This pull requests complements pull request #2178 by reducing general computational time for the method getTimeString.
On my local machine (Desktop PC with Java) my tests with a sample size of 10000 calls to the method with param 86400001 showed a performance improvement of about 50%.
See sample code below to reproduce:
private static final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
private static final Formatter stringFormatter = new Formatter(stringBuilder, Locale.getDefault());
public static String getTimeString(int milliSeconds) {
int seconds = (milliSeconds % 60000) / 1000;
int minutes = (milliSeconds % 3600000) / 60000;
int hours = (milliSeconds % 86400000) / 3600000;
int days = (milliSeconds % (86400000 * 7)) / 86400000;
return days > 0 ? stringFormatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds).toString()
: hours > 0 ? stringFormatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds).toString()
: stringFormatter.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds).toString();
public static String getTimeStringL(int milliSeconds) {
long seconds = (milliSeconds % 60000L) / 1000L;
long minutes = (milliSeconds % 3600000L) / 60000L;
long hours = (milliSeconds % 86400000L) / 3600000L;
long days = (milliSeconds % (86400000L * 7L)) / 86400000L;
return days > 0 ? stringFormatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d:%02d", days, hours, minutes, seconds).toString()
: hours > 0 ? stringFormatter.format("%d:%02d:%02d", hours, minutes, seconds).toString()
: stringFormatter.format("%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds).toString();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
final int SAMPLE_SIZE = 25000;
long[] results = new long[SAMPLE_SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
results[i] = System.nanoTime() - now;
long sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
sum += results[i];
System.out.println("Average execution time: " + (sum/SAMPLE_SIZE));
results = new long[SAMPLE_SIZE];
for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
results[i] = System.nanoTime() - now;
sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLE_SIZE; i++) {
sum += results[i];
System.out.println("Average execution time: " + (sum/SAMPLE_SIZE));
In VideoPlayer the Duration String is cached effectively by setting it to the playbackSeekBar. As the playbackSeekBar doesn't exist in BackgroundPlayer, using two addition variables will reduce performance impact of notification updates by almost 50% and thus perform similar to VideoPlayer.
This addresses issue #2170
Scenario: listening to a video on NewPipe over Bluetooth and a Notification Sound causes audio focus event AUDIOFOCUS_LOSS_TRANSIENT_CAN_DUCK.
Problem: With the current implementation animateAudio would cause the audio to reach the target volume AFTER the notification sound is played, which is irritating and annoying.
Solution: animateAudio should just be used on focusGain where it is sensible to increase audio gradually. On ducking event the reaction should be immediate.
This very simple fix does this. Please approve.
* allow retry downloads with "post-processing failed" error in the new muxer
* MPEG-4 muxer ¡¡ no DASH output!!
* keep the progress if download fails
* remove TODO in
* misc clean-up
* delete
* delete and remove it from AndroidManifest.xml
* use hardcored version for changing icon colors
* add null checks before resuming a download
* ( reset percent after resuming a download. prevents the "Error" string get stuck, until the download start
* fast download pausing
* fix UI thread blocking when calling pause()
* check running threads before start the download
* fix null pointer exception in onDestroy in the download service, without calling onCreate method (android 8)
* misc code clean-up
* fix weird download speed, before switching the list view
* fix getting stuck on post-processing huge files >2GiB
* keep crashed post-processing downloads visible to the user
* fix content length reading
* use float overflow. Expensive, double is used instead
* fix invalid cast after click the mission body
* use a list for maximum attemps (downloads)
* minor clean up (
* dont pass SharedPreferences instace to DownloadManager
* use a switch instead of checkbox for cross_network_downloads
* notify media scanner after deleting a finished download
* use bold style in status (mission_item_linear.xml)
* fix download attemps not begin updated
* dont stop the queue if a download fails
* implement partial wake-lock & wifi-lock
* show notifications for failed downloads
* ¿proper bitmap dispose? (
* improve buffer filling (
* [Mp4Dash] increment reserved space from 2MiB to 15MiB. This is expensive but useful for devices with low ram
* [WebM] use 2MiB of reserved space
* fix debug warning if one thread is used
* fix wrong download speed when the activity is suspended
* Fix "Queue" menu item that appears in post-processing errors
* fix mission length dont being updated (missing commit)
Also this include:
* Mp4 DASH reader/writter
* WebM reader/writter
* a subtitle converter for Timed Text Markup Language v1 and TranScript (v1, v2 and v3)
* SharpStream to wrap IntputStream and OutputStream in one interface
* custom implementation of DataInputStream
Post-processing infrastructure
* remove interfaces with one implementation
* fix download resources with unknow length
* marquee style for ProgressDrawable
* "view details" option in mission context menu
* notification for finished downloads
* postprocessing infrastructure: sub-missions, circular file, layers for layers of abstractions for Java IO streams
* Mp4 muxing (only DASH brand)
* WebM muxing
* Captions downloading
* alert dialog for overwrite existing downloads finished or not.
