NULL ; continue }
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
target . score = INT _MIN ;
target . _indexes . len = 0 ;
objResults [ keyI ] = target ;
objResults . obj = obj ;
objResults . score = INT _MIN ;
results . push ( objResults ) ; if ( results . length >= limit ) return results
} else {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targets . length ; i ++ ) { var target = targets [ i ] ;
if ( ! target ) continue
if ( ! isObj ( target ) ) target = getPrepared ( target ) ;
target . score = INT _MIN ;
target . _indexes . len = 0 ;
results . push ( target ) ; if ( results . length >= limit ) return results
return results
} ;
var algorithm = ( preparedSearch , prepared , allowSpaces = false ) => {
if ( allowSpaces === false && preparedSearch . containsSpace ) return algorithmSpaces ( preparedSearch , prepared )
var searchLower = preparedSearch . _lower ;
var searchLowerCodes = preparedSearch . lowerCodes ;
var searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes [ 0 ] ;
var targetLowerCodes = prepared . _targetLowerCodes ;
var searchLen = searchLowerCodes . length ;
var targetLen = targetLowerCodes . length ;
var searchI = 0 ; // where we at
var targetI = 0 ; // where you at
var matchesSimpleLen = 0 ;
// very basic fuzzy match; to remove non-matching targets ASAP!
// walk through target. find sequential matches.
// if all chars aren't found then exit
for ( ; ; ) {
var isMatch = searchLowerCode === targetLowerCodes [ targetI ] ;
if ( isMatch ) {
matchesSimple [ matchesSimpleLen ++ ] = targetI ;
++ searchI ; if ( searchI === searchLen ) break
searchLowerCode = searchLowerCodes [ searchI ] ;
++ targetI ; if ( targetI >= targetLen ) return NULL // Failed to find searchI
var searchI = 0 ;
var successStrict = false ;
var matchesStrictLen = 0 ;
var nextBeginningIndexes = prepared . _nextBeginningIndexes ;
if ( nextBeginningIndexes === NULL ) nextBeginningIndexes = prepared . _nextBeginningIndexes = prepareNextBeginningIndexes ( prepared . target ) ;
targetI = matchesSimple [ 0 ] === 0 ? 0 : nextBeginningIndexes [ matchesSimple [ 0 ] - 1 ] ;
// Our target string successfully matched all characters in sequence!
// Let's try a more advanced and strict test to improve the score
// only count it as a match if it's consecutive or a beginning character!
var backtrackCount = 0 ;
if ( targetI !== targetLen ) for ( ; ; ) {
if ( targetI >= targetLen ) {
// We failed to find a good spot for this search char, go back to the previous search char and force it forward
if ( searchI <= 0 ) break // We failed to push chars forward for a better match
++ backtrackCount ; if ( backtrackCount > 200 ) break // exponential backtracking is taking too long, just give up and return a bad match
-- searchI ;
var lastMatch = matchesStrict [ -- matchesStrictLen ] ;
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes [ lastMatch ] ;
} else {
var isMatch = searchLowerCodes [ searchI ] === targetLowerCodes [ targetI ] ;
if ( isMatch ) {
matchesStrict [ matchesStrictLen ++ ] = targetI ;
++ searchI ; if ( searchI === searchLen ) { successStrict = true ; break }
++ targetI ;
} else {
targetI = nextBeginningIndexes [ targetI ] ;
// check if it's a substring match
var substringIndex = prepared . _targetLower . indexOf ( searchLower , matchesSimple [ 0 ] ) ; // perf: this is slow
var isSubstring = ~ substringIndex ;
if ( isSubstring && ! successStrict ) { // rewrite the indexes from basic to the substring
for ( var i = 0 ; i < matchesSimpleLen ; ++ i ) matchesSimple [ i ] = substringIndex + i ;
var isSubstringBeginning = false ;
if ( isSubstring ) {
isSubstringBeginning = prepared . _nextBeginningIndexes [ substringIndex - 1 ] === substringIndex ;
{ // tally up the score & keep track of matches for highlighting later
if ( successStrict ) { var matchesBest = matchesStrict ; var matchesBestLen = matchesStrictLen ; }
else { var matchesBest = matchesSimple ; var matchesBestLen = matchesSimpleLen ; }
var score = 0 ;
var extraMatchGroupCount = 0 ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < searchLen ; ++ i ) {
if ( matchesBest [ i ] - matchesBest [ i - 1 ] !== 1 ) { score -= matchesBest [ i ] ; ++ extraMatchGroupCount ; }
var unmatchedDistance = matchesBest [ searchLen - 1 ] - matchesBest [ 0 ] - ( searchLen - 1 ) ;
score -= ( 12 + unmatchedDistance ) * extraMatchGroupCount ; // penality for more groups
if ( matchesBest [ 0 ] !== 0 ) score -= matchesBest [ 0 ] * matchesBest [ 0 ] * . 2 ; // penality for not starting near the beginning
if ( ! successStrict ) {
score *= 1000 ;
} else {
// successStrict on a target with too many beginning indexes loses points for being a bad target
var uniqueBeginningIndexes = 1 ;
for ( var i = nextBeginningIndexes [ 0 ] ; i < targetLen ; i = nextBeginningIndexes [ i ] ) ++ uniqueBeginningIndexes ;
if ( uniqueBeginningIndexes > 24 ) score *= ( uniqueBeginningIndexes - 24 ) * 10 ; // quite arbitrary numbers here ...
