-Added sync buttons on live streams to allow seeking to live edge.
-Added custom cache key for extractor sources to allow more persistent reuse.
-Refactored player data source factories into own class and separating live and non-live data sources.
-Modified available resize options for different player modes.
-Fixed caption menu not working on popup player.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Added button effects to both main and popup players.
-Added LeakCanary as part of debug build.
-Modified bookmark list to show both remote and local playlists.
-Removed ability to save channel items as local playlist, in favor of subscribe.
-Added add to playlist option for videos available as base list items.
-Moved video count to second row on local playlist header.
-Removed bottom line on playlist control UI.
-Refactored and restructured all LocalItem related fragments and dialogs.
-Added error logging to unmonitored single-use observables.
-Modified playlist metadata query to return by alphabetical order.
-Removed sending toast when playlist is renamed or deleted as it is obvious.
-Removed unused code in main fragment.
-Removed stream id from playlist stream join table since only foreign constraint is needed.
-Added bar to playlist control UI.
-Modified local playlist fragment to no longer save when out of focus.
-Added playlist append menu item to channel and playlist fragments.
-Added debouncing to local playlist fragment to allow saving join when list is reordered or item is deleted.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Enabled reordering, renaming, removing of items on playlist fragment.
-Enabled removal of dangling streams entries when history is cleared.
-Changed playlist append menu item to icon on service player activity.
-Added adapter and builder for local items, removed dependency on infoitem and existing infolist for database entry items.
-Removed watch history entity and DAO.
-Extracted info item selected listener to remove adding boilerplate code when long click functionality is optional.
-Fixed query returning no record on left join when right table is empty.
-Added query to remove stream table orphans.
-Added query for retrieving flattened watch history records.
-Added holder for local playlist stream info items.
-Refactored info item on select listener as on touch gesture.
-Added UI for watch history and most played fragments.
-Added stream state table for storing playback timestamp and future usage.
-Enabled playlist deletion.
- Every service now have its own colors
- Fix bug navigation button and backstack count
- Fix and themed properly the icons and colors of the main fragment tabs
- Re-organized the styles and colors (too much in one file)
-[#919] Fixed custom notification does not trigger unlocking on lockscreen.
-[#947] Fixes player crashing on internet outage, issue partially addressed.
-Fixed main player losing state after destroy while in background.
-Fixed main player controls not hiding automatically after orientation change.
-Fixed dialog uploader not marqueeing when too long.
-Fixed popup permission throwing NPE on BaseList.
-Refactored popup permissions to start in NavigationHelper.
-Extracted hardcoded string for player menus.
-Bump Java version to 1.8.
-Some lambda conversions.
-Added info item menu with custom title banner on long click.
-Enabled starting playlists and channels from middle.
-Enabled caching for play queue item thumbnails.
-Modified play queue to revert to first item on deleting last item.
-Added play queue dropdown to playlist info items.
-Added Channel Play Queue.
-Renamed External Play Queue to Playlist Play Queue.
-Modified Playlist Play Queue to allow loading from initial state.