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268 lines
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# Copyright © 2022 Maestro Creativescape
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import telebot
import std/[asyncdispatch, logging, options, strutils, random, with, os, tables, times, sequtils, json]
import norm/[model, sqlite]
# Logging Level
var L = newConsoleLogger(levelThreshold=lvlError, fmtStr="$levelname, [$time] ")
# Custom Types Defined to handle tables on norm
CensoredData* = ref object of Model
ftype*: string
fhash*: string
fileid*: string
time*: float
caption*: string
BannedUsers* = ref object of Model
userid*: int64
bantime*: float
bantype*: string
# Hashmaps for RateLimiting and working around telegram's album issue
var RateLimiter = initTable[int64, seq[float]]()
var GroupMedia = initTable[int, string]()
# Bot Admins, is comma-separated variable
let AdminID = getEnv("ADMIN_ID").split(",")
let dbConn* = getDb()
# Functions to assist adding/deleting entries from tables
func NewCensoredData*(ftype = ""; fhash = ""; fileid = ""; time = 0.0; caption = ""):
CensoredData = CensoredData(ftype: ftype, fhash: fhash, fileid: fileid, time: time, caption: caption)
func NewBannedUsers*(userid = int64(0), bantime = 0.0, bantype = ""):
BannedUsers = BannedUsers(userid: userid, bantime: bantime, bantype: bantype)
# Create tables if they dont exist
# Ratelimits a user if there is more than 20 timestamps within 60 secs.
# Resets their ratelimit counter if 60s has passed since first timestamp
proc ManageRateLimit(): void=
for i in RateLimiter.keys().toSeq():
if RateLimiter[i][^1] - RateLimiter[i][0] >= 60:
elif len(RateLimiter[i]) >= 20:
var BannedUser = NewBannedUsers(i, epochTime(), "auto")
with dbConn:
insert BannedUser
if dbConn.exists(BannedUsers, "bantype = ? and ? - bantime >= 1800", "auto", epochTime()):
var TempData = @[NewBannedUsers()]
dbConn.select(TempData, "bantype = ? and ? - bantime >= 1800", "auto", epochTime())
for i in TempData:
var e = i
# Cleanup old data to save space
# Deletes old data after 6 months of entry
proc OldDataCleanup(): void=
if dbConn.exists(CensoredData, "? - time >= 15780000", epochTime()):
var TempData = @[NewCensoredData()]
dbConn.select(TempData, "? - time >= 15780000", epochTime())
for i in TempData:
var e = i
# Generates a 6-character magic that will be used to identify the file
proc generate_hash(): string=
result = newString(7)
const charset = {'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9'}
for i in 0..6:
result[i] = sample(charset)
return result
# Start command handler
proc startHandler(b: Telebot, c: Command): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, async.} =
let param = c.params
if not dbConn.exists(BannedUsers, "userid = ?", c.message.chat.id):
# Update rate-limit counter
if RateLimiter.contains(c.message.chat.id):
RateLimiter[c.message.chat.id] = @[epochTime()]
if param == "":
discard await b.sendMessage(c.message.chat.id, "Hey, To create a censored post, you can share any album, video, photo, gif, sticker, etc. The response of the bot can be used to share the media with other chats.")
if not dbConn.exists(CensoredData, "fhash = ?", param):
discard await b.sendMessage(c.message.chat.id, "Media does not exist on database, ask the sender to censor this again!")
var TempData = @[NewCensoredData()]
dbConn.select(TempData, "fhash = ?", param)
if len(TempData) > 1:
var inputmedia = newSeq[InputMediaPhoto]()
for i in TempData:
if i.caption != "":
inputmedia.insert(InputMediaPhoto(kind: i.ftype, media: i.fileid, caption: some(i.caption)))
inputmedia.insert(InputMediaPhoto(kind: i.ftype, media: i.fileid))
discard await b.sendMediaGroup($c.message.chat.id, media=inputmedia)
if TempData[0].ftype == "photo":
discard await b.sendPhoto(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid, TempData[0].caption)
elif TempData[0].ftype == "document":
discard await b.sendDocument(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid, TempData[0].caption)
elif TempData[0].ftype == "video":
discard await b.sendVideo(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid, caption=TempData[0].caption)
elif TempData[0].ftype == "videoNote":
discard await b.sendVideoNote(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid)
elif TempData[0].ftype == "animation":
discard await b.sendAnimation(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid, caption=TempData[0].caption)
elif TempData[0].ftype == "sticker":
discard await b.sendSticker(c.message.chat.id, TempData[0].fileid)
# Give them source url
proc sourceHandler(b: Telebot, c: Command): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, async.} =
if not dbConn.exists(BannedUsers, "userid = ?", c.message.chat.id):
# Update rate-limit counter
if RateLimiter.contains(c.message.chat.id):
RateLimiter[c.message.chat.id] = @[epochTime()]
discard await b.sendMessage(c.message.chat.id, "Hey, this bot is open-source and licensed under AGPL-v3! \n\nYou are welcome to selfhost your own instance of this bot\n\nThe source code is [here](https://git.baalajimaestro.me/baalajimaestro/nim-censor-bot)", parseMode="Markdown", disableWebPagePreview = true)
# UnBan Handler
proc unbanHandler(b: Telebot, c: Command): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, async.} =
if $c.message.chat.id in AdminID:
let user = c.params
if dbConn.exists(BannedUsers, "userid = ?", int64(parseInt(user))):
var TempData = @[NewBannedUsers()]
dbConn.select(TempData, "userid = ?", int64(parseInt(user)))
for i in TempData:
var e = i
discard await b.sendMessage(c.message.chat.id, "Unbanned!")