if ( isSubstring ) score /= 1 + searchLen * searchLen * 1 ; // bonus for being a full substring
if ( isSubstringBeginning ) score /= 1 + searchLen * searchLen * 1 ; // bonus for substring starting on a beginningIndex
score -= targetLen - searchLen ; // penality for longer targets
prepared . score = score ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < matchesBestLen ; ++ i ) prepared . _indexes [ i ] = matchesBest [ i ] ;
prepared . _indexes . len = matchesBestLen ;
return prepared
} ;
var algorithmSpaces = ( preparedSearch , target ) => {
var seen _indexes = new Set ( ) ;
var score = 0 ;
var result = NULL ;
var first _seen _index _last _search = 0 ;
var searches = preparedSearch . spaceSearches ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < searches . length ; ++ i ) {
var search = searches [ i ] ;
result = algorithm ( search , target ) ;
if ( result === NULL ) return NULL
score += result . score ;
// dock points based on order otherwise "c man" returns Manifest.cpp instead of CheatManager.h
if ( result . _indexes [ 0 ] < first _seen _index _last _search ) {
score -= first _seen _index _last _search - result . _indexes [ 0 ] ;
first _seen _index _last _search = result . _indexes [ 0 ] ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < result . _indexes . len ; ++ j ) seen _indexes . add ( result . _indexes [ j ] ) ;
// allows a search with spaces that's an exact substring to score well
var allowSpacesResult = algorithm ( preparedSearch , target , /*allowSpaces=*/ true ) ;
if ( allowSpacesResult !== NULL && allowSpacesResult . score > score ) {
return allowSpacesResult
result . score = score ;
var i = 0 ;
for ( let index of seen _indexes ) result . _indexes [ i ++ ] = index ;
result . _indexes . len = i ;
return result
} ;
var prepareLowerInfo = ( str ) => {
var strLen = str . length ;
var lower = str . toLowerCase ( ) ;
var lowerCodes = [ ] ; // new Array(strLen) sparse array is too slow
var bitflags = 0 ;
var containsSpace = false ; // space isn't stored in bitflags because of how searching with a space works
for ( var i = 0 ; i < strLen ; ++ i ) {
var lowerCode = lowerCodes [ i ] = lower . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( lowerCode === 32 ) {
containsSpace = true ;
continue // it's important that we don't set any bitflags for space
var bit = lowerCode >= 97 && lowerCode <= 122 ? lowerCode - 97 // alphabet
: lowerCode >= 48 && lowerCode <= 57 ? 26 // numbers
// 3 bits available
: lowerCode <= 127 ? 30 // other ascii
: 31 ; // other utf8
bitflags |= 1 << bit ;
return { lowerCodes : lowerCodes , bitflags : bitflags , containsSpace : containsSpace , _lower : lower }
} ;
var prepareBeginningIndexes = ( target ) => {
var targetLen = target . length ;
var beginningIndexes = [ ] ; var beginningIndexesLen = 0 ;
var wasUpper = false ;
var wasAlphanum = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetLen ; ++ i ) {
var targetCode = target . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
var isUpper = targetCode >= 65 && targetCode <= 90 ;
var isAlphanum = isUpper || targetCode >= 97 && targetCode <= 122 || targetCode >= 48 && targetCode <= 57 ;
var isBeginning = isUpper && ! wasUpper || ! wasAlphanum || ! isAlphanum ;
wasUpper = isUpper ;
wasAlphanum = isAlphanum ;
if ( isBeginning ) beginningIndexes [ beginningIndexesLen ++ ] = i ;
return beginningIndexes
} ;
var prepareNextBeginningIndexes = ( target ) => {
var targetLen = target . length ;
var beginningIndexes = prepareBeginningIndexes ( target ) ;
var nextBeginningIndexes = [ ] ; // new Array(targetLen) sparse array is too slow
var lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes [ 0 ] ;
var lastIsBeginningI = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < targetLen ; ++ i ) {
if ( lastIsBeginning > i ) {
nextBeginningIndexes [ i ] = lastIsBeginning ;
} else {
lastIsBeginning = beginningIndexes [ ++ lastIsBeginningI ] ;
nextBeginningIndexes [ i ] = lastIsBeginning === undefined ? targetLen : lastIsBeginning ;
return nextBeginningIndexes
} ;
var cleanup = ( ) => { preparedCache . clear ( ) ; preparedSearchCache . clear ( ) ; matchesSimple = [ ] ; matchesStrict = [ ] ; } ;
var preparedCache = new Map ( ) ;
var preparedSearchCache = new Map ( ) ;
var matchesSimple = [ ] ; var matchesStrict = [ ] ;
// for use with keys. just returns the maximum score
var defaultScoreFn = ( a ) => {
var max = INT _MIN ;
var len = a . length ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i ) {
var result = a [ i ] ; if ( result === NULL ) continue
var score = result . score ;
if ( score > max ) max = score ;
if ( max === INT _MIN ) return NULL
return max
} ;
// prop = 'key' 2.5ms optimized for this case, seems to be about as fast as direct obj[prop]
// prop = 'key1.key2' 10ms
// prop = ['key1', 'key2'] 27ms
var getValue = ( obj , prop ) => {
var tmp = obj [ prop ] ; if ( tmp !== undefined ) return tmp
var segs = prop ;
if ( ! Array . isArray ( prop ) ) segs = prop . split ( '.' ) ;
var len = segs . length ;
var i = - 1 ;
while ( obj && ( ++ i < len ) ) obj = obj [ segs [ i ] ] ;
return obj
} ;
var isObj = ( x ) => { return typeof x === 'object' } ; // faster as a function
// var INT_MAX = 9007199254740991; var INT_MIN = -INT_MAX
var INT _MAX = Infinity ; var INT _MIN = - INT _MAX ;
var noResults = [ ] ; noResults . total = 0 ;
var NULL = null ;
// Hacked version of https://github.com/lemire/FastPriorityQueue.js
var fastpriorityqueue = r => { var e = [ ] , o = 0 , a = { } , v = r => { for ( var a = 0 , v = e [ a ] , c = 1 ; c < o ; ) { var s = c + 1 ; a = c , s < o && e [ s ] . score < e [ c ] . score && ( a = s ) , e [ a - 1 >> 1 ] = e [ a ] , c = 1 + ( a << 1 ) ; } for ( var f = a - 1 >> 1 ; a > 0 && v . score < e [ f ] . score ; f = ( a = f ) - 1 >> 1 ) e [ a ] = e [ f ] ; e [ a ] = v ; } ; return a . add = ( r => { var a = o ; e [ o ++ ] = r ; for ( var v = a - 1 >> 1 ; a > 0 && r . score < e [ v ] . score ; v = ( a = v ) - 1 >> 1 ) e [ a ] = e [ v ] ; e [ a ] = r ; } ) , a . poll = ( r => { if ( 0 !== o ) { var a = e [ 0 ] ; return e [ 0 ] = e [ -- o ] , v ( ) , a } } ) , a . peek = ( r => { if ( 0 !== o ) return e [ 0 ] } ) , a . replaceTop = ( r => { e [ 0 ] = r , v ( ) ; } ) , a } ;
var q = fastpriorityqueue ( ) ; // reuse this
// fuzzysort is written this way for minification. all names are mangeled unless quoted
return { 'single' : single , 'go' : go , 'highlight' : highlight , 'prepare' : prepare , 'indexes' : indexes , 'cleanup' : cleanup }
} ) ; // UMD
// TODO: (feature) frecency
// TODO: (perf) use different sorting algo depending on the # of results?
// TODO: (perf) preparedCache is a memory leak
// TODO: (like sublime) backslash === forwardslash
// TODO: (perf) prepareSearch seems slow
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
class AbstractSettingComponent extends obsidian . Component {
constructor ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) {
super ( ) ;
this . childEl = null ;
this . parent = parent ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . sectionId = sectionId ;
this . sectionName = sectionName ;
this . setting = setting ;
this . settingsManager = settingsManager ;
this . isView = isView ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
get containerEl ( ) {
return this . parent instanceof HTMLElement
? this . parent
: this . parent . childEl ;
onload ( ) {
this . render ( ) ;
onunload ( ) {
this . destroy ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
/ * *
* Matches the Component against ` str ` . A perfect match returns 0 , no match returns negative infinity .
* @ param str the string to match this Component against .
* /
match ( str ) {
var _a , _b , _c , _d ;
if ( ! str ) {
return Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ;
return Math . max ( ( _b = ( _a = fuzzysort . single ( str , getTitle ( this . setting ) ) ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . score ) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY , ( _d = ( _c = fuzzysort . single ( str , getDescription ( this . setting ) ) ) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c . score ) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ) ;
/ * *
* Matches the Component against ` str ` . A match returns true , no match or a bad match returns false .