Misc changes
* delete
* delete
* implement Localization from #114
Misc fixes (this branch)
* restore old mission listeners variables. Prevents registered listeners get de-referenced on low-end devices
* DownloadManagerService.checkForRunningMission() now return false if the mission has a error.
* use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK when launching an activity from gigaget threads (apparently it is required in old versions of android)
More changes
* proper error handling "infrastructure"
* queue instead of multiple downloads
* move serialized pending downloads (.giga files) to app data
* stop downloads when swicthing to mobile network (never works, see 2nd point)
* save the thread count for next downloads
* a lot of incoherences fixed
* delete (too many changes to keep this file updated)
-Previous version used emojis for brightness and volume icons, which may
be inconsistent across devices and do not fit well with other parts of UI
(Frankly, previous version was more informative than eye-candy)
-This commit replaces old version with circular progress bar that shows
current value (before conversion). Gesture mode (volume/brightness) is
indicated by icon that changes between (4/3) modes according to current
-Text information about current value was removed, because with progress
bar present it does not add any real value to UI.
-Changed background player notification to no longer update bitmap on progress time change.
-Changed popup player to move above soft keyboard when it is opened.
-Fixed potential play queue desynchronization due to fast forwarding on silence.
-Added current thumbnail storing in base player to allow immediate retrieval for notification building.
-Removed video player buffer spinner during interim buffering but not initial buffering.
-Reverted foreground notification stopping on pause and on complete.
-Updated OkHttp to 3.10.0 and RxJava to 2.1.14.
-Changed player recovery seek to use ExoPlayer built-in window seeking instead of seeking after stream window starts playing.
-Changed playback speed changer default step size to 25%.
-Changed player notification to reset on all state changes.
-Fixed gradle dependency version incorrect variable names.
-Fixed video player double tap not working during pause.
-[#1412] Fixed NPE when sharing video to main video activity when it was playing but is out of focus: Reset main player state when new intent is received.
-[#1410] Fixed fast forwarding and rewinding not working within 10 seconds from beginning or end of a stream window.
-Fixed background and popup player service staying in foreground when playback is paused or completed.
-Fixed player metadata not updating on new stream.
-Fixed player intent playback quality not applied.
-Fixed player auto-queue not applied after stream transition or swapping.
-Added step size selector to playback speed control.
-Added skip silence flag to player intents.
-Moved default preset in playback speed control to neutral dialog button, renamed as reset.
-Removed nightcore preset from playback speed control.
-Updated MediaSource contracts in ManagedMediaSource.
-Changed PlaceholderMediaSource and FailedMediaSource to use built-in BaseMediaSource implementation.
-Changed deprecated DynamicConcatenatingMediaSource to ConcatenatingMediaSource.
-Removed manual playlist media source disposal in favor of player built-in disposal.
This improves downloading performance dramatically when cpu bound:
Before, even a high-end cpu from 2013 can't download faster than around 1MB/s.
The bigger read buffer size removes the need for a dedicated BufferedInputStream.
