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MELD Info: Wat is er gebeurd: Gezocht naar: Aangevraagde stream: Je opmerking (in het Engels): Details: Experimenteel Afspelen in de achtergrond Video Geluid Tekst Normaal Uitgebreid Opnieuw proberen [uit] Beschermde inhoud wordt niet ondersteund op API-versies lager dan 18 Dit apparaat ondersteunt het vereiste DRM-schema niet Er is een onbekende DRM-fout opgetreden Dit apparaat heeft geen decoder voor 1%1$s 2 Dit apparaat heeft geen veilige decoder voor 1%1$s Kan apparaatdecoders niet ophalen Tik op zoeken om te beginnen Automatisch afspelen wanneer geopend vanuit een andere app Speel video\'s automatisch af wanneer NewPipe vanuit een andere app geopend wordt. live Downloads Downloads Instellingen Foutrapport Kon afbeelding niet laden App/UI gecrasht Wat:\\nVerzoek:\\nTaal van inhoud:\\nDienst:\\nTijd in GMT:\\nPakket:\\nVersie:\\nVersie van besturingssysteem:\\nGlob. 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Yet the flexibility of the material creates new affordances that supercede those in the physical world, without breaking the rules of physics. The fundamentals of light, surface, and movement are key to conveying how objects move, interact, and exist in space and in relation to each other. Realistic lighting shows seams, divides space, and indicates moving parts. Bold, graphic, intentional. The foundational elements of print based design typography, grids, space, scale, color, and use of imagery guide visual treatments. These elements do far more than please the eye. They create hierarchy, meaning, and focus. Deliberate color choices, edge to edge imagery, large scale typography, and intentional white space create a bold and graphic interface that immerse the user in the experience. An emphasis on user actions makes core functionality immediately apparent and provides waypoints for the user. Motion provides meaning. Motion respects and reinforces the user as the prime mover. Primary user actions are inflection points that initiate motion, transforming the whole design. All action takes place in a single environment. Objects are presented to the user without breaking the continuity of experience even as they transform and reorganize. Motion is meaningful and appropriate, serving to focus attention and maintain continuity. Feedback is subtle yet clear. Transitions are efficient yet coherent. 3D world. The material environment is a 3D space, which means all objects have x, y, and z dimensions. The z-axis is perpendicularly aligned to the plane of the display, with the positive z-axis extending towards the viewer. Every sheet of material occupies a single position along the z-axis and has a standard 1dp thickness. On the web, the z-axis is used for layering and not for perspective. The 3D world is emulated by manipulating the y-axis. Light and shadow. Within the material environment, virtual lights illuminate the scene. Key lights create directional shadows, while ambient light creates soft shadows from all angles. Shadows in the material environment are cast by these two light sources. In Android development, shadows occur when light sources are blocked by sheets of material at various positions along the z-axis. On the web, shadows are depicted by manipulating the y-axis only. The following example shows the card with a height of 6dp. Resting elevation. All material objects, regardless of size, have a resting elevation, or default elevation that does not change. If an object changes elevation, it should return to its resting elevation as soon as possible. Component elevations. The resting elevation for a component type is consistent across apps (e.g., FAB elevation does not vary from 6dp in one app to 16dp in another app). Components may have different resting elevations across platforms, depending on the depth of the environment (e.g., TV has a greater depth than mobile or desktop). Responsive elevation and dynamic elevation offsets. Some component types have responsive elevation, meaning they change elevation in response to user input (e.g., normal, focused, and pressed) or system events. These elevation changes are consistently implemented using dynamic elevation offsets. Dynamic elevation offsets are the goal elevation that a component moves towards, relative to the component’s resting state. They ensure that elevation changes are consistent across actions and component types. For example, all components that lift on press have the same elevation change relative to their resting elevation. Once the input event is completed or cancelled, the component will return to its resting elevation. Avoiding elevation interference. Components with responsive elevations may encounter other components as they move between their resting elevations and dynamic elevation offsets. Because material cannot pass through other material, components avoid interfering with one another any number of ways, whether on a per component basis or using the entire app layout. On a component level, components can move or be removed before they cause interference. For example, a floating action button (FAB) can disappear or move off screen before a user picks up a card, or it can move if a snackbar appears. On the layout level, design your app layout to minimize opportunities for interference. For example, position the FAB to one side of stream of a cards so the FAB won’t interfere when a user tries to pick up one of cards. " Zwart reCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA-uitdaging reCAPTCHA-uitdaging gevraagd