* @ param str the string to match this Component against .
* /
decisiveMatch ( str ) {
return this . match ( str ) > - 100000 ;
const resetTooltip = 'Restore default' ;
class ClassToggleSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : '' ) ;
this . settingEl . addToggle ( ( toggle ) => {
const value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
toggle . setValue ( value !== undefined ? ! ! value : ! ! this . setting . default ) ;
toggle . onChange ( ( value ) => {
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , value ) ;
} ) ;
this . toggleComponent = toggle ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
const value = ! ! this . setting . default ;
this . toggleComponent . setValue ( value ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
class ClassMultiToggleSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'string' ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value' ) } ` ) ;
let prevValue = this . getPreviousValue ( ) ;
const defaultLabel = this . getDefaultOptionLabel ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default , defaultLabel ) ) ;
this . settingEl . addDropdown ( ( dropdown ) => {
if ( this . setting . allowEmpty ) {
dropdown . addOption ( 'none' , '' ) ;
for ( const o of this . setting . options ) {
if ( typeof o === 'string' ) {
dropdown . addOption ( o , o ) ;
else {
dropdown . addOption ( o . value , o . label ) ;
dropdown . setValue ( prevValue ) ;
dropdown . onChange ( ( value ) => {
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , value ) ;
prevValue = value ;
} ) ;
this . dropdownComponent = dropdown ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . dropdownComponent . setValue ( this . setting . default || 'none' ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
getDefaultOption ( ) {
if ( this . setting . default ) {
return this . setting . options . find ( ( o ) => {
if ( typeof o === 'string' ) {
return o === this . setting . default ;
return o . value === this . setting . default ;
} ) ;
return undefined ;
getDefaultOptionLabel ( ) {
const defaultOption = this . getDefaultOption ( ) ;
if ( defaultOption ) {
if ( typeof defaultOption === 'string' ) {
return defaultOption ;
return defaultOption . label ;
return undefined ;
getPreviousValue ( ) {
const prevValue = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
if ( prevValue === undefined ) {
if ( this . setting . default ) {
return this . setting . default ;
return 'none' ;
return prevValue ;
class VariableTextSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'string' ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value' ) } ` ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default ) ) ;
this . settingEl . addText ( ( text ) => {
let value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
const onChange = obsidian . debounce ( ( value ) => {
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , sanitizeText ( value ) ) ;
} , 250 , true ) ;
if ( this . setting . quotes && value === ` "" ` ) {
value = ` ` ;
text . setValue ( value ? value . toString ( ) : this . setting . default ) ;
text . onChange ( onChange ) ;
this . textComponent = text ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . textComponent . setValue ( this . setting . default ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
class VariableNumberSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'number' ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value' ) } ` ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default . toString ( 10 ) ) ) ;
this . settingEl . addText ( ( text ) => {
const value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
const onChange = obsidian . debounce ( ( value ) => {
const isFloat = /\./ . test ( value ) ;
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , isFloat ? parseFloat ( value ) : parseInt ( value , 10 ) ) ;
} , 250 , true ) ;
text . setValue ( value !== undefined ? value . toString ( ) : this . setting . default . toString ( ) ) ;
text . onChange ( onChange ) ;
this . textComponent = text ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . textComponent . setValue ( this . setting . default . toString ( ) ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
class VariableNumberSliderSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'number' ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value' ) } ` ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default . toString ( 10 ) ) ) ;
this . settingEl . addSlider ( ( slider ) => {
const value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
const onChange = obsidian . debounce ( ( value ) => {
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , value ) ;
} , 250 , true ) ;
slider . setDynamicTooltip ( ) ;
slider . setLimits ( this . setting . min , this . setting . max , this . setting . step ) ;
slider . setValue ( value !== undefined ? value : this . setting . default ) ;
slider . onChange ( onChange ) ;
this . sliderComponent = slider ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . sliderComponent . setValue ( this . setting . default ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
class VariableSelectSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'string' ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value' ) } ` ) ;
const defaultLabel = this . getDefaultOptionLabel ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default , defaultLabel ) ) ;
this . settingEl . addDropdown ( ( dropdown ) => {
const value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
for ( const o of this . setting . options ) {
if ( typeof o === 'string' ) {
dropdown . addOption ( o , o ) ;
else {
dropdown . addOption ( o . value , o . label ) ;
dropdown . setValue ( value !== undefined ? value : this . setting . default ) ;
dropdown . onChange ( ( value ) => {
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , value ) ;
} ) ;
this . dropdownComponent = dropdown ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . dropdownComponent . setValue ( this . setting . default ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
getDefaultOption ( ) {
if ( this . setting . default ) {
return this . setting . options . find ( ( o ) => {
if ( typeof o === 'string' ) {
return o === this . setting . default ;
return o . value === this . setting . default ;
} ) ;
return undefined ;
getDefaultOptionLabel ( ) {
const defaultOption = this . getDefaultOption ( ) ;
if ( defaultOption ) {
if ( typeof defaultOption === 'string' ) {
return defaultOption ;
return defaultOption . label ;
return undefined ;
var pickr _min = createCommonjsModule ( function ( module , exports ) {
/*! Pickr 1.8.4 MIT | https://github.com/Simonwep/pickr */
! function ( t , e ) { module . exports = e ( ) ; } ( self , ( function ( ) { return ( ( ) => { var t = { d : ( e , o ) => { for ( var n in o ) t . o ( o , n ) && ! t . o ( e , n ) && Object . defineProperty ( e , n , { enumerable : ! 0 , get : o [ n ] } ) ; } , o : ( t , e ) => Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( t , e ) , r : t => { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol . toStringTag && Object . defineProperty ( t , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) , Object . defineProperty ( t , "__esModule" , { value : ! 0 } ) ; } } , e = { } ; t . d ( e , { default : ( ) => x } ) ; var o = { } ; function n ( t , e , o , n ) { let i = arguments . length > 4 && void 0 !== arguments [ 4 ] ? arguments [ 4 ] : { } ; e instanceof HTMLCollection || e instanceof NodeList ? e = Array . from ( e ) : Array . isArray ( e ) || ( e = [ e ] ) , Array . isArray ( o ) || ( o = [ o ] ) ; for ( const s of e ) for ( const e of o ) s [ t ] ( e , n , { capture : ! 