- add HistoryInfoItem (deriving from StreamInfoItem)
in order to add a special options menu for the list items
- delete HistoryActivity and everything that belongs to its UI (not the
manager tho)
- put everything that is local into local. (subscriptions still missing)
* Added a dropdown to video & audio settings
* Changes to ListHelper:
** Limits resolution when code requests the default video resolution
** Limits audio bitrate when code requests the default audio bitrate
** Removed some dead code and did some cleanup
** Make methods private/protected to help understand what was in use
** The code now chooses one format over an other using a simple raking system defined in array constants. I realized I needed to do this in order to choose the most efficient video stream. I did my best to evaluate the video and audio formats based on quality and efficiency. It's not an exact science.
** Made changes to the tests to support my changes
-Changed main video player to always self-destruct on stop.
-Extracted main video player lifecycle states into separate data class.
-Fixed play queue in full repeat mode does not load first item after expiring.
-Refactored playlist manipulations out from media source manager.
-Fixed potential ArrayOutOfBound exception when checking if player window is live.
-Fixed service player play queue potentially not refreshing when current play queue is replaced.
-Added button to open captioning settings activity from appearance settings.
-Modified player captions to use custom caption style when captioning manager is enabled.
-Removed caption size settings from appearance settings.
-Modified playback speed control to use quadratic sliders instead of linear.
-Modified number formatters in player helper to use double instead of float.
-Simplified slider behavior in playback parameter dialog.
-Fixed potential NPE in base local fragment.
-Changed tempo and pitch button in service player activity and tempo button in main video player to open speed control dialog.
-Changed LIVE button to be no longer clickable when player position is at or beyond default position.
-Changed main video player to use AppCompatActivity rather than Activity.
-Fixed video player tempo button not updating when player speed parameters change.
-Fixed player crashing on lower sdk versions due to no MediaButtonReceiver, added intent back to manifest.
-Fixed inconsistent gradle library naming.
-Fixed stetho dependencies incorrect version.
-Extracted version numbers in gradle dependencies.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.
-Updated RxJava to 2.1.10, RxAndroid to 2.0.2 and RxBinding to 2.1.1.
-Removed deprecated implementation of media buttons.
-Fixed livestream not seeking to live when started from play queue.
-Fixed media source manager synchronization to only occur after timeline change has completed.
-Fixed auto queue not working when last item is replayed after the auto-queued item is removed.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.7.1.
-Changed play queue items to display service names.
-Fixed Soundcloud playlist not fitting thumbnail.
-Refactored image display options to follow uniform behavior.
-Refactoring and style changes on audio reactor and media button receiver.
-Added button to wipe metadata cache.
-Added more paddings on player buttons.
-Added new animations to main player secondary controls and play queue expand/collapse.
-Refactored play queue item touch callback for use in all players.
-Improved MediaSourceManager to better handle expired stream reloading.
-[#1186] Changed live sync button text to "LIVE".
-Removed MediaSourceManager loader coupling on main players.
-Moved service dependent expiry resolution to ServiceHelper.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream timeline updates causing negative time position.
-[#1186] Fixed livestream not starting from live-edge.
-Fixed main player system UI not retracting on playback start.
- Import subscriptions from YouTube and SoundCloud (all services that the extractor support)
- Import/export a JSON representation of the subscriptions
- [Minor] Remove some javax annotations in favor of the one provided by the android support library
-Added toggle to enable auto-queuing.
-Modified main video player to only pause the video onPause.
-Fixed main video player not saving play queue state onStop.
-Improved player sync calls to recognize different metadata updates.
-Changed MediaSourceManager to synchronize only after timeline changes and reenabled multiple sync calls to player.
-Renamed listener and synchronization methods related to MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints to variables in MediaSourceManager.
-Added nonnull and final constraints on context related objects in BasePlayer.
-Fixed Hls livestreams crashing player when behind live window for too long.
-Fixed cache miss when InfoCache key mismatch between StreamInfo and StreamInfoItem.
-Modified LoadController to allow fast playback start and increased buffer zigzag window.
-Removed unnecessary loading on timeline changes.
