--- title: API Reference --- ## High Level API High-level Python bindings for llama.cpp. ::: llama_cpp.Llama options: members: - __init__ - tokenize - detokenize - reset - eval - sample - generate - create_embedding - embed - create_completion - __call__ - create_chat_completion - set_cache - save_state - load_state - token_bos - token_eos - from_pretrained show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.LlamaGrammar options: members: - from_string - from_json_schema ::: llama_cpp.LlamaCache options: show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.LlamaState options: show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.LogitsProcessor options: show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.LogitsProcessorList options: show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.StoppingCriteria options: show_root_heading: true ::: llama_cpp.StoppingCriteriaList options: show_root_heading: true ## Low Level API Low-level Python bindings for llama.cpp using Python's ctypes library. ::: llama_cpp.llama_cpp options: show_if_no_docstring: true # filter only members starting with `llama_` filters: - "^llama_" ::: llama_cpp.llama_cpp options: show_if_no_docstring: true show_root_heading: false show_root_toc_entry: false heading_level: 4 # filter only members starting with `LLAMA_` filters: - "^LLAMA_" ## Misc ::: llama_cpp.llama_types options: show_if_no_docstring: true