1 , ... i } ) ; return Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments , 1 ) } t . r ( o ) , t . d ( o , { adjustableInputNumbers : ( ) => p , createElementFromString : ( ) => r , createFromTemplate : ( ) => a , eventPath : ( ) => l , off : ( ) => s , on : ( ) => i , resolveElement : ( ) => c } ) ; const i = n . bind ( null , "addEventListener" ) , s = n . bind ( null , "removeEventListener" ) ; function r ( t ) { const e = document . createElement ( "div" ) ; return e . innerHTML = t . trim ( ) , e . firstElementChild } function a ( t ) { const e = ( t , e ) => { const o = t . getAttribute ( e ) ; return t . removeAttribute ( e ) , o } , o = function ( t ) { let n = arguments . length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments [ 1 ] ? arguments [ 1 ] : { } ; const i = e ( t , ":obj" ) , s = e ( t , ":ref" ) , r = i ? n [ i ] = { } : n ; s && ( n [ s ] = t ) ; for ( const n of Array . from ( t . children ) ) { const t = e ( n , ":arr" ) , i = o ( n , t ? { } : r ) ; t && ( r [ t ] || ( r [ t ] = [ ] ) ) . push ( Object . keys ( i ) . length ? i : n ) ; } return n } ; return o ( r ( t ) ) } function l ( t ) { let e = t . path || t . composedPath && t . composedPath ( ) ; if ( e ) return e ; let o = t . target . parentElement ; for ( e = [ t . target , o ] ; o = o . parentElement ; ) e . push ( o ) ; return e . push ( document , window ) , e } function c ( t ) { return t instanceof Element ? t : "string" == typeof t ? t . split ( />>/g ) . reduce ( ( ( t , e , o , n ) => ( t = t . querySelector ( e ) , o < n . length - 1 ? t . shadowRoot : t ) ) , document ) : null } function p ( t ) { let e = arguments . length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments [ 1 ] ? arguments [ 1 ] : t => t ; function o ( o ) { const n = [ . 001 , . 01 , . 1 ] [ Number ( o . shiftKey || 2 * o . ctrlKey ) ] * ( o . deltaY < 0 ? 1 : - 1 ) ; let i = 0 , s = t . selectionStart ; t . value = t . value . replace ( /[\d.]+/g , ( ( t , o ) => o <= s && o + t . length >= s ? ( s = o , e ( Number ( t ) , n , i ) ) : ( i ++ , t ) ) ) , t . focus ( ) , t . setSelectionRange ( s , s ) , o . preventDefault ( ) , t . dispatchEvent ( new Event ( "input" ) ) ; } i ( t , "focus" , ( ( ) => i ( window , "wheel" , o , { passive : ! 1 } ) ) ) , i ( t , "blur" , ( ( ) => s ( window , "wheel" , o ) ) ) ; } const { min : h , max : u , floor : d , round : v } = Math ; function m ( t , e , o ) { e /= 100 , o /= 100 ; const n = d ( t = t / 360 * 6 ) , i = t - n , s = o * ( 1 - e ) , r = o * ( 1 - i * e ) , a = o * ( 1 - ( 1 - i ) * e ) , l = n % 6 ; return [ 255 * [ o , r , s , s , a , o ] [ l ] , 255 * [ a , o , o , r , s , s ] [ l ] , 255 * [ s , s , a , o , o , r ] [ l ] ] } function f ( t , e , o ) { return m ( t , e , o ) . map ( ( t => v ( t ) . toString ( 16 ) . padStart ( 2 , "0" ) ) ) } function g ( t , e , o ) { const n = m ( t , e , o ) , i = n [ 0 ] / 255 , s = n [ 1 ] / 255 , r = n [ 2 ] / 255 , a = h ( 1 - i , 1 - s , 1 - r ) ; return [ 100 * ( 1 === a ? 0 : ( 1 - i - a ) / ( 1 - a ) ) , 100 * ( 1 === a ? 0 : ( 1 - s - a ) / ( 1 - a ) ) , 100 * ( 1 === a ? 0 : ( 1 - r - a ) / ( 1 - a ) ) , 100 * a ] } function b ( t , e , o ) { const n = ( 2 - ( e /= 100 ) ) * ( o /= 100 ) / 2 ; return 0 !== n && ( e = 1 === n ? 0 : n < . 5 ? e * o / ( 2 * n ) : e * o / ( 2 - 2 * n ) ) , [ t , 100 * e , 100 * n ] } function y ( t , e , o ) { const n = h ( t /= 255 , e /= 255 , o /= 255 ) , i = u ( t , e , o ) , s = i - n ; let r , a ; if ( 0 === s ) r = a = 0 ; else { a = s / i ; const n = ( ( i - t ) / 6 + s / 2 ) / s , l = ( ( i - e ) / 6 + s / 2 ) / s , c = ( ( i - o ) / 6 + s / 2 ) / s ; t === i ? r = c - l : e === i ? r = 1 / 3 + n - c : o === i && ( r = 2 / 3 + l - n ) , r < 0 ? r += 1 : r > 1 && ( r -= 1 ) ; } return [ 360 * r , 100 * a , 100 * i ] } function _ ( t , e , o , n ) { e /= 100 , o /= 100 ; return [ ... y ( 255 * ( 1 - h ( 1 , ( t /= 100 ) * ( 1 - ( n /= 100 ) ) + n ) ) , 255 * ( 1 - h ( 1 , e * ( 1 - n ) + n ) ) , 255 * ( 1 - h ( 1 , o * ( 1 - n ) + n ) ) ) ] } function w ( t , e , o ) { e /= 100 ; const n = 2 * ( e *= ( o /= 100 ) < . 5 ? o : 1 - o ) / ( o + e ) * 100 , i = 100 * ( o + e ) ; return [ t , isNaN ( n ) ? 0 : n , i ] } function A ( t ) { return y ( ... t . match ( /.{2}/g ) . map ( ( t => parseInt ( t , 16 ) ) ) ) } function C ( t ) { t = t . match ( /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ ) ? function ( t ) { if ( "black" === t . toLowerCase ( ) ) return "#000" ; const e = document . createElement ( "canvas" ) . getContext ( "2d" ) ; return e . fillStyle = t , "#000" === e . fillStyle ? null : e . fillStyle } ( t ) : t ; const e = { cmyk : /^cmyk[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)/i , rgba : /^((rgba)|rgb)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i , hsla : /^((hsla)|hsl)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i , hsva : /^((hsva)|hsv)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]+([\d.]+)[\D]*?([\d.]+|$)/i , hexa : /^#?(([\dA-Fa-f]{3,4})|([\dA-Fa-f]{6})|([\dA-Fa-f]{8}))$/i } , o = t => t . map ( ( t => / ^ ( | \ d + ) \ . \ d + | \ d + $ / . test ( t ) ? Number ( t ) : void 0 ) ) ; let n ; t : for ( co
} ) ;
var Pickr = /*@__PURE__*/ getDefaultExportFromCjs ( pickr _min ) ;
class VariableColorSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
var _a ;
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'string' ||
! isValidDefaultColor ( this . setting . default ) ) {
this . setting . default = ( _a = this . settingsManager . plugin
. getCSSVar ( this . setting . id )
. current ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . trim ( ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting . default !== 'string' ||
! isValidDefaultColor ( this . setting . default ) ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default value, or value is not in a valid color format' ) } ` ) ;
const value = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
const swatches = [ ] ;
if ( this . setting . default ) {
swatches . push ( this . setting . default ) ;
if ( value !== undefined ) {
swatches . push ( value ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( createDescription ( description , this . setting . default ) ) ;
// fix, so that the color is correctly shown before the color picker has been opened
const defaultColor = value !== undefined ? value : this . setting . default ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . containerEl . style . setProperty ( '--pcr-color' , defaultColor ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . pickr = Pickr . create ( getPickrSettings ( {
isView : this . isView ,
el : this . settingEl . controlEl . createDiv ( { cls : 'picker' } ) ,
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
containerEl : this . containerEl ,
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
swatches : swatches ,
opacity : this . setting . opacity ,
defaultColor : defaultColor ,
} ) ) ;
this . pickr . on ( 'save' , ( color , instance ) => {
if ( ! color )
return ;
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id , color . toHEXA ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
instance . hide ( ) ;
instance . addSwatch ( color . toHEXA ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . pickr . on ( 'show' , ( ) => {
const { result } = this . pickr . getRoot ( ) . interaction ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => {
activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => result . select ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
this . pickr . on ( 'cancel' , onPickrCancel ) ;
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
b . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . pickr . setColor ( this . setting . default ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , this . setting . id ) ;
} ) ;
b . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a , _b ;
( _a = this . pickr ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . destroyAndRemove ( ) ;
this . pickr = undefined ;
( _b = this . settingEl ) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
class VariableThemedColorSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting [ 'default-light' ] !== 'string' ||
! isValidDefaultColor ( this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ) ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default light value, or value is not in a valid color format' ) } ` ) ;
if ( typeof this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] !== 'string' ||
! isValidDefaultColor ( this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ) ) {
return console . error ( ` ${ t ( 'Error:' ) } ${ title } ${ t ( 'missing default dark value, or value is not in a valid color format' ) } ` ) ;
const idLight = ` ${ this . setting . id } @@light ` ;
const idDark = ` ${ this . setting . id } @@dark ` ;
const valueLight = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , idLight ) ;
const valueDark = this . settingsManager . getSetting ( this . sectionId , idDark ) ;
