from typing import List, Optional from llama_cpp import Llama from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel, BaseSettings, Field class Settings(BaseSettings): model: str app = FastAPI( title="🦙 llama.cpp Python API", version="0.0.1", ) settings = Settings() llama = Llama(settings.model) class CompletionRequest(BaseModel): prompt: str suffix: Optional[str] = Field(None) max_tokens: int = 16 temperature: float = 0.8 top_p: float = 0.95 logprobs: Optional[int] = Field(None) echo: bool = False stop: List[str] = [] repeat_penalty: float = 1.1 top_k: int = 40 class Config: schema_extra = { "example": { "prompt": "\n\n### Instructions:\nWhat is the capital of France?\n\n### Response:\n", "stop": ["\n", "###"], } }"/v1/completions") def completions(request: CompletionRequest): return llama(**request.dict())