-Added button to wipe metadata cache.
-Added more paddings on player buttons.
-Added new animations to main player secondary controls and play queue expand/collapse.
-Refactored play queue item touch callback for use in all players.
-Improved MediaSourceManager to better handle expired stream reloading.
-[#1186] Changed live sync button text to "LIVE".
-Removed MediaSourceManager loader coupling on main players.
-Moved service dependent expiry resolution to ServiceHelper.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream timeline updates causing negative time position.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream not starting from live-edge.
-Fixed main player system UI not retracting on playback start.
-Added toggle to enable auto-queuing.
-Modified main video player to only pause the video onPause.
-Fixed main video player not saving play queue state onStop.
-Improved player sync calls to recognize different metadata updates.
-Changed MediaSourceManager to synchronize only after timeline changes and reenabled multiple sync calls to player.
-Renamed listener and synchronization methods related to MediaSourceManager.
- Every service now have its own colors
- Fix bug navigation button and backstack count
- Fix and themed properly the icons and colors of the main fragment tabs
- Re-organized the styles and colors (too much in one file)
Add search and watch history
* Make MainActicity a single task
* Remove some casting
* SearchFragment: start searching when created with query
* Handle settings change in onResume
* History: Log pop up and background playback
* History: Add swipe to remove functionallity
* Enable history by default
* Use stream item
* Store more information about the stream
* Integrate history database into AppDatabase
* Remove redundant casts
* Re-enable date converters
* History: Use Rx Java and run DB in background
* Also make HistoryDAO extend BasicDAO
* History: RX-ify swipe to remove
* Sort history entries by creation date
* History: Set toolbar title
* Don't repeat history entries
* Introduced setters so we can update entries in the database
* If the latest entry has the same (main) values, just update it
- Up to 4k with 60 fps
- Not every device can play in that resolution and bitrate
- Add option to hide these high resolution greater than 1080p (2k,4k) for not clutter the menus
- Add a default resolution for the popup, wil be used when opening in popup mode from another app
The Tibetan alphabet was only recently included on Android, so the language
name needs to also have the English there. Otherwise it'll appear blank
on devices without Tibetan.
* ugly workaround for the details_view_layout problem on older devices
* removed "display button on the left side" option since it's not nececeay anymore.
- added play video button for better lefthand support
- wrote codepart to darkon5s listitem improvements
- set minimum api level to 15 (Android 4.0.3 support)
- updated to sdk level 23 including the new support libs