const swatchesLight = [ ] ;
const swatchesDark = [ ] ;
if ( this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ) {
swatchesLight . push ( this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ) ;
if ( valueLight !== undefined ) {
swatchesLight . push ( valueLight ) ;
if ( this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ) {
swatchesDark . push ( this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ) ;
if ( valueDark !== undefined ) {
swatchesDark . push ( valueDark ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
// Construct description
this . settingEl . descEl . createSpan ( { } , ( span ) => {
if ( description ) {
span . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( description ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingEl . descEl . createDiv ( { } , ( div ) => {
div . createEl ( 'small' , { } , ( sm ) => {
sm . appendChild ( createEl ( 'strong' , { text : 'Default (light): ' } ) ) ;
sm . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
div . createEl ( 'br' ) ;
div . createEl ( 'small' , { } , ( sm ) => {
sm . appendChild ( createEl ( 'strong' , { text : 'Default (dark): ' } ) ) ;
sm . appendChild ( document . createTextNode ( this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
const wrapper = this . settingEl . controlEl . createDiv ( {
cls : 'themed-color-wrapper' ,
} ) ;
// Create light color picker
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . createColorPickerLight ( wrapper , this . containerEl , swatchesLight , valueLight , idLight ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
// Create dark color picker
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . createColorPickerDark ( wrapper , this . containerEl , swatchesDark , valueDark , idDark ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a , _b , _c ;
( _a = this . pickrLight ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . destroyAndRemove ( ) ;
( _b = this . pickrDark ) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b . destroyAndRemove ( ) ;
this . pickrLight = undefined ;
this . pickrDark = undefined ;
( _c = this . settingEl ) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
createColorPickerLight ( wrapper , containerEl , swatchesLight , valueLight , idLight ) {
const themeLightWrapper = wrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'theme-light' } ) ;
// fix, so that the color is correctly shown before the color picker has been opened
const defaultColor = valueLight !== undefined
? valueLight
: this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ;
themeLightWrapper . style . setProperty ( '--pcr-color' , defaultColor ) ;
this . pickrLight = Pickr . create ( getPickrSettings ( {
isView : this . isView ,
el : themeLightWrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'picker' } ) ,
containerEl ,
swatches : swatchesLight ,
opacity : this . setting . opacity ,
defaultColor : defaultColor ,
} ) ) ;
this . pickrLight . on ( 'show' , ( ) => {
const { result } = this . pickrLight . getRoot ( ) . interaction ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => result . select ( ) ) ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
this . pickrLight . on ( 'save' , ( color , instance ) => this . onSave ( idLight , color , instance ) ) ;
this . pickrLight . on ( 'cancel' , onPickrCancel ) ;
const themeLightReset = new obsidian . ButtonComponent ( themeLightWrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'pickr-reset' } ) ) ;
themeLightReset . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
themeLightReset . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . pickrLight . setColor ( this . setting [ 'default-light' ] ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , idLight ) ;
} ) ;
themeLightReset . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
createColorPickerDark ( wrapper , containerEl , swatchesDark , valueDark , idDark ) {
const themeDarkWrapper = wrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'theme-dark' } ) ;
// fix, so that the color is correctly shown before the color picker has been opened
const defaultColor = valueDark !== undefined
? valueDark
: this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ;
themeDarkWrapper . style . setProperty ( '--pcr-color' , defaultColor ) ;
this . pickrDark = Pickr . create ( getPickrSettings ( {
isView : this . isView ,
el : themeDarkWrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'picker' } ) ,
containerEl ,
swatches : swatchesDark ,
opacity : this . setting . opacity ,
defaultColor : defaultColor ,
} ) ) ;
this . pickrDark . on ( 'show' , ( ) => {
const { result } = this . pickrDark . getRoot ( ) . interaction ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => activeWindow . requestAnimationFrame ( ( ) => result . select ( ) ) ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
this . pickrDark . on ( 'save' , ( color , instance ) => this . onSave ( idDark , color , instance ) ) ;
this . pickrDark . on ( 'cancel' , onPickrCancel ) ;
const themeDarkReset = new obsidian . ButtonComponent ( themeDarkWrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'pickr-reset' } ) ) ;
themeDarkReset . setIcon ( 'reset' ) ;
themeDarkReset . onClick ( ( ) => {
this . pickrDark . setColor ( this . setting [ 'default-dark' ] ) ;
this . settingsManager . clearSetting ( this . sectionId , idDark ) ;
} ) ;
themeDarkReset . setTooltip ( resetTooltip ) ;
onSave ( id , color , instance ) {
if ( ! color )
return ;
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( this . sectionId , id , color . toHEXA ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
instance . hide ( ) ;
instance . addSwatch ( color . toHEXA ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
class InfoTextSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setClass ( 'style-settings-info-text' ) ;
if ( title ) {
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
if ( description ) {
if ( this . setting . markdown ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
obsidian . MarkdownRenderer . renderMarkdown ( description , this . settingEl . descEl , '' , this ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . descEl . addClass ( 'style-settings-markdown' ) ;
else {
this . settingEl . setDesc ( description ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
function createSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
if ( setting . type === SettingType . HEADING ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new HeadingSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . INFO _TEXT ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new InfoTextSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _TOGGLE ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new ClassToggleSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _SELECT ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new ClassMultiToggleSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _TEXT ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableTextSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _NUMBER ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableNumberSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _NUMBER _SLIDER ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableNumberSliderSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _SELECT ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableSelectSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _COLOR ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableColorSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else if ( setting . type === SettingType . VARIABLE _THEMED _COLOR ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
return new VariableThemedColorSettingComponent ( parent , sectionId , sectionName , setting , settingsManager , isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else {
return undefined ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
function buildSettingComponentTree ( opts ) {
const { containerEl , isView , sectionId , settings , settingsManager , sectionName , } = opts ;
const root = new HeadingSettingComponent ( containerEl , sectionId , sectionName , settings [ 0 ] , settingsManager , isView ) ;
let currentHeading = root ;
for ( const setting of settings . splice ( 1 ) ) {
if ( setting . type === 'heading' ) {
