-Added info item menu with custom title banner on long click.
-Enabled starting playlists and channels from middle.
-Enabled caching for play queue item thumbnails.
-Modified play queue to revert to first item on deleting last item.
-Modified service player activity scrolling to be instantaneous when difference is too large.
-Modified service player activity to no longer update metadata if nothing change when sync is called.
-Fixed player intent with quality selection not used in detail fragment.
-Fixed window index not reset on sync when not playing.
-Fix dropdown play string for stream info item.
-Added play queue dropdown to playlist info items.
-Added Channel Play Queue.
-Renamed External Play Queue to Playlist Play Queue.
-Modified Playlist Play Queue to allow loading from initial state.
-Added string for unknown content.
-Fixed NPE when UI element is touched after player shuts down in service activity.
-Fixed shuffle reset caused by position discontinuity offsets index.
-Moved some more player shared preferences to PlayerHelper.
-Added selected item bullet.
-Modified play queue panel darker on main video player.
-Fixed color issue on play queue panel on light-themed main video player.
-Fixed hold-to-enqueue tooltip flashing when clicked on earlier sdk versions.
-Fixed queue item removal causing metadata for currently playing to refresh.
-Added marquee title to main video player.
-Modified destroyPlayer to always dispose play queue and media source manager.
-Remove unused code from players.
-Renamed refactor directory in player to helper.
-Fixed background player notification update causing lag on older spec models.
-Fixed service activity theme not changing after user setting is changed.
-Fixed NPE on popup player fling to close.
-Fixed audio reactor volume and max volume mixup.
-Added correct toast for each player error case.
-Fixed button coloring for play queue service activity on landscape.
-Changed title and uploader text to marquee for vertical service activity.
-Removed cache clearing on every thumbnail load.
-Added seek time display to player binding activity.
-Added button effect for all image buttons on player binding activity.
-Added click to scroll to current selected on metadata layout for player binding activity.
-Refactored player utilities and preference getters into PlayerHelper.
-Refactored player caching into CacheFactory.
-Refactored player audio related methods into AudioReactor.
-Refactored player locks into LockManager.
-Refactored player loading and buffering mechanics into LoadController.
-Fixed outdated names for background player.
-Fixed activity binder memory leak in popup and background players.
-Fixed out of bound window after removing last item on play queue.
-Fixed MediaSourceManager continues to process update after disposed.
-Changed play queue append to shuffle if queue is already shuffled.
-Added quality record to play queue items.
-Added quality and recovery record play queue events.
-Added landscape view for ServicePlayerActivity.
-Moved repeat and shuffle button to play queue panel in main video player.
-Fixed potential NPE in MediaSourceManager by no longer nulling play queue on dispose.
-Renamed PlayQueueEvent to PlayQueueEventType.
-Renamed PlayQueueMessage to PlayQueueEvent.
-Added previous and next button on main video player.
-Reverted double tap to seek for popup and main video players.
-Improved shuffling to use recovery record.
-Changed shuffling to place current playing stream to top of queue.
-Fixed exception when removing last item on queue.
-Changed fast forward and rewind button to previous and next on background notification.
-Changed background notification to not update when screen is off and update immediately when screen is turned back on.
-Removed unused intent strings.
-Changed "Append" to "Enqueue" for append text.
-Fixed video players does not resolve to preferred quality on playlists.
-Refactored resolution conversion to Localization.
-Fixed video player quality menu building exception when stream info is not yet available.
-Added long clicks for popup and background player buttons on details fragment for append intents.
-Removed restrictions for preventing UI to show up when player is buffering.
-Fixed icons for all repeat modes.
-Added Progress bar to background activity when player is in not ready state.
-Fixed Track Selection when switching between video and audio only on video players.
-Fixed video player to enable tunnelling only after sdk > 21.
-Fixed activity exception from restarting after service is shutdown on earlier sdk versions.
-Added icons for shuffle and drag handle.
-Fixed exception when returning to background player activity after service shuts down.
-Fixed open detail only working for Youtube.
- Added remove and open detail as long click popup dropdown on background player.
- Vastly simplified list manipulation in MediaSourceManager by delegating most control to DynamicConcatenatingMediaSource.
-Fixed external play queue to load more than once.
-Fixed wrong item removal due to player error.
-Added new event to indicate error to play queue.
-Changed player error to skip item instead of removing.
-Modified play queue adapter to update changed items only.
-Removed headers from play queue adapter.
-Merged event broadcast on play queue.
-Changed toast on player error.
-Modified remove event to no longer indicate current index status.
-Modified move event to no longer indicate randomization status.
-Added shuffle check to play queue.
- Fixed media source resolution on background player for streams without an audio only stream.
- Fixed background player not updating when screen turns back on.
- Fixed background player notification switching to wrong repeat mode icon opacity on click.
-Fixed sync updates out-of-sync on background notification.
-Fixed main video player destroyed on resume.
-Fixed track selection using wrong dimension for parameter.
-Fixed background player to use default audio quality.
-Removed quality index from single queue items.
-Fixed media source stops loading when the sequence of failed media is longer than window size.
-Changed player to release and reset on intent start.
-Removed update event.
When switching apps or locking the phone, destroyPlayer is called which sets audioManager to null. So upon returning to the player and pressing play, the app crashes.
So now initPlayer checks if audioManager is null and sets it if needed.