-Previous version used emojis for brightness and volume icons, which may
be inconsistent across devices and do not fit well with other parts of UI
(Frankly, previous version was more informative than eye-candy)
-This commit replaces old version with circular progress bar that shows
current value (before conversion). Gesture mode (volume/brightness) is
indicated by icon that changes between (4/3) modes according to current
-Text information about current value was removed, because with progress
bar present it does not add any real value to UI.
-Changed background player notification to no longer update bitmap on progress time change.
-Changed popup player to move above soft keyboard when it is opened.
-Fixed potential play queue desynchronization due to fast forwarding on silence.
-Added current thumbnail storing in base player to allow immediate retrieval for notification building.
-Removed video player buffer spinner during interim buffering but not initial buffering.
-Reverted foreground notification stopping on pause and on complete.
-Updated OkHttp to 3.10.0 and RxJava to 2.1.14.
-Changed player recovery seek to use ExoPlayer built-in window seeking instead of seeking after stream window starts playing.
-Changed playback speed changer default step size to 25%.
-Changed player notification to reset on all state changes.
-Fixed gradle dependency version incorrect variable names.
-Fixed video player double tap not working during pause.
-[#1412] Fixed NPE when sharing video to main video activity when it was playing but is out of focus: Reset main player state when new intent is received.
-[#1410] Fixed fast forwarding and rewinding not working within 10 seconds from beginning or end of a stream window.
-Fixed background and popup player service staying in foreground when playback is paused or completed.
-Fixed player metadata not updating on new stream.
-Fixed player intent playback quality not applied.
-Fixed player auto-queue not applied after stream transition or swapping.
-Added step size selector to playback speed control.
-Added skip silence flag to player intents.
-Moved default preset in playback speed control to neutral dialog button, renamed as reset.
-Removed nightcore preset from playback speed control.
-Updated MediaSource contracts in ManagedMediaSource.
-Changed PlaceholderMediaSource and FailedMediaSource to use built-in BaseMediaSource implementation.
-Changed deprecated DynamicConcatenatingMediaSource to ConcatenatingMediaSource.
-Removed manual playlist media source disposal in favor of player built-in disposal.