const newHeading = setting ;
if ( newHeading . level < currentHeading . setting . level ) {
while ( newHeading . level < currentHeading . setting . level ) {
currentHeading = currentHeading . parent ;
if ( currentHeading . setting . id === root . setting . id ) {
currentHeading = currentHeading . addSettingChild ( newHeading ) ;
else {
currentHeading = currentHeading . parent . addSettingChild ( newHeading ) ;
else if ( newHeading . level === currentHeading . setting . level ) {
currentHeading = currentHeading . parent . addSettingChild ( newHeading ) ;
else {
currentHeading = currentHeading . addSettingChild ( newHeading ) ;
else {
currentHeading . addSettingChild ( setting ) ;
return root ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
class HeadingSettingComponent extends AbstractSettingComponent {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
constructor ( ) {
super ( ... arguments ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . children = [ ] ;
this . filteredChildren = [ ] ;
this . filterMode = false ;
this . filterResultCount = 0 ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
render ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
const description = getDescription ( this . setting ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingEl = new obsidian . Setting ( this . containerEl ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . setHeading ( ) ;
this . settingEl . setClass ( 'style-settings-heading' ) ;
this . settingEl . setName ( title ) ;
this . settingEl . setDesc ( description !== null && description !== void 0 ? description : '' ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . level = this . setting . level . toString ( ) ;
this . settingEl . settingEl . dataset . id = this . setting . id ;
const iconContainer = createSpan ( {
cls : 'style-settings-collapse-indicator' ,
} ) ;
obsidian . setIcon ( iconContainer , 'right-triangle' ) ;
this . settingEl . nameEl . prepend ( iconContainer ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . resultsEl = this . settingEl . nameEl . createSpan ( {
cls : 'style-settings-filter-result-count' ,
text : this . filterMode ? ` ${ this . filterResultCount } Results ` : undefined ,
} ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingEl . settingEl . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( ) => {
this . toggleVisible ( ) ;
} ) ;
this . addResetButton ( ) ;
this . addExportButton ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . childEl = this . containerEl . createDiv ( {
cls : 'style-settings-container' ,
} ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . setCollapsed ( this . setting . collapsed ) ;
destroy ( ) {
var _a ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeChildren ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . remove ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . childEl . remove ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
filter ( filterString ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
var _a ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . filteredChildren = [ ] ;
this . filterResultCount = 0 ;
for ( const child of this . children ) {
if ( child . setting . type === SettingType . HEADING ) {
const childResultCount = child . filter ( filterString ) ;
if ( childResultCount > 0 ) {
this . filterResultCount += childResultCount ;
this . filteredChildren . push ( child ) ;
else {
if ( child . decisiveMatch ( filterString ) ) {
this . filteredChildren . push ( child ) ;
this . filterResultCount += 1 ;
this . filterMode = true ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
if ( this . filterResultCount ) {
this . setCollapsed ( false ) ;
else {
this . setCollapsed ( true ) ;
this . renderChildren ( ) ;
( _a = this . resultsEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . setText ( ` ${ this . filterResultCount } Results ` ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
return this . filterResultCount ;
clearFilter ( ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
var _a ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . filteredChildren = [ ] ;
for ( const child of this . children ) {
if ( child . setting . type === SettingType . HEADING ) {
child . clearFilter ( ) ;
this . filterMode = false ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . setCollapsed ( true ) ;
this . renderChildren ( ) ;
( _a = this . resultsEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . empty ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
renderChildren ( ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeChildren ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
if ( this . filterMode ) {
for ( const child of this . filteredChildren ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . addChild ( child ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else {
for ( const child of this . children ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . addChild ( child ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
removeChildren ( ) {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
for ( const child of this . children ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeChild ( child ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
toggleVisible ( ) {
this . setCollapsed ( ! this . setting . collapsed ) ;
setCollapsed ( collapsed ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
var _a ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . setting . collapsed = collapsed ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
( _a = this . settingEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . settingEl . toggleClass ( 'is-collapsed' , collapsed ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
if ( collapsed ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeChildren ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
else {
this . renderChildren ( ) ;
addResetButton ( ) {
if ( this . setting . resetFn ) {
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'reset' )
. setTooltip ( 'Reset all settings to default' )
. onClick ( this . setting . resetFn ) ;
} ) ;
addExportButton ( ) {
this . settingEl . addExtraButton ( ( b ) => {
b . setIcon ( 'install' ) ;
b . setTooltip ( 'Export settings' ) ;
b . extraSettingsEl . onClickEvent ( ( e ) => {
e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
let title = getTitle ( this . setting ) ;
title =
this . sectionName === title ? title : ` ${ this . sectionName } > ${ title } ` ;
this . settingsManager . export ( title , this . settingsManager . getSettings ( this . sectionId , this . getAllChildrenIds ( ) ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
addSettingChild ( child ) {
const newSettingComponent = createSettingComponent ( this , this . sectionId , this . sectionName , child , this . settingsManager , this . isView ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
if ( ! newSettingComponent ) {
return undefined ;
this . children . push ( newSettingComponent ) ;
return newSettingComponent ;
getAllChildrenIds ( ) {
const children = [ ] ;
for ( const child of this . children ) {
children . push ( child . setting . id ) ;
if ( child . setting . type === 'heading' ) {
children . push ( ... child . getAllChildrenIds ( ) ) ;
return children ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
class SettingsMarkup extends obsidian . Component {
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
constructor ( app , plugin , containerEl , isView ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
super ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingsComponentTrees = [ ] ;
this . filterString = '' ;
this . settings = [ ] ;
this . errorList = [ ] ;
this . app = app ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
this . containerEl = containerEl ;
this . isView = ! ! isView ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
onload ( ) {
this . display ( ) ;
onunload ( ) {
this . settingsComponentTrees = [ ] ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
display ( ) {
this . generate ( this . settings ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
removeChildren ( ) {
for ( const settingsComponentTree of this . settingsComponentTrees ) {
this . removeChild ( settingsComponentTree ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
/ * *
* Recursively destroys all setting elements .