# ban Handler
proc banHandler(b: Telebot, c: Command): Future[bool] {.gcsafe, async.} =
if $c.message.chat.id in AdminID:
let user = c.params
var BannedUser = NewBannedUsers(int64(parseInt(user)), epochTime(), "permanent")
with dbConn:
insert BannedUser
discard await b.sendMessage(c.message.chat.id, "Banned!")
# Inline share handler
proc inlineHandler(b: Telebot, u: InlineQuery): Future[bool]{.async.} =
var TempData = @[NewCensoredData()]
var ftype = ""
var res: InlineQueryResultArticle
var results: seq[InlineQueryResultArticle]
res.kind = "article"
res.id = "1"
if not dbConn.exists(CensoredData, "fhash = ?",u.query):
res.title = "Media Not Found"
res.inputMessageContent = InputTextMessageContent("Media Not Found").some
dbConn.select(TempData, "fhash = ?", u.query)
if len(TempData) > 1:
ftype = "Album"
elif len(TempData) == 1:
ftype = TempData[0].ftype
res.title = "Censored " & capitalizeAscii(ftype)
res.inputMessageContent = InputMessageContent(kind: TextMessage, messageText:"*Censored " & capitalizeAscii(ftype) & "*\n\n[Tap to View](tg://resolve?domain=" & b.username & "&start=" & u.query & ")", parseMode: some("Markdown")).some
discard await b.answerInlineQuery(u.id, results)
# Main update handler
proc updateHandler(b: Telebot, u: Update): Future[bool] {.async, gcsafe.} =
if u.message.isSome:
let response = u.message.get
# Refresh rate-limits
# Dont bother about rate-limited/banned users
if not dbConn.exists(BannedUsers, "userid = ?", response.chat.id):
# Update rate-limit counter
if RateLimiter.contains(response.chat.id):
RateLimiter[response.chat.id] = @[epochTime()]
if not response.text.isSome:
var fileid = ""
var ftype = ""
var fcaption = ""
if response.caption.isSome:
fcaption = response.caption.get
if response.document.isSome:
fileid = response.document.get.fileId
ftype = "document"
elif response.video.isSome:
fileid = response.video.get.fileId
ftype = "video"
elif response.videoNote.isSome:
fileid = response.videoNote.get.fileId
ftype = "videoNote"
elif response.animation.isSome:
fileid = response.animation.get.fileId
ftype = "animation"
elif response.photo.isSome:
fileid = response.photo.get[0].fileId
ftype = "photo"
elif response.sticker.isSome:
fileid = response.sticker.get.fileId
ftype = "sticker"
# Workaround for groupmedia using hashtables
# Telegram is sending multiple updates, instead of 1, so just workaround it
if response.mediaGroupId.isSome:
if parseInt(response.mediaGroupId.get) notin GroupMedia.keys().toSeq():
let filehash = generate_hash()
GroupMedia[parseInt(response.mediaGroupId.get)] = filehash
var CensoredRow = NewCensoredData(ftype, filehash, fileid, epochTime(), fcaption)
with dbConn:
insert CensoredRow
var replybutton = InlineKeyboardButton(text: "Share", switchInlineQuery: some(filehash))
let replymark = newInlineKeyboardMarkup(@[replybutton])
discard await b.sendMessage(response.chat.id, "*Censored " & capitalizeAscii(ftype) & "*\n\n[Tap to View](tg://resolve?domain=" & b.username & "&start=" & filehash & ")", replyMarkup = replymark, parseMode="Markdown")
let filehash = GroupMedia[parseInt(response.mediaGroupId.get)]
var CensoredRow = NewCensoredData(ftype, filehash, fileid, epochTime(), fcaption)
with dbConn:
insert CensoredRow
let filehash = generate_hash()
var CensoredRow = NewCensoredData(ftype, filehash, fileid, epochTime(), fcaption)
with dbConn:
insert CensoredRow
var replybutton = InlineKeyboardButton(text: "Share", switchInlineQuery: some(filehash))
let replymark = newInlineKeyboardMarkup(@[replybutton])
discard await b.sendMessage(response.chat.id, "*Censored " & capitalizeAscii(ftype) & "*\n\n[Tap to View](tg://resolve?domain=" & b.username & "&start=" & filehash & ")", replyMarkup = replymark, parseMode="Markdown")
when isMainModule:
let bot = newTeleBot(getEnv("TELEGRAM_TOKEN"))
echo "*********************"
echo "CensorBot is running!"
echo "*********************"
var commands = @[
BotCommand(command: "start" , description: "Start the bot!"),
BotCommand(command: "source" , description: "Info about bot source")
discard waitFor bot.setMyCommands(commands)
bot.onCommand("start", startHandler)
bot.onCommand("ban", banHandler)
bot.onCommand("unban", unbanHandler)
bot.onCommand("source", sourceHandler)
if getEnv("HOOK_DOMAIN") != "":
bot.startWebhook(getEnv("HOOK_SECRET"), getEnv("HOOK_DOMAIN") & "/" & getEnv("HOOK_SECRET"))