-Changed select message in MediaSourceManager to cause immediate load.
-Reduced default expiration time in MediaSourceManager.
-Fixed main video player not showing end time on audio-only streams.
-Fixed live stream has player view disabled after transitioning from audio stream.
-Fixed inconsistent progress bar height between live and non-live video on main player.
-Fixed play queue playlist desynchronization caused by media source manager window loading expansion on sublist prior to current item.
-Fixed failed media source not treated as ready for playback.
-Added sync buttons on live streams to allow seeking to live edge.
-Added custom cache key for extractor sources to allow more persistent reuse.
-Refactored player data source factories into own class and separating live and non-live data sources.
-Extracted expiration time in media source manager.
-Re-enabled long click on live stream info items.
-Fixed dash source building to use mpd instead of extractor.
-Fixed live media sources failing when using cached data source by introducing
cacheless data sources.
-Added custom track selector to circumvent ExoPlayer's language normalization NPE.
-Updated Extractor to correctly load live streams.
-Removed deprecated deferred media source and media source manager.
-Removed Livestream exceptions.
-Added drag reorder speed clamping to play queue list.
-Fixed service player activity memory leak.
-Fixed media source manager sync disposable fallthrough causing NPE.
-Fixed thread bouncing during play queue item async stream resolution.
-Updated ExoPlayer to 2.6.0.
-Modified available resize options for different player modes.
-Fixed caption menu not working on popup player.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Added button effects to both main and popup players.
-Fixed NPE when playlist fragment is destroyed while renaming.
-Fixed remote playlist thumbnail to use uploader avatar when thumbnail url is unavailable.
-Added dispose on exit to all database requests in local playlist fragment.
-Fixed bookmark button flickering on visibility toggling.
-Removed toolbar up button control from local fragments, delegating functionality back to main fragment.
-Updated extractor to latest.
-Added LeakCanary as part of debug build.
-Modified bookmark list to show both remote and local playlists.
-Removed ability to save channel items as local playlist, in favor of subscribe.
-Fixed save on exit causes empty list being saved after orientation changes on older devices.
-Fixed NPE on animating garbage collected views on local item fragments.
-Reduced drag speed from 15 to 12 items per second.
-Added add to playlist option for videos available as base list items.
-Moved video count to second row on local playlist header.
-Removed bottom line on playlist control UI.
-Refactored and restructured all LocalItem related fragments and dialogs.
-Added error logging to unmonitored single-use observables.
-Modified playlist metadata query to return by alphabetical order.
-Removed sending toast when playlist is renamed or deleted as it is obvious.
-Removed unused code in main fragment.
-Removed stream id from playlist stream join table since only foreign constraint is needed.
-Added bar to playlist control UI.
-Modified local playlist fragment to no longer save when out of focus.
-Added playlist append menu item to channel and playlist fragments.
-Added debouncing to local playlist fragment to allow saving join when list is reordered or item is deleted.
-Extracted hardcoded strings.
-Enabled reordering, renaming, removing of items on playlist fragment.
-Enabled removal of dangling streams entries when history is cleared.
-Changed playlist append menu item to icon on service player activity.
-Added adapter and builder for local items, removed dependency on infoitem and existing infolist for database entry items.
-Removed watch history entity and DAO.
-Extracted info item selected listener to remove adding boilerplate code when long click functionality is optional.
-Fixed query returning no record on left join when right table is empty.
-Merged stream record manager into history record manager.
-Removed subject-based history database actions.
-Merged normalized history table into watch history fragment.
-Modified history fragments to use long click for delete actions.
-Refactored DAO operations from search fragment to record manager.
-Added index to search history table on search string.
-Fix baseplayer round repeat not detected by discontinuity.
-Added query to remove stream table orphans.
-Added query for retrieving flattened watch history records.
-Added holder for local playlist stream info items.
-Refactored info item on select listener as on touch gesture.
-Added UI to create playlist from service player activity.
-Added state saving to playlist dialogs.
-Removed access to history activity on service player activity.
-Made StreamEntity serializable.