* /
cleanup ( ) {
var _a ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . removeChildren ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
( _a = this . settingsContainerEl ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . empty ( ) ;
setSettings ( settings , errorList ) {
this . settings = settings ;
this . errorList = errorList ;
if ( this . containerEl . parentNode ) {
this . generate ( settings ) ;
displayErrors ( ) {
const { containerEl , errorList } = this ;
errorList . forEach ( ( err ) => {
containerEl . createDiv ( { cls : 'style-settings-error' } , ( wrapper ) => {
wrapper . createDiv ( {
cls : 'style-settings-error-name' ,
text : ` Error: ${ err . name } ` ,
} ) ;
wrapper . createDiv ( {
cls : 'style-settings-error-desc' ,
text : err . error ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
displayEmpty ( ) {
const { containerEl } = this ;
containerEl . createDiv ( { cls : 'style-settings-empty' } , ( wrapper ) => {
wrapper . createDiv ( {
cls : 'style-settings-empty-name' ,
text : 'No style settings found' ,
} ) ;
wrapper . createDiv ( { cls : 'style-settings-empty-desc' } ) . appendChild ( createFragment ( ( frag ) => {
frag . appendText ( 'Style settings configured by theme and plugin authors will show up here. You can also create your own configuration by creating a CSS snippet in your vault. ' ) ;
frag . createEl ( 'a' , {
text : 'Click here for details and examples.' ,
href : 'https://github.com/mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings#obsidian-style-settings-plugin' ,
} ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
generate ( settings ) {
var _a ;
const { containerEl , plugin } = this ;
containerEl . empty ( ) ;
this . cleanup ( ) ;
this . displayErrors ( ) ;
if ( settings . length === 0 ) {
return this . displayEmpty ( ) ;
new obsidian . Setting ( containerEl ) . then ( ( setting ) => {
// Build and import link to open the import modal
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'a' , {
cls : 'style-settings-import' ,
text : 'Import' ,
href : '#' ,
} , ( el ) => {
el . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . plugin . settingsManager . import ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Build and export link to open the export modal
setting . controlEl . createEl ( 'a' , {
cls : 'style-settings-export' ,
text : 'Export' ,
href : '#' ,
} , ( el ) => {
el . addEventListener ( 'click' , ( e ) => {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
this . plugin . settingsManager . export ( 'All settings' , this . plugin . settingsManager . settings ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Searchbar
let searchComponent ;
setting . addSearch ( ( s ) => {
searchComponent = s ;
} ) ;
// move the search component from the back to the front
setting . nameEl . appendChild ( setting . controlEl . lastChild ) ;
searchComponent . setValue ( this . filterString ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
searchComponent . onChange ( obsidian . debounce ( ( value ) => {
this . filterString = value ;
if ( value ) {
this . filter ( ) ;
else {
this . clearFilter ( ) ;
} , 250 , true ) ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
searchComponent . setPlaceholder ( 'Search Style Settings...' ) ;
} ) ;
this . settingsContainerEl = containerEl . createDiv ( ) ;
this . settingsComponentTrees = [ ] ;
for ( const s of settings ) {
const options = [
id : s . id ,
type : 'heading' ,
title : s . name ,
level : 0 ,
collapsed : ( _a = s . collapsed ) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : true ,
resetFn : ( ) => {
plugin . settingsManager . clearSection ( s . id ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . rerender ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ,
} ,
... s . settings ,
] ;
try {
const settingsComponentTree = buildSettingComponentTree ( {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
containerEl : this . settingsContainerEl ,
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
isView : this . isView ,
sectionId : s . id ,
sectionName : s . name ,
settings : options ,
settingsManager : plugin . settingsManager ,
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . addChild ( settingsComponentTree ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingsComponentTrees . push ( settingsComponentTree ) ;
catch ( e ) {
console . error ( 'Style Settings | Failed to render section' , e ) ;
/ * *
* Recursively filter all setting elements based on ` filterString ` and then re - renders .
* /
filter ( ) {
for ( const settingsComponentTree of this . settingsComponentTrees ) {
settingsComponentTree . filter ( this . filterString ) ;
/ * *
* Recursively clears the filter and then re - renders .
* /
clearFilter ( ) {
for ( const settingsComponentTree of this . settingsComponentTrees ) {
settingsComponentTree . clearFilter ( ) ;
rerender ( ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . cleanup ( ) ;
this . display ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
class CSSSettingsTab extends obsidian . PluginSettingTab {
constructor ( app , plugin ) {
super ( app , plugin ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . plugin = plugin ;
setSettings ( settings , errorList ) {
this . settings = settings ;
this . errorList = errorList ;
if ( this . settingsMarkup ) {
this . settingsMarkup . setSettings ( settings , errorList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
display ( ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingsMarkup = this . plugin . addChild ( new SettingsMarkup ( this . app , this . plugin , this . containerEl ) ) ;
if ( this . settings ) {
this . settingsMarkup . setSettings ( this . settings , this . errorList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
hide ( ) {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . plugin . removeChild ( this . settingsMarkup ) ;
this . settingsMarkup = null ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const viewType = 'style-settings' ;
class SettingsView extends obsidian . ItemView {
constructor ( plugin , leaf ) {
super ( leaf ) ;
this . plugin = plugin ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
setSettings ( settings , errorList ) {
this . settings = settings ;
this . errorList = errorList ;
if ( this . settingsMarkup ) {
this . settingsMarkup . setSettings ( settings , errorList ) ;
onload ( ) {
this . settingsMarkup = this . addChild ( new SettingsMarkup ( this . plugin . app , this . plugin , this . contentEl , true ) ) ;
if ( this . settings ) {
this . settingsMarkup . setSettings ( this . settings , this . errorList ) ;
onunload ( ) {
this . settingsMarkup = null ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
getViewType ( ) {
return viewType ;
getIcon ( ) {
return 'gear' ;
getDisplayText ( ) {
return 'Style Settings' ;
class CSSSettingsPlugin extends obsidian . Plugin {
constructor ( ) {
super ( ... arguments ) ;
this . settingsList = [ ] ;
this . errorList = [ ] ;
this . commandList = [ ] ;
this . debounceTimer = 0 ;
onload ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
this . settingsManager = new CSSSettingsManager ( this ) ;
yield this . settingsManager . load ( ) ;
this . settingsTab = new CSSSettingsTab ( this . app , this ) ;
this . addSettingTab ( this . settingsTab ) ;
this . registerView ( viewType , ( leaf ) => new SettingsView ( this , leaf ) ) ;
this . addCommand ( {
id : 'show-style-settings-leaf' ,
name : 'Show style settings view' ,
callback : ( ) => {
this . activateView ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( 'css-change' , ( data ) => {
if ( ( data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data . source ) !== 'style-settings' ) {
this . parseCSS ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ) ;
this . registerEvent ( this . app . workspace . on ( 'parse-style-settings' , ( ) => {
this . parseCSS ( ) ;
} ) ) ;
this . lightEl = document . body . createDiv ( 'theme-light style-settings-ref' ) ;
this . darkEl = document . body . createDiv ( 'theme-dark style-settings-ref' ) ;
document . body . classList . add ( 'css-settings-manager' ) ;
this . parseCSS ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . app . workspace . onLayoutReady ( ( ) => {
if ( this . settingsList ) {
this . app . workspace . getLeavesOfType ( viewType ) . forEach ( ( leaf ) => {
leaf . view . setSettings ( this . settingsList , this . errorList ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
getCSSVar ( id ) {
const light = getComputedStyle ( this . lightEl ) . getPropertyValue ( ` -- ${ id } ` ) ;
const dark = getComputedStyle ( this . darkEl ) . getPropertyValue ( ` -- ${ id } ` ) ;
const current = getComputedStyle ( document . body ) . getPropertyValue ( ` -- ${ id } ` ) ;
return { light , dark , current } ;
parseCSS ( ) {
clearTimeout ( this . debounceTimer ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . debounceTimer = activeWindow . setTimeout ( ( ) => {
this . settingsList = [ ] ;
this . errorList = [ ] ;
// remove registered theme commands (sadly undocumented API)
for ( const command of this . commandList ) {
// @ts-ignore
this . app . commands . removeCommand ( command . id ) ;
this . commandList = [ ] ;
this . settingsManager . removeClasses ( ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
const styleSheets = document . styleSheets ;
for ( let i = 0 , len = styleSheets . length ; i < len ; i ++ ) {
const sheet = styleSheets . item ( i ) ;
this . parseCSSStyleSheet ( sheet ) ;
// compatability with Settings Search Plugin
this . registerSettingsToSettingsSearch ( ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingsTab . setSettings ( this . settingsList , this . errorList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . app . workspace . getLeavesOfType ( viewType ) . forEach ( ( leaf ) => {
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
leaf . view . setSettings ( this . settingsList , this . errorList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
this . settingsManager . setConfig ( this . settingsList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
this . settingsManager . initClasses ( ) ;
this . registerSettingCommands ( ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
/ * *
* Registers the current settings to the settings search plugin .
* It also unregisters the old settings .
* @ private
* /
registerSettingsToSettingsSearch ( ) {
var _a ;
const onSettingsSearchLoaded = ( ) => {
if ( window . SettingsSearch ) {
const settingsSearch = window . SettingsSearch ;
settingsSearch . removeTabResources ( 'obsidian-style-settings' ) ;
for ( const parsedCSSSetting of this . settingsList ) {
settingsSearch . addResources ( ... parsedCSSSetting . settings . map ( ( x ) => {
var _a , _b ;
const settingsSearchResource = {
tab : 'obsidian-style-settings' ,
name : 'Style Settings' ,
text : ( _a = getTitle ( x ) ) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : '' ,
desc : ( _b = getDescription ( x ) ) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '' ,
} ;
return settingsSearchResource ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
// @ts-ignore TODO: expand obsidian types, so that the ts-ignore is not needed
if ( ( _a = this . app . plugins . plugins [ 'settings-search' ] ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . loaded ) {
onSettingsSearchLoaded ( ) ;
else {
// @ts-ignore
this . app . workspace . on ( 'settings-search-loaded' , ( ) => {
onSettingsSearchLoaded ( ) ;
} ) ;
/ * *
* Remove any settings from settings search if settings search is loaded .
* @ private
* /
unregisterSettingsFromSettingsSearch ( ) {
var _a ;
// @ts-ignore TODO: expand obsidian types, so that the ts-ignore is not needed
if ( ( _a = this . app . plugins . plugins [ 'settings-search' ] ) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a . loaded ) {
// @ts-ignore
window . SettingsSearch . removeTabResources ( 'obsidian-style-settings' ) ;
/ * *
* Parses the settings from a css style sheet .
* Adds the parsed settings to ` settingsList ` and any errors to ` errorList ` .
* @ param sheet the stylesheet to parse
* @ private
* /
parseCSSStyleSheet ( sheet ) {
const text = sheet . ownerNode . textContent . trim ( ) ;
let match = settingRegExp . exec ( text ) ;
if ( match && match . length ) {
do {
const nameMatch = text . match ( nameRegExp ) ;
const name = nameMatch ? nameMatch [ 1 ] : undefined ;
try {
const str = match [ 1 ] . trim ( ) ;
const settings = this . parseCSSSettings ( str , name ) ;
if ( settings &&
typeof settings === 'object' &&
settings . name &&
settings . id &&
settings . settings &&
settings . settings . length ) {
this . settingsList . push ( settings ) ;
catch ( e ) {
this . errorList . push ( { name , error : ` ${ e } ` } ) ;
} while ( ( match = settingRegExp . exec ( text ) ) !== null ) ;
/ * *
* Parse css settings from a string .
* @ param str the stringified settings to parse
* @ param name the name of the file
* @ private
* /
parseCSSSettings ( str , name ) {
const indent = detectIndent ( str ) ;
const settings = jsYaml . load ( str . replace ( /\t/g , indent . type === 'space' ? indent . indent : ' ' ) , {
filename : name ,
} ) ;
if ( ! settings . settings )
return undefined ;
settings . settings = settings . settings . filter ( ( setting ) => setting ) ;
return settings ;
registerSettingCommands ( ) {
for ( const section of this . settingsList ) {
for ( const setting of section . settings ) {
if ( setting . type === SettingType . CLASS _TOGGLE &&
setting . addCommand ) {
this . addClassToggleCommand ( section , setting ) ;
addClassToggleCommand ( section , setting ) {
this . commandList . push ( this . addCommand ( {
id : ` style-settings-class-toggle- ${ section . id } - ${ setting . id } ` ,
name : ` Toggle ${ setting . title } ` ,
callback : ( ) => {
const value = ! this . settingsManager . getSetting ( section . id , setting . id ) ;
this . settingsManager . setSetting ( section . id , setting . id , value ) ;
this . settingsTab . settingsMarkup . rerender ( ) ;
for ( const leaf of this . app . workspace . getLeavesOfType ( viewType ) ) {
leaf . view . settingsMarkup . rerender ( ) ;
} ,
} ) ) ;
onunload ( ) {
this . lightEl . remove ( ) ;
this . darkEl . remove ( ) ;
this . lightEl = null ;
this . darkEl = null ;
document . body . classList . remove ( 'css-settings-manager' ) ;
this . settingsManager . cleanup ( ) ;
this . deactivateView ( ) ;
this . unregisterSettingsFromSettingsSearch ( ) ;
deactivateView ( ) {
this . app . workspace . detachLeavesOfType ( viewType ) ;
activateView ( ) {
return _ _awaiter ( this , void 0 , void 0 , function * ( ) {
this . deactivateView ( ) ;
const leaf = this . app . workspace . getLeaf ( 'tab' ) ;
yield leaf . setViewState ( {
type : viewType ,
active : true ,
} ) ;
2023-06-01 15:45:19 +00:00
leaf . view . setSettings ( this . settingsList , this . errorList ) ;
2023-03-25 16:28:54 +00:00
} ) ;
module . exports = CSSSettingsPlugin ;